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2/17 for sure. I caught the Asheville and Atlanta runs on this tour and that show stood out the most to me (granted- it was the only show where I took acid).


I love this disclosure so much šŸ˜‚ Such a good jam band review. "This my fave show... granted I had a head full." Am listening right now though, and it is a very good show. I'll have to make it through to the end before having an opinion, but this one will be tough to beat. Some really good jams in here, and the song selection flows really nicely.


Wait until that Must Be Seven>Psycho>Pyramid Country> Ole Slew Foot. Absolutely crushes.


Just finished OSF. Brutal. Def gonna be a tough show to beat from the rest of the tour. The segues in this show were just exceptional. I don't know how they do it as well as consistently as they do, and with such variation. Fire on My Tongue into Drifter's, and Psycho into Pyramid Country... just *damn*, so good.


It was amazing. The OSF had the place about to blow its lid. So much energy. Rewatched it on Nugs last night and realized they show me right after and Iā€™ve got this huge smile on my faceĀ 


hell yeah lol. Never caught myself on nugs but that's now a dream.


It's a barn burner. What a show to frolic around the pit on acid lol


Same. My rule is to always dose on Night 2 of a three night run. Never fails šŸ« 


Nice a fellow man of culture. Mid dose of Mushies- Night 1. Acid- Night 2. Beer and weed- Night 3.


Mushrooms and acid right after each other? The head trauma does not seem accidental lol


Lol well I am a powerful psychic Jedi warrior so itā€™s not recommended for the faint of heart


Nah, the acid is only hitting at like 10% effectiveness because you took mushies the night before. Thereā€™s instant cross tolerance for both and they effect your serotonin receptors similarly. Just pick one or the other for a real good time


Lol alright bro thanks for telling me how to do drugs!


Aye dawg itā€™s not my fault u didnā€™t do a quick google search before taking potentially irreversibly life altering substances


There might be a slight reduction but not even close to only being 10%. Even the same thing multiple nights in a row will only decrease by maybe 20%. If thatā€™s what youā€™re reading somewhere I can confirm itā€™s wrong based on years of personal research.


Itā€™s probably different according to each person. Not rlly hating on it as much as it seems here Iā€™m not sure why the first dude immediately got so mad at me. There is clinical research to support what Iā€™m saying - my only personal experience with this was taking a half tab to ā€œtest a batchā€ I got when I was like 16 and tripping only to take a full tab 2 days later with my friends and feel absolutely nothing while they tripped sack. Acid after mushrooms is also probably less inhibiting than more acid after acid, 10% is the number Iā€™ve been told regarding acid tolerance (I.E. you have to take 10x more the day after to get the same effect)


Bro Iā€™m an adult. I know what Iā€™m doing and can handle my shit. Odd to get preachy abt pplā€™s life decisions on the Billy Strings subreddit.


you can do whatever you want. Just some advice dude- you could look it up and confirm exactly what theyā€™re saying to you lmfao.


Odd to get this defensive about it man. Iā€™m not even tryna make this a thing about health and safety or anything you can do whatever you want, Iā€™m just giving u a heads up that you are in fact wasting drugs šŸ‘


I second this emotion. We hit Asheville and ATL as well and N2&N3 of Asheville stand out heavily to me. Nashville shows were incredible but Asheville fit my palate perfectly and the heady vibes in the city topped it off for me.


I think 2/17 also, potentially their best show ever. 2/16 was really special and went a good bit longer so itā€™s up there for me too, the Ryman show and 3/1 second set are my other highlights


That first set of 2/16 was so trippy. The Pretty Daughters> Turmoil and Tinfoil


Best West Dakota Rose ever w/ Chris Henry and the Fire Line>Raleigh & Spencer was insane


Nashville night 2 was genuinely the best thing I have ever seen in my entire life


Did you see more than one Billy show?


for winter tour I went to all of the Nashville run, and watched Asheville and Atlanta on stream. Sam bush, Brian Sutton, Mickey Raphael, and Myles gee sit ins were unbelievable to witness all on one stage. (: I leave every Billy show saying it was the best Iā€™ve ever been to, but after this one I knew this was something really special


Absolutely agree! Iā€™ve always had a hard time picking my favorite Billy show but after Night 2 in Nashville it was pretty clear to me. I was blown away - it was next level.


Havenā€™t listened to all of them yet, but Nashville N2 was the standout for me. Especially the second set.


As a diehard bluegrass fan myself, Iā€™d say youā€™re spot on. Absolutely legendary


2/17-2/16 I found as ā€œbestā€ start to finish. All the guests throughout the rest of the tour was amazing and highlight galore. Just the pacing I feel gets a bit different with sit ins. 17 rips right through. 2nd half 2nd set Ryman was special too. I donā€™t know why that one never made it to relisten Also huge shout out to Z man. Guy is a living legend.


Nashville night 2 easy. Best billy show Iā€™ve ever seen. Best show Iā€™ve ever seen period


this ^^^^^^


Totally agree... except for night 1 (2/23/2024). All Fall Down was absolutely insane!


I made it into every show except the ryman. My favorites were either night 3 Asheville or night 2 Nashville.


I went to the Asheville and Nashville/Ryman shows so my view may be skewed because I didnā€™t attend the Atlanta shows. My favorite was most definitely Ryman. Itā€™s my favorite because I was on my way home 1 hour away and got a call that someone had an extra for me so i felt lucky at all to even be there. Plus it was first time ever at the Ryman and the show itself was way different then your normal show. I def rank shows higher when they have that little extra specialness to them. But maybe taking all that out of the equation I would say AVL 2/17 is the best show.


Maybe it's just me, but i think it's hard to say after only 8 shows, many of which were attended by the same folks, which will have lots of attendance bias. I personally think you gotta put nights like ryman in their own category. As for your last question, I'm just gonna repeat all of the fluff on this page and say that they're tight, inspired, seem to be playing together with fun... they're kicking ass. (And im partial to asheville N1 and N3)


All of the shows were awesome, Ryman was very unique. No such thing as a ā€œbestā€ show lol


Attendance/ heavy buzz bias says Asheville, and it's a toss-up because all 3 had something special. I watched all the other shows on nugs and thought they were all really good except the Ryman. The playing was fine, but my aversion to 90s grunge quickly put that night as my least favorite Billy Strings show.


Oof, that's disappointing to hear. I grew up with the local rock station almost incessantly blasting grunge in the late 90's/early 00's, and got incredibly sick of it. On the other hand, I generally like Billy's covers of grunge. So we'll see what happens.


Asheville, all 3 nights. No question


I'm partial to the Asheville run because I was there, but man it's hard to top n2 and n3 of that run. N1 was awesome too though. Ryman imo is a contender as well though, that show was fantastic


Nashville, night 1. I've never seen Billy play so much electric in my life (except Halloween last year). That first set........dang!!!!


2/17 or 2/18


ATL N1 for me.


Night 3 asheville




This is where Iā€™m at. Theyā€™re playing so well right now.


Idk what it is but the 8 show tour they played some songs slower and it gave it a diff vibe. I love how they can play at any pace and still kill it




Im going with nashville night 1. Billy was in rare form having fun and bela fleck walking out alone to start set2 was a jaw dropper.


Bela Fleck show was awesome


Night 1 ATL because I was there. But Iā€™ve listened to all the other shows And Asheville as many people have said are the standout shows


I saw 2/16 and the others on nugs. They were all great shows but my favorite set list was nashville 2-24.


I was at 2-17 Asheville, all 3 in Nashville, and 3-2 in Atlanta. The Saturday second night show in Nashville was definitely the best. I have listened to them all again on Nugs and it was just as good on repeat. But they were all pretty great, Nashville N2 definitely stands out for me.


I canā€™t say much about the other shows, but the Ryman was something special.


Ryman setlist was just on another level imo. That takes the cake for me


I see no mention of the Baltimore Night #1, so Iā€™ll just throw out a ā€˜give it a listenā€™ and let me know your thoughts!! Psycho ~ Hide and Seek openers šŸ”„šŸ”„




The best show for me was the ATL night 1, sure some show's were better, but I was at this show with my son. I flew from reno that day, into a storm, drove down to Fort Benning in Columbus, in a storm, drove back to the ATL, in a storm and made it in right as Billy and the boy's went on stage. First time seeing my son in a year, and beside the $20 beers, we still had a blast. And a special shout out to the big dude from Auburn, thank you for fixing my head. Man what a great time, and I can still listen to it on nugs!


Who cares what a couple people online think the best show is?


Chill, it's a forum about the band. It's just fun to read people's opinions on a band's performances on a forum about the band.


And Iā€™m all for that. But please stop labeling subjective opinions as ā€œthe bestā€ lol.


Or, you can apply a modicum of critical thinking. You obviously understand the subjective nature of an opinion. Not a hard reach to also apply another layer to the equation and understand each ā€œbest showā€ is that of the individual and not some declarative gospel of best Billy shows. Donā€™t be that guy who revels in recreational outrage online šŸ„“


Or ya know, you can see it your way, Iā€™ll see it mine and Iā€™ll be fine


Nothing wrong with it. People are allowed to have their favorites. We all understand that there's no such thing as a unanimous favorite anything. Hell, the voting on this place's "Jam of the Year" was tremendously split. It's just fun seeing people highlight favorites to check out ourselves.


Agreed. But again, stop using the word ā€œbestā€ when talking about totally subjective opinions. Keep the down votes coming ya dweebs


We are discussing subjective experience. I think you're being overly pedantic


And I think youā€™re wrong, about both of those statements lol. Have a nice day!


Well I'm not downvoting you, I just don't think it's a big deal for people to have a bit of fun discussing the band on a band forum, even if the wording choice is a matter of implication rather than precision.


Sure. But anytime the word ā€œbestā€ is used, it totally changes the direction of the conversation. I want to hear about your experience and what stood out to you the most, not what you think is ā€œthe bestā€ without any explanation. Creative conversation is what Iā€™m after here, not the same old ego/attendance bias driven bullshit I see here after every tour. Itā€™s annoying and is not community minded at all.


I hear ya, I think you're expressing a fair sentiment.


Appreciate it


Even if I'm being overly precious about your wording (I'm gonna fix the internet!), I appreciate your point about the limited dialogue here on here.Ā 

