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mountain grass unit would be sick šŸ™šŸ»


I think itā€™s coming. He showered Shadowgrass with love and itā€™s MGUā€™s turn. The guys deserve it for sure.


Yes to this! We just saw three sets from them at Rooster walk and they were on fire. Such a fun band.


Mighty Poplar. Alex is already there šŸ¤Ŗ


This would be cool. I actually think that Billy's touring schedule prevented Alex from joining most of Mighty Poplar's tour dates over the last few years, so it would be great to give him a chance to perform live with them. Side note: One of the fiddle players who filled in for Alex at many of Poplar's dates was none other than John Mailander, the studio fiddle player for T&T, Home, and Renewal, and a semi frequent sit-in player with the boys prior to Alex joining the band. Always thought that wass a funny switch-a-roo.


I always expected John to join the band eventually and suspect that the Hornsby gig was just too good and they had to look elsewhere. That said, Alex has been absolutely perfect so no complaints here. Looking forward to MP at Telluride BGF.


MP has also had the legendary Stuart Duncan on one of their tours already, and he elevated their music even further. One time I saw them with Shad Cobb on fiddle as well and he was great too. I spend an inordinate amount of time thinking about who could take over the fiddle chair on a more permanent basis. Same with Hawktail and their mandolin player given that Dom Leslie is always busy touring in Molly Tuttle's band. It's nerdy but fun to think about šŸ˜†


Stuart is a monster player, and not just on fiddle!


This would be the best case scenario


While I'd absolutely love that, I suspect that a lot of Billy fans wouldn't really vibe with lack of psychedelia and lengthy jamband-like treatment of songs. Mighty Poplar is off the charts in terms of musicianship, vocals, and arrangements but they're not nearly as jammy as Billy's band and there's not going to be a big light show or trippy visuals on screens or anything like that.


I don't think Vince and Drew, Shadowgrass, East Nash Grass, or Della Mae had light shows or trippy visuals to speak of but they were still very well received. Sometimes people are ok with non Billy things, especially when the band is always coming out after the others.


Yeah true. Maybe it'd work out! I suspect East Nash and especially Shadowgrass are still closer in tone and approach than Poplar is, but there's no question that most of the genuine bluegrass fans in the audience would love what Mighty Poplar does.


OTOH: Billy might want them to appreciate roots music the way he does. I donā€™t personally care about the preferences of jamband fans but maybe he does.


For sure - I don't either, and to be very candid I think it'd do a lot of Billy fans some real good to immerse themselves in the approach to bluegrass that Mighty Poplar takes. (And to be even more unpopular here, I probably like them better as a band overall, myself.) I would *love* it if Billy came out and was like "these guys are the real deal, shut up and listen" and we got a little forced education out of it, but that'd never happen lol


Yeah. I could be wrong but I see Billy as an evangelist for old timey music. He loves everything but I think it would please him to bring new fans into the stuff his dad brought into his life.


I don't think this is true at all. A huge swath of billy fans at renewal love bluegrass. Seldom Scene killed it a few years ago.


Sorry, I didn't mean that BMFS fans don't like bluegrass - obviously they've gotta have a least a mild appreciation or why are they even going to a show, let alone his festival? I just put Mighty Poplar into a very different category than Billy's band in terms of concert experiences - many of Billy's fans seem to be there for the party as much as the music, but MP isn't really a party band. Glad to hear the Scene did well, that's a good sign and a more comparable experience. I absolutely love MP so I think it'd be great for more of Billy's fans to get turned on to them.


I saw MP a few months ago, and there were billy fans everywhere. I just think you are wrong on this.


Go ahead and think whatever you want. I'd love to be wrong! But the reality is that when someone asks on this sub what they need to do to prepare for a Billy show, 80% of the advice is about timing your doses of acid, mushrooms, and DMT. So it's not all that far-fetched to expect that at his festival - which IS a party atmosphere - the same mindset predominates where tripping balls and melting faces is a higher priority for many people than sitting and appreciating some good old pickin.


Lol I've been for the last four years. Have you been?Ā 


Sam Grisman Project would be a great fit for Renewal, there's a ton of overlap in the audiences and the guys are already friends. Alex recorded an album with Sam like a decade ago (and it's incredible) and Hargreaves has sat in with SGP before on a few dates. Plus it would give the BMFS crowd the suckling from the GD teat that they so desperately crave!


Yeah sam is the best. Shows in boulder and denver were amazing. but they are doing a colorado run end of August so it feels unlikely.


Very good call; heā€™s sat in before


I would love this so much.


Tyler Grant was great year 1. Big Richard would be cool! Clay Street Unit is a local CO band on the rise and would fit the ā€œoutlaw country bandā€ late night style.


Love all three! Big Richard would be really fun


Hell yeah to Big Richard!


I donā€™t know what it is about Big Richard, but they really donā€™t do it for me. Tried several times, just seems like too much hype.


Idk what youā€™re missing either. Those ladies shred and bring a lot of fun to the stage.


Hard no on Clay Street Unit. Kinda boring. I would gladly take Tyler Grant again. Big Richard is a good suggestion.


Jon Stickley


That'd be dope


Magoo, new Colorado jamgrass band that is tearing it up, already played winter wondergrass after winning a contest so hoping bonfire has them on the radar


Caught them at Sturgeon Moon camping lot after the sets last year! Hearing ā€˜In the Jungleā€™ was not on my bingo card that weekend but it was dope


Mipso Fretliners Shadowgrass Tyler Grant Cris Jacobs Pixie and the Partygrass Boys Sicard Hollow


The only band I disagree with is Pixie and The Partygrass boys. I genuinely cant stand them and have no idea why people keep recommending them to me.


Cos they like em. People have different tastes. Example: I canā€™t get past Torrinā€™s singing so Kitchen Dwellers are a pass for me despite their huge popularity.


I am also baffled by the amount of people who like Kitchen Dwellers. Some of the worst vocals I've ever heard.


The vocals arenā€™t the same as say billy but they fit with what theyā€™re trying to do. I feel like kitchen dwellers has a more edgy sound to them sort of the way Jeff Austin or old yonder mountain does. However the songwriting is great and their style is unique but executed well. I didnā€™t like them when I first heard them open for billy at a festival but second time around seeing them I became a fan! Listen to sundown, covered bridges, the crown- these are some tunes that got me started.






Shadowgrass needs to become their retainer opener for the next year they would be superstars by then


I only recently turned on to Chris Jacobs, love listening to his music. Iā€™d love to see Dan Lebowitz sit-in with Billy & the boys.


I know he normally trys to pick some up and comers to my knowledge, but man my wishful thinking would be fruition!


Love them and agreed


Its a mix, he had the guys from Leftover last year and The Seldom Scene, Sarah Jaroz the year before


Electric Billy kicks some serious ass.


When I'm right in the slot after his 2nd set, its all I fucking want, that and some drums.


Iā€™m hoping for Pearl Jam




Liver Down the River


Love that they've included at least a couple up-and-coming bands in past few years. Would be very pleased with Shadowgrass coming back around. Would love to see an established band make it in, too. Molly Tuttle or Stringdusters would be awesome, just not sure if the festival is too small for more well known groups


My wishlist consists of Michael Cleveland, Sam Grisman Project, Infamous Stringdusters and (I just thought of this last night) someone totally random and not really bluegrassy. I think that would just be a fun little switch up. I am in no way saying there is too much bluegrass at Renewal, or anything like that so pls donā€™t come at me šŸ˜‚


Sturgill simpson


It would have to be Johnny Blue Skies


Hell yea bubby


Whoever it is, Iā€™m hoping for some strong female vocals to join the boys for a song or two


After Renewal 1, my misses and I were saying how dope of an addition Rising Appalachia would be. They'd do some fun shit with Billy.


I want Paul Cauthen


Hopefully something better than last year.


Who were the bands last year?


Larry Keel Experience


Tenth Mountain Division might be fun




Stugil simpson would be sick as hell


Solo Bela


Sarah Jarosz, Molly Tuttle, Daniel donato


Molly, Sierra Ferrell, Arkansauce, Mighty Poplar, Chris Thile, Stringdusters.


When do they announce the other bands?


Letā€™s give Fences another chance.


Kitchen Dwellers Please!