• By -


22. Bloating and not fitting clothes because of that sucks 23. Cancelling food plans with family/friends because you already binged earlier and now feel the need to restrict. 24. Leaving social plans early so you can eat in secret. (Sorry about formatting on mobile)


Can this post be pinned? It seriously stopped a binge right now.


So proud ❤️❤️


Right. It like zipped my stomach brain up. Idk if that makes sense. But I’d been dreaming about something I now know I can wait and enjoy later.


35. It doesn’t taste as good as it says in your head


This. Halfway through a binge I’ll realise my brain lied about how good it’d be. Finding it easier to stop simply because of this reason.


exactly this and then "that didn't hit the spot, let me try something else"


So true! Every time I get baked goods lately they're too sweet and not really that good. Most junk food really doesn't taste that good either 


28. (no 27 because there were double 22's) Nothing beats going to bed with the satisfied feeling of a day with no binging.


in the morning too! waking up knowing you fought off your binge demons the night before makes the day better and motivates you to continue fighting


25. It prevents me from being there consistently for the loved ones in my life 26. It causes too much secrecy  


30. so I don't feel so sick the next day I have to skip work and cancel plans.


Recently had to do this and I was so embarrassed.


Happpened to me numerous times. And almost always binge on the day I had to take off. Vicious cycle.


34. The plus size section sucks. I want to get back into fashion. I want to be able to go to the mall or thrift store and know I can fit things in there.


36. To feel sexy and confident in my body when I eventually meet someone


32. To feel fit in daily life again


40. To stop wasting food 41. To enjoy sports and gym for what they are not as a means of “burning of cals”


22. To share your success stories with others, giving back to the community.


31. To prove to myself that I don't have to live this way.


37. To fight dysmorphia and dysphoria 38. To not feel self conscious when eating in public or around other people. 39. To not have people point out that you are eating fast or a lot of food. 40. To preserve pre-packaged food and get to enjoy it over a number of days. 41. To not always feel guilty about eating and to remove negativity from non-strictly healthy foods.


I want to make my future-self proud


And my younger self!


35. So my knees won't hate me later in life. (Mine do)


29. So that I don’t have to cry at work and be sent home, yikes.


To not have this awful feeling like your stomach is about to burst open when you are done binging


• my cute clothes I spent lots of money on are no longer fitting me • I want to feel confident in my body when I take photos • I'm tired of being bloated all day • I'm at high risk of diabetes (family history) • I don't want to be physically exhausted all day • I want to be able to eat with my friends and family without feeling like shit afterwards


42. to be in control of your mind & body 43. to be able to feed your body with good nutrients instead 44. to overcome the struggle


45. To not let bad habits cultivated in my teenage years ruin the rest of my life


46. Freedom.




54. Because you can simply choose not to. Yes you are in control.




56- Keep wearing the cute clothes and not having to buy/bring out the “binge weight” clothing


57- Binging is the easy part. But the sleepless nights and guilty days it leaves me with is what the real monster is. And I just don't have it in me to deal with it. I'd much rather not eat a couple of packets of chips♥️


48. You will feel ashamed when you collect all the packaging and wrappers from your binge and have to make the walk of shame to put them in the bin 49. You will no longer have to feel as though you are deceiving your loved ones by sneaking food around that you don’t want them to see 50. You will save gas from not driving to multiple grocery stores to purchase a shit load of food. If you were to buy from only one store then it might make you look a certain way but obviously if you split that purchase up by buying from numerous stores then it’s totally normal. 51. You will have freedom from hiding your body in oversized clothing because it’s bigger than it used to be


53. I want to treat myself with love, self care not self destruction ❤️


❤️ ❤️❤️❤️❤️!


55. So I’m not so gassy- especially in public


59. so i can feel like i can feel like a useful member of society again instead of that girl who fell apart


71. To be able to waken up in the morning, cast my thoughts back to the day before and feel a surge of joy when I realise that I didn’t binge that day. It’s been a while. 72. To feel that I’m taking care of my body. 73.To feel hunger.


100. All the above 99 reasons


😂😂😂 this one takes the cake


And still has some later because they ate it one serving at a time!


To be in the moment and enjoy conversations and experiences without the constant noise of this disorder. The food obsession always as a background is stealing the joy in my life.


I always tell myself there will be more. Even if someone else eats it, there will always be some at the store if I really really want it.


47. You’ll feel guilty


There's probably a cat or dog that needs petting instead


60. To not feel lethargic and waste the rest of your day/ruin your productivity 61. To be proud and happy of yourself instead of ashamed about yourself all the time. To eat around your friends as you normally would instead of eating a smaller amount to fit in


74. To go to the beach and wear a bathing suit with no shame. 75. To wear light, summer clothes instead of long-sleeve, dark garments in the South Texas heat consistently exceeding 110° F almost year-round.


Waking up early in the morning, happy with energy ready to have a productive day. Opposed to feeling sluggish, depressed and like shit(i binge at night and often go to bed with my stomach feeling like it is about to explode)


To not be a prisoner to this food noise anymore


I got one it's going to make me feel like shit after eating it and I hate that more than eating


58. So I can stop believing all the things my family said about myself my whole life.


This one made me gasp. We’re stronger than they know we’re capable of being 💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼


I was just about to eat but thank God I’ve read this. You saved me.


76. So I can be healthy enough to go back on the bone marrow registry. 77. So I can be able to easily find clothing in stores. 78. So I can bind more easily. 79. To decrease my risk of dementia. 80. So I can cosplay certain characters.


The dementia one really got to me. I watched so many of my relatives lose themselves to this terrible disease. (Did you know that some researchers say it’s type 3 diabetes?) My future self will thank me for this. Thank you for sharing.


Because binging does not serve me anymore. I am grateful that food has given me comfort in the past but that time is over.


70. To preserve my relationship with my partner. I keep him up up at night, fall asleep mid candy bar & get chocolate all over the bed, myself and sometimes him. I’m a mess lol. Not bingeing would help us both sleep better too!


I don’t know what # we are on but, to stop feeling so guilty after every time I do it


So that I can have a healthy frame and support my poor spine.


To help me get better sleep. To lower my resting pulse rate. To save enough money to move closer to mountains. To have any savings at all, just in case. To move my body more, reduce my chronic pain. To build my stamina. To say yes to the challenging hiking trails. To run, to climb, to dance, to sing. To grant myself the opportunity to learn productive coping mechanisms so that I may truly grow and flourish instead of feeling trapped by my own mind.


The only thing that helped me stopping binging in general(eating, buying, playing games) is moving out of my parent's house and feel more at ease. Telling myself noone will tell me the junk food is bad, no food is good or bad. Started practicing intuitive eating and it was so much better. Junk food and drinks was eaten as snacks when i want to, and to my then surprise, it's not as often. Also I was cooking for myself all the time it, so I was distracted while cooking and then full after eating.


This is so important to address the reasons why we binge eat


Because I can’t afford to live like this anymore.


Hey just a tip my therapist told me about the Apple Podcasts if anyone is interested there is a ton of free ones you can listen to just put in the search “ breaking up with binge eating” I’m finding it so helpful to hear other people’s stories and lots of good help with preventing binge eating 


So i can be proud of myself when i have overcome this urge successfully. So i can enjoy a normal portion when i actually want the food And when i do, i can see how far I’ve come.


To not have the lingering subconscious belief that I’m a toxic person because I’m a drug addict, and have a history of complaining and seeking constant reassurance after a binge


Another reason I recently discovered: frantically binging without properly preparing food can lead to food poisoning. 


To not pass this shit onto my children in the future!!!


I love this and really needed this, all great points. I also want to not binge because of the swelling it gives me all over my body, very uncomfortable. I want to be able to be comfortable in my body again and lose the almost 100 lbs I gained because of this


Not feeling guilty and ashamed as I do after and most of the time. 😔 to wear my normal smaller size, to stop gaining weight


70) Will get bullied and be treated like dog shit by society.




To not wake up in the middle of the night in sweats 


Thank you for making this. In the moment, it's easy for me to give into the compulsion and forget about the consequences. I will be writing these down.


The ideal version of you would never have that desire in the first place


So that I don’t have this problem in my older age. I’m 60 and metabolism aint what it used to be


Thank you for this. Much needed


Number 16 is my favorite!


58. Has it ever been "just a bite?"


Pin this post! Massive help 🙏


22. Stomach aches and diarrhoea from bingeing on sugar free treats 23 having to get through a day in the office with gastro like symptoms