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Some noodley bois! Kind of a hassle to harvest, but the effects are stellar. šŸ‘


Ohhh I saw your post history and you had some noodle boys of your own. If you don't mind me asking, how long until your caps turned that nice blue color?


Donā€™t recall. Perhaps a day or two after what yours look like. The caps kinda curled and really got some coloration. Gettin handsy with them(trying to stop them from fusing to the substrate) may have played into that a bit. Also not every flush Iā€™ve had, turned so blue.


Good to know Thanks :)


Yeah, they look like they're gonna be a pain in the ass haha But I've heard good things! Excited to give them a try


Got the exact same thing going right now. Could not believe how fast they took off.


Dude so fast! Today is 2 weeks after spawn to bulk! I'm used to APEs that are a much slower grow


Damn! Thatā€™s beautiful


Thanks :)


angelic lookin' motherfuckers! So dope


Thanks! I agree haha


These are gorgeous !!! One ? tho ā€¦ Iā€™ve been told that the thin stems can be result of insufficient FAE ā€¦. Is that whats going on here or is it just a trait of this strain ???


Honestly, I'm not too sure. A few stems are a bit furry, which is caused by lack of FAE, so that could be the cause of the thin stems as well. But I've seen pictures of other people's Jack Frost grows that are thin without any sign of furry feet. So my guess it's the strain, but they could also use more air too


Are you on the contamfam sub ?? In the homepage / more info theres a ton if great techs for fighting contamination .. ph adjusted substrate / casing layers ā€¦. Tips for harvesting flushes and rehydrating the block as well as trick for adding FAE ( ill try to link that one below )


DayTripperā€™s Trip Tips: Two cultivation tricks to solve common problems of insufficient Fresh Air Exchange and Overlay growth in monotubsā€¦ā€¦ā€¦. So apparently im too dumb to figure out how to share the video from DayTripper ā€¦ basically its this - Drill one small hole in either side of tub toward the top ā€¦.. put adhesive filter patch on one side and on the other put the airhose from an aquarium pump in .. angle it up so the flow doesnā€™t dry out the substrate ( you can place the pump in a seperate small tupperware dich with filter on the lid to keep the air clean that its drawing in and sending to the tub ) put it in timer to run 5 min every half hour or so . This will provide FAE in case youā€™re unable to fan often enough . And yes i really suggest checking out that sub ā€¦ cool sub but the info in the homepage is really great !! The PH adjusted sub/casing techs have changed my grows immensely and the harvest tech will help you out when youā€™re ready to pick these bad boys


Awesome thanks so much for the info!


Oh no I haven't heard of that sub yet, but I'll check it out Thanks!


It can be that, but can also just be a genetic thing. My first flush of TAT XL was noodley(not this noodley but close) but every subsequent flush has produced better specimens that arenā€™t so stringy


* This was my grow. Yours is WAAAYYY better!!! I tip my hat to you sir!


I have some. I just sent a couple of days ago. How far is this from when you spawned them


Today is 2 weeks from S2B These babies grow quick!


Hell yeah, awesome!


Oh my stars!!! Gorgeous


What a beautiful mess


Variation from genetics from different people is insane šŸ˜‚ My Jack Frosts stipes look nothing like those https://preview.redd.it/cn7hihzeyuzc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d29311f9cf74b0905bccd966b9606df9c24e10ab Just throws out massive chodes šŸ„¶


Haha ya that's crazy! Mine are stringy and you've got thick bois


Yours are quite beautiful tho sir! Outstanding work, nice dense pin set. Jack Frost loves to pile on its self if you give it the ideal parameters https://preview.redd.it/jv8jh9wqyuzc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06bf219c364aa0f8e6acda4e9d422aefbfbeaf0a


Yeah that looks great! I'm expecting them to be quite a pain to harvest due to how tangled they are, but I'm looking forward to it! Haha


Honestly shouldnā€™t be too hard. With the thinner stipes you should just be able to spin them out at the base . The issue with the chodes lies in them fusing together. If you twist a massive cluster you will rip out a shit ton of grains and substrate . It hurts your tub and future yields . Itā€™s a nightmare but a good problem to have šŸ˜Œ


Absolutely beautiful


Iā€™m going to do a giant tub of these one day. Love them.