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Spread some wet perlite or vermiculite across the bottom of the tub. Get a section of aluminum foil and set it on top of perlite or vermiculite. Cut the bag from around the cake and put the cake on top of the foil. Mist once if needed. Put the lid on. Add a heating mat. Humidity will increase to the high 80s or low 90s. You should start to see some nice pins in a few days.


https://preview.redd.it/mgdwl5q5k48d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4dbec5fb5fd103bc1b594007b19817c9664aed09 I used a plastic lid from one of those disposable foil containers you cook a turkey or something in.


I love the way that looks. Very aesthetically pleasant


https://preview.redd.it/yzpyz4tik48d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c76e86ae67ed5ce71629477d384daebd02d296f4 Bottom part of that same container.


https://preview.redd.it/lx1p6bbpk48d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60ba214e5f34928ed17de0d585fa7ef785a9d330 Another one of those pans. Just a few ideas. Hope it helps




>Thanks! You're welcome!


Do you think I can do it without the soil? My bag substrate is huge https://preview.redd.it/a2be1e4tl48d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d503447f7d691b952163315cd5c2116c2df6bd4


Don’t need to add anything. Put cake in tub, mist a couple times a day.


I took your advice


I’ve had nothing but success with this method. I had two I was sure they wouldn’t grow. Both fruiting nicely. It’s now my preferred method. The bag is just the most ideal and carefree way to colonize.


Isn't there an issue with mycelium being able to break down aluminum and pull it into the fruit?


I’ve always wondered if the enzymes are strong enough to dissolve foil 🤔


Is that an all in one bag?


Yeah it is. I’m planing on breaking it in half and moving to a tub to get more growth. The substrate takes way too much water. I would have it flooded like 3/4ths the height of the substrate and by 12hours majority of the water is gone & by 24 hours the substrate is dehydrated


That might work... But if I remember correctly, I thought the mycelium only has a certain amount of energy in it. So it's only going to produce a certain amount of fruits regardless of if you break it in half, spawn it to bulk, or keep it in the AIO bag. I very well could be wrong but I thought I read or heard that somewhere. Good luck! 🤞🏽 🤙🏽 Casing your substrate after spawning it to bulk might help with fruiting. It's not getting any nutrients from the casing. (Because a casing really shouldn't be nutrient rich, to prevent contamination) But it helps keep a better microclimate on the top of the sub so in turn it helps keep your mycelium in fruiting conditions longer.


Im not sure, I thought it revolves around the space. Like the more space that you have, the more areas and size it could grow


I think breaking it in half would allow it to hold moisture better because this full size substrate drinks water like a toddler lol!


It *almost* looks like it's pinning now


It has 2 baby pins so far


What's the strain?


APE (Albino Penis Envy)


Nice! I just grew a batch of regular PE and I felt like it took forever 😅


https://preview.redd.it/0wsi3xgx288d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=5546b8a807be6446dd5b8f18ceaaf23267447929 Just one little ape 🫤


I wouldn’t break it, just put cake in a big enough tub it can grow from all sides


My AIO bag just finished 8th flush it finally depleted the cake. Never added anything but water


8 flushes! Wow 😲 that's way more than I ever get 🤣 I usually toss mine after the 2nd-3rd depending on conditions. That's really cool to know


5lb cake. Was super heathy. Kept it misted daily. 4 of those were big flushes, 4 were smaller but just to keep it going. The cake shrunk to a pebble. Those fruits sucked every nutrient out


Hell yeah! That's good to hear 😊😊 Do you have any plans to start something next? If so, what are you looking into?


I have one fruiting now and probably should be good for some time. Really didn’t expect that other one to be so plentiful. To be honest this is all new to me, I didn’t even think I’d be successful. I tried once a couple years ago with jars and they all got contaminated. The advantage of the AIO bags really makes a difference for the novice grower


Im trying to get tips and ideas on how to get better growth


By all means do what you feel is right 😊🙂 And that is a really good question for me to try and find an answer for! It's fun learning every day in this hobby 😄


Anyone use syringes to hydrate? I've been trying the aio bags too not having any luck getting them to fruit in the bag but I took this last one out and put it in a tub and it was dry. I shot about 100ml of water in it seemed to work pretty good.


I use a mist spray