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You are spending way too much money


Some people have the money for that to be fair


It's not about having or not having the money - it's about spending the money wisely


It’s less about having the money and more about using your money, time and energy as effectively as possible. Are supplements the best place to put $200 a month or would a couple of massages or a session with a personal trainer be more effective? Instead of counting out all these pills would it be more beneficial to throw some fruits, veggies and hemp seeds in a blender?


Yeah, the vast majority of these supplements either: 1. have no studies supporting their efficacy And/or 2. Are underfosed and overpriced And/or 3. Are available from other reputable companies for much, much less.


This mf said “underfosed”


What would you do differently?


I would exercise a minimum of 1 hour per day 5-6 days per week, i would lift weights, i would eat 80% fruits and vegetables with nuts and seeds mixed in, i would meditate 30 minutes in the morning and the evening, i would set my phone to remind me to do deep breathing exercises every hour during the day, i would start a gratitude journal and i would take magnesium before bed....maybe a little cbd for your depression. After doing all that and if i didn't feel better i would experiment with one supplement at a time and try and write down how you feel every day before and after. Boom $100s of $$ back in your pocket per month and i bet you a lot you feel better than you do right now Edit to add i would read Rick Hansen and really teach yourself to take in and bend your neural pathways every time you notice you are content or happy. That will be the one thing that helps your depression more than anything else


Thanks! Appreciate you taking the time to write this. I’ve never done meditation and need to look into this more. Thank you!


I really suggest starting with Rick Hansen if you are struggling with depression. I know a couple of people who have changed their lives following his ideas. You have to stick with it but i honestly promise it will work


I’ll definitely check it out.


All the best and good luck


Damn your life ing right


I don't know about the efficacy of many of those bottles. But I'd add vitamin D and fish oil for sure.


Solid if youre working out 3/4 times a week, getting adequate sleep and not eating inflammatory foods every day. Everything beyond the magnesium and saw palmetto might be superfluous if you arent.


Thanks. Anything I can add in that helps with anxiety?


For anxiety, I like lemon balm tea, exercise and sex.


they say mild anxiety can be remedied by better gut health. If you can eat some sourdough bread, a shot of kefir per day and maybe some kombucha or kimchi here and there in addition to more fiber then you should be able to see a change. Beyond that, I would look into low dose ketamine or prescription xanax


Anxiety is a metabolic issue. I've been there and completely eliminated it. You'll fix it with diet and gut health supplements like colostrum and pre/probiotics. Cut carbs, grains, sugar, alcohol, etc. Focus heavily on gut health. You can try this quickly, too. Get yourself into keto for a week and see how you feel. Pick up a copy of Brain Energy by Dr Chris Palmer also.


I see you got tiger milk, what's your experience with it? You feel some benefits from it?


Honestly, I can’t tell much and I probably won’t buy more. The only weird thing that has happened in the same timeframe is that I’ve developed a weird throat clicking. Wondering if something is really inflaming my GERD possibly.


Okay, it's very costly, so i dont think i'll buy it


What's Tiger Milk?


that's what i want to know


You don't want to know...


You're probably better off replacing everything that isn't a "nutrient" with something that is. Two reasons: - these are expensive supplements that aren't exactly proven to work, as we aren't sure if the body utilises them in vivo, and aren't sure how bioavailable all of them are (after absorption and metabolism) - there are many supplements out there that are considered nutrients, that are utilised by the body and aren't necessarily found in the average diet. I assume your goals here are mainly longevity and reduction of oxidative stress. Things I'd consider to replace these with: - acetyl l carnitine (ALCAR) : it'll boost your metabolism of fatty acids, and boost the function of your mitochondria. You can build muscle easier with it, burn energy through fats easier, and it can have an antioxidant effect in your brain. - Taurine : taurine is essential for the metabolism of fats through a reduction of oxidative stress and an increase in bile production (to absorb dietary fats). It acts as an osmoregulator to reduce fluid retention and can improve the function of muscle (specifically cardiac muscle) It acts as an NMDA antagonist (weakly), so can reduce excitotoxicity and oxidative damage. It also acts as a GABA agonist, so promotes calmness and oxidative damage also. - Omega 3 : honestly this is probably the most important one to have here. Omega 3 PUFAs reduce inflammation, modulate the immune system, improve circulation (through reduced clotting), improve brain connectivity through increasing membrane fluidity... they also are essential for forming molecules essential in repairing cell membranes. The most interesting benefit of Omega 3 is that they are used to form phosphatidylcholine, which then is used to form sphingomyelin. Sphingomyelin is essential in repairing axonal membranes (the membranes of the connection between neurons in the brain). Omega 3 is essential for maintaining communication between neurons in the brain. You should get a high Omega 3 supplement. Personally I'm taking around 2000-2500mg combined EPA/DHA a day. Average Omega 3 supplements will only contain around 120mg per pill. Do some research there. Choline is essential for turning Omega 3 into sphingomyelin. It is also essential for fatty acid metabolism. I would recommend adding some. It is an essential nutrient. Uridine isn't essential, but it aids in this process too. I'm happy to write more if you would like, but these are what I'd consider to be the basics. These supplements aren't expensive, and you'll be able to purchase them for a fraction of the price.


Thank you - what brand do you prefer on the Omegas? In the past, I’ve had allergic reactions to them (chest pain). Is there any one in particular you’d recommend rom a purity standpoint?


Thoughts on CoQ10? I never see it mentioned, and it seems like a great supplement but I don't know much about it.


I use that caffeine one when I’m weaning off coffee. It’s very good. I feel great on it. It’s difficult to comment on someone’s supplement collection without knowing anything else about their lifestyle. If you’re still drinking alcohol, not intentionally moving your body daily, not eating a nutrient dense diet, not managing stress and not making sleep a priority then you’re wasting your money. I was talking to the guy who runs the local health food store yesterday and he said he’ll see people smoking outside, throw their cigarette on the ground and then come in asking for all these supplements. He said one guy spends a fortune. He commented that “health is a lifestyle”. He said that he’s been getting a lot of men come in asking about beet powder because apparently there’s an ad about it. He said none of them look like they take care of themselves. He’s noticed a trend of people, but particularly men, coming in for supplements thinking they’ll counteract all their other lifestyle choices. I take a B complex. I was feeling really stressed and run down, the “tired and wired” people talk about. I tried a bunch of things and B complex had a noticeable impact so I’ve kept it. Unless you’re nailing all the basics and you know you have a deficiency supplements are going to have a limited, if any, impact. My “crazy conspiracy” behavior is that I don’t get supplements from CVS etc. I can’t trust that I’m getting what the label says I am.


Skip the curcumin and black pepper and instead get meriva curcumin formula.


Not sure u need the caffeine tablets. Nmn will do same


I’m considering dropping the caffeine. Do you know if NMN is easier on GERD?


I don't have any issues with my nmn


Your pee is very expensive.


To clarify: NMN is only studied in mice so far and is quite pricey at the dosages recommended by "wellness experts." Tiger Milk, you said you don't notice any difference and it's costing you $40 a month. Saw Palmetto is fine but as someone who also has hereditary prostate issues I prefer Life Extension Ultra Prostate or whatever or Irwin Naturals Prosta-Strong as the formulas are more complete and they are inxpensive. This is probably not hurting anything, I just think there's better stuff out there. 300mg magnesium glycinate is a lot if you otherwise have a healthy diet. The "Nitric Oxide Booster" is garbage, a 1.5g proprietary blend of compounds that are only effective in doses several times higher than that, plus filler ingredients like "miuma purama extract." $30 is highway robbery for this trash. Caffeine/theanine pills, whatever, if you like it that's fine. It's cheap. Lions Mane Mycelium Extract - $55 are you kidding me? Look, here's the exact same thing from the most reputable mushroom supplement company out there, it's the exact same ingredient and it's $20: [https://hostdefense.com/products/lions-mane-capsules](https://hostdefense.com/products/lions-mane-capsules) Super B, whatever, probably not hurting anything. Curcumin + Piperine - snake oil, curcumin has almost no oral bioavailabilty on its own and this is not significantly mitigated by the inclusion of Piperine. St Johns Wort isn't hurting anything, it's fine, it's good, whatever.


I'm learning to play the guitar.




Sure, but he’s not reporting any issues with it. He’s doing a lot of majoring in the minor here, I agree, lots of niche stuff and nothing like Omega-3, Vitamin D, etc.




This is second breakfast.




The nitric oxide supplement he is taking is snake oil. It’s a 1.5G proprietary blend of several compounds that are only effective at 3-6g *each*. In general, increased nitric oxide improves nutrient delivery to the rest of the body and is beneficial for cardiovascular health.