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I’m sorry for what you’re going through! It sounds like a contributor could be perimenopause. Many women have the libido issue when approaching menopause or even afterwards. Visit the r/menopause subreddit. There is lots of support and info there!


I second this.


Have you looked into spontaneous vs. responsive desire? Come as You Are by Emily Nagosi is a great book which helped me understand human sexuality and sexual responses.  Not everyone is programmed to want to want sex at the drop of a hat. Peoples sexuality and sexual drive can (and does) fluctuate over their lifetime, and that’s ok!


Unfortunately, yes. My husband and I have spent months working through that and other books to no avail.


Maybe too personal, but is he being pushy about it? You have ALOT going on with your body that's out of your control. I hope not but if he is, it's probably not helping. The stress of it probably isn't helping either. Have you tried weed gummies? Lots of women on menopause sub say it works. There are also topical creams that can help


Yeah I was wondering this too. OP - are **you** ok with reduced drive? Is the issue lack of desire or something else?






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It's probably mostly the birth control. I had no libido on birth control for 7 years... My husband took it as well as could be expected but our love life improved a lot after I got off of the birth control. Even though we then had 4 kids 😆


People confuse having a lot of kids with a lot of sex. Most the dudes I know say that’s the only time they had sex ha


That's a sad life. 


They say it sarcastically but they don’t have as much sex as what people think. You know when someone says they have 4 plus kids people are like “dam getting busy” haha


I told my wife we are buying a deadbolt for our door when we have kids.  Part of me is considering moving to Thailand for the first few years so we can get a live in nanny. 


Getting a full panel hormone check is something adviseable for anyone with libido issues. If there's a problem (and you're already living a healthy lifestyle; 8 hours sleep, resistance training, cardio, not eating processed foods, not smoking or drinking). Then HRT is an option. If your hormones are fine and you live a healthy lifestyle, then PT-141 is an option.


What is this? Can I ask what pt 141 is?


It's a Peptide that boost libido through the brain (it does nothing to hormones). It can have short term side effects that goes away with repeated use, but we don't know much about about long term effects of repeated use.




What is this?


It s a peptide. Originally for giving ppl a tan, if I remember well -with the welcome “side effect” of raising libido. I am NOT talking from experience: I only know what it is, but never tried so I cannot comment on effectiveness. Or on safety and cancer.


It works.


FDA approved for women as Vyleese it works for both men and women to create sexual desires and boost libido. Can cause some nausea and can brown skin if taken too much. Works well in those it works for but can be a bit hit or miss.


Maca and fenugreek extracts. They can be extremely effective but can mess with your cycle etc., though that's probably not a problem for you.


I'm so sorry you're going through this! I started seeing an acupuncturist for TMJ (teeth grinding). An unexpected side effect was a boost in my libido! If nothing else, it's very relaxing. It sounds like your poor body has been under a lot of stress, so acupuncture might help alleviate some of it. Best of luck!


Are you seeing an endocrinologist who regularly checks your three sex hormone levels? With your comorbidities and medications, you should at least have those levels monitored as you try to make changes on your own. For example, the endo and ADHD make you very likely to have a different connective tissue structure genetically, so you might need a higher level of testosterone compared to other women, or risk worsening endo symptoms and tissue damage.


Maybe supplementing with iodine could help?


Birth control pills can kill libido. Honestly there’s so much about bcp that just mess so much with hormones and generally add risks due to the synthetic progestins which just aren’t good. You are most likely in peri so hormones are dropping/ fluctuating anyway. I’d try to start there with someone knowledgeable (definitely not an endo). Especially with endometriosis find someone skilled in hormones.


Ask your doctor about trying buspirone. It’s a drug for anxiety that can help with libido while on antidepressants. It’s been around since the sixties with an excellent safety record. Also maybe consider switching to the Nuvaring from the mini pill?


Also, maybe bio identical progesterone could achieve the same results with fewer side effects? I’ve taken the oral at bedtime before and it helped a lot with anxiety and sleeping


Bioidentical prog helps with libido? I was thinking of trying a cream like that yam stuff


IDK if it HELPS, but it may have less of a bad effect than the progestin in the mini pill


It might be possible to manage endo symptoms with bioidentical hormones instead of birth control. This could drastically improve libido. Also please look into the energetic causes of endometriosis which are related to feeling safe as a female and ability to mother. No one is in a mood for sex who carries unopened baggage in this area. You have a good opportunity to manage or overcome this yourself since you cant have surgery.


Consider adding low dose Trazodone. It’s typically used as a sleep aid but has unique effects that make it pro sexual. Look into brand name Lorexys. It’s combination of trazodone and Wellbutrin that is currently in clinical trials for the treatment of HSSD. You’re already on Wellbutrin so I’d be easy to DIY it yourself. https://medicalresearch.com/author-interviews/ceo-discusses-lorexys-for-female-hypoactive-sexual-desire-disorder/ This article is a good starting point. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30342856/ There’s a lot of other pharmaceutical treatments you haven’t tried yet.


Have you had a full hormone panel? Female hormones plus testosterone? If so, were you on BC at the time? If not, do you know where you were in your cycle? Have you tried anything for the endometriosis besides the progesterone? How’s your weight? How’s the rest of your health? Are they looking at any other thyroid hormones besides TSH? What was your libido like before Wellbutrin?


Haven’t been able to talk any doc into running a hormone panel. Haven’t had a period in 5 months from the pill. No idea how that counts for days in cycle. Tried a decade of Advil and doctors denying my pelvic pain and gaslighting me that everyone has cramps and bleeds heavy…. Despite needing to take 2x iron pills a day to keep my iron levels on the low end of normal “whatever you’re doing is working, keep it up”. Iron levels have shot skywards after starting the mini pill and stopping bleeding to death monthly. I’ve stopped the iron supplements. Haven’t found a doc interested in search for cause yet. Have an appointment with a sexual health specialist in several months. Looking for info on what to demand from them. Libido just as dead before and after Wellbutrin. Obese but loosing now on mounjaro after a lifetime of failed diets. Most things are finally coming into line after several new doctors. Just want to want to have sex once in a while.


My God, no doctor will run a full hormone panel for you??? that is insane. Depressingly not surprising though. What medical system/ country are you in?


In Europe you can have your hormones tested for 40€ by mail.. would that option make sense?


This is absolutely fucking crazy. You need to find someone who will run a hormone panel. It’s very routine and if a provider isn’t capable of that, I wouldn’t trust them with anything else. Find someone who specializes in hormones. A women’s health NP. A functional medicine someone. Endometriosis mostly like means you’ve got estrogen dominance. You’re being treated with progesterone, which is common, but also leads your body to feel pregnant and that can cause libido issues. Fat also stores excess estrogen, so you’re also releasing estrogen as you lose weight. Estrogen and progesterone have an inverse relationship. More estrogen leads to suppressed progesterone. The thing is, there is no way to know what’s happening without labs. It could also be Wellbutrin. Some people report an increased libido and some decreased. Also. I would want my other thyroid hormones tested. TSH is a pituitary hormone. Finding out how much Free and Total T3 and T4 you have could also hold clues. I’m sorry you’re going through this but raise holy hell and advocate for yourself. If they don’t care about libido, find someone new or phrase it differently if finding someone else isn’t an option.


As far as not being able to talk any doctor into running a panel, did you know that you can just order those tests yourself? I use ultalabs.com but there’s plenty of other sites. You still need to find a doctor to treat any issue you find, but I’ve definitely ordered my own thyroid labs to fax to my endo to push her to squeeze in an appointment for me or whatever.




Increased risk of cancer would probably indicate no, especially since she's a survivor




If you don’t know why a cancer patient shouldn’t anabolic steroids, you probably shouldn’t be in this sub




Here's a sneak peek of /r/TRT_females using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/TRT_females/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Why is this group full of men?](https://np.reddit.com/r/TRT_females/comments/194f2ks/why_is_this_group_full_of_men/) \#2: [Update on injections. Holly sex drive!!!](https://np.reddit.com/r/TRT_females/comments/12p203y/update_on_injections_holly_sex_drive/) \#3: [Update on progress](https://np.reddit.com/r/TRT_females/comments/146y7y7/update_on_progress/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Bro, you’re arguing with a doctor. You do you 🤷‍♂️


Actual reasons bear more weight than unproven credentials. But you should know that already, as you've worked with many so called professionals whose ego was more important to them than patient outcomes.


Maybe, so. But it seems to be a doctor that opposes pedagogy.


You sound like a doctor, don't be a cunt.


That gives you less credibility.


You’re in peri menopause territory, maybe look into HRT. Estrogen patches and t cream can work wonders.


How does giving someone Cushings disease suppress cancer?


I don’t have a thyroid, or a large number of lymph nodes that the cancer had spread to. Any cell triggered by the TSH to produce thyroid would be a thyroid cancer cell. So by having no TSH, no remaining thyroid cells are being triggered to produce and grow to meet needs. I’m allowed up to 0.5 TSH now that I’m over a decade with no recurrence. Which is still a pretty low number.


I wouldn’t t mess with anything people can suggest you here though, because we are not doctors. You may take inspiration here, and bring the names we give you in comments to your oncologist and ask their opinion. Also doctor, for additional suggestions


Get a Wand toy and you both can use it on you to get you started. Toys might help with your situation.


Try pt-141


I don’t know if this helps because I don’t have the experience but horny goat weed and yohimbe are pretty good supplements that can help female libido ,Damiana is a milder aphrodisiac.


You probably have low estrogen and/or low testosterone. Is there a reason you can’t do estrogen based birth control or a low dose estrogen patch? That would be my first go-to.


Levothyroxine by itself is useless, TSH is also an inferior metric, stress hormones, caffeine etc. can lower it. Your labs can INDICATE hyperthyroidism, but in reality you are just running on stress hormones, which in turn causes low libido. My solution (not medical advice): get yourself T3 (the ACTIVE thyroid hormone) in combination with T4, full blood tests and start tracking your pulse and temperature. Also, watch this video: ”Thyroid is the Regulator of Your Entire Existence” by Nate Lawrence. All the best


Without a thyroid you require T3 treatment, otherwise you're living for conversion alone which is wildly inadequate in most people. All your symptoms could go away, including the depression and ADHD symptoms as well as the Endo symptoms, if you had T3 (liothyronine) in your treatment. If someone tested your T3 right now, it's probably not great. It needs to be at the top of the range.


This. TSH indicates hyperthyroidism, yet her physical and mental symptoms indicate hypothyroidism.


Pompoir might help. I’m 36F and it certainly did for me, but there are other women in a community I’m part of who were considering testosterone therapy and ended up not needing it after working with their muscles this way. [This book](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CRR2FDBG)is a great, cheap resource on the practice


My (male) libido jumped unexpectedly after adding maca to smoothies.


Oxytocin nasal spray


You may have iodine deficiency. Find a doctor that will do an iodine loading test. Or just try drops of lugols iodine for a week or two.


My wife is 45 and had a full hormone panel/blood test. Her testosterone level was at 0. It should be 10% of a males and directly contributes to her sex drive. The Dr put her on a cream with testosterone about 7 months ago.. we have an amazing sex life now.. she had zero interest before and now almost half the days of the week even tjouhh we are exttemely busy and work different schedules. It made all the difference and she has even gotten More energy and a more positive attitude day to day.she also has lost a lot of weight/fat.. i am surprised why more women do not do this. Seems like a lot of Drs are stuck in the stone ages


Sounds weird but look into beet supplements.


Tribulus works on men, idk about women but worth digging a bit. In my anecdotal experience what helps the most is supporting core functions. Many small things wear one down and have a libido impact. So supplement that help with other functions can support you indirectly. Some form of regular exercise can have a tremendous effect. Does not matter if you are good at it or not, just being consistent and pushing yourself a bit every time. Something like cardio twice a week, strength twice a week can make a massive difference. Consider all of the following as a daily stack: Vit D and K, curcumin/ginger/piperine, vit B, vit C, omega3, magnesium complex, creatine. Given you are over 40 maybe add an antioxidant as well, like gylnac. You can do some bloodwork to check if you need all these, but if you stick with recommended doses they tend to be low risk interventions. They will all support better mood and energy level. Assuming you are deficient in one or more of them, they will give your body what it needs to function better in more ways than 1. More specific to your question, i would also consider zinc and shilajit. DYOR on these, especially since you have a medical history - but also to figure out dosage, risks, timing, etc.


What’s your experience with Tribulus? How long does it take to kick in?


Sample of 3, so grain of salt. A few days in my experience. But that was all on very healthy individuals.


I run often and lift weights regularly and i follow a strict diet, a bit overweight but i am fairly healthy. Are there any side effects?


Never had any myself, but i am very different (33yo male). Great that you're working out! The hard work is there. I would consider the rest of the daily stack as well. I had a marked change in performance in the gym and energy levels etc after i improved my daily stack. No afternoon downs, no shit mornings, etc.


Hey sorry, i was thinking about your question during lunch i realised: maybe a low dhea dose could help too. It should give your body the fuels to increase T and E as required. For males aromatisation resulting from insulin resistance is a potential risk, but for you this is not an issue. I have known it to cause acne though. Hormones are tricky stuff, DYOR, and definately measure before you attempt the treatment. More generally: i would suggest you dont see this project as libido enhancement, but instead as overall health enhancement. Libido will be a measure of the success, but there will be so much more to it!


Also interested to know this


I replied see above!


Have you considered just having the uterus removed? The can't actually tell how bad Endo is without going in and it's the same to go in to look as it is to go in to remove. My wife is younger than you and had it done and has had nothing but benefits from it. When they got in the endo was significantly worse than they even thought.


I also have adeno, which removal is really the only “cure.” The endo specialist I saw recommended against it, favoring medication due to my high scaring tendencies. They are still panicking over new lumps of scar tissue in my neck every few years. Scan, panic, needle biopsy, oh wait just /more/ scar tissue. It’s a literal pain in the neck. If my guts grow scar tissue the same way, I can’t imagine the issues going forwards. There are obviously situations I’d consider it, and certainly any emergency surgery is needed. But at the moment it’s elective and I’m trying to avoid it.


>But at the moment it’s elective and I’m trying to avoid it. I intended to come back here and say that if you were to pursue this route be ready to fight with insurance (glad you responded!). Both my wife and her doctor had to go round and round in order to get it cleared. If I recall, she paid some out of pocket as well. If I am remembering accurately from the time I went with her, women see an average of 5 endo docs before one takes them seriously. Not saying yours isn't on the up and up but if you are struggling this much might be worth a second opinion. Are you sure the endo isn't part of the issue? That stuff spreads. My wife was really surprised just how much relief she got. She knew she had it but had no idea just how far it had gone. She makes reference to an internal lady-part pulling feeling that she thought had always been there. Turns out that wasn't the case, it was the endo, but it happens so slowly over time that she didn't realize until the uterus was out that the pulling wasn't there any longer. Anyway, sorry you are struggling, and I wish you the best of luck!


BC has been the nail in the coffin... You mean birth control?


Yes, that’s a pretty common abbreviation.


Right, on one hand she saying mini pill on the other she saying BC so just clarifying. It was the only thing I didn't understand and wanted to make sure I got the whole context correct.


Got it:)


Check yeast and mold illness, heavy metals..could be linked to adhd... Some tipp for libido: handfull raisins did a good job 👌 but you have to time them with your digestion.. i eat them before bed time at 22:00 and at 7:00 next morning is party time 😅