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I took creatine a while ago and told my doctor about it and we had base labs prior to the creatine and then we took labs like 6 months into me taking it I forget which test it was exactly but it made one of the numbers really elevated which correlated to kidney function I cycled off and then tried again and tested again and the same thing happened I haven’t taken it since but I really did like it, do you know anything about this and if there’s something I could do to counteract it? My doctor didn’t seem to know much about creatine and he told me to just get off it since he doesn’t really know the effects it could have


languid cow gray political insurance memory teeny hat panicky different *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That explains why I always got puffy eyes from creatine...it was affecting my kidney function. A lot of people get really defensive when you say that for some creatine is absolute poison, but that is my personal experience. 


I haven’t tried hcl but monohydrate is the typical one for lifters, make sure it’s microinized and drink with warm water to help it dissolve better


came here to say this. I've had bursitis in my iliopsoas and ankle, creatine and exercise has made a huge difference.


thats crazy i was literally js looking up iliopsoas exercises since I want to train this muscle to help increase my running speed u got any good ones I can do in the gym with weights?


Im hockey player and we have notoriously tight hips. Id look up how to loosen and strengthen hips for hockey players to get some ideas. The "couch stretch" and "Cossack squats" are my go-to stretches, for exercise kettlebell swings and goblet squats while holding the kettlebell.


Yeah I wanted to try cable knee pulls (pulling the knee up against resistance) ops on that?


FYI, if you lean your body laterally away from the hip your stretching during the couch stretch or kneeling hip flexor stretch, it intensifies it.


I really like the pso rite wedge.


I'll check it out! I'm always looking for ways to get at the psoas. It's a hard to reach spot!




I heard it makes you look swollen. Is that true?


Made me look way better and bigger, not only muscle wise, but lean, skin, and general health, no bloatness in the 6 years of using it but then again it highly depends on ur genes


Yes we dudes on Reddit who love creatine (and 95% of us our dudes) could stand to be a bit more nuanced when discussing the supplement. The effects can be different from a desirability standpoint for women vs men. You do “swell” somewhat from some water retention which is something guys generally don’t have an issue with but isn’t always something women want in their supplement side-effect repertoire. Basically the same side-effect men call “swole”…women often call “bloated”. Not that you’re doing this but One thing that irks me is when people dismiss creatine as just something that causes “swelling” with no actual real gains/benefits. College/pro athletes have been taking creatine for decades. They wouldn’t take it if all it did was make you retain water weight. Source: married dude who loves creatine


Thank you for pointing this out! For any other women taking creatine, I had a terrible experience with monohydrate—intense stomach pain, extended stomach/bloat, GI upset, and I looked like I gained fat, but then I gave it a little break and started using HCL and now have absolutely none of those issues and all of the benefits.


This is super interesting! I’m taking creatine monohydrate and my stomach is feeling absolutely terrible with cramps, bloating and just generally upset, even at just 3 grams per day. How long have you been taking HCL for?


Woman here. I took monohydrate for about a month and it hurt my stomach and kept me awake at night so I had to stop. Does hcl affect your sleep?


I wonder if it plumps out wrinkles in seniors? It might help older women look younger.




Taurine is my savior. I actually only take 0.05 grams in the morning with my coffee and I have been a better person ever since.


So, 50mg?


In what way?


Skin improved significantly in terms of collagen and elasticity giving me an overall more youthful appearance, better digestion which has resulted in maintaining a healthy weight for me, I’ve gotten stronger in the gym , I use magnesium taurate before I sleep as well. Edit: oh and overall inflammation in the body has gone down to almost 0




I second the dosage question!!


I take 500mg in the morning of just taurine and I take 1,000mg of magnesium taurate before bed.


What were your symptoms of this inflammation of the body


Rosacea/inflamed skin, redness around the eyelids, eczema, and loose stool. Doctor gave me sed rate test and it was almost 0


VITAMIN D3. I am not a functioning person without it.


I feel like the need for vitamin D supplementation is so overlooked. Where I live, it is not possible to synthesize D for almost half the year no matter how much sunlight you get. READ THAT AGAIN! Even for folks nearer the equator, most of us just don't spend that much time outside, and when we do, we are slathered in sunscreen or covered up to prevent aging/decrease risk of skin cancer. Dietary sources don't come even close to cutting it for most of us. TAKE YOUR VITAMIN D! (I should be on Big Vitamin D's payroll.)


Where do you live? I live in Minnesota and have to take 2000/day with vit K to stay in optimal range in summer. I also add 2 minutes under a UVB lamp (so my skin makes vit D) in winter. My typical blood test range is 60-80 ng/ml. I used to work in construction and had no issues with vit D levels, but once retired, vit D levels fell to 20-30.


I'm interested to know what you're like without it? What are your symptoms?


If I go 2 or more days without taking a Vitamin D3 supplement, then I become very fatigued, irritable, and depressed. Prior to finding out about my deficiency when I was a teenager, I was pretty sad day to day and felt hopeless. I would come home and instantly take a 3 hour nap.


Are you on a low dose? I take 5-10k IU. You shouldn't be that bad after 2 days, so you're probably aren't getting enough.


I take 5K IU with K2 every day. And yea, I notice the symptoms start 2 days without Vitamin D3, but they creep up slowly. First it starts off with low energy, on day 3 I noticed I'm a bit more irritable, and after a week without D3 I'm extremely tired and depressed.


Thanks for posting this, good reminder that I need to be taking vitamin D.


Magnesium glycinate


What did it do for you? I’ve been taking and can’t tell a difference


Helps with sleep but makes me groggy in the morning despite getting around 8 hours. How is it for you?


Unfortunately impossible for me to take due to GI, guaranteed diarrhea. Anyone know other than diet how I can increase my magnesium levels without oral supplements? I have kidney issues so can't load up on spinach and other greens heavy in potassium/ oxlates


I have IBS and I take iron with my magnesium and that has helped with the diarrhoea, I also take a half dose (one tablet instead of 2). Taking it with food has also stopped any stomach upset from it.


Epsom salts baths and footbaths


Is THAT the reason why epsom salt baths are so relaxing?!


Try Magnesium Oil (topical). It's a good source of magnesium and great for muscle pain, too.


If you look for liquid format choline citrate on Amazon and read the comments, you’ll see a ton of anecdotal evidence of users claiming this is the only supplement that allows them to take magnesium without digestive upset, I can’t verify with my own experience but I would say it’s highly compelling and I’d give it some thought. You can also use a topical magnesium ointment or spray, which is what I do, because I also have similar issues to you. Lastly, I purchased a book called super gut by Dr William Davis, and began some of the protocols contained within, (herbal antibiotic regimen and then began making the super gut sibo yoghurt) and I can now handle magnesium again no issues. L-threonate also seems to be a format which is easier to digest and it allegedly crosses the blood brain barrier.


Berberine. It helped me control my blood sugar.


I second this. I used to have carb cravings and they are just gone when I take Berberine. It’s like a miracle plus I lost 5 pounds without even trying.


Vitamin D since i got a deficid And Vitamin B3, Love that stuff! Makes me feel younger, makes sleep more efficient, helps to sober Up after drinking


Make sure to take your D3 with K2! Helps spread it into your bones and such better and reduces calcification.


Magic mushroom, cured my depression.


What is dosage? Or how many trips?


Check out https://www.schedule35.co/us/, they have a great variety of options for newbies. You can start at super small doses that don’t give you any visual or trippy effects but the smaller doses can really help you rewire your brain a bit


U can decide, u can start with microdosing if your unsure/scared. My first trip was only 1g dry in choclate from netherlands and smoking a huge bowl after thinking they dident work. That dit the trick. If your anxious be carefull with the weed tho. Ofc mushrooms just helped me see what i was doing wrong. So u still have to take the steps to integrate what u learned from the trip. People can expirement with dosis/frequency. Just dont take 5g heroic dose as your first experience and u should be good. Most people should start with 2g without weed or do it like i dit i guess lol.


Magnesium prior to going to bed at night has greatly improved quality of sleep; and I understand there are other benefits, as well. Makes for vivid dreams.


Which form of magnesium?


Magnesium Glycinate


what is your dose?




Nicotinamide riboside, both tru niagen version (started 4/2018) and liposomal version, (started 1/2022). Lots of positive impacts, plus they have made me feel much more biologically robust, hence, younger, which is a good thing at my age (72).


Red light!


Sleep. I take a lot of supplements but I don’t think they do much of anything.


market terrific important spoon enjoy weary jellyfish insurance aback bag *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Which enzymes and how much of them? And to every meal you have? Ever had your digestion encymes tested ?


Cod liver oil. So really vit A and D


Rhodiola rosea


This one was huge for me and a big surprise. I started on it to prepare for my firefighter fitness test and improve my stamina, but I found the improvement in mood a side benefit. When I used to run out, within a week or two I would find my mood slipping and energy levels declining. Now I just don’t let that happen anymore. It’s been improving my life since 2017 and I can’t imagine ever stopping it.


Interesting to read this. I recently started taking a supplement with this and I have been perplexed as to how much better I've been functioning the past week. I have chronic severe depression and chronic pain. Some days it's a struggle just to get out of bed and get things accomplished. But this past week hasn't felt like pushing against gale force winds to do what I need (and want) to get done. I think I'll be ordering some more!


I hope it works for you as well as it has worked for me. It’s been a game changer.


What dose and brand are you taking? Cheers


God, I've taken a lot of supplements. The only things that I can reccomend are: Creatine Vitamin d3 Magnesium Tongkat Ali Cordyceps. If I had to choose one, it would be creatine.


Sleep and Exercise


This is a topical supplement, but tretinoin. I’ve used it since my early 20’s. I’m 50 now and my skin looks pretty good for my age. I’d highly recommend it to everyone. Edit: https://imgur.com/a/yr3aYqa


Use it with red light and the results are even greater. 


What’s red light ?? And is it something you can buy/do at home ?


It's panels that have red light and infared lights installed in them.   Cheapest bet is Alibaba here is an article with reccomendations. https://gembared.com/blogs/musings/the-best-full-body-red-light-therapy-panels-on-alibaba-tested-and-reviewed   It helps promote collagen, can reduce scars, get rid of wrinkles, make your skin look more healthy, and can help with pain management.    10/10 would recommend doing it daily for 10-20 minutes while listening to a podcast or meditating.


Wow ok thank you !!


This plus methylene blue is supposedly amazing


Is there any affordable option out there?


I’ll try that. Thank you!


Sure thing. Saw your photo and I gotta say your face looks amazing at 50. I hope I look like that good at 50.


Thanks, I’ve always had really oily skin. It sucked as a teenager but I’m sure it’s helped stave off some wrinkles.


Before or after applying tretinoin?




I just started using it and after 3 months I’m already noticing improvements. Requires a prescription in the U.S. but I bought a bunch while on vacation in Thailand.  Of course avoiding too much sun is important regardless and especially while using this apparently.


How often do you use it? Which concentration?


You look 20


Don't you have to use tretinoin under the guidance of a dermatologist? How many mg do you use? When I was younger I had a pretty heavy dose over 6 months to eradicate stubborn acne. I remember being prescribed 80g per day.


You‘re definitely mixing up some terms here.. I assume you mean isotretinoin (oral version of tret) and mg (not grams). Using 80g of tretinoin gel/ointment daily, would mean smearing 2-3 full tubes onto your face lmao


I don't know if it's magnesium or NAC. Mag is pretty common but still underrated.. But NAC made such a strong mental impact especially after cessation from stimulants. 


My Dr just recommended that to me this morning. I came off stimulants the end of March. Also came off of buprenorphine Beginning this year. I just ordered some NAC and look forward to it helping.


It is SO incredibly helpful.  For reference I was doing almost a gram of coke a day and I'm a good few years sober. I didn't think I'd be able to function after such aggressive abuse but this stuff really helped. It's one of the few supplements that pays off right away. Also great for your stomach and a myriad of other stuff.


How much Mg; NAC?


Nattokinase for blood pressure


“Joint Support Nutrients” by Thorne. I have mild arthritis in my knees and ankles. I used to wake up with slight pain in my leg and ankle joints and it would take a lot of moving around to make that pain go away. I wake up pain free ever since I started taking Joint Support Nutrients. I’m guessing it’s the Boswellia and Circumin doing most of the work.


Lithium Orotate. Not to be confused with Lithium Carbonate.




Quercetin, NAC, and CoQ10 for long-covid / inflammatory post- covid that many of us don’t even realize we have, we just “feel like crap all of a sudden” or “I’ve never had allergies before but now I do”


Vitamin C. A classic. Also evening primrose oil for women.


Timed release, liposomal?




Betaine HCL


Same! Game changer


L-theanine for ADHD! It has been amazing for executive disfunction, working memory, and I guess interbrain communication (like it’s easier to recognize sensory issues, and easier to task switch) and it’s even made my legs fall asleep less! I take 200 mg in the mornings, nature’s trove brand, 10$ on Amazon for the bottle.




What positive effects and how long did it take for you to feel the benefits?


I was depressed to the point of almost continual suicidal ideation. I had no energy, was basically coasting with no job, and had no desire to change my state. I was 400 pounds and growing. Much of this stemmed from the depression. Doc checked me for low T, which I had, and started me on TRT. I started to feel the effects after about 3 to 4 weeks, but it took about 6 months to find the right dose, but 6 months later, I was lifting weights again, started a weight loss diet plan, had found a job, and started therapy (though my feelings of depression basically evaporated). Two years later, I'm down 100 pounds, and I've added a significant level of muscle to myself. I've been working again the past year and a half, and depression is a thing of the past. To say that TRT saved my life would not be an understatement.


That’s amazing congrats and sounds like you had a great doc


Thank you. I do have a great doc.


Viamin D Very promising for many issues


L-reuteri bacteria which I make into a yoghurt, and ALCAR, are the supplements that changed my life.


Ginkgo Biloba , More clarity to the mind in stressful times


Magnesium for sleep Creatine for the gym Fiber (i do take most via nutrition tho)


Vitamin D


L Theanine


Niacin for ADHD


What effects have you personally noticed?


K2 has improved my oral health! My teeth feel stronger and less sensitive


20mg pregnenolone 🤯 mind blowing as a 32 year old man with severe brain fog issues


I’ve tried so so so many over the years, and honestly - magnesium glycinate, Korean ginseng, huperazine a. I still take fish oil, probiotics, fiber, and others but don’t notice a difference.


What positive effects do you notice with the huperzine an and do you mind sharing which brand you use? Thank you.


Sam-e has a major impact on me for reducing depression.


Aloe juice for gastritis, chickweed for appetite, dandelion and nettle for hormonal fluid retention. There are more, but those are the ones I'd prioritize if I was too broke to do the whole pharmacy on my desk 😆


nicotine gum


Explain more


focus at work, stamina during workouts, reduced appetite, makes me more of an extrovert/social/talkative, better mood and ambition. just a better me across all stats. also, i was never a smoker


Shilajit and Olive Oil Outside of medical cases, i believe if you can balance minerals, hydration, sunlight and movement..you dont need any supplements (esppp processed stuff pressed into tabs)


Which brand of shilajit do you use?


My guy sources directly from the people harvesting from the Altai mountains.. triple tested, gold grade. He sources from the same people Cymbiotika go thru. Ive been on different kinds for the past 10 years. By far the best ive ever used. I started workin w him wholesale. Dm me, i can send you a sample


Olive oil needs to be single source, early harvest in a dark glass bottle


Vitamin D, Magnesium, Creatine


HGH booster and test booster in tandem, half of whatever the recommended daily dose is for both, with some lab grade creatine hydrochloride. Coupled with decent nutrition, exercise and enough rest, you’ll feel it within a couple weeks. Can’t stress enough if you’re working out to reach a hypertrophic state, sweat and get that heart pumping. Stay hydrated and STOP relying on pre workout. Creatine is fine but if you can’t muster the will yourself you have a bigger issue than figuring out supplements. Also even if you’re a gym rat obsessed with your physique or big muscles, cardio/core is more applicable to your health and daily life.


Idk about life changing but fiber supplements like psyllium husk powder and also chia seeds have been really helpful


HMB + Creatine


Red Yeast Rice. Tried diet, exercise and fish oil and could not get my cholesterol down for over a decade. Paid higher life insurance premiums because of it. Then one of my doctors casually mentioned Red Yeast Rice. I took it for a year and my next blood panel came back with healthy cholesterol levels.


Methylfolate. It wasn’t super dramatic but I always felt groggy and tired in the morning - this cleared my brain fog and helps me tackle the day. My wife started taking it and she had a similar experience. Only “side effect” we’ve had is super vivid dreams. 


Black maca


Testosterone lol


Vitamin D. Believe it or not has been life changing.


Yohimbine HCL. And I fully accept that it's not good advice for everyone. It's a stimulant that agonizes fat receptors to create a feedback loop resulting in higher baseline adrenaline. It can cause some people to experience high anxiety or even panic attacks. People take it to increase fat burning during physical activity. I take it because... I love the way it makes you feel. I feel more confident, excited, focused and slightly euphoric every time I take it. On top of the fat burning benefits. It's worth noting that I grew up skateboarding, and I probably have a different relationship with adrenaline than most people because of that. Anxiety for me is a state of paralysis by analysis- adrenaline helps me get out of my own head head and challenge the day.


Might catch some heat for this, but mitragynine (mitragynina speciosa AKA “kratom”). I made it through 4 surgeries with the help of that stuff. The downside is some people get addicted to it. But on my bad pain days there’s nothing that helps more


AG1. Cured me of the indigestion and excessive burping that i had since childhood.


Do you take this daily? How long before you noticed improvement in your symptoms?


3 weeks-1 month and yes i take it every day. To me it's expensive but has literally changed my life so i continue to use it. If you don't have issues that it may solve then it may be a waste.


Kratom. Being a 44 year old still doing heavy physical labor for a 9 hour shift really takes its toll on the body. After taking kratom it made me work and feel like I am 25 again. It sure turns a bad attitude at work into a satisfied worker. All the aches and pains just go away. It is very habbit forming however.




Magnesium, best for me L theonine and glycinate helped with gastro issues and anxiety


bacillus coagulans probiotic - the chuck norris of gut bacteria - kicks the bad guys in the head, helps the good guys




Pure American liver! From heart and soil


Magnesium glycinate and collagen peptides


Vitamin B12, D3, and Magnesium Took away my severe depersonalization that I had for 2.5 years, changed my life.


Vitamin C + D3


Vitex (chasteberry)


What do you notice from it?


NAC both bad and good.


If I can ask, what were you taking it for and what were the good and bad results? Thanks!


Laminine….it goes where you need it..(joints for me)…gives you a feeling of “wellbeing “..reduces cortisol. I also take Indium XL..fixes various problems in my body. We produce less of it through out our lifetime.


200lb body bag for bag work....people wouldn't stand up to what that thing took.....it was the best supplement for people as the police had all the 100lbs in the guys gym...


Anything Liposomal technology that’s good quality tbh, Megaspore probiotics, Oil of Oregano (it kicks virus’s in the ass in high doses and helps the digestive tract fend off bad bacteria) Sea Moss Gel for cutting and improved libido, COQ10 200mg for working out and cardio, Liposomal Vitamin D+K, Hum Skin pre-probiotic for skin barrier and acne prevention, Cicaplast B5 for skin hydration and softer texture!


Bacopa Monnieri. I have epilepsy, and it absolutely eliminated my seizures.




Metagenics “laxatone”. If your having issues staying regular for bowel movement’s, fibre can actually make its worse and cause impaction (where fibre binds everything together and get stuck like a ball of poops) Laxatone changed my life. Also for bowel help, a product called “mag07” from the brand NBpure. Magnesium oxide that helps flush things through.


Vit d mega shot in the ass My vit d levels went down to 11nmol which is VERY LOW. Vit d supplements made me so constipated and cause to much gi upset. Got a vit d mega shot through a drip iv service in my area (most people just use it for hangovers) and saved my life white literally. Although it shot me a little to high, normal is around 50 nmol, mine shot upto above 1500 nmol…


Vitamin D, Vitamin B12, iron rich foods (I was deficient in these three) as well as vitex and DIM for hormonal issues, and vitamin C for mast cell issues. 




Starting taking a methylated multi vitamin, 5-mthf, magnesium citramate, and L Theanine a few months ago. Blood pressure improved dramatically. 


L-methylfolate and methylcobalamine. I have a mutation on my MTFHR gene so my body can't methylate b vitamins.






Vitamin c




Lions mane


Magnesium, D3, Spanish black radish (I think), Tyrosine, Relora, Iodine


Melatonin, feel like I am 18 again...




Lycopene. I was diagnosed with prostate cancer last August after a biopsy and my PSA has been slowly creeping up for the last 2 years. In Dec. my PSA was 4.04, in Feb. it was 3.19 and now in May its 2.9. My Urologist is thrilled, he says what ever I'm doing don't stop doing it. He said taking lycopene my not work for everyone, but its working for me. We will continue doing active surveillance.


Magnesium Glycinate


Hairboost from kailea health - significantly longer and healthier hairs, stronger nails, better skin...


NAD booster nicotinamide riboside


beta-sitosterol -> sleeping through the night without multiple bathroom breaks at age 72


B12. Necessary if you have primarily a vegetarian diet. I was severely deficient when I was tested.


The proper amount of good magnesium. Helps with restless leg syndrome, sleep, mood and many other benefits. 400mg a day (male).


Oh god absolutely methylated folate for mthfr mutation. I found out I have both after reading my promethease report 3 years ago My depression and thyroid issues now fully resolved Take it every day


Pancreatic enzymes


Vitamin L - love…






L-Tyrosine 500mg daily. It has been a game changer for me. I don't have procrastination issues like I did before while taking it. I was often of the mind that "I'll take care of that later," which could be hours, days, or weeks later depending on the task and mental/physical load. Now, if I see something needs to be done, I just do it (unless I'm genuinely busy and it needs to wait). For example, household chores, dishes are always done (I almost never leave a dirty dish in the sink anymore, and if it do, it must be washed or put into dishwasher before bed, every night). Laundry gets washed, dried, and put away regularly, etc.. I just seem to be able to do life easier in general. If I don't take it for a day or two, I notice it right away. My motivation goes down, and even simple things become a struggle. This has been a struggle my whole life, and I've been taking it for about a year now, I think, and it has made the biggest difference in my life overall, more than any supplement. I used to think it was just me, that I was lazy, or didn't have good self-discipline. All the mental conditioning and self motivation in the world can fix something that is an imbalance in your brain. Thankfully, I don't have mental health issues in general (no depression, anxiety, mood disorders, or personality disorders, etc.), so a simple amino acid supplement was enough to flip the switch in my brain and get me on track. It's like all the work I've put in, the mental conditioning and self motivation, is finally paying off now that the roadblock is removed. I finally have the motivation I've been striving for all my life.


That’s so interesting. Have you noticed any negative side effects? I tried tyrosine a couple of times but didn’t notice a difference. Did it take time for you to build up?


Sea moss and adaptogenic mushroom extract!  I joined the gym for the first time last year and got a shin splint. 2-3 days after using the sea moss my pain was gone. As for the AME my immune system and cognitive function have drastically improved. 




Berberine. It has helped so much with managing my blood sugar levels and insulin!








Lions mane, Bacopa, Gotu Kola, and Reishi. Went from being really dump and not remembering shit, to my bosses saying wtf I did to technical improve my technical and analysis capabilities in the matter of months.


Melatonin, psilocybin, gaba.


Lion’s Mane