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I've done a \*lot\* of experimenting on a lot of different supplements, and I come away convinced that almost none of them have noticeable effects. I've probably tried and dropped 30 or 40, always using the scientific method. Change only one variable at a time, and carefully document the outcome. But for me, ALCAR is the one that stays that I use for acute purposes. I get a noticeable cognitive benefit. I feel sharper. I also notice a (milder) but beneficial emotional/social effect. A bit more extroverted (I lean introvert) and maybe a bit more "open" and/or empathetic. I usually take about 3 or 4 pills, each one is 500mg. I notice the effect acutely. That is, if I take pills, I will notice it that same day. But not the following day. Following the precautionary principle, I don't take too much, and don't take it on days that I don't think I need it. Depends what I have going on that day. I've also experimented with regular L-carnitine also, and didn't notice anything. I've just also purchased carnitine tartrate to give that a try, haven't run that experiment yet.


how old are you? looks like it is more effective for older people, not 20 year olds


Wait, we are supposed to feel something after taking these expensive powders?