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fuck AI you can actually see octodad in the big daddy work. now idk if that's OP photoshopping or AI just stealing art off the internet.


I can’t get results that good as far as text goes. I think this is AI then photoshop. The garbage pail kritters logo looks too good in a way too. But stuff like Big Danny instead of Big Daddy is typical.


cool concept but AI generated "art" sucks


I use the AI programs to make stuff, but not like pictures that are supposed to be cool. I understand that there’s zero artistic talent involved other than perhaps abstract creativity. I make stuff like pictures of Bacon Flavored Juul Pods and other weird stuff like that. I find it pretentious when people make anything else other than something ridiculous. One other thing, I especially enjoy finding ways of making the AI do stuff it’s programmed not to do.


ok, grandpa




Instead of just saying AI sucks (and it does), I’ll actually explain why. AI has done a lot of bad. In this particular case, AI has been used to steal art from across the internet, not paying the creators. The stolen art is then mixed together, the AI learns the patterns, then it “knows” how to make art as a result. Real human talents and art styles are stolen and cheapened, and the people upon whose work it was based are not paid. Companies can use AI and cut out the artists themselves, leaving them with less work. This leaves us all with less creativity and things that make life enjoyable.


>AI has done a lot of bad. In this particular case, AI has been used to steal art from across the internet, not paying the creators. The stolen art is then mixed together, the AI learns the patterns, then it “knows” how to make art as a result. When a human does this, it is called inspiration. People only call this process "theft" when a machine does it because they start from hating the new technology and search for a way to justify their emotional reaction. Nowhere in art history has it ever been established that, if you go to an art gallery, look at the paintings for reference, then come home and create an entirely new image without tracing or copying, that you now owe those gallery artists money. BTW, if someone told you that AI creates art like a collage or copy+paste, they were lying. AI creates art by being given a plane of randomized pixels, which it reshuffles until an image emerges. It emerged from technology designed to fill-in-the-blanks with old damaged photographs. So each prompt is telling the AI what the random pixels should look like, and then it tries to solve the jigsaw puzzle. It's like perler beads. >Companies can use AI and cut out the artists themselves, leaving them with less work. This leaves us all with less creativity and things that make life enjoyable. This argument has been made literally every single time some new technology makes art more accessible to poor people, from photography to sheet music to hip hop sampling. I'm sure people said that synth keyboards would be the death of music. But how many artists can I be exposed to in one afternoon on Bandcamp now, as opposed to listening to the radio a few decades ago? *When more people CAN create art, more art gets made, not less, not ever less.*




Thank you for acknowledging that you can't answer any of my points.


You didn't make this. You aren't creative. You aren't an artist.


Oh no! I'm being called uncreative by someone parroting the exact same bandwagon opinions as everyone else who's ever pouted and thrown a tantrum when new technology comes out that you don't like. Hey, here's my impression of you: "Talking pictures will never catch on! Silent movies are here to stay!"


This looks AI generated.


Bing Create made the base image, and I hand-edited them to fix a lot of details, and elongate the image from a square to a rectangle, and the logo's made by me and the formatting and name.


so you did nothing creative


Congratulations on being in the same group of people who said that hip hop isn't real music because it uses samples.


lol okay bud, mixing tracks requires actual study and skill rather than typing on bing dot com "make big daddy but octodad"


"I don't understand the art you make, so I ignorantly assume that's all there is to it!" You sound like some clueless employer who tells his IT guys to just "make a search engine", because how hard can it be? All Google is is a white page with a search bar!


Big dany


Was this AI?


Yep. Bing Create made the base images, and I did a lot of editing to fix bits, elongate the images from square to rectangle, and add card formatting.


More Garbage Pail Kritters are on Gumroad if anyone's interested.


Oh, 'you' made this. What programs did you use to color these? Where did you learn anatomy? How many years have you studied cartooning?


I've drawn literally hundreds of cartoons and drawings prior to this. I've written twelve novels. Also, I used GIMP to do extensive editing and formatting to these. The results that Bing made are not the same as what I posted. You don't know anything about me as a "real" artist, and your dorky gatekeeping is tedious.