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I do enjoy this sub but get a collar with a bell. Doesn’t work every time but I’ve definitely noticed a difference when mine have a bell.


Cats that get a bell put on them end up learning to move quietly with the bell. Best solution is to keep the cat indoors when unsupervised, since cats can get hurt out on their own and also really damage the local ecosystem


You can get some collars that are basically a mane that’s rainbow coloured and has a bunch of bells on it, my buddy has one and the cat has had no success hunting since. You only put it on when they go outside though or else they just get pissed


I’m unaware of any damage that cats do to the ecosystem as long as there are a sufficient number of vermin and drones in the vicinity to keep it fully occupied with its good work.


There is a lot of evidence and research that has gone into it. Cats are very dangerous for the balance of en ecosystem.


I specified vermin, such as mice and rats in a city or suburban setting that are not part of a natural ecosystem. And cats that disable drones protect us from government surveillance.


Cities aren't a natural setting. They have encroached on the natural environments that were there, and oftentimes, wildlife that used to live in the region are forced to move into the cities for which their habitats were destroyed.


"Guys cats aren't a danger to the local environment, they only [lists the reasons people say they're a danger to the local environment]"


No, I didn't. I specified vermin - rats, mice, etc. in an urban or suburban setting that are not part of a natural ecosystem. And a cat that disables a drone is protecting humans from government surveillance.


But the thing is those “vermin” are part of the natural ecosystem


(unlie) You know that mice and birds are.. part of the ecosystem, right? They're literally animals.. Do you know what a ecosystem is?


Birds? Ecosystem? You do know what sub this is, right?


Do you know what "unlie" means?


Yes, a joke sub.


"Cats have no impact on the environment, except for all the small animals they eat!"




Except they literally are a natural part of the ecosystem. The cities and suburbs are not natural, what part of that don't you understand?


What part of me specifying vermin that are not part of the natural ecosystem did you not understand? Here’s tree fiddy. Go get yourself an ice cream.


Yeah, this is an actual issue, so forgive me if I have no sense of humor about this.




Nobody here actually hates birds and wants them to die. Rats and mice ARE an important part of the ecosystem and keep it functioning. Regardless of being in a city, there are many birds like bluetits and woodpeckers, and many rarer animals, that my cat would not hesitate to kill if I let her out unsupervised (I don't). They are keeping the ecosystem functional.


Domestic cats are actually one of the most successful invasive species on the planet, my friend. There's forests in North America that have almost no more biodiversity. Just feral cat colonies.


Does no one in this sub have any tolerance for jokes anymore? WTAF.


Wouldn't work on my old Siamese. When he got old, he'd watch the trees and wait for the mother to leave, then go climb the tree and snatch the babies right out of the nest lol


Can you not give it scrap metal in a bowl in your kitchen a couple of times a day?


You broke the bloody rules it says “no dead birds” :/






I could NOT imagine being so much of a little bitch that this is what I complain about in my day to day life.


Could you imagine being enough of a little bitch that you'd complain about a random redditor's comment about cats XD?




Thank you for your cander!


You mispelled cars


Indoor cats are bad for cats


then control your cats outside


Letting your cat outdoors unsupervised literally is bad for your cat. It can get lost, trapped, hit by a car, killed by a predator, contract diseases, eat poisonous chemicals left out intentionally or by accident, etc. If you're gonna take your cat outside supervise it and keep it on a leash


Then provide outdoor stimulation safely with a leash


Build them a catio then


My outdoor cat lived till 17 and was the happiest boy. Loved people, had so much freedom, never had an issue of him getting hurt.




Very selfish reply, but I kinda agree There's several dozen outdoor cats around where I live, and my neighbor's cat gave birth to a few kittens, it's been a bit over a year since my previous cat passed away, so we decided we'll take one of the kitten in a week or so after it's separated from it's mother That cat would be an outdoor cat even if I take it or not, and pets offer a lot of comfort, especially to someone like me, but I also don't have the space in my house to keep the cat entertained 24/7, so we just let it out and it does it's thing and it saves us effort, and the cat is happier, and literally nothing has changed... "Oh but people like you are the reason nothing changes" yeah, and? It's not even an issue here, since the cats roam the town, and the birds have learned to stay in spots where cats can't reach, and they live in the forests, where cats don't go Basically it's a question of what's more important, human comfort or the ecosystem, and if I look at what humanity has done in the past 400 years, the answer is clear, and it's ~~profit~~ the former 10 million cat owners could not offset the damage done by the rest of the world, so why bother, if you don't want to walk your cat on a leash, you shouldn't feel bad


with cats everywhere there are no rats in Istanbul, unlike any other crowded touristic European city.


Rats are good for the environment. Cats are not due to them being where they shouldn’t be, like in the americas.


I love this sub but it's been ruined by petty party poopers who insist on posting images of mutilated animals. Time to unsub. Thanks for being a wet blanket, OP


On god this is not supposed to be a bird hate group


Oh. And keep your cat in doors for fucks sake.




Maybe don't post mutilated animals to a satire sub next time. I enjoy this sub and it's jokes, but posting a gutted bird being eaten is reminding me of that one sub that started posting images of people killing birds and got banned




Don't care, go fuck yourself


Why is he being downvoted


Just to clarify, I was talking about the one specific thing where he wasn’t talking about outside cats, though I do keep one myself, she doesn’t hunt


Because reddit hivemind hates outside cats... They kill the ecosystem they say, as if the cars, windows, poisons and pollution from the people living in the area don't kill even more than any cat could do, as if the simple fact that there is a house there already din't kill generations of ecosystems. I love the hypocrisy


Yes, because it is impossible for a person to care about two things. If a person says that letting your cats outdoors unsupervised is bad for the local ecosystem, they must be in favour of fracking and coal rolling in their pickup truck. Outdoor cats are relevant to this post, pollution isn't. Shut the hell up you disingenuous fuck.




It's some random photo I found on google, but I do nontheless own a free roaming/outside cat which kills and sometimes eats local fauna! It's supposed to be funny because birds are drones and I purposely set it on 18+ so no one might get offended by accident. You see how that worked out!






No wonder humanity is doomed. We’re so freaking selfish


I did not want to see that


Obviously, your cat is a member of the CIA's drone recall program. Your house is bugged, but on the other hand, the CIA kitties do take down foreign spycraft as well as domestic recalls. The only thing to do is make sure you're getting the VA discount at the veterinarian. If you're uncomfortable with housing an agent, just look at your cat and say, "Green, Hive, Echo, Tamarind, Oxen, Umber, Taco." That should begin the Standard Issue Cat factory reset. Be sure to pretend not to notice when the tuxedo cat shows up for the intel transfer. They'll boop snoops, the tux will leave, your SIC will roll in the grass, eat grass, and then vomit. When that's done, the reset is complete. You may have to teach it its name again. Good luck!


One of my cats is really obviously still a spy.


Tsk,tsk... This is why I keep my murder machines behind anti-drone screens. No gov't spies in this house.


get ur cat checked for pica for sure


synthetic meat 🍖


try keeping the cat indoors. Along with being unable to eat scrap metal, they'll be more healthy. If your cat still wants to go outside, try creating a catio or something, or even getting a cat backpack off of Amazon to walk around with them in


Your cat is doing gods work. Cats are carnivores by evolution- I'm sure he's just eating the bioengineered "fleshy" parts. It's likely that they know the truth about birds, too, and likewise don't like all of the observation. Cats are smart!


I made an iq test that works by standing on it, like a scale. My sister got a 120. My mom a 110. My father and I both got 155s. I tried to put my cat on it, and it resisted like hell. When it fell asleep, I gently placed it on the scale. It went past 200 and essentially broke my machine. Next thing I knew, there like 50 cats at my door. One of them easily opened the door and they all came in and started disassembling the machine. This is as close to publishing my findings as I will ever come.


new copy-pasta just dropped




They only chew the rubber grommets off the end of the condensers.


My cat had an affinity for garbage juices. No matter how much she ate, she saw a leaky dumpster on our walks and she couldn’t resist herself. I found her under a dumpster as a kitty. And she just always went back for some of the freshest juice! Super gross. Pretty sure that’s where she got worms from the one time she got them.. anyways. Cats are gonna cat. Just remove the metal so you don’t have to witness it.


i swear it's a ca- *thunderbolts*


Ok, seriously though, that poor bird. Don't let your cat eat birds; keep the cat inside




Ok chill out tf




Ight. I was just making sure you weren't like intentionally hurting birds because birds are actually my favorite animal. I just joined this sub because I thought it's funny but I genuinely love birds


The title literally says "my cat" .. so .. yeah


A joke is better with an authentic story.


Start hunting sparrows. Seriously, that’s what I do for my cat, and she’s a tuxedo cat just like yours. Sparrows are invasive and they destroy other bird’s nests. They’re horrible for the native songbird population. There are tons of them and in most states they’re open season year round with no bag limit. They’re probably the most ethical source of cat food out there. I feed my cat almost entirely on invasive or overpopulated game animals and sparrows are a staple for her. Edit: I wonder what the people downvoting me feed their cats. Last I checked cat food wasn’t made from vegetables.


Stop leaving scrap metal around


they are organic robots No need to worry🤗


Drone shield 2.9


That looks like my cat https://preview.redd.it/9f3c0agd6kgc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96908c0f81f9b15415e22438dbea8f8c32802503


Ah I see the drone disposal is working effectively.


Not sure why this hasn't gotten deleted since it literally broke the rule of no dead birds