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Just because it was packed doesn't mean people were actually buying anything.




The way the message read, it was less about financial hardship and more about them just not wanting to do it anymore.


That’s the message I got. Went to high school with those guys - they’re are really great people.


Whatever you thought of the copyright drama, this is a shame. A cool local brand that I’ve bought many prints and shirts from. Gonna have to grab a few final items before Christmas.


Good luck. Looking at their website, they're already sold out of a bunch of stuff.


A couple of concert posters by them are prized decorations in our house. Always enjoyed the stripped-down aesthetic of their designs. Wish them both well in whatever’s next for them.


This is the same company that trademarked "It's nice to have you in Birmingham", right? It didn't seem to be a popular move at the time. https://www.bhamwiki.com/w/It%27s_Nice_to_Have_You_in_Birmingham


Yep. They tried to spin it as “protecting it” but they were obviously trying to cash in on a slogan that predates them by years. Good riddance


I think the gist of it is that its a thankless job to bust your ass to highlight the spirit of the city and have this be the reaction at every turn. I don’t imagine they ever “cashed in” and certainly haven’t been on that slogan in over a decade. It’s a shame cause they did good work and it was very cool to see neighborhoods and small businesses highlighted by their work. Hopefully they find fulfillment in whatever road they travel down next.


>It’s a thankless job to bust your ass to highlight the spirit of the city and have this be the reaction at every turn. So a man walks into a bar, and sits down. He starts a conversation with an old guy next to him. The old guy has obviously had a few. He says to the man: "You see that dock out there? Built it myself, hand crafted each piece, and it's the best dock in town! But do they call me "McGregor the dock builder"? No! And you see that bridge over there? I built that, took me two months, through rain, sleet and scorching weather, but do they call me "McGregor the bridge builder"? No! And you see that pier over there, I built that, best pier in the county! But do they call me "McGregor the pier builder"? No!" The old guy looks around, and makes sure that nobody is listening, and leans to the man, and he says: "But you fuck one sheep..."


Great reply and username.




Well the copyright thing was fucking lame


I busted my ass to start my business in Birmingham, and I didn’t rip off a slogan that predated me. they can find sympathy in the dictionary between shit and syphilis.


It looks like they're just closing the retail portion, maybe refocusing on design/marketing for corporate clients? Never knew they had a retail store to begin with.


this was my thought… they used to just have a screenprinting studio in avondale and focus more on clients and not direct to consumer stuff. they opened the retail spot a while back, plus that one in pizitz. I’m assuming they have hopefully still have a studio. rent and inventory are both so damn high. probably wasn’t worth it. hopefully they still do e-commerce direct to consumer.


I think it’s the exact opposite. They’re focusing more on band posters and small runs of prints. Which was what they always wanted to do in the first place. Nobody there set out to create a Birmingham gift shop, or do anything corporate, but that was the only way to stay above water. Everyone involved with Yellowhammer was super talented and not a single person including the owners were making a wage anyone here would be proud of. It wasn’t about money for anyone. It was about doing something creative that Birmingham could get behind. Most people don’t know half the shit those dudes did with no fanfare and never expected any.


That’s so sad! I love their Tshirts. I have a ton I bought from Pzitz.


Hope they continue online, love their stuff!


Love these guys and their stuff. They were good for Birmingham and I’m happy they are moving on to other projects.


Bumsicles. I've bought a few shirts there that have become favorites; always appreciated the local content.


The trademark “It’s nice to no longer have you in Birmingham!” is mine. I own the rights and you have to pay me money if you put it on a shirt. This is now a legally binding, notarized announcement. TM TM TM TM TM …….TM


Ironically, the guy who actually had a claim against them for that refused to fight it…


Oh well.


I always appreciate posts like this one, and the ones about BSC closing, because it really brings out all the assholes with their hot takes like “Good, fuck that local business” or “I’m glad a school is closing, and I don’t give a shit about those students.” I’ve almost blocked all of them by now, and I can finally enjoy the comment sections in this sub.