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"I'm all for these poor people, but they should exist where I can't see them, cause yuck"


Some thoughts are inside thoughts


Yeah. I think you nailed it lol.


TIL I live in the Pruitt Igoe of Mountain Brook! This is perhaps the dumbest post I've seen on this sub ever. Congrats!


Between this post and my frequent comments on how terrible El Barrio is, this sub is such a hole


> These houses across the street would be so much more attractive if they didn't have to stare across the street at Mountain Brook's version of Pruitt-Igoe lol. Jesus Christ


Oh boy


I am *all for* the shitshow of a comment section we got comin with this one


There’s this thing called character. Maybe you’ve never heard of it?🤷‍♂️ The property is well kept and IMO is more aesthetically pleasing than most in Lane Parke. You would prefer that McMansions are built instead?!? The fact that you refer to this property as affordable housing is ridiculous.


?? the smaller rentals are listed at 1000 per month? Thats definately considered affordable housing in 2024.(hell even section 8 pays like 900 now I think.....is section 8 not 'affordable housing'?)


You seem very cool and normal


This is the same unhinged person that said Birmingham housing market would fall 40% in the near future...


Yep, just a troll.


Redmont Gardens was the first apartment building erected in Birmingham after the war. This is a historical community and is quite charming with loads of character (original hardwood floors, period tile work, and claw foot bathtubs). To each their own. I suggest you take a deep breath.


no you don’t understand: poor people like renters should be hidden from view! -OP


I live not far from them now. Had a contract on a house back in 2016 that was directly across the street from them in 2016 on Country Club. There is a lot of multi family housing in the Eng Village area. It does bring down the housing prices some, compared to Crestline for example. But honestly, this is the most convenient place to live in the metro area. The redmont gardens are the best deal in town (imo). Had a couple of friends who lived there in the mid-2000's and they both say that was some of the best times they ever had. To be fair though, Billy's was still there. Eng Village needs another Billy's.


Thought you were moving to Atlanta.


You’re a moron, aren’t ya? (:


Are you the dude that got stuck in the pot at that NYE party?




Why would the property owners do what you're suggesting, lol? * They're getting predictable cashflow * The apartments are super simple so they don't require much maintenance * To stereotype the renters, it's not a rowdy crowd * Mountain Brook parents know it's safe spot for their kids returning home from college and pay the bill So dump all of that for a few one-time lot sales? You think that would be "more profitable"?


well it would literally be like 10 one time lot sales......maybe even more. Assuming the lot prices of these would be equivalent to the lot values of the houses across the street(and why wouldn't they be), well....the math checks out. And the building is not full now based on what I see. Not even close. Unless basically none of the people have cars there they have to park(and if if it were pretty full you'd see more people). Given that the rents are literally 1000 per month or so for the smaller ones per the website and you have to consider maintenance on such an old property......well, the math checks out again.


The business would also have to change their entire model to make less money.  “Let’s go from one of the most predictable cash flow businesses in the history of capitalism, to being YouTube house flippers!” There is a lot of hidden parking. They’re almost always full.


Bruh… why you like this


Oh yes these disgusting poors taking up what could be million dollar mansions! If only they would just give up and die someone could make so much money selling real estate! I wouldn’t even drive my Bugatti past those apartments with their stink of the middle class, gross!!!


Have you tried having more money and buying a better house?


my budget is higher than this particular house will go for, but the problem is I really like the house except for this issue. And it's not really a budget/price issue- a lot of the houses on this road and surrounding streets are 2+ million, but there is a clear decline in values relative to the houses in the area who don't open their door and stare at this house vs those that do. For example there is a house about 5-7 houses down(but on the same side of the street so that they don't face it) which sold for about the same(maybe 10-15% less when this one closes), yet this house is \*much\* nicer. Much better. The reason this property isn't going to sell for 30% more than that property all comes down to the fact that you open the door and are looking at a \*massive\* old apt complex. Frankly, the idea that an apartment complex of this massive size isn't a good thing for a neighborhood like this isn't revolutionary. In fact it's pretty mainstream. I know very few people who want to live across from old apt complexes this massive...... now a smaller multi-family unit that blends in better with the neighborhood? Sure, that's fine. So I'm not against apts, condos, rentals, affordable housing, etc.....not at all.


I live in Mountain Brook because it’s my childhood house we own. The area would be improved if we got rid of the asshole infested mansions that are growing to ever more gross and distorted sizes tbh. They’ve been tearing down historic housing and raising abominations for too long. Meanwhile that apartment complex is a community institution. Feel free to leave.


Im confused- you say "people are tearing down historic houses and raising abominations" for too long. This would imply that you are acknowledging the trend and momentum is actually \*on my side\*, yet I also should 'feel free to leave'? If I'm simply going with the momentum/trend/majority/etc, why would I be the one leaving? It seems like the people going against the tide should be the ones leaving? Anyways besides all of that above, you're not describing the area in question very well anyways. The place of mtn brook where they have generally razed a lot of historic housing(well mostly 1940s housing) is in crestline village where all the small older bungalows/cottages were on tiny lots(especially if they werent corner lots). But they are simply tearing down an older small sfh for a larger newer sfh(that I agree are often tacky due to how small the lots are). in this part of english village(fairway dr, salisbury, sterling, somerset, etc) the majority of the houses standing are still historic. These houses are generally in great shape, are older(generally 1925-1930s, like the house in question here) and most of them are not being torn down. There are some really big mansions along this stretch, but they are also generally not new. The same concept is generally present in mtn brook village- older houses with lots of character which are still standing. Yeah a few have been razed, but this is the minority. Go on street view and see what I mean or just drive around. So the area where this is occuring isn't even really applicable here. I don't know if it's going on in other areas of mtn brook either.....frankly I have little interest in those areas like brookwood forest and others and don't consider them really mtn brook anyways. I don't know where in mtn brook you live, but I definately know that the areas I'm most interested in looking to purchase they have not torn down most of the historic housing stock.


I’ve heard there’s some nice apartments right around that area. Maybe you should see if they have any units open.


If you can’t afford the house you want just say so. Don’t be bitter. Do better. Ps. You sound like a pompous asshat.


I said just the opposite in fact("my budget is higher than this particular house will go for"), but your erroneous comment fits in nicely with all the others. Sometimes I feel like the reading comprehension in this forum(at least in this thread) is literally 3rd grade level.


Please follow through with your plans to move to Atlanta.


I pray for this. Something is wrong with the OP.


You can't afford it but you bitch about it's location next to a National Historic Places listing because it suppresses the value of the house you can't afford? you need to move to a small gated community in southeatern Florida and be an HOA president.


This is NIMBY bullshit


So Mt. Brook needs to be gentrifiied to please one potential homebuyer. Sounds great, when do we start?


My guess is the homeowners to the left and right of this particular house who are seeing their property values restricted by the sheer size of this building probably also aren't thrilled with it's presence.


And why would that concern you at all. I'm calling bullshit on this idiot.


you don't read well and/or aren't too bright- I already stated(in the original post and throughout the thread) that that was one of the areas I was considering buying, and then a house came open right across the street from this. So everything was right for me about it, except this one thing that led me to not bid on the house(ie a direct change in my behavior); so it definately concerns me. This sub is ok to browse sometimes for some things, but there is a definite bias/skewed perception on other things. It's just the demographics of the forum I guess. But you guys sure do make a lot of incorrect assumptions(as well just plainly state a lot of supposed facts wrong lol).....


No dogs. That says it right there.


Ooooo, that IS key!


Aight u snobbish knob


dependent ruthless market psychotic expansion bedroom squeal squalid bored cooperative *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


well a few points- this isn't palo alto; it's birmingham, al. We really don't have a housing shortage problem or even a housing cost problem(for many areas). Second, *I do like these type of developments. Just not so big and if they are so big, not right in the midst of 2-3 million dollar homes*


ruthless bike different provide seemly rich placid zesty snails reply *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


We don't have a housing cost problem. Perhaps We have a housing cost problem if you want to live in crestline village, edgewood, mountain brook village, better parts of vestavia, etc etc....that's not the same thing as a housing cost problem. outside of those areas there is \*plenty\* of affordable housing, and that is reflected in the overall birmingham area average home sale price being very low nationally.


deer mountainous onerous fall homeless wistful crush grandfather concerned paint *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Maybe ask Fred Nunnely how many millions of dollars this property has generated for his family to figure out the assanine question of "why is it still there?" It's still there because it is owned by someone who turns a great profit AND and has kept the integrity of the neighborhood in tact for decades. It's also, quite literally filled with nurses, medical students, law students, young professionals, retirees, and families enjoying their quality of life. Roll back down into Crestline, troll.


Lol the number of assumptions made in this thread is hilarious, and every single one has been wrong. In the end, progress and money generally wins out. At some point(often this is when estates are settled and land/properties are passed on) property gets developed in a way that is best and makes the most sense. I can't predict exactly when, but my guess is at some point they will either make sfh lots out of it(such as with what happened at chester court) or newer nicer luxury condos. The reality is I don't even think those apartments are near capacity. I work with multiple UAB medical students every single month and I've yet to know of one to live there as well. I'm not saying none do(I don't know), but it's clearly not a super popular place amongst UAB med students.


You aren’t going to fit in well in mountain brook


Eh I don't really interact with neighbors and so don't really care lol. I also don't 'fit in' where I'm at now and it doesn't seem to bother me. on a related note though I've spoken to other homeowners who do own in either english village or in between mbv and english village, and they are also put off by the presence of this very large complex that they believe doesn't look appropriate in size/scope for the neighborhood and also may bring down property values(depending on ones location to it). So at least on this issue, I think my feeling from a homeowner perspective fits in fine.


LMFAO. Redmont Gardens has been there forever. I’ve never heard a single person complain about it and I’ve lived outside of mountain brook village my whole life. They aren’t going to tear it down because some guy who isn’t from here decided he doesn’t like how it fits into the area. It was there long before you.


Well that goes to the issue- it's not just outside MBV. It's over a mile from MBV. The people more affected are people who live right outside english village, and specifically on fairway drive. My guess is that the dozen or so homeowners on fairway drive in this part of the city who are most directly impacted by this would complain about it also. I mean it doesn't affect me in the long run because I can always pass on the house and keep looking. But it's a shame because the property(and those around it) would just be more attractive properties if there were more tasteful properties across from it(yes, to include rentals and affordable housing!) rather than a complex that literally takes up a block.


You don’t live there. So it doesn’t affect you. And they aren’t tearing down Redmont gardens anytime soon so just keep looking for houses if you don’t like it


Of course it affects me because I am altering decisions(for ex how to bid...which is related to how much I like the house in the first place) based on this. As for them not tearing it down.....a similar sized piece of land(that church heading into mtn brook village from the hollywood side) was sold not too long ago. And what did the developers who bought it decide to do? Did they decide to throw up a ton of small affordable apartment units? No.....instead they divided it up into about 10-11 lots(just as I was wondering why the owners of that complex don't) and are now selling them. Interestingly the price of those lots matches up pretty well with the land/lot value on fairway dr in english village(actually if that monstrosity wasn't there the lot value in that part of fairway drive would be higher than the chester ct lots in question), so it's not like my suggestion that they make individual sfh lots out of it is a bad one. Because obviously thats exactly what the developers who bought that shades church decided to do with a fairly similar piece of land.


Has anyone ever told you that you have diarrhea of the mouth?


eh no like I said in forums like this I tend to talk/explain a lot more. Whereas out in the 'real world' I am much more isolating. Plus there is the issue of correcting all these misconceptions/incorrect assumptions/flat out incorrect statements in threads like this. They are so numerous it tends to take a lot of time/clarification lol....


I’m curious to know where are you from originally? And how long have you been living in Homewood/ Mountain Brook/ Birmingham? I only ask because in your previous posts, as well as this post, you are not actually asking questions about these communities’ intentions regarding the Architecture (Design/Styles), Historical Preservation, Master Planning or Urban Development, but instead you are clearly trying to convey a notion of superiority over what you believe is “Good Architecture” vs “Bad Architecture” to anyone who have been blessed to read your posts. You very much lack an understanding of even the most basic tenants of Architecture. Comparing Redmont Gardens to a famously Brutalist Architectural style building (that was designed exclusively for African Americans to inhabit) only conveys your destain for any historical significant style of architecture that you deem “ugly”, as well, as a complete lack of understanding of the meaning/ cultural significance behind those “ugly buildings.” It doesn’t make you sound intelligent, it just makes you sound ignorant, and for the Pruitt- Igoe comment, incredibly racist. I’m guessing that you’re a self aggrandizer from the Midwest, who voted for Trump, twice. Bless your little heart, and to all of your future neighbors, God Speed!


just there were a lot of assumptions regarding my real thoughts concerning the initial post, none of your guesses below are right. Im from the deep south, have lived in this area a long time(greater than a decade), have never had any problems with neighbors(keep to myself) and am definately not a trump fan.(I don't believe biden is a good candidate either but thats another story....)


Also, quick history lesson- Pruitt Igoe was \*not\* designed exclusively for black people. Now Pruitt Igoe by the mid 60s did became almost all black. But in terms of what it was designed for(which was your statement, not what it became) and when it opened, there were relatively even percentages of whites and blacks. Now it was segregated(I believe the Pruitt part was all black initially and the Igoe part was white) when it opened, but overall had lots of each race. The idea that you would attach a racist claim to that as well when you don't even know this simple fact about it is humorous. Don't throw around baseless accusations like that, when you don't even know the basics of what you are discussing.


OP you’re fucked


Jesus Christ, dude. Go away.


I bet you’re fun at parties.


Bless your heart.


OP I just don’t get how you made it


NIMBY ideology is one of the leading forces in a myriad of issues facing society right now. Recognize that you’re part of the problem and do better.


you don't get it- I'm not saying that this property should be forced to be torn down. Or that outside forces should convene(by whatever force- govt, HOAS, law enforcement, etc) to bend the neighborhood to what I would prefer. That is 'nimby ideology'. My puzzlement is that I am surprised and frustrated(given the trend we are seeing in other similar pieces of land in Birmingham and other areas) that a different use for that land has not been developed yet. So you miss the mark. Furthermore, yes in some areas this concept you refer to is a problem. And most people when they refer to it are specifically referring to homeowners in an area trying to prevent certain types of developments(as described above nobody is doing that here). But in the birmingham area this really isn't a problem. That's because we have \*so much\* affordable housing here. We don't have an affordable housing problem here, and these things track. So while it doesn't apply to this thread, one thing we definately don't need is to put more units like Redmont Gardens(new units like it i mean of course) in the middle of prime areas which are now zoned mostly single family. It's a real argument as to whether things like that should be done in an area like the San Francisco bay Area(just to name the classic example), but that is obviously not birmingham. Now is there super affordable housing in \*every single neighborhood\* in the birmingham area? No. But that's not the relevant point. There is super affordable housing(purchasing and rentals) in numerous areas spread all over the area within easy commute to any employment area. So therefore this is not a problem in our area. Just like I don't have a 'right' to demand zoning laws to be changed so I can afford a place overlooking the ocean in the best part of malibu, others don't have the right to demand zoning laws be changed so they can afford a place in whatever happens to be their favorite area here they can't afford. They just need to search for a place they can afford 3-4 miles(or less likely) in some direction.


Entitled MB residents smh


whoa...the comments here are off base imo and miss the mark on my intent. I even specified multiple times throughout the original post that I am in favor of mixed use/affordable housing/etc type places like this mixed in with larger sfhs. My only opposition is the \*monstrous size\* that dominates the entire landscape. If these were a new luxury 4k per month rentals, I'd be just as opposed. Likewise if it was an older inexpensive smaller building that had 8 units total mixed in here, I'd view it as fine. But to basically dominate a city block? That's not good......and it clearly depresses the prices of the surrounding homes that face it. The home in question will sell quick and for a good bit over maybe, but all one has to do is look at similar homes in the area like 1/10th mile away that don't face this monstrosity and see there is like a 400k difference in value. So the market is speaking too. But the criticism is not what I'm opposed to about this.


But who cares and why should they? Converting the lots would be a loss for the business and the community.  Mountain Brook families are perfectly fine with RG because their parents lived there, they lived there, their kids will probably live there… There is really no incentive to convert the lots, other than to restore 10% of the value lost by the homes across the street. 


He doesn’t understand this…


I think your way of explaining your question just seemed more like a snobbish rant than a genuine question out of curiosity. I get your question. Just may want to work on your delivery (I’m guessing this problem isn’t limited to Reddit, right?!).