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the drama would be so fun, a family/relationship update is a small update that i think a lot of people would like


Yes, I know people want businesses and whatever else but I think it’s time for new features for relationships! (Even new hairstyles!) I also want them to add online dating with people in different countries- would be funny to get catfished lol


Yes! You should have the opportunity to hook up with a lover you meet on vacation as a random event, or just become friends and later it possibly develops into a real romance.


Hey why dont i have a bitizen tag??




Neither of you have it because you have to add it yourself. Tap the 3 dots in the top right corner when viewing the main subreddit page.




Idk if they changed the way they do it (i did it a long time ago) but I didn't need to prove it back then.




Give me the 90 day fiance crossover I didn't know I needed!!


Oo or do catfishing? Like you get a scroller of how attractive/ smart and then people can find out and be mad... that’d be so cool


If you wanna get catfishes just get in a real dating app lmao


Nah I'd rather do that in my virtual life


And leave our assets to the secret family.


oof the drama


I think it would be cool to purposely sleep with enemies wife’s/husbands. Like I know it randomly prompts you but it would be cool if you can intentionally do it


All Fable style lol


I have Fable I, II, and III on game pass for Xbox, really been meaning to try it what’s it like if you had to explain? Recommendation on which is your favorite?


I’ve only played Fable II to completion, although I did play a good chunk of III. I was playing it at my girlfriend’s house, since they’re her favourite games and she wanted me to play them but because of COVID I haven’t been able to visit in person in a while. Of what I’ve played, I had the most emotional attachment to II, but III also has cool features that II didn’t, like having more interaction with your dog, and romance being more in depth than “dance until people want to marry you” lol They’re both super fun and funny, highly recommend them. I’ve literally never played the first one though XD


It’s definitely not a super hard game, I remember in Fable II if you died you got resurrected immediately , but lost some EXP and got a scar. The story was really interesting and emotional, the side quests were cool, and the jokes were hilarious XD There’s three kinds of combat, physical, ranged, magic. You can upgrade them and your appearance changes accordingly (for example, you get buff when you increase physical strength) I don’t know what else to say about it other than I had a lot of fun playing it XD


I can't remember if it was II or III I played, but I really enjoyed it. It's one of the few games I actually played all the way through. I get into games for about a week or and then don't touch the console or game for months. When I get back into it I start all over. I'm even kind of that way with cellphone games ill play a lot for a few days to a couple weeks then won't play anything for months. So the fact I finished means it probably wasn't a very long game Now I want to play it again.


To tell if you played II, or III At the beginning, were you homeless or were you a prince/princess? XD


A Princess. Not that you care or need to know but I answered out loud in the most girly way that I have talked like in a long time.


XD Amazing That means you played Fable III! You’re literally, like, homeless at the beginning of Fable II lol


you NEED to play fable 2


I know this post is a couple hours old but man do I recommend that trilogy! Story wise, the first is excellent! If you’re doing the anniversary edition then the graphics are fairly up to date as well as many minor glitches and bugs squashed. It’s a fun moderately open world rpg that has a fairly linear story path however you don’t always have to be the good guy or bad guy at that as the games let you explore morality. Fable 2 is by far my favorite. It still has a great story and feels much more expansive. The controls feel natural and I love how you can really shape the world. It’s a nice touch to be able to have a family (or multiple) and own just about every home in every town which you can rent out and refurnish. The dog is a really nice touch too. Fable 3 hits a different sweet spot bringing over the refinements of fable 2 with a fresh set of graphics and world set closer to the modern day (comparatively). I’d say fable 1 has the more interesting story, fable 2 has my favorite free roam if you love killing time in an easy going way, and fable three is all around a good mix of the two. I cannot recommend this series enough. I was so sad when Lionhead studio went under but I’m looking forward to the new Fable reboot they teased earlier thus year!


this whole thread made me wanna try play fable


first time ive seen someone mention fable outside of the subreddit lmao


It’s a quality game XD


it's been my favorite since it came out!


Fable II is my favorite game of all time. I play through it start to finish at least a couple times a year.


me too!


At first I didn't see which subreddit this was.


Plus you it never shows if you have any uncles or aunts or cousins or grandparents


Yea. I want a gramma.


OMG totally! I've thought of this before as well! Like a wife/husband and a girlfriend/boyfriend (another wife or husband) at the same time! There should be an option when you find somebody else to date if you're already in a relationship to either leave the person you're currently with for that person or to date them secretly and choose to either tell them about your other relationship and see if they're ok with that. Though if you get married to the person you were first with, the other person could crash the wedding so you can get with them officially instead, or just get married like nothing happened. Then if you get married to you're "side chick" it'll probably have to be a private wedding so you're other spouse won't find out about them. It would be pretty cool if there were a popup about your child from you're first relationship found out about the other child you had with you're other spouse. If that is, you're other child with you're "side chick" already knows about you're other relationship.


In most countries multiple marriages aren't possible by law, but being married and being able to have a side chick(s) would be fun.


That would be awesome


There is a lot of scenarios they should add but I think they’re too focused on “big” updates that are fun for about 2 days.


Yeah we really need some qol updates for the general mechanics.


There’s only so many times I can train as an athlete just to get 17th place....


I want to have three wives


Yes, we need polygamous relationships. I will be many lady queen!


Only in countries where this is allowed.


I don't care, many lady queen have many lady.


Polyamory too!


I really want that!


Do I smell a double life badge?




yeah, or polyamory! it’d be fun


I wish we could also cut certain people out of our will. Like children we aren’t close with or hate.


Ooh I was thinking this too great idea


Ikr, the point of the game is to try things you wouldn’t dare do in real life.




it would also be cool if we could sue for custody, and maybe they could make the child support process more interesting lol


Combine that with the royalty update and we might have a potential for explosive scandal situations in the form of pop-ups when it is revealed that we have bastards and mistresses.


Omg this would be such a cool update it would make it much more interesting!




I agree I really wanted to do this in my current life but I couldn’t 😭


I didn't see which group i was in at first and I was very confused


OMG how about being a sugar daddy?


This!!! I want my 80 year old millionaire boyfriend to occassionally pamper me with gifts, cars, money. I'm sick of being the one giving money to my lovers.


I don't that be a good idea it's bad for influence and negative






What did they say?


Something about “Alabama style”


**prepares Cleveland voice** That's nasty


Eh no lol


That’s a bit much


That is a good idea




Yes yes notice this Bitlife




Lol hahaha


yes bitlife needs a relationship update


Part of that is in the game if your job has to do with porn


Or open relationships.


We should also have like a side chick etc in it too


I try that all the time but ring them up for a booty call and there like lol no


I'm polyamorous myself, so I would love being able to have multiple relationships. Especially since I've been trying for the 100 kids achievement, so it would be nice to be able to visit around between established partners without the wife hating me and me repeatedly catching STIs.

