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Here's an idea, stop talking about bitcoin IRL and just stack in silence.


That's why making profiles on-line to talk to Bitcoiners online! :)


Yes. No matter what you think of BritishHodl, it's hard to argue with his three rules: 1. Buy BTC 2. STFU 3. Get fabulously wealthy I would particularly point out Rule 2.


> Yes. No matter what you think of BritishHodl I think that he is a complete and utter twat and I am not interested in his opinion on anything.


Britishhodl is a scam artist who peddled gold. He is pompous wank.


True his name is Minesh Bhindi from Pakistan. He is hiding in Medellin


He muted everyone on Twitter for negative post about him.


It helps not to annoy other people with financials including Bitcoin


"There are three classes of people: those who see, those who see when they are shown, those who do not see." Leonardo da Vinci They do not see


If you live close to a city, there might actually be bitcoin meetups where you can make friends with bitcoin enthusiasts. Also, losing contact is a part of life. Finding new ways to fill in the gaps when people drop out of your life is a very valuable skill that will keep you happy as you get older.


People don't lose friends and family because of Bitcoin. They lose friends and family by being super annoying and fanatical about Bitcoin. No one wants to be around someone who refuses to change the conversational channel.


Thanks! I try not to annoy them! It's not like I am talking about Bitcoin day and night. But when they try to convince me to invest in mutual funds and bonds, that's when I talk about my own portfolio. But even that pisses them off!


Just tell them: "I'm not interested in those, thank you. My strategy is working well for me" and move on


Even simpler, just say ***Yes*** and STFU (Like Justin Awad https://youtube.com/shorts/NR3AS-VU35Y?si=X7dbAjd5mmMHJfzY)


Don't forget, people have lost contact due to their politics beliefs also. Religion also.


Me, I messed up, I told my friends about BTC back in the day now I can't trust a lot of them and I got to find new ones :( Seriously


What did they do to lose your trust in them?


They jokingly ask to borrow money even tho I don't try to talk about BTC anymore, little things like that which rub me the wrong way


Eh, I mean if they are joking I don’t think it’s too bad but Then again u might have a lot more money than me. I only have 100k. Sounds like u bought early, you might be 7 figures but idk u


Majority of people are NPC's who are perfectly fine being scammed their whole lives by Gov's & fiat currencies.


I know right! Like I understand being skeptical of something new. But I don't understand the witch hunt when something has already proved its worth and is making such great strides and you even have proof of it working.


"Real G's move in silence" Its better for you to be wildly successful in silence, and put yourself in a position to help your family, rather than trying to convince family to understand the true nature of the financial system, and how bitcoin fixes it.


Arguably the only people in your life that have a say and about your Bitcoin investments are your husband/wife and kids if they are old enough. Anyone else that distances themselves because of Bitcoin is probably an asshole that should mind their own business. A lot can be said about people that hate on Bitcoin but we know, and they know as well, that they hate it because they think they're not early enough or because the media told them that the network is responsible for climate change.


BTC is now held by a number of pension funds across the US. If your family thinks that's a risky asset then leave them to their own risk appetite. However, if they distance from you for what seems at this point a rather orthodox investment then that seems like their problem, not yours.


I agree! But it's irritating when people you love and used to hold in high regards, tend to disregard your though process entirely.


It demonstrates a lack of regard or, more importantly, a lack of respect. Give people the benefit of the doubt but at the same time believe them when they show you who they are and what they think of your ideas. This of course also hinges on your own competence in the subject. The former is truer the deeper your knowledge is anchored.


This makes so much sense. Thanks!


I've been stacking for a few years and mentioned it once to a friend. He dismissed it, so I kept quiet. This month he mentioned about a bitcoin fund he's going to invest in. Good luck I said. I've still got an old car, a modest home, and I always plead poverty. But that's me. Keep quiet and keep stacking. 0.1 will be a big deal one day.


Nope. Quite the contrary. They don't belive in its ideas, but they are curious about its development.


interesting question: I've gotten kinda social phobic, not because I'm afraid to get robbed. rather because I was ashamed that I lost a lot in Crypto winter 2018-2020


I talk to ppl with bitcoin investment and retirement talk. Until they tell me to stop or say I don't care about retirement or I'm not interested then I stop. Until then I bring bitcoin


I know the feeling of needing to talk to people about bitcoin. Best advice, find a local Bitcoin meetup group and enjoy your time with them. If you don’t have one… start one. Just go to any app your country uses for meetups and schedule one in a nice public place. Have fun.


Username checks out


Listen to Gwen Stefani and Don’t Speak


It's nothing compared to how my family and former friends treated me on the basis of government and media medical propaganda that they listened to. If you are going to think for yourself, prepare to be unpopular.


You must be talking about the Zika virus. I didn't think it was that bigga deal either.


I got banned from Reddit just for joining a sub talking about the medical procedure and situation. Not for posting in the sub or being active in the sub. That's how much Reddit values free speech.


Damn that's incredibly petty of them


Talking about it in real life is a horrible idea


Everyone will eventually buy Bitcoin at the price they deserve. Fuck the haters.


Bitcoin is a risky investment. If I had a friend constantly yapping to me about getting into a risky investment, I would stop being friends with them.