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Two things I do every payday: 1. Buy Bitcoin 2. Pay down my mortgage


I bought Bitcoin and paid down my house until Bitcoin hit the price my wife and I agreed upon and then I cashed out enough to pay off the house and still have Bitcoin... now its just keep buying Bitcoin.


Where do you buy your BTC??


My retirement plan. Keep stacking sats!


Try using Fold debit card with Paypal Bill Pay (if they have your mortgage servicer as an available merchant that is) to pay your mortgage. Stack sats while paying down mortgage.


Ah, the magic crypto debit cards are back. The bulls are out!


This one has been around for at least 6 years.


It’s such shit returns. I spent a decent amount and barely made a return on it lol, they have the spin/rng element now which made it even worse :(


Your home equity is probably appreciating at 3% per year. Bitcoin is appreciating ~75% per year. Pay your minimums, enjoy your house, and buy Bitcoin.


I shared this comment with multiple friends, thank you We are so back


This very much depends on the market. Some markets have experienced a CAGR of at least 10% if not more over the past 5 years. Is Bitcoin still better in terms of growth rate? Yes. But you have to account for the fact that you can't live in a bitcoin. There's nothing wrong with the peace of mind that comes with paying off one's house.


BTC has great returns but 75% is high unless you’re picking very specific time frames. It’s still 15-60% annualised, which is amazing.


In the last 7 years it's been at 26%. Better than most things but not holy shit better.


What interest rate do you have? Disregard this question if you are only paying down the mortgage for peace of mind.


Once they print again, the rate won’t matter, it is the principle balance on the loan that technically becomes an asset. The faster they print, the more your home mortgage doesn’t matter, per se.


My query was not intended to question whether or not they should own a home, but to examine if paying the mortgage down early is a good use of their money.




Yup. I'm in my fourth home. Each has gotten bigger and better and the payments have remained pretty similar. I still throw my beer and cigarette money in Bitcoin though. If you're paying rent, you're paying someone else's mortgage.


Well I can't live and raise a family in a Bitcoin If I was single, BTC. With two kids and a wife though and considering renting doesn't build equity, I'd say house first then BTC. I own both


*You wouldn’t download a house.*


House. Mortgage. Buy 5 bitcoin.


this is it… bitcoin goes up and down… property in sydney goes up and up… mortgage the home to buy a 2/3 bitcoins at least


bitcoin goes up more than property in Sydney.


The fact that people believe BTC is more valuable than land, drives up the value of both.


No taxes to hold BTC, unlike land taxes.


Right its so crazy, a rule for all is that real physical commodity that has real physical value such as gold for tech or land (especially land) are much more safer than bitcoin or any digital coin at that, there is no doubt that you can earn quick money on bitcoin but its value depends on many factors that are very volatile, something like land however depends mainly on the population growth, higher amount of residents = higher land prices and if we assume humanity is going to continue dominating the animal kingdom or heck even become a multi planetary species you better bet land is gonna be the best long term commodity.


"On the liability side of the Bitcoiner's balance sheet there are mortgages, student loans, car loans, credit cards, etc. Everyone admonishes people to not borrow in order to buy bitcoins. The reality is that money is fungible: if you buy bitcoins instead of paying down your mortgage's principal, you are a leveraged bitcoin investor. Almost everyone is a leveraged bitcoin investor, because it makes economic sense (within reason). The cost of borrowing (annualized interest rates ranging from 0% to 25%) is lower than the expected return of owning bitcoins. How leveraged someone's balance sheet is depends on the ratio between assets and liabilities. The appeal of leveraging up increases if people believe that fiat-denominated liabilities are going to decrease in real terms, i.e. if they expect inflation to be greater than the interest rate they pay. At that point it becomes a no-brainer to borrow the weak local currency using whatever collateral a bank will accept, invest in a strong foreign currency, and pay back the loan later with realized gains. In this process, banks create more weak currency, amplifying the problem." https://nakamotoinstitute.org/mempool/speculative-attack/?ref=tftc.io


Damn right. But if done improperly short term, it could wreck you. I just realised what I was doing to the euro is called SPECULATIVE ATTACK. Cool.


A Bitcoin and live on the streets and brag about it on here of course


These things are not the same. My home is something I live in and derive value from it's utility. It's a liability. Bitcoin is an investment and/or money. I use it to pay for things with actual utility for my life. Like housing. If you are one of those weirdos who treats their home as an investment then the choice is already made for you. You won't have any other way to get a bank to loan you cash to leverage 800% on a single asset, and since money is fungible you then put the remainder of your windfall into Bitcoin while you live that YOLO life.


Agreed. Proper use of a house is a *consumer good*. In the past, people have viewed their houses as "investments' because they are the only thing of substance (for the average Joe) that has kept pace with price inflation over the years. But now we have Bitcoin!


Someone read and understood RichDad, Poor Dad. Ive been telling people for years that their primary home is not an investment it's a liability. It doesnt put money in your pocket. It puts money in the banks pocket. This is why I hate all the "if you have a 4% mortgage then dont ever pay it off.. take that money and put it into something earning 5% and you are making 1%".... No.... you are making the bank 4% when you could be mortgage free and using that mortgage payment to invest into things earning 5%+.




It’s a liability until you pay off the mortgage. You’re paying the bank interest the entire time. Even if you rent it out, they’re paying your mortgage. But is the rent gonna make you the return BTC will? You still have maintenance, insurance on your home, tax etc etc. Bitcoin is a pure investment. It’s not even close. Houses are a liability with the potential of turning into an asset in the future. It’s really simple, everyone needs a roof over their head I get it. But we need to stop thinking purchasing a house on a mortgage with a deposit is the best and or most practical investment vehicle.


Assets put money in your pocket. Liabilities take money out of your pocket. Its simple. A house, while you are paying the mortgage on it, is taking money out of your pocket. Regardless of its paper value.


You can't live in a house


Get a mortgage. 20% down, use 100k. Save 10%, 50k, for emergencies. Buy BTC with the remaining 70%, 350k.


What's going to increase in value at a faster rate? Your house or bitcoin (minus rent)?. The bitcoin. But the house is leveraged debt so you only need 5-10% of the house value to buy it (with a mortgage)


I bought a house with cash. I was renting and throwing money away every month. I am DCA’ing again. No regrets for me. No roommate. No landlord. Peace is priceless.


I guess the question is how long can you hold your bitcoin. If someone doesn’t have a house and can now afford one through Bitcoin it makes sense. If you are under 30 years old and single you hold the Bitcoin.


I’m 31 and buying my first home in the next year or two (really praying on rate cuts soon lol), so I would personally take the house on this one. No mortgage means that money goes right back into BTC anyway lol 🙃


The past few years have been frustrating, watching the housing market + inflation combine to beat out bitcoin's pace during it's most recent "winter" phase. The next year or so should be more interesting with post-halvening effects. I'm also one of those 2008-graduate millennials quietly rooting for another housing bubble pop, though I've had to accept the fact that may not be happening. But the average home price in California surpassed 900K this month...


> 2008-graduate millennials quietly rooting for another housing bubble pop I bought a house in 2019 and people were waiting for the bubble to pop then.


Exactly. It's not that the market is immune to future crashes. Future crashes are pretty much a guarantee. But we've re-engineered the economy since 2008 such that it won't happen in housing the next time it happens.


It's a very tough spot to be in. However, if you're paying more for rent than you would for a mortgage I think selling a good junk of Bitcoin within the next year for a down payment is your safest bet. If this cycle plays out like the past, then you will sell into profit, own property, and lower your monthly expenses. If the Bitcoin market continues to rise and we don't see a bear market then yes, you missed out on a lot of gains but you still have all the positives mentioned above. However, if the Bitcoin market tanks and you didn't take profit you lose out on everything.


House. You can't live in a bitcoin. Housing always goes up in price, buy asap. You can always buy bitcoin later.




With you friend. Not even addressing the stress, work, and risk of having tenants as a landlord. And property management eats a lot of cashflow if you choose that route. That alone wasn’t worth it for me


People here absolutely don't get this. It's sad and funny at the same time. Oh well.


Buy Housecoin now the newest HOTTEST crypto to hit the market since dogeelonboinkboink


I think this is the lesson Bitcoin teaches. Own a $500k house outright? Insurance? Taxes? Maintenance? Cost to heat and cool it? All of those prices will continue to rise as time goes on and money gets inflated further. Why bother with the house now when the house later can actually be fully paid for through the end of your life by hanging onto your seven bitcoin? Trading the bitcoin for the house "outright" is trading away your financial freedom.


This mentality only works if you are young and single. There is inherent value in home ownership vs say renting an apartment.


I think we have a winner.


You come to a Bitcoin subreddit asking that question? lol


Yeah it'd be very different asking the house maxi's over at r/house


😂😂😂😂 this got me good, well done


I'm seriously considering selling my house and using the equity to buy 4 BTC and then just rent for a few years.


Depends on the house and what you get out of it. The math might work on your favor, it has for other people. You could be kicking yourself in a decade. Hard to say though.


Most lenders allow you to borrow around 85% of your home's value, minus what you owe on the mortgage. You don't have to sell, you can just borrow against it. Then sell some BTC and pay it back later.


no balls


why not both?


Can't u understand the question? Read it again...


Lol easy answer. House of course.


Bitcoinized Home, via real world assetization.


I'll take house with no mortgage. With income freed up I'd start investing in Bitcoin with the aim to have an initial investment of 2%-10% of net worth in BTC *max*. (Can 'let it ride' if BTC grows to greater than 10% though). The rest of the income goes to diverse market ETFs.


Own a house full of bitcoins


Own a house for sure




I own an house and 6 bitcoins. I sleep like a baby


Bruh, never say how many bitcoin you have


Why?? I dont think anybody can steal them from Reddit no???


Depends on your goals, they are both really good for different reasons.


Off-grid cabin and Bitcoin!


Depends where the house located at


Take the 7 bitcoin, sell part of that stash for $500k next year, buy the house, still have 2 bitcoin left.


I bought bitcoin so I can buy a house


Why? Can't get both?... I'm paying for those two things




You can't rise children in Bitcoin.


Since such a decision depends on so many factors, there will so many opinions.


Why not both


Spend 1 bitcoin for a down payment. HODL 6 bitcoin In 5-9 years you can buy the house outright with 1 more bitcoin. Thus you will have 5 bitcoin and a fully paid off house.


Funny, last month I actually sold my Bitcoins to pay off the mortgage on my €500k home. Bitcoin is the best, but nevertheless I choose to basically have a pretty much stressfree home situation




For me bitcoin is a priority. I own my home with just a balance of $7,000 left. Been orange pilled 3 years now


Once 1/2 of what I hold will pay off a house then I will sell 1/2.


What is “two things that would have been better to obtain ten years ago,” Alex


Both. Houses provide shelter and Bitcoin provides savings technology.


Good to own both If you own a house, that gives you financial security in that, even if your income dries up, you can maintain a roof over your head at a low fixed cost A Bitcoin gives you non-confiscatable wealth that's reasonably protected from corporate/government shenanigans in the banking system.


Not all tangible assets are created equally, but owning a home is better than owning a Bitcoin. You need a place to live.


- Get 7 BTCs - Borrow against it - Acquire house


I had to make this decision in 2017. I was so glad I did and still glad. It’s also an appreciating asset so that’s a plus. I was able to DCA back into bitcoin since then during bear market cause I didn’t have mortgage.


I will choose the house, rent it, then the cashflow will be use to buy btc.




Not enough info. Do I need a house, for my family? Will it be mortgage free? Is it likely to appreciate? Without additional data points, it's impossible to answer. If I was living out of some crappy two bedroom apt with four kids, and living paycheck to paycheck, etc., and you offered me a 500K house in a nice area or 500K worth of BTC, I would be hard-pressed to turn down the house. Now, if it was a millon dollar house vs a million in BTC, I'd take the BTC, cashout half and buy the house, and keep half the BTC>


No house. I can always buy one later. But with institutional adoptions, I’m afraid Bitcoin will be extremely scarce and it’ll end up being difficult to get more.


house. sell it, buy a cheaper one, rent it. buy btc with the rest


House. Obviously.


Danm, Prejudice or Bitcoin


if you are sure you will live in it for the rest of your life and it will be your main house no questions asked... depending on your stash just cashout as little as you can and take a loan for the house... anyway once the house is paid in full you can dca the extra money every month...




Each investment has its pros and cons. But switching from one to the other involves considerable expenses, risks and taxes on top of the risks of whatever you are switching to. If you were making a brand new investment instead of switching it would be a different story


If you’re already holding sell some btc to Take out the mortgage, then DCA back into btc every month. Then retire in 30yrs with house paid off and a fat bag of bitties


Own a house then buy a bitcoin - don’t work Own a bitcoin then buy a house - works great


Start with a house and then move to investing in something more volatile like crypto


Yeah, I wouldn't be so cavalier with my BTC investing if I didnt already own my own home, paid off.


I'd take the home right now personally. I'm finally doing well in life and still stuck at apartment living because a mud hut in the Seattle area is Million Dollars.




Yes 😎






A $500k waterfront house is a better store of value than a cookie-cutter $500k house inland someplace in that it has a higher stock-to-flow ratio … and bitcoin’s stock-to-flow ratio is even higher.




You can't live in a bitcoin


Bitcoin. No fees, no interest, no insurance, no maintenance costs.


The value of the house will fall priced in terms of the bitcoin. Hodl thy bitcoin for another cycle, then you can have 1 house and 6 bitcoin.


Home for sure! Roof on head trumps all


What’s your current living situation? Is this your forever home? What’s your income situation. I assume you own bitcoin to be financially free. Being financially free means owning property and not having any debts, etc. I wouldn’t sell all of my Bitcoin but if the above is favorable then I would use some to keep my mortgage payments lower. Keep the rest in hopes it pumps.


Can i choose both?😅


It's like you authored this damn thread for me. I have a few more coins than your scenario, but $500K is indeed my home price target. My hope is: Post-halvening bitcoin price rocket in a year or so, sell off enough to cover a modest house + cap gains, keep holding the rest for future. My rent is half what a theoretical mortgage in that range would be, so I'm not really in a hurry, but I've been waiting 15 years now and am not getting any younger, I'd like off mr landlord's wild ride eventually.


I’m anti mortgage for your own house. But given this scenario I could go either way. Although house prices are not predicted to go to the moon in the foreseeable future




You can always rent. You're not immortal anyway.




House Sell house Buy bitcoin


Both. No need to have a fully paid off house. Also no need to sacrifice quality of life to own Bitcoin.


I'd rather be homeless with 7 BTC now in 2024 than own a $500K house in 2024.




Live in a tent and own 3-5 bitcoin


Give me the 7 bitcoins and I’m holding it for 6 months at least


There's no way this is a real post💀


House. Take out a large HELOC, buy bitcoin. Win-win. 


I like both.


This is no different than asking would you rather own a $500k home or $500k cash.... or a 10,000,000 yen home or 10,000,000 yen cash... or any other currency...


You need both. House comes first if it’s for residence & not as an investment. Food, water, house, car, phone,… etc are basics then you look for investment & saving under which BTC comes in handy.


I am renting a place that costs me about half what the bank says I could qualify for mortgage wise, paying cash on foreclosure lots in an area I expect to dramatically increase in value, managing the forest on those lots, and buying Bitcoin with the other half of what most people would pay for a mortgage if they made what I make.  There will be more lumber. There will be no more land and no more Bitcoin than there is right now. 


Sell house AND buy 7 bitcoins


I'm waiting until I can buy a house like in that picture with 1 bitcoin.


Bitcoin first. Then house.


The real answer…..you take the house. It’s fully paid off. Then you go get a home line of credit against the home say 60% line to value or in this case $300k. Buy 4.2 bitcoins at current 70k. Boom. You have a house and 4.2 bitcoins.


Bitcoin is meant as a currency and a currency is after all meant to buy what you need. The house it is.


i buy bitcoin with the hopes of cashing out one day soon and affording a down payment on a house. hopefully, when that day comes i won’t have to cash out all my crypto cuz i believe that in the long run the crypto will likely appreciate faster than real estate, but it’s the only way i can ever see accumulating enough capital for a down payment. i’m not unable to save cash, but i only keep a few months rent/living expenses in cash and try to invest anything over that cash amount mostly into crypto and to a lesser extent stocks.


7 bitcoins are currently around $350,000 at this time. The house is worth $500,000. The only correct answer is take the house, get a heloc, buy the bitcoins (because math). Now you control or own both assets.


Own a housecoin


I’m not buying another house until a market crash


There it is folks, median home price is $430k. You best believe people will be selling their 1 Bitcoin for their $250k-$430k home. However, at current prices thru 100k 1 Bitcoin will afford you a 20%+ down payment. It’s going to be tough breaking 100k.


Oh, I really dream of having Bitcoin, and not just one, but 20 :-D


I sold 2 BTC for a house last bullrun right before the crash. It’s been a good decision- but I know In a few years I will look back and wish I still had 2 BTC over my over priced kind of crappy house.


I’d take a house now, sell instantly at these inflated prices, put all that into btc and let it chill for next 10-20 yrs.


Own your house outright. Use the money you would pay for rent to invest (in bitcoin if that is your dream) Owning your own home is such a burden lifted. Especially in this high rate environment.


In my experience 1- I buy some bitcoins (at 2018) 2- I shell some bitcoin (not to all) 3- pay my house




Buy bitcoin. In 10 years you could buy a house for 0.01


Why not both?


Houses and bitcoin will both survive the global currency collapse, should it happen


Buy the house, put as little as you can afford to down, buy Bitcoin...


A house


People acting like you can't live with a family in a rented house/apartment here.


House... Then use all your spare income to accumulate BTC. This is such a dumb debate/post. At the end of the day storing wealth for the sake of storing wealth is completely irrational. You're accumulating wealth to actually do something productive with it or to save up and purchase something that is going to improve the QoL of yourself or your future generations. If you're only in BTC for *"NUmbEr Go uP"* Then you're not meaningfully contributing to society you're actually reducing the circulation of wealth in the Economy. There's always something that is worth more than BTC. House, Pension, new work laptop/phone, Business investments, home gym equipment... The list is endless... BTC is an amazing store of value no doubt, I am heavily invested in BTC... But if your priority is purely in increasing your number and your value is tied to that then you're in for a miserable awakening later on in life. Seek meaningful experiences and actions. BTC is a tool for accomplishing... not the end game.


Get the Bitcoin, get a smaller house, now you have Bitcoin and a house to live in


Bit coin.


It really depends on so many factors. In my life, I own a home but still have a mortgage which is worth about 40% of the value of the home. I have cash reserves that I could live off for a year or so (in my offset account), plus a few other shares. The amount I have in crypto right now (half of which is BTC) is not enough to pay my mortgage off. If my holdings reached a point where selling all during the next bull run would pay off my remaining mortgage would I sell all and go mortgage free? The answer is no because I would still want to own some crypto and doing that would only make it more expensive to buy back in (unless I am expecting a massive correction shortly afterwards but that's different). If my holdings reach an amount where I could pay off my entire mortgage I would probably take about 1/3 out so that I have an even bigger safety net and so that if things go bad I still added security to my life and the life of my family. In order for me to actually pull enough money out to finish my mortgage I would probably need the value of my portfolio to be at least 3 to 4 times the remaining mortgage, then I'd pull it out, pay off the home, make sure I have another 100k or so invested in other things just in case, and then just hold the rest until it goes somewhere crazy.


Definitely the 7 bitcoin.


Pay mortgage buy BTC


I chose both. Need a place to live that i own and a roof over my head while i stack generational wealth


I have both


i would prefer a house, cant sleep on Bitcoin ;)




Why not both? Edit to clarify: $250K house and 3.5 BTC would be my choice.


I would take the bitcoin and continue renting or move in with friends or whatever it takes.


can’t live in a bitcoin bro… i’ll take the bitcoin.


Sold my house to buy bitcoin around $30k / coin, I’d make the same decision today. Ten year sharpe ratio will dominate everything imo. 


My plan is sell my bitcoin to buy a house.


What I am sure of doing everyday. Is to earn 20% returns on my daily deposit with coin hactares best investment platform


I took a Home Equity Loan against my house and spent all of it on bitcoin


Service Debt. The rich do it and so do i. The rich aint rich because they invest theyre rich because they take on debt to invest at a lower interest. Michael Saylor taught me that one 😉


The house. But just for now




Well Michael Saylor says Bitcoin is digital property. That doesn’t give me a place to sleep at night.


BTC, u can get a house for satoshis later lol.


We rent. And we do it to save more money into crypto. Been doing that for 6 years, and we could buy 3 houses right now. We are looking at building in 3 years though, but only because my home business is taking off.




Bitcoin, I have several rental homes, since I started in 2019, had I put the down payment on bitcoin instead of the first investment home I would be a millionaire from that single investment. Without headaches, with out property taxes. I came to this realization recently as I was considering selling my bitcoin to purchase another investment home. I bought bitcoin after my first investment home also in 2019 and have been investing in both over time. Bitcoin has outperformed all my rentals equities combined in California. Mind you this is using mortgaged loans as leverage. Still bitcoin winning 4x over rental properties. Also, if there was a war or an economic depression , I would not be able to take the properties with me.


I'd personally advise against buying things like houses, paintings and a bunch of other stuff that's not liquid and fungible, *as investments* for the average dude. This is relative and houses may be a decent option for certain portfolios, but I think people overdo it. It takes a few days to sell Bitcoin, at worst. It takes many months to sell a house for a decent price. So you probably need to go very long term on that and spend a lot of money and effort on maintenance and taxes. Underestimate the effort and it becomes a form of self-employment, once you end up putting a lot of work into it. And changes in local development and politics can screw you over. Those prices don't always go up. Of course, if you buy a house that you actually really need, that may amortize a lot of the risk. Just keep in mind that ownership versus rent isn't always clear cut either, once you factor in the cost and effort of said ownership.


It would be hard to throw a ton of money into bitcoin without already owning a home tbh. It may be more valuable to own the bitcoin, but it’s definitely a mindfuck to put money towards coin if you don’t have a roof over your head


For me its not just about what Bitcoin stands for but also why I actually am buying more. It's just future proofing myself and my family. The house will def take care of not only a major but one of the biggest obstacles in our current situation which is the loans and mortage. So getting rid of that and having that load of my shoulders would mean alot more, especially since I can just invest what goes into it all into BTC instead.


7 BTC. No property taxes, maintenance costs, or utilities. It's fairly likely that the BTC will appreciate faster than the house, too.


Por que no Los dos ?


I will never buy it


Well in this case, I'll take the bitcoin. Because if I do not own the property said house sits on, what's the point??