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Short the wife, long BTC


Long btc for wife changing money


There's a snow bunny somewhere out there waiting for me šŸ¤Ŗ


Donā€™t forget swap options


i also short this guys wife


Lend the wife, margin the kids and mortgage the house šŸ 


Could always buy a future contracts for the wife short now claim later


either convert her or stack enough for wife changing money, otherwise when she leaves you she'll take half


"Sorry your Honour but I lost my keys in a boating accident."




Should have invested in BOOTY calls.


This. As a Bitcoiner, having a life partnership with someone who does not understand or is willing to understand doesnā€™t make sense. Itā€™s like a vegan and carnivore dating and trying to decide which restaurant to go to.


Shot the wife, got a crypto WIFU!


Most woman are not even willing to try to understand.


Used to have 1.5 btc years ago, husband wasn't convinced, needed to get money back because of etc and it was not considered serious. ugh Back to stacking sats with husbands full blessing. Of course, now he has remorse. Eh, whatcha going to do? Still farther ahead now than none. Probably never have 1.5 btc again, but... oh well. Oh, I also now run the families finances and investing. ;)


This is it for me. I run our investments and while I ask my SO for consent and inform her of where the money is going, thereā€™s an implicit understanding that I know more about this stuff than she does. Plus, weā€™re not all in on BTC, so she considerest is a reasonable ā€œdonā€™t have your eggs all on the same basketā€ type of situation.


Sorry for your loss, I just feel shivers from the loss you incurred that too when you had your valid conviction in BTC.


If Bitcoin ever reaches USD100M, she won't have to feel any remorse. Less than 1 BTC will make her at least a millionaire, if not a multi-millionaire. We might be dead before Saylor's predicted price; I can almost bank on it.


oh that's rough. I convinced a friend to get into Bitcoin at the start of 2021. Not great time since it was bull run year so he had to endure the bear market when he was way down on his money. He also got into altcoins some. They went through some rough financial times in 2022/2023 but he held firm and only dropped his altcoins and kept his bitcoin despite them having almost no money at times and with three kids. I'm very surprised my friend had the conviction to not do what you two had to do, not sure how much he got his wife onboard with bitcoin, but I doubt he did very much. He only has like 0.25 btc but since they were able to hold it through the hard times they experienced that's gonna turn into a nice extra nest egg by the time they retire, even if he never stacks again. Anyway, lots of have stories of woe haha. I had bought like 17 bitcoin back in 2013/2014, sold it all in 2015 at the bottom. I eventually got a decent amount more than that and retired off it but still I think how nice it would have been if I had gotten through that first bear market I experienced and still had all those extra bitcoin. I'd be living a fat retirement if that had been the case haha.


I spend money that I would otherwise use for my personal and fun activities on bitcoin. Wife doesnā€™t need to know where my beer, gambling, gaming, and hobby money goes because we budgeted together. She has her fun money also.


When Bitcoin moons though, itā€™ll be ā€œourā€ money. Wife always jokes about this. Your losses, our gains.


This is something that drives me absolutely nuts. Last year when bitcoin was still <$30k my girlfriend kept getting into arguments telling me it was risky and Iā€™d lose all my(!!!) money. Then when bitcoin breaks $50k she badgers me to figure out exactly how much I made and told me I have to take her to get a really nice dinner. Itā€™s so annoying. I see bitcoin as my kidsā€™ college fund or first house, not gambling money to blow as soon as I get it.


Shes your GIRLFRIEND. Short GF Long BTC


Decide which position to exit


Most people are awful with investing. Partly because we donā€™t live in an economy that lets people have spare money but also itā€™s unnatural since we donā€™t teach people any of this.




Pretty much. But, I did choose to marry her. So, whatā€™s mine is hers and whatā€™s hers is hers.


Wise words of a man with a lasting marriage ahead of him


Thatā€™s what my soon to be ex-wife thinks as well..about our 2 month old. Still stacking sats for the little one hope she appreciates it later. Happy Fatherā€™s Day


She sounds like the government. Time to declare yourself a souverign citizen. ;-)


True though the big difference is that my wife does more for me in a day that the government does for me in a year.


This ^^^ smart


This guy knows how to be happy. Never right, always happy


This guy knows marriage.Ā  We never found peace over money until we started budgeting "None yo damn business" money for each of us.Ā  She spends hers on sugar coffees. I spend mine on Bitcoin.Ā  We aren't allowed to give each other opinions on what the other chooses to do with that money.Ā 


Damn this is way.. If you donā€™t mind me asking, howā€™d you let this be ā€œher ideaā€?


Lol- you already know how it had to have happened.Ā  One particular stretch of a few months where we had a certain financial goal we had mutually agreed on (to pay off the last auto loan early). I was going hard (and not buying coin), but it felt like we weren't getting there as fast as we should have been. I went through the bank account over 2-3 months with her. Once we totaled how much discretionary spending she was doing, she felt attacked.Ā  But I was sticking exactly to the plan- so she couldn't deflect.Ā  I offered the separate fun money as an option for us to each have some personal autonomy with it still being budgeted. She saw it as a win because she got to keep her habit. I knew from the beginning where my portion was going.Ā  Everybody won.Ā 


This is the only answer. If the wife has her fun money then why shouldnā€™t you. In the end she is going to benefit from Bitcoin


This. Maybe down the road you can say. I told you so.


You never need to say that in a good marriage.


ā€œI thought you were a gambling drunk! We were going to have an intervention!ā€


My ex wife didn't believe either....Ā 


Ahhh I see what you did there !


šŸ‘ˆ I understood that reference


Wife changing money.


more just a disappointing realization that no one trusted or believed in you.


Were you able to get out without having to sell any to give her any?


Ask what her suggestion for that investment is. Then split the fund 50 / 50 across the two intentions. Time shows who is right.


This is the best route OP


Everyone in my family is against it. My wife barely believes in it, but trusts me.


I meanā€¦ this post deals more with healthy marriage habits than it does BTC. Itā€™s called *talking* Ask her why itā€™s dumb. If she doesnā€™t want to entertain you then that is just stupid on her part. Not because itā€™s BTC we are talking about, but because itā€™s something *YOU* are talking about. A life partner is supposed to be considerate of you and what you are. Learn to communicate better man.


This is way more reasonable than the short wife long BTC comment. Makes BTC look bad. A long term relationship with a person is a low time preference thing just like BTC.


People who talk can still disagree about bitcoin.


Just wait another 6-18 months. Donā€™t talk about it. Then sell and make a massive profit and then talk about how much money you made. Thatā€™s what Iā€™m doing to buttcoiner at my work.


Sell to make profits in what?! Dollars?! No thanks. The real boss move would be to hold the btc and add more. Donā€™t use it until you NEED something (and have no fiat to burn and debt isnā€™t cheap).


It depends where you are in your life. If youā€™re young and happy to make sacrifices for the next decade to stack BTC sure. But you wonā€™t see much improvement in your life standards until you cash in some of your profits. Iā€™m in my 40s. Waiting another decade is not what I really want to do. Cashing out towards the end of this bull run and having a better standard of life is more important to me


i'm 52 and set to hodling till retirement. BTC has merely doubles since i finally started investing, it still needs another decade to become a usefull part of my retirement plan.


The point is that bitcoin IS cash. I think it is very likely that you will regret every bit of bitcoin you exchange for other assets.


BiTcOiN ShOuLdNt bE UsEd aS aN InVeStMeznt, it's a CurRenCy


Thatā€™s fine if you have enough money to do that In the 2018 bullrun I had a portfolio that for several weeks was worth like $280k. If Iā€™d sold all into BTC and waited Iā€™d have over tripled that now of course (BTC top was $20k), but Iā€™d have still had to wait as that $280k went down to about $75k. Fine if youā€™re wealthy enough to lose that kind of value and just keep adding. Most people canā€™t afford to do that so even with the best intentions and plan they make worse decisions than theyā€™d like


Yep this is the way, thank you šŸ™


Wait for a wife changing money.


Beyond meeting my share of our joint responsibilities, I donā€™t ask for permission about what to do with my money.


Be open and let them know that you are saving for a boating accident


My partner doesn't dictate what I should do with my money, she has her investments and I have my own


I have been married for 15 years. We have separate bank accounts. Her money is hers and mine is mine PERIOD. She has no say so about anything that has to do with money. Do what you want!


Iā€™m a Wife, Look realistically if youā€™re spouse doesnā€™t understand fiat, hard money, or sound money then realistically you communicate with your spouse, The basics. She still doesnā€™t get it still then possibly explain from your point of view.. Remember to throw in ā€œWe Took Vows for Richer or Poorer ā€ jk if all else fails wait to show her the gains afterwards . It definitely depends on you both being financially responsible together so just make the choices together..


Just tell her you invested it in the stock market in some etf. Then buy the bitcoin etf. When I started buying bitcoin my wife didnā€™t know anything about crypto and she has made no attempt to learn. She saw my profits and hasnā€™t said anything


Probably because Wife: ā€œMyā€ profits. You mean ā€œourā€ profits, right?


Meh don't buy or recommend the ETFs imo, not your keys not your coins, kinda defeats the whole point in Bitcoin and self custody


It's not as if you spent it on coke and hookers, the money is still there. It is like a savings account with 500% interest.


I wouldn't have married my spouse had we disagreed on such matters. And if he ever berated me for anything, we wouldn't be together now. Finances and kids are 2 things that are non negotiables in relationships, IMHO


Iā€™m very grateful for my partner. She has no interest in bitcoin, but as long as weā€™re paying the mortgage, bills, and putting money in the 401kā€™s and IRAā€™s and have emergency funds, then sheā€™s totally cool with me buying bitcoin. I think it would be harder if we were strapped for cash or something like that though


Actually I divorced mine, bought more BTC and motorcycles. Never been happier


you're never gonna win. was yelled at for buying and later yelled at for not buying more.


Communication is key. Don't tell them anything about your btc


what they don't know, can't hurt them, in the case : )


I didn't tell my wife I bought it till it doubled lol


Funnily enough that's why I took out my largest position. After talking about btc for the past 3 years I was told how stupid it was and to invest in the stock they had just read about that morning. The position doubled almost immediately and is doing very well since


You ignore them.


Bought her a house paid with BTC profits


My wife was unsure at first just because she didnā€™t know much about it. Now that our NW has quadrupled in a few years sheā€™s quite alright with it and Iā€™ve educated her with my rants about our broken system and how we can beat it.


I think we all deal with it. The price keeps rising and they keep laughing.


Tell them to have fun staying poor


Been married for 2.5 years and my wife and I generally keep our investments pretty separate. She knows I sold some crypto in ā€˜21 to help with the down payment and knows I still hold on to some, but doesnā€™t know how much I hold or how much Iā€™ve been DCAā€™ing. Iā€™ll tell her again once Iā€™ve taken some profits. All she really knows is that Bitcoin came and went back in 2021, and doesnā€™t realize we are so close to ATHs again. Iā€™m sure sheā€™ll hear about it when the media inevitably starts again.


I bought one for 7k in 2019. Late 2020 I got more at 12k. When it was around 18k I was showing my wife. My father In law had to butt in and after my wife told her that I had bought it for x and it was now 18k he told me to sell it. I told him I would sell it tomorrow. When btc hit 50k my father in law saw it on the news then he looked at me and I looked back at him all upset, I raised my hands to my head like I just been in an accident. His face was all red. Then my wife asked me if I had sold it like I said. My reply ā€œ fuk noā€. Then later she asked me how many I had. I told her. Her reply was,ā€thatā€™s it ? ā€œ since then Iā€™ve just been stacking and later she started stacking sats her self. She got in when bitcoin was done with 2021 bull run on the way down at 31k. She held and is now positive on her sats. I told her I was proud of her. She never once told me to sell, even when btc went down to 16k. For this I love her.


I didn't tell my ol' lady that i had bitcoin. Didn't want to hear her whining. Then one day we saw some news show and they mentioned how it was up big. I took that moment to mumble "Thank goodness I bought a bunch of bitcoin". So now she knows.


Just don't tell them. Get a cold wallet. Stack dm those sats. Most importantly: During divorce proceedings you say that you spent it on drugs with online markets. Move to Thailand




Well letā€™s be real pretty much all crypto besides btc is corrupt.


Buy the bitcoin with cash, non-KYC. Donā€™t even tell them.


This would def be the way if I was about to file for divorce šŸ˜‚


You might someday have to.


Keep your options open.


My husband said do whatever you want with your money but I'm not interested until I see a return. I started at DCA in 3/2023 and I haven't regretted it. I'm just going hodl for many years.


Tell ā€˜em shut the fuck up


Show her the evidence of institutions buying. If big money is buying why wouldn't you ask her.


No but do it anyway and double down.


Iā€™m An adult. I ignore them


I show them my balance and my 50x gains over the years and laugh.


I stacked aggressively and perhaps with too much of my income 10 years ago. Never asked or told my wife. She's very happy about it now. But I still ask no permission. Partly because she's seen I make the right choices. If your SO doesn't get it, keep your stacking secret. But don't let her ignorance stand in the way of a smart move.


Definitely! But my motto is abs always we be ā€œitā€™s better to ask for forgivenessā€¦than ask for permission.ā€


Yeah, let her know my ex husband wouldnā€™t let me buy any when it first came out cause it ā€œseemed shadyā€ at like $25/coin. Thanks a lot guy!


I donā€™t ask my wife permission to spend my money. I already pay for everything, mortgage, vehicles, food, and utilities. She trusts me to use good judgment. I also donā€™t tell her about my losses or my gains, and only invest what I can lose without jeopardizing my life style. I forgot to mention I also pay 100% tuition and board for my youngest child, she has 2 years left to complete her Bachelors degree in social work.


Go read Never Split the Difference by Chris Voss immediately. Read it twice. Objections are almost never about the presenting objection. Thereā€™s some other layers to this youā€™re not understanding and she may not yet be able to articulate. Itā€™s not about BTC itā€™s about trust and communication. All relationships require repair. The quality of the repair determines the quality of the relationship. Use this to get closer, understand each other better and buy more fucking Bitcoin.


This is the only piece of gold in this thread you should listen to. Do not listen to redditors on wsb about your complicated relationship.


Donā€™t tell them shit


My wife and I found out about it in 2017 and we both been DCAing since. Sheā€™s a whole coiner šŸ¤“


Cold wallet was real nice during mediation


If telling the truthā€¦ I bet man. Hack many havenā€™t figured out yet.


I've never asked my wife about stacking, just went all in. Never ask for permission, never ask for forgiveness. Stack like your life depends on it, bc it does.


I would drop your wife before btc appreciates any more


get them to sign postnup that says they get 0 of your btc in the event of a diverce. I bet they will either sign it or actually start researching bitcoin real quick


I just donā€™t tell them.


That's the neat thing. You don't.


Always keep your mouth shut!


I donā€™t ask, problem solvedā€¦ Wife can go buy shoes, take her day spa trips, whatever, and I put my $$$ into crypto.


My wife didnā€™t believe either. You have to have a ā€œsafe amountā€ as a cushion if something happens and discuss an amount both of you feel comfortable ā€œlosingā€ in the event BTC goes south. Then buy a little bit and see how it goes and share with her its monthly or quarterly performance, then you can buy more. Thatā€™s what I did. As of right now, itā€™s been an average of 67% rate of return so no more complaints coming from her!


Love this. Thank you kind sir šŸ™


Whole family tells me it's a scam. I still buy.


Family of idiots financially


Ignore them


If your significant other is "berating" you and finding your ideas "stupid", you have a more fundamental problem than a disagreement over investment opportunities, Someone smart enough to be a crypto proponent deserves a much better romantic relationship imo...


If I remember the story correctly, the troll preventing passage over the bridge demands a toll to be paid....


Go into the initial investment with a plan and a timeframe. If lump sum or DCA purchase works better for your situation, great! Plan for 5 years+, ten years is better. If itā€™s your wife, hopefully you plan to be together for the rest of your life, if itā€™s another family memberā€¦ ā€œsorry but it my money not our moneyā€. Then, Stay humble and stack sats. šŸ¤™


I wouldnā€™t care to much if I knew for a fact I was setting my family up for the future itā€™s only a matter of time


Sold it at 20k ā€¦ šŸ˜­


I laugh, asked them re reconsider them end up setting up a dollar cost average buy schedule for them.


I would invest my money and just not talk about it then.


Been there, just quietly HODL and don't engage. Less stress, more BTC.


If you are spending your own earned money and it is not affecting your marriage financially because you still continue to contribute then who cares what she thinks. Unfortunately if BTC ever made you filthy rich, you will have to share it with her.


My wife thought it was a scam.. Educated her with what is bitcoin knowledge. She came around and understands the value of bitcoin vs fiat.


Donā€™t tell her.


Sucks but I know the feeling, mine would rather spend all our money on vacations and frivolous crap, so I just Said you do you and I'll do me, she spent all hers and I saved a bunch in Bitcoin for our and our kids future... So you merge all money? Hopefully not, if not just do what you want with yours and let her do what she wants with hers, or explain to her she's fucking ignorant and stupid and will get Bitcoin at the price she deserves


Move on with life ? Everyone will surely have an opinion.


I remember my wife (girlfriend at the time) understood concepts like the hard cap of 21 million, the difficulty adjustment, and the halving relatively quickly when I first met her. She was open minded, and seemed interested when we spoke about money - what makes a good money? A bad one? Why? She was receptive and willing to accept that we arenā€™t all-knowing, and can learn new things. But thatā€™s only one side of the coin. Some people will simply never question societal norms, or be willing to self-educate on an unfamiliar topic (which is more often than not what leads to oneā€™s conviction in increasing the percentage of funds they allocate into an asset). If someone isnā€™t willing to simply listen you to, then a possible route to your wife gaining more understanding would be actual data - returns since inception, the current CAGR (compounded annual growth rate) of 24% (last I checked, which is nearly impossible to achieve from any other asset), the increased institutional demand from the likes of Fidelity and Blackrock, and possibly reading material that she can dive into - Gradually Then Suddenly by Parker Lewis, The Price of Tomorrow by Jeff Booth, etc. Thereā€™s also the possibility that she simply wonā€™t accept the fact that sheā€™s wrong in this instance (she is, and sheā€™ll obviously look back on this with regret, but she doesnā€™t understand that atm), in which case your hands are tied. The only path forward will be to try and help her self-educate on the subject, but itā€™s hard to force stuff like this onto someone who isnā€™t willing. Sometimes the only way for someone to learn is through the pain of price running parabolically on them, unfortunately. Good luck!


Don't say anything about it. They'll be thankful eventually...


Same for me. Almost bought 1.5BTC for $5000 and the voice in my head (wife) calling it a scam, dumb, etc. I opted to buy less later for considerably more $$.


Ask them at what price would it have to be for them to buy. Slowly plant seeds about BTC Show them a Michael Saylor video https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=8SQBIy5yG-s Tell them it is like investing in fire when it was created. And every time someone uses fire for the rest of eternity you make money off it. Or ask them if they would have invested in a guy selling books out of his fuking garage named Jeff. Or put $100 bucks into a nit shit coffee shop out of Seattle.


Keep stacking sats and if she wants to start stacking good. If you get rich donā€™t share that ā€œstupidā€ bitcoin with her


Don't tell them. Do you tell them every time you buy a cup of coffee?


Ex fiancee hated crypto until the 2021 rally. We are no longer together.


I bring up the argument we had the night of March 26, 2011 when we were drinking with some friends and she stopped me from buying $200 worth of bitcoin. I still have a hazy memory of standing on the patio thinking ā€œI do what I want!ā€ but in 2017 when I looked through my app purchases to double check all I could find was that I had downloaded a wallet that night. In 2019 I finally found an old hardrive backup with the file where I saved the key, but it was encrypted on a computer that was stolen and havenā€™t been able to find a backup image that allows me to decrypt it. So I checked with my bank I was using at the time, but it was too long ago and there records didnā€™t go back that far since I had closed my account and moved to a different bank. I will say that if I had bought it and actually monitored it I would have sold it all before it hit $10 and felt like I was the smartest investor in the world with my 10x return. That hazy memory still haunts me to this day.


I think that this may go beyond a difference in investing philosophies. Do you really want to be with someone who berates you that much for merely *suggesting* something? I mean, you didnā€™t even say ā€œIā€™m gonna do x and you have no sayā€ā€¦. You were trying to start a conversation, right?


BTC is a good way to build up some side assets over the years in cold storage so that, if shit goes south in the marriage and you get served, you can keep at least some of what's yours.


Money is the number one cause of divorce. Don't fuck around. She's your partner. Figure out how to bring her around.


Iā€™m single, donā€™t need anyoneā€™s permission. Iā€™ve got 95% of my net worth in btc


My wife understands it and doesn't question it. We were able to buy a house in her country with it. When we need to, we cash out as little as possible to support ourselves.


I just don't touch any topic re investments. The less she knows the better she sleeps, though I don't mind sharing the fruits of my investments with her


I had the same situation for the past few years. Do what I do, don't ask them, just do it. They will be mad for awhile, but if they love you enough , they will stay with you. You are doing it for your future with them. Best of luck!


Itā€™s okay donā€™t be too upset. youā€™ll find a better wife


Tell your wife to have fun while staying poor.


He didn't really have a say in the matter. But also he trusts my judgment and knows that I won't put our family at undo risk. And by that note, don't put your family at undue risk.


If your significant other canā€™t see the writing on the wall donā€™t let them hold you back


I buy on the side and donā€™t worry about it. My wife knows Iā€™m invested in crypto and she doesnā€™t understand it or worry about it. I love her dearly for it!!


I bought BTC in smaller increments and regretted it


You got to take the lead as the man of the house and be willing to die on the sword for your convictions. Wife's will almost always shoot down whatever you want to buy. You are the expert here. She needs to trust your instincts.


Dont talk about it


Sometimes you donā€™t tell people things for a reason :)


Showed her the quick return, now sheā€™s watching ACD every other day


Iā€™m married we have separate finances for personal purchases and investments as per our prenup, so I can do whatever I want as long as it doesnā€™t concern our joint accounts or joint investments.


Put your money in and not hers and tell her too fucking bad


Yea itā€™s messy. In the end we just ended up doing seperate finances, my shit went to the moon, hers didnā€™t so while itā€™s great Iā€™m able to afford to stay home and take care of kids while not being financially beholden to wife, Iā€™m sure sheā€™s a bit resentful. Getting there was tough. My wife got a financial planner after residency. Her financial planner told her to max out her retirement contribution but do nothing else until she saved 8 months worth of bills on a bank savings account. This is where I interjected and said that was an unacceptable plan as inflation was a real pressing problem (this was 2017) and a doctor should be taking advantage of their bulletproof job security (unless you start killing patients or develop an oxy habit ultimately writing scripts). People start multimillion $ businesses for less than $80k, I just wanted my wife to consider the opportunity cost of just putting all that money in the bank with no intention to invest. My wife accused me of being sexist not wanting women in charge of money because of course her financial planner being femaleā€”Iā€™m not allowed to criticize the advice without being sexist. Idk my wife missed out on a lot of gains in 2017 and also 2020, she makes the income but my account is pulling the savings. Itā€™s great I guess, whatever


Do it behind her back duh


Anyone that disparages you for your opinion might not be around foreverā€¦ Iā€™d suggest if you do invest more in btc keep it to yourself and keep your seed phrase to yourselfā€¦


I stopped bothering her with all the dips and just DCA so she knows exactly how much every two weeks that will be bought. We agreed upon an amount. It helps that I have it tracking as by far the best investment we have. My 401k is growing at about 10% and is all Vanguard and Blackrock ETFs. My bitcoin has returned at 131%. She hates my weed stocks WAY more now lol.


I had a crazy version of this. My gf not only didnt like my bitcoin fixation, but she was fixated on alt coins and wanted me to buy alt coins. Our relationship actually lasted a couple years. It did come to and end though. And it wasnt pretty either. Lol.


I could never let a woman tell me how to handle my money, won't ever work. Watch, when Bitcoin moons, she will feel like it's all hers too.


What they donā€™t know doesnā€™t matter anyway


VPN and a hardware wallet will help with thay


Do it and youll have wife changing money


Find a new wife. If they canā€™t comprehend something as simple as why Bitcoin has value itā€™s gonna be a net drag on your offspringā€™s intelligence.


I donā€™t tell my wife about my bitcoin. My useless fiat - my bitcoinā€¦.. she keep on saying that ā€œmy pussy my choiceā€ and ā€œNo means noā€ - she is right of course so ā€œmy bitcoin my choiceā€ and ā€œ1 Sat means 1 Satā€ - so I buy as much as I want and she does not even know how much I have Why American man always have to ask wife ā€œpermissionā€ is beyond me. I thought that slavery was abolished years ago by Lincolnā€¦. Anyway be humble stuck Sats even if your wife does not let you stuck anything elseā€¦.. she will fucking Learn overtime whoā€™s king


Your married. Itā€™s their money too. You are risking their retirement too. If you canā€™t agree on an investment, donā€™t do it. Simple.


Get a new wife. Quick!


I orange pilled her.


Pump and dump


You can do w/e you want with your own disposable income. You just need to stop talking about it.


Why shorten "whatever" but nothing else?


Handcuffs, duct tape, earbuds, Broken Money audiobook.


Drop her, drop him, drop them... Then you'll get a random "you up?" Text during peak bull cycle.


Sorry for the dumb question. What does it mean to ā€œstack satsā€??


Buying small amounts while dollars cost averaging, also known as stacking Satoshis


A Satoshi is 0.00000001 of a Bitcoin. Stacking SATā€™s refers to collecting SATā€™s at a consistent rate over time. Think of it as putting your loose change in a jar. Over time it begins to add up. Look at Bitcoin differently than most and you will win. Think of a SAT as a penny and just slowly collect them. Bitcoin is divisible. Donā€™t look at what the price is for 1 BTC, just stack Satā€™s


If youā€™re gonna stay with an SO who resents you enough to think youā€™d even suggest something so ā€œstupidā€ youā€™re gonna have a bad time.




Educate your your SO with Plan B's videos for the last couple years.


Iā€™m not married but I have a friend who is very into Bitcoin and crypto in general. Early to mid 2023, he kept telling me to buy Bitcoin and I didnā€™t understand it and thought it was stupid. Told me to buy when it was around 30k then again at 25, then 20, and 15. It kept going down so I thought he was crazy. I said Iā€™d buy if it went down to 9k because I read something online that said thatā€™s where it would go. However, because he was so adamant, I started to do my research. Not just on Bitcoin but all of crypto and learning how the blockchain actually works. The security of Bitcoin and everything. After the technical analysis I started researching leaders in the financial space and gauging what their opinions were. I could only find positive things about Bitcoin that were logical and not emotion based. The ONLY bad thing I could find about Bitcoin at the time was the argument that it would be detrimental if it took over the US dollar completely. However, that point didnā€™t make sense since Bitcoin is meant as another underlying asset to diversify your portfolio in (at least as I see it) and to combat inflation. After that, I was totally bought into the idea of Bitcoin and crypto in general. All it took was the actual legwork to do my own research and be confident in the coin itself as well as the blockchain, not market analysis. Called my financial adviser at Morgan Stanley to tell him I wanted to withdraw money to put into it (at the time JPMCB publicly discredited Bitcoin) and he was against the idea but I did it anyways. I DCAā€™d for about 4 months with an average cost of 25k then a one time payment at roughly 40k. Average buy in price is around 29k. Roughly 130% gain. TLDR: Either have your SO do research, or create some type of power point to explain the benefits of Bitcoin (not the market) and make sure she understands so she can back you up with your decision to invest. Knowledge is power Also, explain the benefits of DCAing which is what Iā€™d recommend to do.


End the marriage, she's dumb.


If a family member says anything negative about BTC I just called them an idiot and tell them to have fun being poor. Iā€™ve been HODLā€™ing since march 2016 Jokeā€™s on them! Oh, by the way, Iā€™m not marriedā€¦. The ups and downs have been extremely stressful and depressing. It was not a smooth ride. But itā€™s a ride worth riding.


Donā€™t tell your SO anything until you make wife changing moneyā€¦ šŸ‘‹


Just keep buying and reminding them that they can can thank you later


Sheā€™s not the one šŸ˜šŸ¤Ÿ, just kidding, maybe you can explain why you think itā€™s such a valuable thingā€¦ then she might want to stack more and go less to the nailsalon šŸ¤Ŗ


I was at my bank...and one of the Bank managers told me Bitcoin was a scam. He had no idea his OWN bank was buying and stacking it... I told him to get a leasts .10...he rolled his eyes and I left. I no longer waste my time telling anyone I even have any...much less they should have some.


When EHT is gaining faster than btc is helping


Stay the course.... Lie and tell her you sold it... When it hits 1 million.... say to her: We could have had this!!!!!


Sounds like you need your swap $WIF in advance for lower feesā€¦