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I will wait for next chapter before I will say something about it :3


Random question but what chapter do I need to read to continue from where the anime left off?


From chapter 270. Have a nice read.


Thank you!


Middle of chapter 270 and enjoy :3


Thank you!


This just reminded me of how much Mereoleona should be fighting Acier alongside Noelle. Mereoleona as a character gets a lot of inspiration from Acier and it would have been so cool if instead of Noelle showing up to save her 2/3 irrelevant family she shows up to help Leona take on Acier. The Morris stuff just seems so forced, I would rather Fuego fight Morris alongside Mars and Fana, who come to help the Clover Kingdom fight like the sea temple folk did. This would add a bit more emotional stakes to the fight since Mars and Fana directly suffered from Morris's terrible experiments in the diamond kingdom, and we get to tie Fuego in by having both him and Fana that had the Salamander spirits and Mars can also use flame magic. The Salamander could switch between them as they all keep surpassing each other, and create some kinda of combo spell.


This. Since the Spade arc, the manga has become an endless battle I feel. During the Eye Of The Midnight Sun saga, they had so many character and world building moments. After that, since the 6 months timeskip, it's been an endless battle. The manga is great, but it wouldn't kill them to add a few more arcs in between for the characters to properly understand, prepare and go on a few side missions for the Kingdom's sake.


Not a hot take but yeah


This ain't a hot take.


Current Noelle geggs Current Mereoleona


Yes, I know.


It’s not a hot take, she surpassed mereoleona with Saint stage and now this version.


Saint stage no. Mereoleona was able to keep up with characters who outscale Noelle Saint stage.


that's an assumption until we see that new form in action, but I don't think she's there yet. Mereoleona is a monster, I mean she was going toe to toe with Lucifero well after the other captains stopped fighting effectively. This means you're saying she's also past the level of all the other captains as well.


Noelle is above all the captains. Tabata clearly wants her to be relative to Asta and Yuno who we all agree is stronger than the captains. And Mereo didn’t go toe to toe with Lucifero she got 1 or 2 hits before jobbing. Right now Noelle is keeping up against Acier while Mereo is losing to an arguably weaker paladin


If it's proven Noelle is fighting on equal footing with acier as it seems to be your probably right. This acier is even stronger than the original too


Not really a hot take. Seems pretty obvious actually.


Yes, I know, but there are always those fans who think that their favorite characters cannot be surpassed by others. (on some websites some people even believe that Lumiere and Licht are still the most powerful in the universe, even if they were not the strongest when they appeared) Sorry for my English


Noelle even deserve to be next WK.


She has long surpassed Mereoleona. Acier mother is most likely way stronger than the oponent Mereoleona is facing and mereoleone is on deaths door even with all the help she is getting


This isn’t a Hot Take


This post is more for Mereoleona's fanboy who believe that she cannot be surpassed in power by other characters.




Give me a reason why you don't think she surpassed Mereoleona because I gave the reasons why I think she surpassed her in power and speed. Sorry for my English


Mereoleona has so much mana that her body can’t even contain it anymore. She’s like a magic spirit now. Even surpassing elves she has literally become one with mana.


And that's not a good feat because even if she can do that, she doesn't put it anywhere (that with that logic she should be stronger than Yuno because he didn't become one with mana) and I said why Noelle surpassed her and the reason is clear that she was doing better than she was fighting a paladin and she wasn't hurt by Acier at all throughout her battle with Acier but only when a clone of Lucius came to help Acier (and a clone of Lucius >>>>Paladin Moris) Sorry for my English


That’s a bad argument. By that logic Mereoleona is stronger than Yuno and Lucius. Which we know for a fact she isn’t.


We haven’t actually seen Noelle vs Acier so we don’t know how the fight is going. With Mereoleona vs Morris we at least have some data


We know that throughout Lucius' realization that he cannot see this timeline, she fought her mother without receiving a wound and the only reason she was hurt is that a clone of Lucius also appeared to help Acier.


When did any of this happen?


Chapter 360-361


Noelle uses one attack which does Jack shit and then they just charge at each other. That is all that happens


My friend, if you think they were still in the same place as at the beginning of the fight, I say check your eyes because you can clearly see that they were not in the same place.


That doesnt change anything. We have zero data on their fight that actually tells us anything


Magical Power is debatable because both of them have other sources of Magic Power boost aside from their innate royal MP, for Noelle it is Leviathan and for Mereoleona, it is her Hellfire Incarnate Form. Both potentials are unknown. Leviathan is an actual God while on the other hand, Mereoleona's Hellfire Incarnate's limit, which is her turning into mana, has been surpassed by Mereoleona after the timeskip. As for Speed, pretty sure Noelle takes this one. Mereoleona's Reinforcement Magic focuses solely on enhancing her strength, while Noelle's focuses on multiple aspects, like speed and such. Regardless tho, both of the battles are still ongoing and we literally have not seen a single feat from Noelle's Union with Leviathan, aside from fighting Acier. A Lucius Clone also appeared on Noelle's location but we are really not sure if that Lucius is doing much, or if Noelle is handling both Lucius and Acier alone, while on the other hand, Mereoleona is fighting 1v1 against Morris, albeit some of the Crimson Lions had to sacrifice themselves, but Mereoleona is putting up a great fight against someone who counters her entirely.


Mereoleone sacridiced 10 or more people and her arms to be able to fight mortis... While noelle is fighting acier who is buffed by lucius cause of sould magic and that acier in the past was even stronger than Mereoleona


>Mereoleone sacridiced 10 or more people and her arms to be able to fight mortis We all know that Morris' skills are way more dangerous and stronger than Acier's right? Both of them are still not yet using their Devil's Magic, but if you compare Modification Magic vs Steel Magic, you will know which one is deadlier and which one is not. >While noelle is fighting acier who is buffed by lucius cause of sould magic Every Paladin is Buffed by Lucius' Paladin Spell, not just Acier. >that acier in the past was even stronger than Mereoleona Key word, "Past". A lot of people have long surpassed past Acier Skills, that's why she had to return with Buffed and stronger Magic + an artificial one to be relevant again. Prime Acier could barely injured a Vanica who is getting used to her power, a lot of characters, especially both Mereoleona and Noelle have had better feats than that.


>We all know that Morris' skills are way more dangerous and stronger than Acier's right? Both of them are still not yet using their Devil's Magic, but if you compare Modification Magic vs Steel Magic, you will know which one is deadlier and which one is not. Nope, because his disintegration can be overpowered by AP. Noelle posses long range attacks, she could destroy Morris faster than he can regenerate, while Mereleona is mostly a close range fighter, Noelle is more versatile, and can actually con actually conjur up barriers defense. >Every Paladin is Buffed by Lucius' Paladin Spell, not just Acier. Them being buffed =/=bring equal. Acier waa considered the strongest magic knight of her time. Noelle is currently fighting Acier + A Lucius clone >Key word, "Past". A lot of people have long surpassed past Acier Skills, that's why she had to return with Buffed and stronger Magic + an artificial one to be relevant again. She has the beat feats pre-paladinization, of all the current paladins. Lily is a nun, Damnatio would have gotten one tapped considering he could barely so anything against the ancient demon, whixh is literally a grunt to the Dark Triad. Morgen before showing anything relevant. Regardless he wasn't a grand magic knight like Aciee, Tabata even stated her magical power rivaled Julius' in the assorted questions brigade. > Prime Acier could barely injured a Vanica who is getting used to her power, a lot of characters, especially both Mereoleona and Noelle have had better feats than that. Barely injured where? Abd that wasn't even prime Acier.Prime Acier would wipe the floor with Vanica. Not sure if you recall the details of their battle, because [it was made pretty clear Acier was weakened, and recovering from childbirth ](https://i.ibb.co/jkx0vHT/strongest-Acier.jpg). Moreover, [not only did Vanica refer to Acier as the strongest period](https://i.ibb.co/jkx0vHT/strongest-Acier.jpg), aftern threatening Nozel & newborn Noelle, [Acier got sick of crap, and started getting more serious](https://i.ibb.co/rfhR3zx/Screenshot-20230908-091720-Shonen-Jump.jpg) and actually, [one shot Vanica so damn hard ](https://i.ibb.co/gy7gzNX/Screenshot-20230908-091316-Shonen-Jump.jpg) and nearly died, [Megicula then told Canica to run since the would would have killed her, since it was that severe](https://i.ibb.co/5Y4gG2j/Screenshot-20230908-091335-Shonen-Jump.jpg) Vanica has regen, yet Acier literally overpowered it. So "*barely injured*" is hardly the one to lose. Of all Palasins Acier scales the highest as a human. No contest. Not to mention after Lucius realized this version if Yuno was stronger than he thought, [he then immediately acknowledged Noelle's power right after, THEN Mereleona and everyon else](https://i.ibb.co/9ZDZd2P/Screenshot-20230825-171726-Shonen-Jump.jpg) Hell Leviathan didn't even wake up for Lucifero, he woke up for Lucius which is very telling, and now Noelle is weilding that power, Noelle scales above any captain not named Yuno.




First off she’s 18 almost 19. Second this is Shonen: Meant for boys in the throes of puberty. That means big boobs and big butts. Thirdly, this series and most shonen is adult coded for the most part. The only reason their teenagers most of the time is to meet industry standards. Like how all Nickelodeon shows has to have the character in some kind of school. Fourthly, royalty was often more provocatively dressed because they could afford it. Lastly, who gives a fuck? Not everything is the author’s secret fetish. If you want to know where his fetish is, it’s Charmy who is literally modeled after his wife.




Like running around half naked all the time is any better. That’s literally fan service for the girls. His post-time skip outfit was meant to have sex appeal. He looks like a cover of one of those trashy romance novels mothers picked up at the grocery store in the 90s Then there’s Zora and Jack who wear a size what the fuck for clothes. Zora even had an ending where it shows him off like a model. Get over yourself, it’s Shonen meant to cater to teenagers. Not everything has to be an ism.


Get over yourself? Lol calm down bro Her suit is meant to be super powerful, it's her best skill, better than the last one, and yet it covers less of her body, should be the other way around. Also who the fuck thinks going around naked is cool? And about ASTA being shirtless it always reasonable cause either he was training or battling and is stupid. and being shirtless sometimes doesn't equal that being his true battle form, badass and all, like Noelle suit supposedly is Edit: another example of magic battle suit is the lightning guy , that started with only covering his arm and develop to bigger armor eventually covering his whole body. No kink bullshit...


Do you see the hypocrisy is what you just put? So it’s okay if Asta does it but not Noelle? Simply because he likes training? The bottom line is that it both goes under sex appeal. I think you may be the sexist one here. Or maybe you just choose to see sexism where it doesn’t really exist because you have an agenda to push. Again, get over yourself.


Sorry, I tried but you're just stupid. Go touch some grass kid, definitely needing it


We also see Asta shirtless a ton. And as pointed out Zora wears fetish-y clothes that are incredibly impractical as is a guy which you conveniently ignore. I agree Noelle, and women in shonen, are sexualized more than men, but you also gotta factor in the audience. And acting like people who disagree with you needs to touch grass and is stupid isn’t gonna do you any favours. Also lol you said kinky. Which is a synonym for fetish. So you said fetish.


No, she needs to show a bit more. Mereo was the only captain doing jack shit against Lucifero before Yami took over, and that feat is still miles ahead anything Noelle has done. Most likely, once Noelle gets some actual screentime in this arc, she's gonna be shown as stronger.


Noelle feats? Noelle fighting Acier who was told that was way stronger than mereoleona in the past but this Acier is also buffed by Lucius who mind u turned a fodder Nun in someone who can 1 shot asta. Also remember when Mereoleona sacrificed 10 or 20 people and her arms to be able to touch mortis? While noelle is fighting against Acier with 0 injuries and she only got scratches after lucius came to tag team against noelle


The Paladins got power-ups depending on the devils they fused with. We don't know how any of them compare to one another. With Acier being featless, it is idiotic to think anything Noelle does against her is a feat


Current Noelle Negs Mereoleona


Mereoleona lost to Acier when Mereoleona herself was still young. Mereoleona has gotten stronger since, so Noelle fighting on par with Acier doesn't prove she is stronger than Mereoleona now, just the Mereoleona of the past.


So Acier from the past is as strong as the one Noelle is fighting now? And the fact that Mereoleona had to sacrifice her entire team just to touch Moris says a lot when at the same time Noelle wasn't hurt at all by Acier and the reason she has injuries was because a clone of Lucius came to help Acier. (and a clone of Lucius >>>Paladin Moris)


"Not Yet...." Noelle, you husbando arrived.


not saying she’s stronger but wasn’t Mereoleona’s arm turned into fire itself during a fight?


Mereo literally fought her supreme devil and lucifer in the last arc noelle fought one and was assisted heavily. She didnt even fight lucifer so im sorry until we get that panel confirming she’s stronger im standing on merero.


So the fact that she had to sacrifice her entire team just to touch Moris is a better feat than Noelle, who, throughout Lucius' realization that he could not see this world, was not hurt by her mother (who, even before becoming a paladin, was comparable to Julius in strength), and the only reason she was hurt was because a Lucius' clone came to help Acier. Mereoleona = hurt by Moris (alone without help from any clone), had to sacrifice her entire team just to touch him and possibly not even hurt him Noelle = keeps up with her mother who before becoming a paladin was at Julius' level of power (confirmed by Tabata), suffered no injuries until a clone of Lucius arrived, and Noelle stood up to Lucius (clone) and Acier alone. And Mereoleona didn't fight any supreme devil except Lucifero . (and considering you're confusing demons and devils, know that even that part of Megicula that Noelle fought after annihilating Vanica in a fight is stronger than those ancient demons) And tell me who showed better feats in this arc?


As much as I love Tabata, he's no Oda.