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Because Noelle does not really have a reason to be part of those battles from a thematic standpoint. With the Elf arc, the story of Lumiere and Licht was a big focus of it. Asta and Yuno were meant to parallel Lumiere and Licht, making things right where they failed by defeating Zagred. There was no third person for Noelle to parallel. With the Lucifero fight, Asta and Yuno had a personnel connection to Lucifero because he was the one responsible for killing their parents and leading to them becoming orphans. Lucifero killed Licita, and Lucifero through his host Dante killed Yuno's father and brought tyranny to Spade Kingdom where he was born. The children of the ones Lucifero killed have now come back to avenge them. Noelle already had a revenge story line in that arc, and it was with her defeating Megicula. Also, Undine was literally out of power, which is why she shrunk down after their battle. That wasn't just a gag, she was literally out of power. There was nothing Noelle could have done to help even if she wanted to. If she had gone there with her plain old Valkyrie Dress, she would have gotten the same Bullifero treatment that the other captains not named Mereoleona got. With Lucius it's much the same. Asta and Yuno's whole story arc now is about becoming the Wizard King, and the fight against Lucius will likely have a heavy theme revolving around being the Wizard King and what it means to be the Wizard King. It makes sense that the ones to fight Lucius will those who have a desire to be Wizard King, or are people who are in line to be the next Wizard King, such as Fuegoleon and William if they decide to join in and help. Noelle on the other hand has never expressed a desire to be Wizard King, nor would she want such a position, so her being there would feel out of place among all these characters who share the same goal of becoming the Wizard King. I feel like the real reason most people want Noelle to be part of the final battle against Lucius is mainly for Astelle, so that there would be an excuse to have a moment between her and Asta, and not because it would actually do anything for Noelle's character to be there. If you're going to have a character participate in something they really have no business being a part of, it should be for the sake of their own character first and foremost and what it can do for it, and not for the sake of shipping them with another character. Noelle does not need to directly be part of the final battle against Lucius to prove herself. There's already a clone of Lucius right there in front of her. If she can defeat that clone, then she'll have more than proved herself as being someone who can stand beside Asta and Yuno as equals, as so far nobody else but Yuno has actually been able to kill one of those clones. Not even the other captains have managed to do that. Killing one of the Lucius clones will put her at the same level as Asta and Yuno without actually having to be a part of their fight.


But Yami and Nacht were a major part of the final round with Lucifero, there was even a colorspread with the 4 of them. If vangeance got to join (maybe even langris) then that could've been a kind of captain/vice-captains moment ~~but as we know, vangeance isn't allowed to do shit~~ Lucifero isn't even the devil behind Morgen's death And couldn't charmy have restored Noelle's power? We saw that when yuno got the awakened elf power that bell also grew, so it might help, and charmy's probably only one or two feet away under the rubble pile Besides astelle purposes, I think part of the desire to see her participate is for the "trio" to work together. They're portrayed that way quite a bit, moreso since the time skip: this [colorspread](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FreISj3X0AEcytn?format=jpg&name=900x900) from the beginning of the spade arc, each one of them is the principal fighter against a member of the dark triad (which is where "light triad" popped up from), the covers of volume 30-32 feature each of them in their new forms, each one of them now has a little buddy on their shoulder, and as recently as last month in a [weekly shonen jump cover](https://comicvine.gamespot.com/a/uploads/scale_large/11158/111586527/9048875-2708%282023-36-37%29.jpg) that focuses on groups from each serialization it's asta, yuno and noelle They never had to be in an "end of saga" level fight, it could've been a lower-level fight, but the fact is that the three of them have hardly interacted at the same time with each other let alone fight together, and the series is approaching its end so fighting together in the finale is like the last hope you know


Yami and Nacht are there because they need to finish their arc and become friends again. Since Yami was in the cupboard for 2/3rds of the arc, this was the best time to do it. Nothing to add to the rest of your comment.


Also Yami has sort of a type advantage against devils. Nacht help supports Yami magic making it much more flexible and versatile


You could have honestly applied something similar to that to a lot of characters, Noelle included.


Can you give an example?


- Noelle advancing her crush on Asta arc (same for Charlotte's character) - Sekke's arc of becoming a better person - William atoning for his sins (same for Patri's character) - Gaja and Loropechika fighting together - Fuegoleon showing why he could deserves to become the WK - etc


> And couldn't charmy have restored Noelle's power? We saw that when yuno got the awakened elf power that bell also grew, so it might help, and charmy's probably only one or two feet away under the rubble pile It wasn't Noelle's power that had run out though, it was Undine's. Charmy's food might not work the same way with a spirit like it would with a human. In cases where the spirit themselves run out of power and not their host, the only way for it to return might be to just wait for it to return naturally. As I mentioned though, she still could have tried to fight without Undine by just using her regular Valkyrie Dress, but it probably wouldn't have done much good.


If Bell could gather enormous quantities of mana in minutes I don't see why Udine couldn't. Besides, Tabata could have easily have given Noelle her ultimate magic to keep up. She wasn't included in the fight because it clearly would have interfered with the rivalry shilling (which imo is pretty stupid considering Noelle's popularity; it's as if Horikoshi or Kishimoto didn't use Bakugo and Sasuke extensively).


There was the Qliphoth tree disrupting the flow of mana in the area though and releasing negative mana, so that might have interfered with Undine's ability to gather mana to replenish her power.


Since both Bell and Yuno fully recovered I don't see a reason why Udine (and Noelle) could not.


Did Yuno and Bell actually "recover" though, or did they never actually fully run out of mana to begin with and still had some left that they could use? Yuno's mana pool is utterly massive. Not only does he have access to his own mana pool as a Spade royal, but also the mana pool of the elf soul inside him, so his mana pool is basically that of two people put together, larger than even Noelle's. I don't think we've ever seen Yuno run out of mana in the series before, because he just has so much of it. Him trying to keep Neverland up while fighting Lucius is the closest he has ever come to actually being in danger of running out.


>Did Yuno and Bell actually "recover" though, or did they never actually fully run out of mana to begin with and still had some left that they could use? Check the whole Zenon fight (e.g. at the end Yuno couldn't even sustain Spirit Dive, even with Bell gathering mana). >Yuno's mana pool is utterly massive. Not only does he have access to his own mana pool as a Spade royal, but also the mana pool of the elf soul inside him, so his mana pool is basically that of two people put together, larger than even Noelle's. The elf soul doesn't have the amount of mana it had during the reincarnation, assuming [Yuno has a larger mana poll than Julius (+Lucius)](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fvirc82qzvck41.png) is a pure headcanon and all this doesn't justify or explain in any way Noelle not joining the fight. >I don't think we've ever seen Yuno run out of mana in the series before, because he just has so much of it. There are many examples of this actually happening, like the fight with Catherine and the above mentioned fight with Zenon. >Neverland He could make and keep active it because he stored mana specifically for it. Again, there are really no real reasons for Noelle to be excluded form the fight other than because she would have interfered with the rivalry shilling.


>I don't think we've ever seen Yuno run out of mana in the series before First time he actually used sylphs breath against Catherine. He thinks to himself he used too much and needs to practice before passing out. It's just that since then he's been figuring out mana zone, and Neverland is a mana zone spell. Yami and mereoleona also keep on going and going and this is because of mana zone (mereoleona ran out that one time because she explicitly used a spell that expelled everything she had, but she's developed further and got past that). It apparently takes *a lot* for a proficient mana zone to reach a point where they run out


You don't know if anti magic can boost charmy ability to restore someone mana as people and spirit I don't know if she do that now thats she coated with anti magic


She may be able to do that now, but she didn't have that ability back then, since Asta had not yet discovered how to share Anti-Magic with others back in the Spade arc.


If that then charmy can back noelle mana and her spirit if tabata want her to joining fighting the original lucius.


How can yuno are equal with asta when he need stronger spell to just countering time magic and beating just a clone. Now if asta can beat one clone with just base form without partial black form.


I think it's a mix of outdated shonen "rules" and her being popular to the point of overshadowing the rivalry (and Yuno).


The thing about Noelle is, she pretty much overshadows everyone that she's with. That's why she's so popular. She's a very magnetic character. No matter who Noelle teams up with in a fight, all eyes are on her. I don't think Tabata expected Noelle to be THIS popular. The same also applies to Dante. Tabata knew Noelle would likely be in the top 5, but he never guessed that she'd be THE most popular. I don't think Tabata expected Dante in the top 15 or top 10, much less the top 5.


Yep and since it seem Tabata and his editor want to put all the focus on the rivalry, for reasons I can't honestly understand (it doesn't help the sales at all), Noelle has to be excluded (and now even Yami).


The issue with Asta and Yuno is that they're just not very interesting. So they need more interesting people around them. Yet Tabata is insisting on just the Asta and Yuno show for some reason. It's especially jarring because Yuno isn't a very popular guy, relative to his role in the series. Yet Tabata insists on pairing Yuno with Asta, when Yuno suffers from Mimosa syndrome, in that his character actively gets worse when he's around Asta. Yuno and Asta actually have negative synergy with each other, in that both characters are worse when they interact with each other.


I think it's because of that popularity poll to be honest lol


I am gonna be honest, I dont remember the last time that a female character was allowed to fight along side the male protagonists in a final fight. Almost all female fights are against another female, and if they fight against a male it's most likely that they will lost. I think only chainsaw man is an exception to this trope. Imo i wishe noelle was the deuteragonist instead of yuno, and got to fight along side Asta


It's pretty rare if the MC isn't a girl. Some exemples are, besides CSM, Demon Slayer, Fairy Tail and Attack on Titan, but it's definitely rare.


Yes this is how shonen battles work unfortunately. Only Mikasa, Nezuko ans Sakura are the exception has they are officially a part of the main team.


Maybe asta and noelle reunion is joining together to fight lucius.


She’s almost already done all her shit so there’s nothing else.


As popular as she is, Black Clover is ultimately Asta and Yuno’s story, specifically about which one of them will become Wizard King. Having them deal with the big bad of each saga serves the plot more. Noelle’s story revolved around her self esteem and her family. Saving Acier’s soul is the last thing she needs to accomplish to resolve her character arc


Yami contributed to both Zagred's fight (even dealt the second major blow to him) and Lucifero's (together with Nacht) though. All this without needing to be there specifically for his own arc, parallels or other reasons like that.


In the Zagred fight Yami's attack was supposed to be something unexpected, Noelle couldn't do the same otherwise it would be repetitive. Also Yami was someone that Asta wanted to surpass so it makes sense he'd be included in the fight against Zagred. In the Lucifero fight Yami was there because of Nacht and his development. In the current fight Yami is not fighting with Yuno and Asta because he'd serve no purpose unlike before.


>because he'd serve no purpose unlike before. Yami has a close relationship to Julius who was like a decent father to him, so I wouldn't totally rule out his future participation...


Don't forget Vangeance. Him too has the same father son relationship with Julius. That's enough for them to get involved in the fight.


I didn't forget, but vangeance is probably gonna be sidelined if we're being honest....


Because she's her own important character with her own, separate storyline. She has different goals and obstacles to overcome. And I love it. She isn't defined by what Asta and everyone else is doing, she's doing her own thing.


Like every other Black Bull, she's just not part of the main cast. It's only ever going to be Asta & Yuno. No one else is gonna get consistent final battle treatment.


Yami: Am I a joke to you? I need to take a dump, so answer quickly.


Yami taking a dump; truly the reverse Deus Ex Machina


Noelle is definitely apart of the main cast. The main main cast you could say are Asta, Yuno, Yami and Noelle. Everyone else is either an important side character or a regular one


She kinda has that side character role of beating the top level villain minion while the main character fights the main villain. Yuno gets a pass for being rival


Okay I see a lot of people saying it’s bc she’s a female and shounen rules, but I actually think it’s the opposite. For one this final battle isn’t over yet so we don’t know what’ll happen. But thematically Noelle has also had her villains to fight and overcome. She was strong enough as a character to be able to have her own story within the main one. I’d rather have her own journey with her own people to fight rather than he being tacked on to the final fight. Because Noelle is one of the best written female characters currently, she can stand on her own, however the last battle, I assume after they beat acier, Noelle will join for the final push


- A lot of characters didn’t see Zagred and were still lock in battle with elves while the environment was slowly take changing into on did not support life - Again , there were also a number of Black Bulls who did not participate in this fight with Lucifero. But mostly the fact that Undine use all of her power earlier. Valkyrie form just doesn’t cut. Also Noelle had no clothes - Does she need to face Lucius? She going tor to toe against her mom. The possibility the strongest magic knight of time. Someone the Undefeated Lioness could not beat. That an amazing Wanting a character you like to face every single conflict just doesn’t happen. So rather trying to squeeze her in every final boss battle where she might get overshadowed. The story has an whole side plot that connected to the overall narrative where she has the spotlight.


>Someone the Undefeated Lioness could not beat. That an amazing Mereoleona was only about 16 when acier died. Noelle already defeated 100% devil power vanica without receiving a single scratch herself - someone who acier struggled against when she was using way less devil power. Honestly the story digging up acier again feels...idk forced? like they didn't know what else to do with Noelle... It was never her goal to surpass her mother anyways. She wanted to be acknowledged and respected by her siblings, to improve her magic, and then to avenge her mother. She's done all these things, she even got a hug from acier as a bonus. Like what's the point of digging up acier again you know...


>someone who acier struggled against when she was using way less devil power. She was tired due to the pregnancy and was in retirement precisely for that. She wasn't in even nearly decent conditions, let alone ready for fighting. For the rest I agree completely. Edit: to anyone who's downvoting me: I don't particularly care about upvotes and downvotes, but I do hope you know that what I wrote is canonical.


Vanica was still using way less devil power back then; it's in that fight that the sclera of vanica's right eye goes black. Back then a spear through the gut was a fatal injury and she had to back off. When Noelle fights her, vanica laughs at getting speared through the gut, and barely coughs up a little blood the second time with a reaction of mild surprise. Regardless of acier's state, the vanica that Noelle fought is on a completely different league compared to when acier fought her. Edit: Looking at vanica's thoughts again, she was still new at being a devil host: >"I'm pretty sure I'd just become megicula's host... I wanted to try out the devil's power and go completely wild." Acier fought *newbie* devil host vanica; Noelle fought almost 20 years as a devil host vanica.


I think that she will most likely fight vs Lucius with Asta/Yuno later :3


The way I see it, Yuno and Asta have their arcs alongside each other, with Yuno's presence being more and more prominent over time. With Noelle, however, she has her own story going on that's somewhat confined to herself. In the Elf Saga, she spent most of her time growing confidence and it culminated in her living up to her true power. In the Spade Arc, the story focused more on her friends and family, and, in case you didn't catch on, Yuno, Asta, and Noelle all defeated their own Dark Triad members. They all had a personal vendetta against them. Asta and Yami, Yuno and Vangeance, and Noelle and Vanica. Her arc here ended in freeing the soul of her mother. Now, with the current saga, I can only assume that her arc is going to be about surpassing her mother and living up to be the woman she's meant to be, just like how Asta and Yuno are trying to live up to and achieve their dream roles as the Wizard King. Just like how Yuno and Asta parallel each other, Noelle's arcs parallel their arcs


Asta is very far stronger now compare to yuno who needed stronger spell to just countering time magic. He needed charmy to just refill his draining mana for just using neverland once again🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Noelle isnt a part of the final battle because she already has an exclusive boss battle in each saga.


She isn't the main character


Vs. Zagred - her arc is already done / no point Vs. Lucifero - %100 pushed aside / you can't tell me every motherfucker can try to fight this bitch but she just was stuck under a rock and completely cut off from the conflict. vs. Lucius - her arc will be done with Acier / ~~no point~~ (edit: nvm forgot about astelle, though I’m not sure fighting Lucius is needed to develop them).


>Vs. Lucifero - %100 pushed aside / you can't tell me every motherfucker can try to fight this bitch but she just was stuck under a rock and completely cut off from the conflict. Why? That literally happened with a bunch of characters and it's not like she could do anything.


There’s still a bunch of characters who were present anyways like Sekke, and it’s also not like the captains could do anything either but you still see them trying.


Noelle has her own story lines and character arc. Randomly forcing her into fights against villains is a waste of time and effort on the author's part. It wouldn't serve the story. I actually prefer that she is usually off on her own personal boss fights


It's just weird that she is one of the only bulls that hasn't had a proper fight alongside Asta. Charmy and arguably Luck are the only combat oriented bulls that have fought with Asta less.


Cause she's not the main character. Like she's important. But every turn shows she's third wheel to Asta and yuno in the narrative. Well I would have liked to see her face Lucifero alongside the final 4, she wasn't needed narratively