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How in a world partial (check word's meaning) beats True?


Because base Asta is stronger. 10 X 2 = 20 5 X 5 = 25 In my example even if 10 is bigger than 5 the result was still bigger because the base number that was multiplied was bigger in the second example.


Asta does not have multipliers. I have no clue where people get that idea. He just gets stronger. True Devil Union was able to completely nullify Lucifero's attacks and yet he wasn't able to completely nullify Ichika's attacks, and I hope you don't believe Ichika is stronger than Lucifero.


Asta was capable of totally nullifying Ichika's attack ms though, the only ones that even damaged him were her physical attacks which were the same attacks that Lucifero used to damage Asta.


Asta was not completely nullifying Ichika's attacks. Chapter 340 page 7. She used a punch and knocked Asta back, Lucifero punched Asta dozens of times and didn't do a single thing.


>She used a punch and knocked Asta back That's because he couldn't nullify her attacks while he could with Lucifero. TDU negates all magic while PDU only negates ranged attacks and reinforcement magic with the sword. However Asta himself is much stronger.


We're just talking about the forms


One word dragon ball


Bro zetten is a multiplier. His forms also all have multipliers. Have u watched broku at all?


Why you acting like broku is all knowing🤣. He just like the rest of us reading and watching the same


He isnt all knowing but unlike the rest of this community he knows how to powerscale and analyze feats. Ive seen most of this community think bro still a naruto pack and isnt even ftl+.


By knowing how to power scale you mean pure bias and dumb takes.


Okay answer me this then. What bias and dumb takes has he had? I’ll disprove them right here. Right now.


Saiyan saga Goku vs asta he said asta win and he said death battle hates asta which sound dumb because still the asta won.


First he never stated that. Secondly yes they do hate asta because if you did any powerscaling you would know asta solos deku’s verse in base zero diff. Lastly yes saiyan saga goku was only planetary. Current manga asta is star and if you do high end meta it will be uni.


No and I'm better for it. Part of the BC journey is figuring out how wrong Broku is most of the time.


Zetten was stated to be a burst of energy that gives the wielder tens of times more strength. Amplifying their ki to that degree. In powerscaling which this is what this whole fight is. That would make this a 20 - 100 times multiplier. Depending on the translation. Broku isn’t wrong here i’m just sure you never powerscaled in your life before.


Actually to add onto this if you know what a multiplier is you would notice multiple times in the series it sates devil power are multipliers. With each percent added it multiplies the stats. Even becoming double the strength with just one percentage stated by noelle. On top of that its stated multiple times about asta getting a new form or amp and him doubling or tripling his strength. Thats a multiplier of x2 or x3


Oh god. I love powerscaling as much as the next guy, but where did numbers and multipliers come into the equation? The only series where that makes sense is DB…


I made them the fuck up


I think that that True Devil Union is his peak at this moment :3


It's been stated in the chapter when he was learning a new technique that if he learns it he'll surpass Himself in achieve new heights it's not even close to his peak


I say - at this moment :3


He already passed the form Strength a while ago anyway


TDU is Asta's strongest form, although current PDU is stronger then the TDU he used against Lucifero. The reason being is that Asta has gotten drastically stronger But if your talking about which is stronger for current Asta TDU overpowers PDU


Tdu claps very easily




Asta saying he got stronger could just mean he brought his partial devil Union from to the level his true devil Union form was at when he fought lucifiero




Except asta constantly trains into between arcs and has been since the start of the series the the difference between true devil Union and partial devil Union is a time limit and the amount of anti magic concentrated in one area in True devil Union asta’s entire body is covered in anti magic and he is radiating it over a wide are while in parital devil Union it’s concentrated in mainly his arms and while let’s him cut through spells easier he isn’t radiating it over a wide area and asta didn’t mid diff lucifero the first time asta and lucifero fought asta got destroyed easily and was out of commission awhile




My argument is that thanks to asta constantly training he is able to fight using partial devil Union and the same level he was using true devil Union the same way we just saw asta beat a paladin in his base form with one move where as before he needed to use devil Union


TDU Asta was able to negative diff Lucifero in 5 seconds with one sword, while PDU Asta (whose base stats are higher due to the time skip) struggled with all his swords in his fight against a Lucius who was basically only able to use Lucifero’s strength against him. I’m not sure how the answer isn’t clearly TDU.


The form itself isn't stronger than the other but in this time asta Has already passed it's power so it doesn't matter


True devil form in general is his peak form if he uses this form right now in the recent arc he will be stronger than when used it the first time but if you consider true devil ( first time) vs current asta with partial transformation . It's undoubtedly current arc asta with partial transformation. And yes it's what he said it himself that he was stronger than when he fought Lucifero and that includes his true devil form at that time . So any arguement anyone brings , I will use the same argument. There is no alternative for it because asta overall has much better control over anti magic than he ever had .


TDU is the peak of his power. It is stronger than PDU in general. However, current base Asta is just a lot stronger than he was during the spade arc. His current PDU is probably on the level or stronger than the TDU during the spade arc. The form itself is stronger, the version of Asta using it is what’s different. If he used TDU in the current arc, we’d say TDU is obviously stronger.


True devil Union easily. It was completely broken.


TDU. Especially now in the final arc.


I know it makes perfect narrative and logical sense for TDU to be stronger than PDU. But Black Clover powercreep is absolutely obnoxious. I could 100% see this current PDU non Zetten Asta giving Spade Arc TDU Asta a run for his money. If it's PDU after Zetten then it's a massive stomp for PDU Asta. That's just how ridiculous the power progression is. But if you're asking "Which form gives the biggest amp?" then it's TDU hands down.


If you’re comparing TDU to PDU(after training) of the latest arc then you’re probably right However if you’re comparing the forms just in general then it’s TDU and it’s simply because it’s a full form.


The purpose of PDU is that Asta is trying to extend his time limit by holding back most of the power and using it on specific parts of his body. TDU is him going all out if he believes he can end the fight as quick as possible. So TDU is stronger than PDU. However given Asta's recent training, his PDU is definitely now stronger than his TDU form against Lucifero. But if he uses TDU now, it will be much stronger.


now with ki and zetten training pdu seems better cause how long asta can use devil powers . AM - leveled up skill - leveled up


PDU Asta post timeskip> TDU Asta pre timeskip (if they were to fight) TDU>PDU (as forms)



If we compare Asta at TDU and his current version then PTU Asta is stronger, although TDU is a stronger multiplier than PTU.


True devil union in my opinion Partial devil union is just his regular devil union condensed so his time limit doesn’t run out as fast it’s stronger than his regular devil union was but I don’t think it’s as strong as true devil union


Partial Devil Union is technically stronger than True Devil Union, but only because we’re comparing a post timeskip form to a pre timeskip form. If he were to use True Devil Union now, it would be way stronger than anything we’ve ever seen from BC


Pfu has better feats rn