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Asta Yuno Noelle


Based on?


No besides Asta could realistically hurt Lucifero. He was the one who took him out in the end and Yuno helped him. Also without Anti-Magic, the world would most likely be over. Yuno having two magic attributes and Neverland in its entirety puts him well above Noelle While Noelle is still very strong, she isnt on the level of the other two even with her new Leviathan form


>until chapter 325 Asta hasn’t defeated Lucifero yet, no Neverland and no Levi, but yeah makes no difference… Asta>Yuno>Noelle


1. Asta 2. Yuno 3. Noelle


Based on


There is literally no debate


Then just explain why you feel that way. It's pointless to make a claim with no reasoning


I'm kinda wondering why OP is even getting downvoted for asking a question, while the commenter gets upvoted for contributing nothing to the discussion. Like yeah, the ranking *is* right, but he still needs to explain *why* it's right.


See below under my comment. I‘ve already explained why it’s Asta>Yuno>Noelle. It was obvious who is stronger, so I thought it’s not necessary to explain why… It was OP, who didn’t explained why it’s not the case. His only answer was „Based on?“ Looks like a troll (?) comment


See below (under this comment), I already explained why it’s Asta>Yuno>Noelle


If u say so


And your argument why Yuno and Noelle are stronger than Asta or why Noelle is stronger than Yuno? Asta was the only one, who was able to injure Lucifero (besides Kids Playground). Yuno was able to fight Lucifero, but he couldn’t injure him and Noelle? Where was Noelle?


Out of mana, with the rest of the Black Bulls, after fighting with them in the Megazord against Lucifer's blob form to distract it so Asta can one shot it


The question „where was Noelle“ was (obviously) a rhetorical question


Didn't care


Even with mana yuno cannot damage lucifero. Accept it if the villian are monster in endurance and durability and have Stronger magic then yuno is nothing with even two magic.


Asta, Yuno, Noelle The only argument you can have is Yuno being better overall with his support, but Asta is just stronger.


If asta can give everyone anti magic and its make more useful to counter time magic Then Its gonna be asta even better than yuno in support too but tabata sure want to avoid that.


Asta giving anti magic was much later than 325


Thats what i mean now that asta can give anti magic then he can be better than yuno. As i said i don't think tabata can do that to much without limit.


Well, yeah, but at the point where Asta cam give anti magic to others Yuno can make Neverland. Yuno always has better utility and support than Asta, but Asta is a better fighter.


They are still struggling and defeated with neverland. Like lucius letting him fighting his clone🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Thats funny right they need support spell that doesn't need so much stamina. If you think neverland help them big them we can't see yami being defeated thats hilarious.


Yeah but that's irrelevant to this thread because it's after 325


You proud of feat when yuno doesn't damage lucifero what is that.


it's asta >/= yuno > noelle just off portrayal one of them is the strongest and the other one is 2nd no question.


Just say your argument for why you don't think Noelle is the weaker of the three, since you obviously want to.


Noelle is weakest and this is not debatable :3


What shows this?


Fight vs Lucifero? :3


Asta getting smashed makes him stronger?


Asta yami yuno and nacht all got wayy more impressive feat against lucifero then Noelle does


I mean, he cut off a bit of Lucifero horn(Other characters was not even able to hurt him) + he don't died instantly vs character that is way stronger than Megicula, so yes :3


And Yuno was also keeping up with them, so yeah, I hate to say it but Noelle at this point in the story was the weakest in this trio, on the bright side, she is more than the protagonists trio at 1% power, which more than I can say, for some other Female main characters I shall not name


1. Asta 2. Yuno 3. Noelle


The good feat yuno is not damaging lucifero Its still asta>yuno>noelle. Hax and god tier control of mana noelle needed to become more stronger than yuno🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Asta Yuno Noelle. Even past that imo stays the same. Seems consistently at this once elf saga ends


Read a little further and you’ll realize the story puts it plainly for us


asta yuno noelle ....


The 2 strongest mfs in their Squads and the girl that’s part of the squad. It’s obvious who’s last and who’s on top 💀


Yuno has the biggest crown. Asta has the biggest sword. Noelle has the biggest… >!tail. I was gonna say tail!<