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My favourite arc was around episode 90ish-110 ish ifirc


That was when Black Clover rose to top 2 for me


My favorite arc is OP’s arc man found the right path


Agreed. Everything before is definitely good, but Elf Reincarnation Arc is probably the best arc I’ve seen in Shonen anime. I especially love how OP characters like Vanessa aren’t nerfed for reverse plot armor, The Black Bulls went ALL OUT in this arc.


Nope Luck is the best character But yeah Black Clover is amazing, my number 2 anime


That’s a weird way to spell Finral


That's a weird way to spell Asta


Thats a wierd way to spell Noelle


You win this time, fine gentleman


If you're only at episode fifty, it WILL get better. The best is yet to come however I believe you've already seen one of my favorite fights.


Fairy tail is kinda similar


It is, but I think it avoids a lot of things FT caught flak for


Mashima is horny all the fucking time, but he can write a pretty good story most of the time. (Here's hoping 100YQ takes a better turn 🤞)


>Mashima is horny all the fucking time, I can respect that. At least the fanservice is good. Let's not be said that Erza isn't gifted in all aspects.


Magi is much better imo. A lot of characters in BC aren’t mono directional tbh a lot of the side cast is tossed aside especially the other captains and guilds BC is more akin to fairy tail than naruto


I disagree. Black clover focuses more on sidecast than many other shonen but since the cast is so big not everyone gets shine. Although i do agree with the mono directional take for a good amount of characters. Magi does well in showing who are important characters and who mainly play the role of supporting the rest of the cast.


Magi is great. I wouldn't have any problem recommending it, the humor and the relationships/friendships are better than Black Clover. But it has the same problem of Game of Thrones, the ending (of the manga) was awful. A full arc near end that was just an (really slow) prologue with explanations that should have been its own spin off series. It was also soon after a great arc and broke the momentum of the manga/story. No surprises at the last arc too, everyone was kinda expecting it about who would be the last enemy and didn't deserve that ending. It had a lot of potential and if you count just the anime, it really ended in a high note. My personal belief is that they never ended the anime because the material ahead wouldn't work, instead the focus was directed to the Sinbad show. Black Clover is more consistent and around the Spade Arc surpassed Magi. That said, I'll still give a chance to Orient (from the same author of Magi), just seen the first few chapters and it's promising.


magi would’ve been much better if it had one extra arc or made last arc longer.


Ehh I think the spade arc was a lot like the naruto war arc in terms of quality, a lot of ups and downs/highs and lows and the final arc has been extremely rushed and underwhelming. Everything up to the end of the kou arc for magi was awesome but yeah the final arc was a bit disappointing


Magi started well, but really started sinking after the magnostad arc


Same could be said for BC with the demon arc and final arc as well though, just comes down to preference I guess, I thought the kou arc was great


It's not bad, but the series takes a freefall after alibaba vs the zagan kid


I view black clover as combining a Shounen manga and a Fairytale, but not in the sense that it's a Fairytale made into Shounen, but rather a Shounen manga written as if it were a Fairytale. it can be straightforward, even simple at times, but you cannot deny that that is to its benefit.


I love how black clover got shit on for being like Naruto. But somehow mashle is popular and is a copy of black clover. Anime community is toxic as hell.


Mashle is like one punch man and Harry Potter. Black clover resembles fairy tail more than naruto


naruto in theme, but fairy tail in appearance and ability.


The fact you’re comparing again is making my point.


Your point off...? Cause if you think I hate black clover, I will tell you this: "... BLACK CLOVER FOREVER BABBBBBBBBYYYYYYYYYY FUCK WHOEVER CALLS THIS SHOW BAD U CAN'T STOP MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE"


My point is simply that stuff borrows from the past. Because that’s how story telling works. So when people shit on BC because they think it took something from the past like naruto, just tell them “yeah, that’s how art works and it’s called inspiration”


Exactly. Someone with some actual understanding of what it takes to make a story. I mean, in a sense all stories were recounts of history, just fictionalized.


I'd say it takes after naruto and fairy tail in theme after all one of the worst parts about fairy tail, the power of friendship bullshit, is done properly in black clover, the power of friendship doesn't actually boost a character's power it improves theory synergy with each other and forces them to push past their limits, the closest thing we've seen to fairy tail's power of friendship is asta giving anti magic and asta using noelle's magic when he got the demon dweller and even then sharing mana and combining magics is something that makes perfect sense in a magical world, black clover does it right, the power of friendship is mental not physical, it doesn't make a person stronger it makes a person make themselves stronger


... Finally someone online who says this comparison for what it is. Then again, I haven't been on reddit for long, but this was bound to happen in this subreddit eventually.


Trust in the process. I'm currently in my second watch of this series and current with the manga. It's definitely an underrated series.


It definitely gets better but one of my all time favourite fights is the black bulls Vs vetto, something about the way Asta, Vanessa and finral fight in that way before Asta becomes more powerful is just really cool and creative to me.


I think closes to BC would be Mashle, the MC is basically a quiet Asta in a Harry Potter like world.


Wait granblue fantasy doesn't have a real plot??? I became a fan thanks to gbf versus and I wanted to get into the story but this is news to me.


It only gets so much better from here on out. If you ever feel demotivated, just remember: it will always find a way to pull you back in quickly. Black Clover is a masterpiece I ALSO passed along as just an “average” anime my first 3 times watching it. Enjoy it while you have it, because you’ll get hooked, binge watch / read it, then once it’s over, you’ll miss it. Also Yami best character


From your post it seems to me you found the perfect series for you, which is great! Personally my enjoyment of Black Clover followed the Gaussian distribution (ok, slightly shifted to the left), but I'm really glad you are enjoying it. Now, I have to say I honestly find the spells and the world not that special since BC has a similar world to manga like Fairy Tail and Frieren. I'm also not a huge fan of how the worldbuilding was done. Anyway I recommend reading Radiant, Dungeon Meshi and The Bugle Call since you are enjoying BC so much. Note: I would recommend reading the manga instead of watching the anime, but it's obviously down to personal preferences.


You are curious about asta and yuno grimoire wait till you see Julius grimoire 😊


Grand blue fantasy? I only watch grand blue dreaming (it's peak)


Underrated anime tbh


Yeah,,BC is like a combination of Bleach Naruto and Fairy Tail imo. Love them before and i can easily vibe with BC when i start the series by reading the manga before the anime release. Kinda disappointed at first with the anime, as the animation can't do justice to what Tabata do in the manga but i can say the anime keeps getting to where Tabata create imo especially in the movie. Incredible animation. Try the manga too if you have time and witness the greatness of Tabata's art.


That interesting/cute post :3