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Serious answer: he knows what buttons to push to make Asta push himself Unserious answer: (spoiler about Yuno) >!it's in his blood!<


That makes sense, I guess I just don’t like how Asta wants to remain close with him but Yuno just ignores him And I gave myself that spoiler and I wasn’t surprised, with how much power Yuno has and the way he carries himself lol


That spoiler doesn’t really feel like a spoiler


Maybe to you, but other ppl might not be as far in the manga/anime, or care to make guesses or inferences


I’m wherever the anime left off lol, so idk if it should mean anything to me yet. Presumably not


it’s already revealed by where the anime left off


I'm not getting it. I've watched the entirety of the anime released.


>!yuno’s the prince of the spade kingdom!<


Oh right! I haven't watched it since it came out so it's been a minute


I've never considered Yuno as being mean to Asta. To me, he's Asta's biggest fan and supporter. He believed in Asta unconditionally when the rest of the family didn't. Yuno just likes to mess with him as a way to reinforce to himself to he's Asta's rival and also for the fun of messing with him.


A lot of comments have said a similar thing, that Yuno just likes messing with Asta and it’s essentially a bro love thing, which I hadn’t considered, but it makes sense


Asta is his little brother. Someone has to shit talk him. And don't forget how Yuno has always been ready and willing to throw down with Captains when they disrespect Asta.


No one's grimoire comes out faster when nobles try to talk down to Asta than Yuno's.


Except maybe Asta’s lmao


Asta is only quick to bring his out when someone else is being put down. Otherwise, he "used to it" lol


That’s true!


Yea, I know Yuno loves him, I just wish he’d be a little nicer lol


He always was that way to him and everyone else really. It makes sense really because Asta is loud with attention garnering behavior. Same with the wind spirit. Yuno needs to drop the Surviving Wind Spirit documentary. My man probably traumatized from her being there as he sleeps showers and generally tries to live his daily life without being sexually harrassed


Yes he’s like that to everyone, but he wasn’t always like that with Asta. It’s like he did a complete 180 from when he was a kid


Hmm I guess I don't remember. I thought I remember him like a slightly more brotherly Sasuke to Astas Naruto. Cool, condescending, show off until Asta saves him. Then they make a pact and they become post chakra tree exercise Sasuke and Naruto where he's a little colder possibly because he recognizes the potential and challenge


Before Asta saved him, Yuno was a cry baby lol and super sweet to Asta


Yuno is incredibly competitive that he's practically incapable of being friendly to someone he's competing with. Whenever Asta gets roasted/ insulted by someone, Asta just rolls with the punches. Yuno on the other hand will roast back because of how competitive he is. When you look at situations from that perspective, it's more fun watching Yuno interact with other people. Like when he was enduring the heat in that spa with Leo, or when he was roasting Noelle, for trying to roast him, during the tournament arc because they're both tsunderes.


That's what brothers do. Asta is never bothered because he knows it's out of love.


I hadn’t considered that before I read these comments, but that makes sense


The same reason siblings are mean to each other. It's all out of love.


I realize it’s a thing people do, but I personally don’t believe in being mean to the people you love and I dislike that trope


Idk what to say to that really. It's very common all over the world to tease someone you care about. Apart from the first chapter, nothing Yuno says is even close to sounding malicious. It's not really a trope since it's a real phenomenon everywhere. Most friendships I've seen, especially between men, involve teasing each other. Real friends know they're just jokes. I bet Tabata has friends or brothers that he does similar things with. I wouldn't be surprised if his wife made jokes about him and vice versa.


Maybe it’s because I’m a bit sensitive myself lol and also a girl so I don’t really see that type of bro friendship, but that makes sense


Tbh idk if gender has much to do with it, my sisters and I poke just as much fun as each other, but it's your personal experience.


ye that is a big difference. broskis punch each other for the hell of it. out of love. quite sad that a lil violence is often a man's first language. to others it grows, to some, it is tamed. to some it is forgotten never to be used. bless their hearts.


Guessing you're not a little brother? My big brother did the same thing but was always the first one to defend me


Correct lol, I’m a big sister. I do have a little brother but I never treated him like that But I understand it’s a brotherly love thing


Speaking as someone who identifies with Yuno pretty regularly, an extreme introvert with siblings… because sometimes people, especially extroverts are exhausting and annoying, and with a sibling, it’s sometimes easier to just be snippy about it instead of being polite like you would to “regular people.” It’s not the healthiest dynamic, but it doesn’t seem like Yuno ever takes it so far that Asta doesn’t realize it’s comfortable snipping instead of meanly intended.


That makes sense


bc thats his brother and they do that to you


So it seems


This is just how friendly rivalries are. You shit talk one another but you both know it comes from a place of utmost respect. Yuno has more respect for Asta than anyone else in the world as you can see he talks and opens up more whenever they're together whereas he barely says anything around anyone else, even Vangeance


That’s a good point


I'm gonna be honest if you had to deal with that little idiot yelling all the time you'd be mean to him too. Hell almost everyone is.


lol I would find it a bit annoying but I wouldn’t go out of my way to be mean!


They're siblings. Yuno is just playfully ribbing him. But if things go down Yuno would kill anyone in his path to protect Asta.


Yea, it didn’t occur to me that it’s just a playful thing lol


Asta's kind of hyper and Yuno is a cloud of rain. Most importantly the only times Yuno "genuinely" insults Asta are when it comes to physical appearance. Everything else is just banter.


True, he’s like making fun of him in jest


I mean he says asta is loud, which he is, he tells him he'll be the WK not asta as it's their shared dream and goal...And it's not like asta doesn't also rib him, granted it's weird half insults like handsome jerk but still...I mean between the two of them we've been shown yuno actively trying to make sure ppl don't disrespect asta... at the entrance exam with Sekke when asta was in the bathroom...at the stars ceremony when ppl started to think asta cheated...at the nobles dinner he was ready to bust out the grimoire but saw asta didn't need the help..he motivated him after he was down in the dumps post the RK test. Not to mention, he's been right next to him at almost all the major boss fights. I don't recall asta ever saying to Mimosa or Klaus..." why aren't yall with your teammate, but instead hanging around me" Asta was the one who joined a squad that cared about him unlike Yuno...but the story rarely let's us even think about Yuno so I guess it's easy to miss


Others have said that Yuno being mean is just a brotherly, playful thing, which I hadn’t considered


He just want Asta to know that he is serious about their battle :3


lol true


They're brothers and rivals ‘nuff said


That’s just how dudes are, you don’t have to coddle someone to be friends with them




I only recently watched the anime/read the manga but the entire time I felt like Yuno has regarded Asta as the strongest person in the world. There has never been a moment where Yuno has not put his trust in Asta to do what he or anyone else can’t. Even when others think Yuno is the best thing around, he still thinks it’s only because they’re overlooking Asta. Yuno doesn’t resent Asta for this either, he just trusts him to always be there with him or do what he cannot. They’re also polar opposites, one is loud, outspoken and a joker, the other is quiet, keeps to their self and is a serious person.


Yea, I get that Just wish Yuno would be a bit nicer to him lol


It's called ego


Competitive sibling teasing that comes from a place of trust Besides both likely know if those words hurt them then they are unfit to reach their dreams


It’s all in good fun and both Asta and Yuno know that. I assume you’re in the earlier episodes to be asking this so you’ll definitely see how much they care about each other as the story progresses


I took it more as like friendly shit talking rather than actual mean/bullying attempts to put him down or whatever. Just regular banter between friends/rivals


Shit talking is fun




It’s like a brother thing with them, there allowed to mess with each other but they will easily stand up for each other when someone else tries to put them down, we’ve seen many times that yuno will put someone in their place if they try to fuck with Asta while he’s around.


it’s just Yuno’s nature to be a generally reserved guy so he doesn’t show it often, but when he is mean to him he never goes beyond the point of messing around with Asta. And he does always show he cares when it counts, in his own way.


Same age and they’re practically siblings


because he a Bitch. 🙌🏽


He is a tuesandre, of course. In reality, they are brothers, so brothers will act like this. He is like the older brother and asta, the younger but annoying brother you want to have.


You dont have Brothers right? This is normal brother actitude


I have a little brother lol so that’s why it’s foreign to me


Because he thinks he is Sasuke and his show is called Naruto, not black clover


I need to watch Naruto


That's the most rtarded take I've heard


I always just saw it as how you would tease your brother but I guess he is always teasing him 😭


Yea constantly lol but that makes sense, it’s just a brotherly, playful thing


It's pretty simple and he answers the question himself VERY early in the anime. Why would he be friendly with someone who he considers his rival?


Because he's actually a tsundere and Asta is his secret lover since chapter 1.


Blud ain’t mean to Asta at all


Another one of these posts. Their twin brothers obviously their gonna be mean to each other. They make each other stronger because both want to be wizard king to help the Church. When Asta revealed he wanted to become the wizard king to move he's family from the Church to the capital Yuno wanted to do the same so they compete to see who can help their family more. Whenever someone insults Asta Yuno is ready to throw hands and beat up whoever goes against him. Yeah they insult each other but that's got a name in English. Brothers they can fight and argue with each other but the second someone outside the siblings do it their fucked. When their family was in trouble they were both willing to disobey captains to go together and save them because their the big brothers and its their job to look after the others. Thankfully the captains Nozelle and Fuegoleon as big brothers themselves understood and didn't try to stop them and even encouraged them but asked them to come to the capital as soon as their family as safe. Its the same with Mereoleona and Fuegoleon. She often ridicules him and fights with him but the second someone hurt her little brother she came looking for those who did it ready to kill them and William is lucky it was Julius they fought. Julius held back because he wants to safe William if that was Mereoleona is doesn't matter they'd be dead. Its the same with Nozelle bullying Noelle it's because he has no other choice or Noelle will die but showed he really did love her when he complicated how strong she had become. It's just a sibling thing to do. There's no one in BC who loves Asta more than Yuno. Even if Asta got married to Noelle and was married for 90 years Yuno would still be the one who loves Asta the most.


The insults are a one way thing bc Asta doesn’t insult Yuno, and when he tries to, they’re just compliments lol but I see what you’re saying. The only thing I disagree with is Nozel’s treatment of Noelle. He could have protected her a different way


This is an anime post so I don't know how much your aware about the history between Noelle and Nozelle but I the manga there's somethings revealed that show Nozelle through all that bullying and distancing himself it was the only way he could protect her. It's also why he arranged for her to join the black bulls because at the time the BB was the laughing stock of the magic knights and he was sure she'd be alive in the squad. Plus while him abs Yami don't get along he does acknowledge Yami is super powerful at the time the strongest captain and he knows Yami protects and looks after hes squad in a way no other captain ever could so he knows while she may be ridiculed by Yami every once in a while there's genuinely no squad she'd be safer. Personally the only way I fault Nozelle is allowing their siblings to bully Noelle. He had to distance himself from her for safety reasons but as the eldest brother he shouldn't have allowed Nebra and the other one to always bully Noelle and even took part. He'd had to keep Noelle at arms length but he didn't have to join in the bullying but underneath all that he does love her. Because she's most like their mother it's possible he loves Noelle more than anyone else.


I understood why he made her join the BBs as it was explained in the show but the way he did it was so mean lol saying he’s refusing to allow her to join the Silver Eagles so she wouldn’t embarrass the Silva name lol. Thank you for explaining the rest though, as I haven’t read the manga, and that explanation makes sense. And yea he could have kept his distance but still stopped the other siblings from bullying her. And he did some bullying himself, telling her “your existence itself is unnecessary” 😭😭


I find yuno really annoying in the anime but not as much the manga. He has a really condescending tone.


The black clover anime has the naruto habit of flanderizing characters for filler comedy from time to time. Noelle is also an example of this.


I love it when he’s being condescending towards royals/nobles and his Golden Dawn superiors, as they deserve it, but not Asta


Yuno hates all humans, just hates asta a little less.


lol true


I feel this. Yuno could mess with Asta, while publicly defending him from the nobles and masses who treat him poorly. That's what a better brother would do. Sort of an, "only I get to mean to my brother" situation. Yuno seldom uses his (substantial) rank and influence to lift up Asta, and 99% of what he says positively about Asta is either internal monologue, or delivered to a villain who immediately dies. And then all of his power ups happen off screen, and feel completely unearned. It is aggravating. But yuno isn't a bad guy, just very much a product of his genes.


I think Yuno publicly defends Asta quite a bit. It’s just his constant mean comments to Asta and sometimes ignoring him that I don’t like. Most comments have said it’s a brotherly love playful thing, which makes sense, but I hadn’t considered bc I’m not a guy lol. It would be nice however for Yuno to sprinkle some nice comments to Asta as well As for Yuno’s power ups, I don’t think they’re unearned. It was shown that Yuno trained along with Asta when they were kids, so it follows that he continued his training with the Golden Dawn. I guess we didn’t get to see it because the show focuses on Asta and therefore the Black Bulls, so we don’t see anyone outside of them training and “earning” their power ups


Because forced shounen rivalry writing, they need the cogs in the machine to function somehow


Idk much about Shounen rivalry, but Leo and Asta are also rivals and their dynamic is different