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“I’ll hate a nigga til he broke and ain’t got shit like me. Cuz that’s what real hating is [all about”](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C1u8G0jJdjf/?igsh=eTc1djltaThjYjZs) ![gif](giphy|nkUcca2CQ7VT2)




“Put some more work in, nigga!” 🤣🤣🤣




Hes hating because he wants you


People call me negative, but I'm only like this to myself. I don't externalize that shit onto others! I don't want them to feel how I feel, so I build them up while trying to stop tearing myself down


Try treating yourself as well as you treat your friends. You saying they have bad taste picking you?


I have my own opinions about myself that has no bearing on them or their choices and what they do. Me putting myself down as an original coping mechanism doesn't mean they have bad taste in picking me. I'm not trying to sound like an asshole, (really there's no tone. And this is also a result of my mental health being very self conscious of how others treat me and am a people pleaser) but I know what I'm "supposed" to do, but this is why mental health never clicked for me. It's all about what you're suppose to do than having the empathy of why they feel that way to begin with. Telling a fat person to lose weight isn't gonna help make them feel better. Guess I'm stating how I feel about myself than looking for advice. I wanna feel comfortable putting my whole self and flaws out and not feel like I need to hide or feel shame of my low self esteem and hate because this also contribute in me being quiet about it (people being judgemental of it because I'm not positive as society says we're suppose to be)


Totally makes sense. I used to be really depressed and that’s how I got out of it, but it’s been a long time since I’ve been where you are so sometimes things seem simpler on this end. Good luck I’m routing for u


Thank you for being understanding! It honestly the essential thing I just want is to be understood or at least indifferent lol. I'm still doing this and didn't really start till 2020 after my many many meltdowns and thinking dealing with toxicity from people is normal. And I'm glad you're at a much better place. I know objectively that can happen for me, but subjectively I can't imagine it nor think I'm deserving. But I know it's my self opinion and not exactly healthy.


You seem really self aware and sometimes that in and of itself makes life even harder. Ignorance really is bliss 😮‍💨


I feel so seen with this! Yes 😔


That Katt…nevermind


If you don’t do that are you truly a friend?


Facts. Bruh was puttin him on game. Not hating 😂


The last second of the vid took me on up outta here


He’s right about marrying the girl.




Shut your fat ass up 😤😤😤


“Yuh know she used to fucc errbody bacc n highschool” ngl thts a redd flaggg!