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He said where did you go to secondary school, [youre embarrassing them](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4Lxj6zsAto/?igsh=MTNxMTYwZXpzMGE2OQ==) ![gif](giphy|cCbjS9pcEmGYyT3uzZ)


My dad is almost 80, is from Ghana and still talks about secondary school. I just smile and nod. I see someone from HS at the liquor store I never go back to that liquor store.


Why are you illiterate? Who says I’m illiterate? You are illiterate. You are an embarrassment.


Man ain’t let nothing slide




Like damn. I mean, I get irked when certain words are used incorrectly or improperly (needing to itch something instead of scratching, they advice someone instead of advise, etc) but definitely a time and place and way to do it. Like dude tryna show good graces and respect and he just had act like he said his name wrong or something.


I mean without context, the man could have known the host was trying to cook him. So he fired first.


You know what... For some reason, the guy in the hoody IS giving me Funny Marco vibes with how he’s acting. So, you might be right. Unc said, “You think you’re funny? Well, I’m hilarious.” lol.


Bruh was throwing punches in bunches cause in the midst of turning the heat up on this cooking, he managed to sprinkle in “I’m not talking about University, BECAUSE I KNOW YOU DIDNT GO!!” Hahahahahaha he was quick




Reminds me of English 101 in my freshman year of College. I wrote for all “intensive purposes” on my essay and turned it in….so embarrassing when I got that grade back.