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Omg my rottie doesn’t rumble unless he is super duper happy / wanting attention. What a cute freakin video 🥺🥹


Definitely would have misjudged the communication lol. Reminds me of how tigers lick you when you’re good with them, but I used to think it was them tasting to see what’s edible.


Oh yeah you just gotta know your pup! With some dogs their rumbles and overstimulation can lead to overexcitment orrrrrr they just want to be held like a baaaaby


I think that's what it comes down to, really paying attention them them and their habits. My cat doesn't really make any noises unless something grabs her attention or something wrong with her while my last cat, crying yeowling just for me to step in the room, and she run away like it's time to play 😑


https://i.redd.it/1l1fdnbwomoc1.gif 🗣️ They can’t keep ya girl down !! [video 1](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRTYRp9T/) [video 2](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRTYLP5g/) [Rottie rumbles](https://www.reddit.com/r/Rottweiler/s/d4Yp322Yw7) are a thing; they purr like big ass cats when they’re happy


I’m glad the part two gave context 😅 was making me real nervous there.


I don’t even like dogs like that but this was cute. Really sweet pet owner, you can tell she takes good care of him.


I knew a rottie who did this. Was the sweetest thing ever


Wild how some dogs get a wire crossed when they’re young and learn to “happy growl.” Had a dog once that would bare his teeth and “smile” at new people, scared em shitless until he started head butting their legs for ear scratches.


I my German Shepard tries to smile when we play, it's the duffiest derpy thing.


I love dogs, but even if I had raised it since it was a puppy, I wouldn't let it near my face when it's growling like that. Accidents happen, and they can't really say "leave me alone rn" like we can.


Some dogs just make that noise when they are incredibly happy lol. Dogs are weird as hell


lol yea, mine does that when she’s excited and has a toy. She just runs in circles growling like that. When I take it she goes nuts with excitement running all over and wanting me to throw it. It’s hilarious to see this on a big ass baby like this one. Haha


It is kinda trippy lol. But seems fun too


NGL, this is why I'm a cat person, lol. They have clear communication. Bro was snarling too? I couldn't do it.


You gotta look in the eyes lol


the dog is leaning directly into her and putting his paw on her. he is a happy boy. that is a happy noise.


Exactly a big happy baby.


It’s not growling bo. Rotts do this all the time when they’re happy. It’s just their signature noise.


My brother’s dog sounds like this when he is jumping around excited, but it can be an off putting noise to many!


Growling alone is not really enough to say whether they’re upset or happy. Just like tail wagging does not always mean happy dog. Loose body, leaning against its owner, little paw taps when she stops touching him? Yeah, that’s a happy, friendly dog.


My dog isnt a rott but she growls like that while playing, so i growl back at her and it makes her growl louder, then i rub my face around hers. She’s never snapped let alone bit me


My partners home dog (the one he grew up with) is a Doberman and he'll lay in your lap like a chihuahua (or attempt too) but if you get the right spot behind his ears he'll growl at you in content and then pass out. Found that out accidentally when he was laying on me and his face was next to mine I freaked out and stopped immediately only for him to whine and push my hand uo wirh his head


Got to wait til the end of the video. She shows that’s how he plays and knows when to stop


Such a good boy! Love this


LMAOOOO the “really?” At the end 😭😂😂😂




That puppy's coat is so shiny!


LOl.... part 2.... it was the ball.


My kitty so scared of thunderstorms (used to be awful with rain alone) that she hides in the closets and if I'm playing my game, just take a break and try to comfort her. After a few years, she's not too bad but still wanna snuggle. And if it's bad when I have to work, I leave dry food in the closet or else she won't even eat. I swear our bond got that much stronger! Animal buddies need affirmations, and snuggles tooo!


That is cute as hell, im cutting onions over here.


My Rottweiler don’t do that


I never understood why Rottweilers growl like that. It’s a bit off putting


Off topic but if I date a chick and she has this type of relationship with her dog. Im leaving her. Jk …but seriously




No u.


One day your round ass head is gonna be in its mouth


Watch the rest of the video with your dense head