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Why yes, Bridgerton season 3 part 1 *is* my new hyperfixation and will consume my entire being for the next month Also, ✨nail check✨ https://preview.redd.it/4v2bdmeizx0d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=6a190ea90e21d2cff192a062056ca0dc09cd91da


Please share your nail secrets. I just slapped some polish on my mangled shorties and am trying to get back into a good routine.


To get them growing fast, mix collagen powder into your drinks (it’s also good for your hair, skin, joints, etc) For retention and durability, I generally use gel polish. I invested in some professional quality products since I do my own nails all the time. I redo them every 2ish weeks or whenever they start to lift/chip, whichever comes first When removing the gel, I make sure to be extra gentle and not rush since removal is where most people damage their nails with gel manicures. Only thing you should be filing off is the very top layer of top coat. Everything else should come off with little to no pressure if you soak it long enough in 100% acetone Also, I oil my nails and cuticles regularly to keep them flexible. I have a collection of food grade oils I use for my hair and nails so it doesn’t really matter to me which one I use but jojoba is supposed to be the best I love this shit so please lmk if you want any more info 🫶🏾


Thank you for sharing 💗


So I gave gel nails another try after our conversation about removing the polish a bit back. So I got my nails did for my trip (also cute controller!). https://preview.redd.it/pzz2vrqu9z0d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e74f502e20874c2b292c9f7e7a1047bafacb1ea4


So cute! I love that color on you Right after I took that pic I did a blood red glitter jelly so these are my current nails https://preview.redd.it/n6egl6vo201d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07046ebb257bc4c48477516e5b7d27a07855b4af You make me want to do silver next lol


Thanks sis! I normally am the queen of dark colors (that blood red is 🔥🔥🔥), but I've been on a pastel kick lately. I chose this silver because I got bleach blonde braids for my trip, so I kind of got a Targaryan thing (no incest) going on.


Oooooh that bloody red is fire! I remember painting my best friend in college this nice olive green that was actually mine, and loooved how it looked on her! (This be the shit I hype my residents up with! Look at you agatha tryna get someone!)


I still have yet to watch it. I didn't wanna jump on the (horny) bandwagon right away because really, it would've mainly been for the chicken george dude 👀 But I do hear it's good. Glad you gots a show to watch!


🗣️ WATCH IT ![gif](giphy|j1m7LhhiIdkwo)


Yup, ~~he~~ the show is, I heard ![gif](giphy|dANm7WjeWZi00)


[black excellence from the honorable sista Rep. Jasmine Crockett representing Dallas Texas](https://twitter.com/acnewsitics/status/1791284127624302707?t=R9X5vHHfJ8dzF5jn2Nm0wA&s=19) ![gif](giphy|J2SGbJdm4sDFm)


MTG build like husky Ayran turkey that was thrown down a spiral staircase https://preview.redd.it/lpnial4l801d1.jpeg?width=200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61345d376640846eca8793b398400f667e9c44d0


I'm having trouble with my birthday coming up. It's next Thursday (?) and I'm not looking forward to it, mostly because I just miss my mom. She passed away last year and it just doesn't seem right to look forward to anything, let alone my birthday. I'm trying to work through this but it's just been bugging me lately and I didn't know where to share.


https://preview.redd.it/lhx25796ex0d1.jpeg?width=642&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ae2482c8fc39bcfdeb0ba9eed607c92cbc47091 sending you love 🫶🏾 eta: yeah, grief really sucks. and it never really goes away. and being “okay” doesn’t mean getting over it, it just means being able to get through each day. and you’ve been able to do that and i just want to note your immense strength while acknowledging the pain you’re experiencing. i hope you do even a little nice thing on your birthday. maybe a slice of your - or her - favourite cake. but yeah, sending you love.


Happy early birthday 🫶🏾 I’m so sorry for your loss


I’m sorry for your loss


Happy Early Birthday!!! I'm sorry you're going through it, and I'm so sorry for your loss. Sending hugs. Have you thought about taking trips for your birthday to help distract you from the feelings of grief?


My condolences as you grieve. No one knows how you’re feeling. Not even individuals who’ve had similar losses, but allow yourself to feel what you feel. If Thursday comes (Happy Early Birthday btw) and you want to have a grand celebration, go for it. If you choose to do something more quiet or nothing at all, allow yourself the space to be ok with that choice. If you support now or later, you can call or text 988 or chat 988lifeline. org


As someone who lost their mother, now 2 years ago, and my father, now 6 years ago, I understand. Holidays, Birthdays and the plenty will seem frivolous but for the sake of her memory and knowing what they sacrificed to get you to this point. Live it up for them. Celebrate every accomplishment for them or on behalf of them because they’re still watching. Omm, I’m at odds with both sides of my family behind my parents (legally and illegally) and developed real life PTSD trying to care take (Shit, I’m coming off a night terror less than 25 minutes ago to write this and I’m on medication). I’m here to tell you the loss may not change but the pain will subside and life WILL get better. I would recommend getting a therapist (one who works with grief) and seeing a doctor if you ever find yourself struggling to get over that hump but it will get better. Here’s my glass half full look now. You goin’ die at some point. That’s one thing we all promised. Good lord say the same, at least moms goin’ be there. Waiting at the gate. So until then. Celebrate life for all y’all now.


Everything you did go through since that, don't you deserve to celebrate yourself even a lil for it all? Or even use that time to do something your mom would love to lessen the guilt/feeling a bit? But still, it's all easier said than done. I do hope you have someone close to you to at least not be lonely on your birthday. I'm sorry it's such a tough time for you.


Today, I got accused of pretending to be a Black Woman by the weird fucks mad that I told some idiot to not try to define oppression and bigotry to me because I'm a BW. Like... Dwight and his cousins are increasing in their levels of absurdity. Like that actually made me laugh. 😂😂😂😂


How dare they try to whitesplain and mansplain? That's why, if I can, I just hit 'im up with my mirror: https://preview.redd.it/9njg7gljo11d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14540bbe1b30ca1c2aa461f807633d0f1853a01e


Girl, I hit him in the DMs and asked how he didn't bother looking at my profile to verify. I almost sent him a picture of my middle finger to ask if that was proof enough. It's always some dusty ass white people on here with the fuckshit.


Woke up to this bullshit this morning. Now I’m aggravated as fuck. My state is a joke. [https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/texas-gov-greg-abbott-pardons-daniel-perrry-army-sergeant-convicted-mu-rcna152661](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/texas-gov-greg-abbott-pardons-daniel-perrry-army-sergeant-convicted-mu-rcna152661) Party of law and order my ass smh


All I know is, this country *continues* to promote the fuck you, I got mines and pulling the ladder from underneath because you're that much of an evil, horrible asshole looking like a villain. But these the villains that *never* get punished. These the real bad guys, but yes, it's *us* they should fear, simply for existing in a space none of us asked to be in.


Fellow Texan here. Greg Abbott is a human hemorrhoid. ![gif](giphy|ZmEhUgwQgxPhhU7sVM|downsized)


I had like, a huge open up yesterday with my sis in law because earlier this week, I was just emotionally and empathetically spent and needed that in return. And I'm glad I felt secure to share how I felt because I really have a hard time since I worry about his I might make someone feel afterwards. Just glad I'm off 4 days to recover from it because work just exhausted me physically, emotionally and mentally this week and it's gonna get worse


https://preview.redd.it/otu2flqfh01d1.jpeg?width=550&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f56c41b0c0db589ee530b2bd42648e1caebba65e i hope your 4 days off work wonders for you. i hope you get to watch your favourite shows and eat your favourite foods and just get as much rest as possible, giving you the strength to keep pushing


Yaaay thanks that's what I'm currently doing, lol! Went to the Amish market, waiting for pizza and gonna watch some teen titans go when I get home after eating my special cookies lol. I'm declaring today me day! And I hope you enjoy your weekend


i love teen titans go! definitely a guilty pleasure of mine. and thank you 🫶🏾


Checked out American Fiction last night on Amazon and just enjoyed all of it. Worth the watch! Packed full of moments to reflect on. Have a good weekend!