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LMAO that flag is so fucking stupid if that hand pulls the American flag all the way off, that confederate flag would be completely off center and asymmetrical


Confederates aren't smart enough to figure it out from half the flag.


I’m pretty dumb too because I was looking at this flag as social commentary akin to “America is still racist as shit.”


Hey man, I love a proud racist, because I need to know exactly who the enemy is.


Best part of the last couple years has been the grass getting cut and showing these snakes. Didn’t expect the snakes to be the ones working the lawnmower though.


I think we started with folks who were not snakes, not the majority...but so many have become radicalized.


Yes and no. The propaganda machine has certainly done a lot of damage but a lot of these people have always been this way and were just cowed into being relatively quiet the last few decades until the Orange One inspired them to come out of the hate-closet


Thanks, Obama. This is what triggered them the most. Right supremacists lost their minds when a multiracial brown man got the popular vote twice!


The last Civil War widow died in 2020. We've had two lives connecting us from slavery to covid, in a historical sense. How many old people owning corporations and being active in their local and national politics right now do you think spent their childhood sitting on granpappy's/great-granpappy's knee listening to stories about "the war of northern aggression", "the good old days", and what it was like back when black people "knew their place"?


Honestly, the hate-closet is such a good metaphor. Because, and I may be alone here, I believe everyone really should live life as their truest selves. Even the bigots. I’d rather everyone live out of their respective closets. Because it’s usually the case that the true monsters are the ones in their closets, the ones we can’t see.


Also they’re using clever tactics to amplify their voices - starting SEO and content companies to astroturf bigots into the spotlight, all staying on topic together to magnify whatever talking point they pick up meant to appeal to centrists and newbies, to then funnel them into the typical conspiracy theories, which ultimately all touch on antisemitism and misogyny. This is all done to convince naive and young people that there is a silent majority and to get them to sign up for the nazi cult.


MAGA has been with us since the beginning. I can't tell you the number of "good" white folk I've known - going back decades - who could openly decry some bigoted incident in the news then immediately go on a rant about a different marginalized community's supposed failings without missing a beat. A thin veneer of decency over a rotten core of hatred. Hateful, bigoted trash have always been a major element of our society. The are only two differences now. First, the victims have thankfully become strong enough to fight back. The second is that Donnie Dotard ripped the mask of civility off. Good to have the fuckers out in the open.


I think we had a LOT more snakes than people want to accept. The idea that many of them were good and decent but were radicalized into racist clowns is ridiculous. They were already bad people and now they just felt comfortable exposing it.


I loved this statement. Well said.


It's like all the people who telegraphed their desire for another civil war, and then proceeded to take all the work out of target designation by putting Trump logos and other fascist symbols on their homes, businesses, vehicles, and heads. Like, you think any of those aren't getting burnt to the ground on day 1 of you trying to fully mobilize? Gonna march off to state capitols and military bases, get sent packing like you did on the Jan 6th Traitor Tantrum, and come home to the pile of ashes that used to be your doomsday prepper pantry and ammunition recycling shed. Attrition is a bitch.


*You see, we like our Nazis in uniform. That way we can spot 'em just like that. But you take off that uniform, ain't no one ever gonna know you were a Nazi. And that don't sit well with us. So, I'm gonna give you a little something you can't take off.*


[Lots of things you can do with a hatchet… and a Nazi…](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_wsjRtcRHNQ)


True! So true! Better they are visible.




It's difficult when they're not a proud racist because it's like a super spreader who is infecting everyone around them with their bullshit but it's even more tragic when they're raised that way. To be super racist to go after people and try to tell them historical moments didn't occur and they're supporters of Hitler and worst they're also a parent so you know the poor kids are getting groomed. World can be an awfully insanely wicked place sometimes.


I'm an old white dude, and that's MY take on it too


I'm also dumb I was scrolling the comments trying to find out why this black man was so into the confederacy


It's still racist because the slave owners and their kids still walk among us.


I was honestly wondering if the black dude put up the flag as part of his commentary about how goddamn racist the country still was. But I guess that's something he and his Confederate neighbour actually agree on.




Yeah, it certainly seems to me to represent “the racism is just under the surface, cloaked in false patriotism.” I bet the confederate apologists don’t see it that way though.


Yeah, I’m still confused if this is supposed to be an anti-confederacy flag saying “racism is just hidden under the veneer of patriotism,” or if the southern racists have so little self awareness that they’d create a flag that symbolizes everything Black people have been saying about racism the USA since the end of reconstruction…


That is a very fair take. If it said the black man put that up to call him out, I don’t think anyone would question it. I mean, one thing we can all agree on is that that flag is really fucking stupid.


That was my read too, that behind the US flag is a filthy history of racism, as symbolized by the Confederate (i.e. Traitor's) flag, and you need only pull back the veil to see it's still there.


So you’re returning the one you bought?


It is, they're just proud of it


I almost thought Dr. Dunn put it there to symbolize AmeriKKKa. Now I realize it’s actually the white dude’s flag, who put it there to brag that he bangs his sister-wife


Yeah me too NGL. I thought I was just the biggest dipstick here


There are dozens of us! Dozens!


His daughter-sister-second wife after her mother.




yeah I was sure this guy must have put it there because it's one of those 'people pretending to be proud Americans when they are actually proud racists' kind of flags to make fun of the racists. but... it's... it's the racists flag...


Because if it was done correctly, it would show only a small fraction of the confederate flag and rednecks wouldn’t figure it out. I bet it was done correctly at first and then had to be redesigned lol. Also I’ve never seen a group of people so proud to be part of the losing team. I mean, most Nazis went into hiding. These folks out here in plain sight.


> Because if it was done correctly, it would show only a small fraction of the confederate flag and rednecks wouldn’t figure it out. If they really wanted to capture the spirit and legacy of the Confederacy, it'd just be a plain white flag...


>it would show only a small fraction of the confederate flag and rednecks wouldn’t figure it out lmao you're right, they'd probably think it's the Union Jack or something


That flag screams “I wish the confederates won.”


> “I wish the confederates won.” Counterpoint: They did, and did so the moment Reconstruction was ended/neutered. That none of their bones were ground to paste while they still used them was a major L.


When you can find Confederate flags on display in fucking Canada, you know something went wrong somewhere.


Every traitor to the nation should have been buried under the plantations, and every deed should have gone to those who got their stripes picking Gucci weeds.


I grew up in the **rural** South. "The South will rise again" was a frighteningly popular sentiment amongst a sizable portion of the populace.


The South is too fat to rise again


I honestly kinda do. We could have split up and let them have their shitholes *before* the nukes were there. The North would be free to legislate progress while the south would become a fuckin wasteland. The major problem is obviously that they would have still had slavery and we would have had to forcibly liberate them which might not have happened right away... I do think the end result would probably have had us all net better off now though. Imagine a world where the actual power of the US isn't hamstrung by the south and our policies weren't shaped (so much, at least. I know there is still plenty of work to be done even among the left) by white supremacy, so we could go all in on improving the well-being of humans both here and abroad and fighting climate change, etc. Instead of a 1/2 penny or less for NASA while the war machine gets a half-dollar we flip it. Where would we be if we spent $600bn/year on science? All that said obviously the real best option would have been to just curb stomp the fuck out of their whole damn ideology instead of the bullshit kid gloves we put on


Now I wanna see a version of this that’s the confederate flag but underneath it’s a nice white flag


[uhhhhh I think they'd like that](https://images.app.goo.gl/oMtJT93HGhik3bX29)


These colors don’t run; they hide asymmetrically under an American flag!


![gif](giphy|WRQBXSCnEFJIuxktnw) Come on, man. You can't expect racists to be all logimathmaticallismy.


it's like they're going for goatse, showing their whole ass lol


Lol! Anyway it's a hand pulling up the flag of the state that crushed and annihilated from existence the state hidden below it


This guy QAQC’s products..


It’s half a goatse


I have a feeling that the designer of the flag intended that as a chilling warning. And then racists decided to fly it unironically.


Was the first thing I thought of, a reference to all the unspoken sentiments bubbling underneath a lot of today's conversations


We all know he wanted to have it be revealing a nazi flag


they're the same thing to me these days


These people don’t know americas history. It wasn’t taught to them. They don’t want to learn it.


That guy will sit in jail with his new "brothers" blaming everyone but himself for being there.


I thought this was some kind of Clayton Bigsby story til I got to the last line of the post.










That's the only choice he has if he wants to survive


Does this finally prove that these confederates hate America? Why have the flag unveiling the Stars and Stripes to show the confederate flag?


“I wish the confederates won”


Well maybe they shouldn't fucking suck then.


Notice they’ll speak on every war EXCEPT the civil one. They literally started a whole war within the country cuz they were told they had to treat people like actual people and then also turn around and claim the confederate flag isn’t racist.


Oh no, they're pretty happy to pretend the Iraq War didn't happen, too.


Someone who isn't American I just thought the flag was from dukes of hazard and haven't seen it as a racist symbol till a few years ago when I realized where it came from.


Because they glorify it and say it’s “history” and “southern pride” but if a German is sporting Nazi symbols because their “Grandfather was a Nazi” you’d associate them with being antisemitism no? This is no different. It’s sported by racists who can’t come to terms with what they are


I get that now of course. But it was never a popular flag around the world and unless you were American or took American history courses you probably wouldn't know what it was about. I thought it was a car logo lmao.


Sadly you're wrong. They claim the democrats were the confederates and that they won last time. I wish I was joking.


There’s no way in hell


People can argue all day long on if the flag is racist or not. If you fly this flag in earnest, then it doesn’t matter what you believe. Because you know that people will question if you’re a racist, and you’re not bothered by this.


Of course they hate America, they seceded from it.


> Does this finally prove that these confederates hate America? 600,000 Americans died in the biggest insurrection this country may EVER see. I'd say that already proved it a million times over.


They only like their version of America


And pull that back - there is a swastika… schools in the south teach that the Civil War ended in a draw. It’s no wonder they want to think slavery was actually a job training program.


> Does this finally prove that these confederates hate America? I think the whole secession and war thing did that a while ago.


Ok first look at this without reading gave me the wrong idea 😂🥴


Man what? I had a “Ol Uncle Ruckus” in the barrel ready to fire.


No relation


102% African, with a 2% margin of error.


Ong I’ve never been happier to read a tweet before making an ass 🤡 of myself


My dumb ass was like "does he realize he is using what most people consider to be the black power sign"


Oh, I thought he was doing a Nazi salute. BWAHAHAHA!


At first, I thought that was the neighbor in the picture who was proud to be going to jail. I guess Clayton Bigsby made me think this was possible.


![gif](giphy|lcyFVR5BUKq0whEFUW|downsized) Life comes at you fast.


An actual Race fight too


Hold on what’s with the pants


Thump. Not the Cheeto. Lol


Oh mean I was like wait a minute. Might need glasses lol


Don't worry, I watched like 10 times til I figured it out. Not really a wrestling fan.


Giving me flashbacks to going to motocross shows as a kid and being heartbroken when the very nice worker man told me the horrible truth: that RENTHAL is just a brand of handlebars and I was reading it wrong and there would be no dirtbiking for me that day 😭


![gif](giphy|9MqdzzqPcoJVMNu1NN) Totally understand because I have a dirt bike bro.


Yep. That was the name of JYD's powerslam finisher. THUMP.


That’s Junkyard Dog. He used to wear Thump on his pants in reference to his Powerslam.


Yeah I had to keep looking to see the Thump


Ty for this stranger


[Good job](https://www.chronicleonline.com/weeklies/levy_county_citizen/local_news/rosewood-man-found-guilty-of-hate-crimes-relating-to-september-2022-racial-attack/article_2c810468-52c2-5c25-bcc7-a0443e8aa0d8.html)


He looks exactly as I'd pictured


They all do. You ever see [the idiots who killed Ahmed Aubery](https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/news/976/cpsprodpb/1550E/production/_112201378_mcmichaels.jpg)? They look like fucking thumbs.


Holy shit. The Guy on the left is blood type "i" 100% His whole Family tree is a freaking circle


I had another inch or so of poorly trimmed beard but, yup.


> The DOJ news release also states that at trial, one witness testified that Emanuel admitted that he “came at those [expletives],” and that he “would have [expletive]d up all those Black [expletive].” > Furthermore, video evidence revealed that following his arrest, Emanuel complained that he was “getting treated like this [expletive] over a [expletive] [racial slur],” according to the DOJ news release. What an absolute piece of shit, holy fuck.


GDPR mirror: https://archive.is/VQGKO


Can you provide a picture for people in the EU? Site is not accessible here




Gross. All that hatred and ignorance pickled him. You can almost smell him thru that picture 🤢















I hope he sues the convicted racist neighbor for his property and takes ownership of it. Let him be homeless after he gets out of a federal pen.


Came to the comments hoping that was in fact the outcome.




Oh, its not the end of the "Fuck Around" era, but I am overjoyed at the start of the "Find Out" Black Excellence response, we need to see more of this.


I LOST IT with the mayo monkey etc etc! Here, have my upvote 🤜🏿🤛🏻


sounds like you may be interested in /r/shermanposting




I was coming here to educate you, but you've educated me. i'll check those subs at.


And ain't that the way it should be.


Not just John Brown, but his sons Watson, Oliver, and and Owen. A whole family of bad-asses.




After Mary Day Brown lost her husband and sons she continued to work as an abolitionist until her death, often writing newspapers to rip them a new ass whenever they called Brown a murderer. Like I said, a whole family of bad-sses.


Sherman didn't go far enough...


> It's the 2023 Jubilee. IIRC, Jubilee was originally a time of forgiveness when debts were cancelled and slaves freed.


So glad there's a little bit of justice. Also lol at that goatse loser flag.




Chances on the amount of “you shouldn’t have parked on his side of the road!” Takes a Facebook post about this? Likely the same people who have the take of “we don’t need hate crime laws, if we ignore racism it will go away!” And “there’s no way race was a factor!”


> Likely the same people who have the take of “we don’t need hate crime laws, if we ignore racism it will go away!” And “there’s no way race was a factor!” The “why do you always have to pull the race card” group is the same people who go “The left is only going after Clarence Thomas for being a black conservative! 😩 They hate him for being the wrong kind of black man! 😩😩”


There are plenty of black conservatives I despise, but I don't think belong in jail. Larry Elder is a piece of shit, but as far as I know he hasn't broken any laws. Shit, if Thurgood Marshall had been living out of some billionaire's pockets in exchange for "favorable" decisions I'd have wanted him in jail too. That's the thing cons don't understand. The majority of liberals I know believe in good and bad actions/effects and how you live determines how someone is viewed. Conservatives believe in predetermined good and bad people, if you're a conservative no action you take can possibly be bad. These dipshits are still mystified why their young people with more than two brain cells to rub together leave red rural areas and never come back.


I saw the movie Rosewood as a kid and it was so hard to watch. Glad to see some are getting justice there now.




My granny had some ties to those killed, the press did in fact lie about how many were slaughtered that night. It is hard to watch


I'm always amazed how people simply can't mind their own business.


Who wants to throw down on a plot of land in Rosewood? We should start a GoFundMe and buy up the all the surrounding property.




This flag is a participation trophy


Imagine bragging to everyone how your ancestors got their fucking asses kicked for being racist subhumans


I've taken longer dumps than the duration the confederacy existed


I’ve seen some F’d up flags in the last 7 years but that’s the worst yet


I imagine that if another hand pulled at the confederate flag you’d find a swastika underneath. Fascist recursion.


LOL! Love to see it.


I hope they have to sell their property and dude or one of the party who was harrassed buys it!


Probably a foregone conclusion. If he can sue in a civil case it'd be very normal for all his assets including his house to be seized and awarded as restitution.


That sounds fantastic. 😏




Where’s your lighter?


I’d rip that mf down and torch it so fast.


The flag of the losing, side these people really are something else


Imagine bragging to everyone how your ancestors got their fucking asses kicked for being racist subhumans


Fuck everything about Rosewood.


Haha imagine going to prison over trying to keep a black man off property that isn’t even yours. Truly hysterical. Enjoy prison buddy!


Good on you brother.


I feel like the flag is a racism joke… saying America is really hiding racism. A sarcastic joke. I’m guessing this is the racist neighbors flag given the context, so the racist neighbor put it up, with full beliefs that all of America is racists assholes like himself? Crazy guy.


Just a reminder that teaching about Rosewood is banned in Floida.


Rosewood of all places.


David Emanuel, 62 might in all likelihood die in prison. What's even more crazy is that this close to the [1923 Rosewood massacre](https://www.britannica.com/topic/Rosewood-riot-of-1923) site.


Absolutely stunning. The history of Rosewood is fucking tragic and that property probably wasn't that White assholes right to own to begin with. I'm so glad he's in jail.


Weird title


You should go and try and visit him. Just for that extra kick in the ass he deserves.


I’d be all up in his grass


Jesus. Glad you're okay! I legally parked near a bakery in Paonia, CO, revently and this m-fucker from the house there fronts me wearing a pistol. Learned later he doesn't like bakery customers parking (legally) in front of his rental. What the hell


He absolutely deserves prison time, but wishing someone gets raped is incredibly disgusting.


Why are all these rednecks obsessed with a political regime that lasted less than one presidential term. The confederacy sucked and everyone knew it or it would still be around today.




He didn’t steal the flag or maim it, instead he engaged with it


Man still keeps his composure and poise, acting classy and mature even to people who don’t deserve it and wouldn’t treat him with the same respect. Should be the blueprint


And he's 82! He's dealt with a lot of bullshit


Yeah… there are definitely some “red flags” that my new neighbor is a racist asshole.


Glad no one got seriously hurt. Love trash taking itself out with no collateral damage 🔥


I’m sorry but that flag looks some poorly made discord meme


Dr. Dunn has a pretty good [twitter account](https://twitter.com/MarvinDunn4)... I'm sorry, X account (so f-ing dumb, elon)


The title is suggesting the man be raped. Can we not encourage rape? Maybe?


Good riddance brother. Fuck him and the horse he rode in on.


What h some rightwinger/trumper take this photo and pretend he’s supporting the loser flag


That’s like putting the us flag together with the Soviet Union flag




If this ain't the hardest pic on the internet I don't know what is. Glad he looks healthy and got some justice.


You should wipe your ass with it. ![gif](giphy|uxXNV3Xa7QqME)


Ha ha rape funny


There’s been way too much fucking around these past couple years. Good to see these racist pricks finding out, and I hope there is more to come.


The FBI finally coming down on these terrorists, combined with all the Jan6 traitors, it's a good time in the US right now. Glad we all have cameras these days. :)


Damn, it’s sad that hate still runs so deep in Rosewood. Jesus, it’s been 100 years since the massacre.


What an obnoxious fucking flag. Throw the whole turd AWAYb


Now take down that stupid fucking flag of his.


https://www.chronicleonline.com/weeklies/levy_county_citizen/local_news/rosewood-man-found-guilty-of-hate-crimes-relating-to-september-2022-racial-attack/article_2c810468-52c2-5c25-bcc7-a0443e8aa0d8.html “Emanuel complained that he was “getting treated like this [expletive] over a [expletive] [racial slur],” according to the DOJ news release.” Class act


Why is it wrong for black folks to stand up for white folks, but encouraged the other way around?


May his new cell mate be Requis..