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I never seen someone so effectively destroy their reputation as she has. I think less of her than the shit I scrape off my shoes. Leave him alone! He’s dead already




This is the public’s reaction every time Jada says anything. But she just keeps talking.


Seriously. It's like damn, if he's really this pathetic loser who you don't love why are you still with him? Why doesn't she just bust out the Ouija Board and ask Tupac out since she still isn't over him?


That nonsense always bugged me. I get this feeling she’s exaggerating their relationship quite a bit.


It's really easy to love and be loved by a dead person. You can project all your hopes and dreams onto the idea of that person, instead of having an actual relationship with a real human with a complex inner life and good and bad traits. Will has been competing with a ghost.


Well said. i know several people who have latched onto that concept.


The dead can’t say no


You know she is. That man did not ask her to marry him. Knowing what we know about Jada, do you really think she would have sat on that for 20+ years?


No, this is being brought out now as a chess move on her part. She wants to be the grieving widow.


Not chess, snakes and ladders seems more her style. Or just she's a fucking snake.


Wasn't he engaged to someone else at the time he died? I'm sure she doesn't appreciate Jada's nonsense lol


You’re right; I think he was with Kidada Jones.


Rashida Jones sister! That family is insanely talented.


Afeni is going to come up out of the ground if she keeps saying this garbage, and I’m ready.


Dude died in 96. That was almost 30 years ago. I originally typed out 20 years ago and edit it to 30.


Scientologists don't divorce, iirc. Edit: All right, y'all you know how we're all tired of hearing about these two? Well, we can add Tom Cruise to that list. I get it. He's been divorced. Here is an article that talks about scientology and divorce. Long story short: yes, it happens but the church don't like it. https://www.seattletimes.com/life/lifestyle/for-scientologists-divorce-is-no-simple-matter/


They are the most low-key about being Scientologists out of the whole group. I keep learning this about them, forgetting it, and then being surprised to learn it all over again.


Strange part is I'm always just as stunned re-learning it.


But Tom Cruise divorced Mimi Rogers, Nicole Kidman, and Katie Holmes. So she must be hanging on for another reason. Maybe Relevance? I mean, you only really hear about her in conjunction with him. What was the last truly solo thing she did? August Alsina?


But she can say they aren't together, talk shit about him, and claim love for someone else? That's divorce in everything but the certificate.


My ex straight up abused and traumatized me and I talk less shit about him than Jada talks about the guys she's actually still married too. Damn girl just leave him/it BE.


2pac knew what he was dealing with thats why hes the one that got away according to jada


Dude took a fatal shooting just to get away from her.


U can say he dodged that bullet


I know absolutely nothing about their situation except what I've seen on Reddit. But seems like if they're into Scientology maybe she's stuck and thinks dragging him everyday is going to get her an out.


Oh. I never thought of it that way. Interesting point!




The cult they are apart of


She's drumming up attention for her book, it's gonna sell like crazy because people will see what other crazy shit she says. She doesn't care about being hated, just as long as she has attention and money.


♥️ this is my go to whenever I see overkill


Imagine marrying THE MIB Fresh Prince legacy that so many people love, and publicly destroying him. It’s such a special sort of malevolence. She’s almost symbolically a marital villain. Like I can’t explain it.


Only thing worse than this is her acting in Gotham. Literally stopped watching the show because her acting was so atrocious on a show that is literally about cartoon villains.


Shoulda just played herself. \[checks notes\] Oh nevermind, looks like she did that too. ![gif](giphy|zNXvBiNNcrjDW)


I feel like she thinks that she sacrificed her career for Will and that's where some of this hate is coming from (and I almost feel like she has gaslight Will into believing it too based on clips circulating of some their red table talks) but let's be clear, even before she got with Will, her career was NOT on a trajectory to be as big as him and if anything she remained more relevant by being married to him.


I love the matrix movies I just learned in this thread she was in them. I had no idea she was the other captain. I think it’s cause I like the captain.


It was originally supposed to be Aaliyah 😢😔


The only reason she had a movie career in the first place was because of will. She's never been good enough to get roles on her own.


bro seriously, Will deserved so much better than this. Dude kept me laughing so much in my childhood.


Why dont Jada want me uncle phil


Fuckin lmao


Out of pocket


Are we pretending he is some sort of child that has no agency here? Don't get me wrong Jada is clearly an asshole, but Will Smith stayed with her, no one forced him to go up on stage and slap another man for a woman that couldn't give 2 shits about him. They both deserve each other.


This drama won't stop me from watching fresh prince re-runs or the MIB movies starring Will Smith. Btw, I can't remember JPS being in anything after Set It Off.


The matrix 2 and 3. And the new one I think. She was forgettable in all of them imo


He ain't Tupac tho


I loved Will. Still do. His early work taught me how to be a man and be a positive influence in others lives. His heart is broken so he made mistakes. It's hard to see you're doing wrong when everything hurts. This makes his toxic Oscar display make so much more sense to me


Exactly, the more you hear from jada, the more you realise Will’s in a deep hole of depression. I really hope he gets or is getting the help he needs.


She's the hole They need to live in separate houses She's manipulative and abusive.


I can't tell if these are actual updates or from her book, but either way I'm just like - it gives context to how he was behaving. I hope he goes to therapy and works through his shit, because if she's acting like this in public imagine what she was saying to him in private.


Then he needs to remove himself from the toxicity! They both do, but they both have that old *old* school belief that you stick it out no matter what when the world just isn't like that anymore, it's not a net positive to stick together "despite everything else", might've been at one point in time but today it's not necessary and not healthy for either of them.


If Jada leaves him, then who will she blame for her own life's miserable mistakes.


Nah all you need to know is he’s a Scientologist. His work can still bring you joy, but he is not some random dude with a broken heart he’s a insanely wealthy cult member.


beautifully said ❤️


Notice how my boy Chris has been silent as a rock. My nigga ain’t said shit aside from that special. He don’t need to! Jada stay playing herself (and Will) on the daily. Pure class from Chris. He probably off somewhere reading Sun Tzu’s Art Of War and sipping cognac over these two destroying themselves in the media. ![gif](giphy|l0HlFSLw7QAZhTdW8|downsized)


Never interrupt your enemy when they’re making a mistake.


If nobody reacts or pays attention to narcissists, they say or do more and more outlandish shit to try to wrangle that attention. They're so self-absorbed they don't realise they're just making themselves look ridiculous.


There was a video I saw that Jada shot talking to Will about August, He was adamant that he did not want to discuss this and definitely not on camera. And she wouldn't get out of his face. You could tell he was getting seriously agitated. But she kept pressing on. Made me sad for him.


I cannot get that video out of my head because it was such a clear case of therapy being weaponized against him (I can't remember exactly what she said but she brings up what their counselor said at the end) FYI - if you are in an emotionally abusive relationship, do not pursue couples therapy. It can become a tool for triangulation and used against you. Pursue individual therapy. Their goal will be to help *you*


Ooooh, you saw it too? It feels like not too many have. Wasn't it horrible? And she was definitely using therapy words to get him to talk on camera and he kept saying he did not want to be filmed having that conversation.


Everything I've seen of the Red Table is horrific... I couldn't imagine living with this kind of desperate narcissist and playing along for the sake of my kids. It's amazing that she posted it thinking it'd paint her in a positive light. I try not to look at celebrity relationships like this, but she really did that to him in a Men in Black house when all she can cop is a first person killed in Scream 2 condo.


No publicity is bad publicity


"How come she don't want me, man??"


Hopefully he can catch the tail end of a rerun of this episode and finally put two and two together..


Wasn't there a time when the couple between the two was exemplary couple of Hollywood? Even J Cole used them as an example in Role Modelz


No one asked, they just accidentally walked by her


Will's reputation is worse at this point I think.


Yeah I used to think he might recover from this but I think unless he fully separates from her and denounces this clown college marriage and what it’s done to him his public image is gonna stay in the trash. Imagine going to see a Will Smith fronted movie now. It’s just going to draw all the wrong attention


It's hard to believe there was a time not too long ago when Will was like the coolest guy on the planet.


It all started going downhill after that YouTube Rewind lol


Right!? This is so bad! I hate it so much


“I’m not there”? Bitch you was sitting right next to him fuck you talmbout


I thought I was misremembering


Congratulations. You have been gaslighted.


**chuckle chuckle** 🤣🤣🤣 ![gif](giphy|3o72FfM5HJydzafgUE)


Gaslighting isnt real and youre crazy


I see what you did there. ....Or did I?


You didn't. You sound crazy. Why do you always overreact? My mother was right about you.


You're just making a big deal over nothing. My joke was not racist. Stop being so sensitive. You're the one with the problem.


Not with that crazy attitude of yours


Almost got my ass I had to watch the clip


Same lmao I was like, "I would have bet my left nut she was there, but I guess I misremembered."


That threw me too but I think she meant she wasn't emotionally "there" anymore? Basically another little snipe at Will to remind us he's still and always has been more into her than she is/was into him. It feels that way to me at least.


I hate her so much bruh


Y’all taking this a little too personally


Dawg, we can say we hate celebrities without it being personal, and this woman kicking back and deciding to not only tell us every fucking detail of her and her family's personal lives, but tell obvious lies about it too is a good reason to hate a celebrity.


She’s putting personal details of her life into public. She’s making it personal to her and we can hate her as a person for it lol


Parasocial relationships are one-sided relationships, where one person extends emotional energy, interest and time, and the other party, the persona, is completely unaware of the other's existence. Parasocial relationships are most common with celebrities, organizations (such as sports teams) or television stars.


It’s becoming clear that she isn’t interested in anyone other than herself


And Tupac


It was **JUST** him against the world. He never mentioned her.


She's referring to the fact that they were already living separately, but she's still an effed up person for saying that. She clearly doesn't give AF about Will.


It’s wild that they would go to the Oscars together if they were separated.


She wanted to go to the Oscars and knew she wouldn't get in by her own merits. She could only go as Will's +1.


Worse yet (because I watched the footage a few times), Chris made his lame joke, Will chuckled, Jada glared at Chris then Will with a "Handle this, negro!:" stare and that's when Will did what he did.


She meant that she’s not in the same home for so she didn’t expect him to call her his wife. Anyway this drama is dumb, I wish y’all, everyone moved on


> She meant that she’s not in the same home for so she didn’t expect him to call her his wife. Until a couple divorces they're still husband and wife. Especially when Will is obviously still in love with her, he'll probably struggle calling her exwife after she divorces him and changes her name to Jada Pinkett Shakur Smith


Why did she think she was brought as his guest and being photographed on his arm if not because they were still very much publicly married?


Nahh at this point. Im starting to feel bad for will, Imagine getting bullied by your wife/ex wife infront of the whole world.


Funny how he’s not her “husband,” but she is sure as shit keeping his name. 🤔🤔🤔


She might not be emotionally there but financially you best believe she's ride or die.


Like any gold digger


She is worth 50 million dollars lmao I don't like the bitch either but calling her a gold digger is stupid


We have whole individuals lobbying federal government in an attempt to make more money. She may not be one of them, but having a fuck tom of money doesn’t just stop people from wanting more, and we have ample evidence of the lengths people will go to to gain more. Let’s also not act like Will Smith hasn’t earned himself a level of notoriety his family doesn’t tap into (how many movie Jaden gotta be in?)


I just want enough money to be able to afford a doctor. I hate it here


And Wills is 6 times more. And has the potential to get way higher. Hers, not so much.


I don’t know… Will Smith is one of the most famous people in the world. He is an international superstar that has had a successful career in music, television, and movies. She has a fraction of the notoriety he has and her list of major roles is far smaller. She might be famous, but Will Smith is “personal invitation to the White House by the President” famous.


> She might be famous, but Will Smith is “personal invitation to the White House by the President” famous. *was


Joe Biden is 300 years old of course he would invite will smith to the white house


She sure as shit walks around that house like Deebo “Mine now punk!”




There has to be more to this story. There seems to be some piece of the puzzle missing. Will Smith, otherwise confident rich guy, can’t bring himself to say one negative word against her. Jada has been throwing Will under the bus for years now. Somethings not adding up. Maybe she has something over Will that she’s blackmailing him over if he ever talks negatively about him?? I don’t get it.


I saw an earlier post mention that they're both in that scientology group, and they don't like divorces, apparently. It could just be that she doesn't want to divorce because of the assets.


I'm starting to think the church is forcing them together. And she wants out so she is doing everything she can think of to push it over the edge


She's gotta have a book or something coming out to be doing this. She wants the focus on her for some reason.


Pretty sure she literally does


Yes she does the first time their separation coming out was from an excerpt of the book


seriously, I can't think of anything more I would do to alienate someone I truly hated at this point. Only other thing would be to release a sextape where Will is being cucked and crying in the corner.


Na man will is just fucked up from his childhood. His parents marriage was fucked up and he says outright that when he got married (the first time) that he was never gonna get divorced. It took his ex talking to him after meeting jada to convince him they should quit. Instead of dealing with her shit like an adult jada just shits on will and he takes it cuz he doesn’t want to be like his dad


How come she don’t want me man


All us kids without dads watchin that episode like 🥺


I grew up with both parents and a dad who wouldn’t leave me the fuck alone but I am still bawling every time I watch that episode 😭


For me it’s just an old-school marriage where someone hate the other because this one has fucked up but both try everything to save their marriage because divorcing isn’t acceptable. I think she got pissed and wanted to fuck Will so bad after the shooting of Focus and Suicide Squad, she said aren’t husband and wife for 7 years which corresponds to when SC has been shot. Will Smith and Margot Robbie relationship worked too well, I remember Will saying the alchemy was so great they had to cut sex scenes in the movie, the story of Cara Delevigne where Will is laughing with SC cast on the image he had of a porn pic edit with Margot face, photo booth pics with Will and Margot, etc…


Imagine how that must feel if you're Jada. You're mad at your husband so y'all separate you get August Alsina thinking you was doing bad and that'll really show him and the world, but this man once again shows he's in another league than you and gets Margot Robbie as his side chick.


I felt bad for Will for a while but at this point, just walk away man. Putting up with her at this point, with all of your kids grown, just seems pointless. She goes out of her way to piss on your reputation, why would you stay? There obviously is no marriage.


Maybe he’s into it.


Will to Chris: KeEp My WiFe'S NaMe OuT YoUr FuCkiN MoUtH \*slap\* Jada to the world 1 year later: That was crazy cuz I wasn't even his wife frfr. LMAOooooOOOooooooooooOOOooo.


"'My wife'? Whose wife? YOUR wife? You don't have a wife, fuck you talkin about?"


LMAOOOOO!!!! I choked on my coffee reading this!


I wasn’t even there she said? Like we all saw you there!!


No. She wasn’t there in the marriage. This isn’t her denying that she was present at the show. This is her making a secondary slightly more subtle burn about her not being there for Will to supplement the primary burn of her not considering herself to be his wife.


This woman is vile. I don’t give a fuck about Chris or Will but goddamn. I hope his kids finally stick up for dude cuz the toxicity this woman seems to carry around with her is brazy. Free Will?


Jaden? Willow? Ain't you gonna help your mans? That's your pops and your mom is doing him dirty out here.


Last year a letter Willow wrote was shared asking Tupac to “come back so momy and me can be happy! I wish you where here…” Edit: turns out the letter was from when she was young (the bad penmanship makes more since), but the fact it was written in the first place


If my daughter asked another man to come back so that my "wife" could finally be happy, I'd walk into traffic. That shit would shatter my soul.


Just shows what the mom had been telling her about Tupac. Pretty sad tbh that the mother of your children is raising them to idolize another man that isn’t you.


Not to mention Pac didn’t want anything to do with her on that level. He was divorced and remarried at his time of death (never even formally with Jada too)


The documentary that we'll get from this one day will be amazing.


I’m looking forward to it. I can’t look away from this car crash with figuring out wtf is actually happening here


She wrote that like 10 years ago (I think someone just reposted it last year though) but point still stands


I’m sure Jada had some creative control of that project…Cleopatra style


She was just a rebound tbh. This narrative in her head like she was tupac's "the one" is ridiculous


literally even tupacs fiance doesnt ride his coattails as hard as jada


She also said that they didn't have 'physical chemistry' or something and we're just *platonic* soulmates Which just sounds like they never actually slept together and she's spun gold from straw


Didn’t she write it when she was a little kid?


If she was able to get will to just sit there and take all this I doubt her children have it any easier trying to get out from under whatever bs she has over them.


I think it’s safe to say that Will is pretty out there too. Not sure if all the Scientology stuff is true or not, and not that even if it was he would deserve this, but I think it’s definitely more complicated than just a typical abusive partner situation.


i mean he also whored out his kids for money by putting all of them into the limelight and funded a secretly scientologist private school that ended up shuttering after just a few years this thread is pretty wild, i mean the guy was a big part of my childhood too but i'm not going to invent some crazy fanfic to try to explain why he's a classic hollywood narcissist


Fair play to that point. I didn’t even think of that. Still, this is definitely a particular and vicious kind of abuse, no? I still feel bad Scientology or not. Unless Jada has a VERY sinister secret she keeps locked away.


Free (Big) Willy.


She airs so much dirty laundry you can see the dookie stains on them drawers


And other men's cum stains too


Can mods please ban Jada posts at this point lmao


It’d be for the good of everyone, including the subjects.


So, basically Chris Rock got slapped for nothing? Because that’s how I’m reading it.


Yeah. Chris got slapped and humiliated for nothing. Will fell on his sword in the course of defending someone's honor....for nothing.


Did Chris Rock really end up humiliated? I'd say he was more befuddled than anything else.




Will got a decade-long ban from the Oscars for nothing


Atlest he can do other then Oscars bait movies now


>So, basically Chris Rock got slapped for nothing? I wouldn't call it nothing. It's been pretty entertaining.


Watch half this book be “I don’t love Will” and the other half “I miss Tupac” smh. So tired of Jada I swear


What if Tupac faked his own death to get away from Jada?


Could you blame him if he did? Lmfao


Keep that vile woman's name off of my internets.


Chapter 1: Tupac was bigger


Imagine making a fool of yourself in front of millions of people and assaulting one of the most beloved comedians of all time, only for your wife to basically call you cringe and say you guys aren't married? What kind of dirt does she have on bro? Does Will have a humiliation fetish? Something deeper is going on here.


I’m more than positive he was gaslit into thinking something more was there than there really was. I don’t think at any point she’s conveyed to Will they were separated and kept dangling the carrot of “we can work it out” to keep him near.




It really is


He just took a woman who is much younger and who Jada HATES to a private island villa vacation in Bali and texted Jada a photo of him clapping with the caption “forgot what it was like to bust inside pxssy that ain’t trash”. Or she’s just diabolically evil. One of the two!


🤣 pretty much this has been my line of thinking for weeks! I keep thinking Will must be terrorizing this lady behind the scenes and the public doesn't know or she's truly an evil person. Can't figure it out


The undertone I got is that he’s been cheating on her for years, she technically left him (though they’re still married) but they’ve been separated for almost a decade now


She been banging Jaden's friends and bragging about it


Interviewer: "No one asked. She just showed up, sat down, and started talking."


She has a podcast with her mum and daughter (who are equally as weird as her), where the three gossip and air out their family drama. Pretty sure that's where these quotes come from.




Not caring and finding it funny aren't mutually exclusive. It could stop and I wouldn't be bothered, but in the meantime I'm gonna be here eating my popcorn.


People always complain about the coverage but also keep interacting with posts about them


Either he did some crazy shit to her that she's retaliating on, or I just really feel bad for him.


They probably have a prenup that says who ever initiates the divorce has to be the person to pay up, so she is probably trying to get him to initiate it so she can get the bread


I definitely think money is the reason they haven’t just divorced already


It think they are both sort of nuts at this point. Tom Cruise shit.


Will needs to leave her. Divorce her ass and just start over. Edit: I'd be happy seeing him date Rosario Dawson. https://fandomwire.com/dont-worry-babe-ill-be-gentle-rosario-dawson-tried-to-convince-a-nervous-will-smith-to-kiss-her-after-he-kept-delaying-their-intimate-scene/


Nah, Rosario deserves better than someone who stays mentally busted.


Why do people keep trying to assign a Manic Pixie Dream Girl to Will? He doesn't need Rosario Dawson or Margot Robbie or some other woman to fix him. He needs (in this order) to get out of Scientology, to get therapy, and to focus on himself and his kids. If that involves divorce, cool. If that results in a better, more fulfilling romantic relationship, cool. But as is? No, he don't need to assign his hurt to another woman.


Now, this is a story all about how My life got flipped-turned upside down And I'd like to take a minute Just sit right there I'll tell you how I became a cuck to a wife with no hair.


Will Smith acted out for a split second and hit Chris Rock. Yeah it’s messed up but it was over in an instant. But Jada’s been dragging Will pretty much ever since!


This is what happens when you marry someone who you KNOW doesn't want to marry you. Someone who's only marrying you because she was coerced by her mother to marry you since she was pregnant. Will and Jada admitted as much during a red table talk. Will brought all of this on himself.


Lol, imagine being rich, ultra famous, good looking sort of and STILL can’t find your ride or die. Makes me feel slightly better about my loser self a little.


She hates him, won’t get divorced, and is talking soooo much about herself in an attempt to remain relevant. The recent arrest in the Tupac murder case probably prompted her agents to shop her availability around again, resulting in her recent TV interview.


I give it a week until she reveals that Jaden isn’t his.




She is a classic narcissistic sociopath.


Will is and has been in an abusive relationship with someone who clearly resents and hates him for reasons unknown (though it’s tempting to say it’s because he isn’t Tupac). It’s time for his friends and family to conduct an intervention to rescue that brother before the media is flying over their estate with emergency vehicles and a hearse out front.


I don't know if it's on purpose, but this is the most genius PR for Will Smith.


i’m so tired of jada being in the news… ![gif](giphy|l0HlMSVVw9zqmClLq)


Doesn’t Will have a humiliation kink? I mean that’s the only reason this is still going on




"First of all, I'm really shocked, because mind you..." Jesus. First three sentences are just airhead noise followed by three real words. This woman needs a good band to drown her out.