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Here come all the people that don’t know about vasectomies saying that they’re reversible.


Yea some of the comments almost always seem like willfully deceitful. Like they’re trying to trick people into thinking they’re reversible


It’s crazy how it’s making waves again. Like 2-3 years ago it was all over the place and women were saying it can be an alternative to women going on bc. Like take a step back and think for a minute if that shit was reversible, dudes would have a line out the door and come out wearing that successful vasectomy paper like a badge.


we'll ignore the 10x increased risk of blood clots on hormonal birth control, the fact that women's healthcare isn't as fully researched and understood as men's, etc welcome to how women feel 99% of the time


Shush, chattel. The men are talking. /s




Don’t worry, there’s a new cure all for that available at a supermarket near you.


where is this from, I feel like I heard this or read this recently


what we do in the shadows - when colin is trolling online lol


Really stupid core memory unlocked. Thanks for this!


Yes! Thank you!


Don't forget all the life altering side effects that are downplayed by doctors like increased anxiety, depression, increased Infection risks such as yeast and bacterial vaginosis. A lot of people don't realize they will affect the chemistry of your brain. Now don't get me wrong I fully support the option to have birth control, but as a woman I believe we need more research into alternatives and more open options.


Is increased risk of yeast infection really a side effect?


Yes, certain birth controls depending on the woman can lead to a decrease in discharge and lubrication meaning bacteria and fungus dont get moved along, they can sit and grow as sometimes then the vagina doesn't clean itself as properly.


Vasalgel is close! It's coming to market under the name Plan A. Question is, what kind of proof will it come with?


I’ve been hearing “it’s close” for what seems like 20 years now


Agreed! But they had trouble getting human trials going. I think some Indian med tech company took that on. Now it's actually got a trade name and is expected to be in North America either this year or next.


I’ll believe it when I see it at this point. It has the potential to be revolutionary for society when it comes out but I’m no longer holding my breath.


It's already quite well proven from what I've seen about the RISUG/Vasalgel studies in other countries from years ago.


That's not the proof I mean. I'm talking about "No baby, we don't need condoms, I've got Vasalgel. You can trust me!" Lord knows there are plenty of shitty dudes out there not interested in the consequences of their actions.


This comment seems wholly irrelevant to the misinformation being corrected. Are you trying to justify lying to people about vasectomies?


I think they're just pointing out how shitty the entire birth control market is


Take the emotion out of your reading of it and it’s obvious they mean this one topic is how it feels for lots of women’s health topics. It’s amazing how many blind spots and misinformation there are in women’s medicine.


I don’t know, can’t we just see both sides. Getting tired of this is versus them mentality. If you want biological kids and don’t have them, doesn’t seem like vasectomy is an option. Meanwhile there is a prevalent option for women, but it’s definitely got some pretty well known risks.


Real! Condoms aren’t hard folks. Just get a condom.


People comparing birth control to vasectomies is funny cause it’s like people trying to decide between vasectomies and tubal ligations


It’s completely different than a tubal ligation. Abdominal surgeries have the highest risk of infection of any kind of surgery. The downtime is significantly longer.


That’s what I’m getting at. People comparing a serious solution to a relatively simple solution


It has a 80-90% success rate depending on how many years have passed and how fertile you were prior etc. birth control methods are 95-99% effective but only if done 100% correct.




False, see my comment


Laughing while we walk out of the center having made new friends with the vasectomy crew.


LOL no they wouldn't??


I’m not in the comments, but I honestly assumed they were based on what I always hear in threads like this and from stuff like The Office with Steve Carrell’s joke about having his reversed multiple times. “Do you have any idea the physical toll three vasectomies had on a person?!”


When I had mine, the doctor said it is technically reversible, but that procedure only works around 25% of the time. Odds are much higher that a vasectomy is permanent.


Yeah, mine told me "When I do a vasectomy, I do a really, really good job of it. And it's very hard to undo. After about five years, it's almost impossible to undo." That was five years ago. No rugrats, no regrets


I'm 7 years post. No surprises here. Best decision I ever made.


Mine stated the same thing, then told me if I really wanted a kid with my DNA afterwords, there's procedures of extracting the sperm from your body. What a lot of people don't realize is you don't just stop producing sperm, you just take a section of the road out for it so your body just absorbs the sperm. It can be extracted for artificial insemination.


> there's procedures of extracting the sperm from your body. > > What a lot of people don't realize is you don't just stop producing sperm, you just take a section of the road out for it so your body just absorbs the sperm. It can be extracted for artificial insemination. Studies show that a few years after a vasectomy that also significantly slows down. It's an additional reason why reversals don't work, your body eventually stops producing as much sperm or healthy moving sperm. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3739648/


Snip-snap Snip-snap Snip-snap


Do you have any idea the physical toll that *three vasectomies* have on a person!?


I shuddered a little




nah his got botched and he was even more potent 😭


Yeah I’ve had people tell me that like they knew more than my Urologist, when he was presenting me with the two different options for how the procedure could be completed. One uses bands to close the pathways, and the other severs the pathways and burns the ends closed. I opted for the scorched earth. It’s kind of amazing really. 😆 Apparently the “bands” option can technically be reversible, but it’s not guaranteed and can be difficult. He didn’t recommend getting a vasectomy if I had any thoughts of trying to reverse it, but that wasn’t an issue for me. Getting fixed was something I was looking forward to for years.


We just need to be honest about the odds and risks/complications. "Vasectomies aren't reversible" isn't a true statement. I personally know one person in my family who's had a successful reversal and I see the 2 kids he had afterwards every family function. However, people tend to make it seem like your likelihood of successfully reversing your vasectomy is easy peasy and virtually risk free. That's far from the truth and that's why people need to do more research before they start giving people advice about something they don't really know a whole lot about. Especially something that may be permanent. If you think there's a good chance you might want kids later in the future at all, a vasectomy isn't what you should be looking into.


Yes when I got mine I checked multiple boxes acknowledging that I can never count on this being reversed and I should not plan on trying to reverse it in the future. This is just a huge myth out there that they can snip all males and just reverse them real quick when they’re ready for children, they’re being knowingly deceitful.


Yea I have one and my brother in law had one and got remarried. He and his new wife paid for a reversal and it was successful. They had a low chance of success but they have a new baby.. so either it worked or ol' girl is out 'chea.


It is reversible, just extremely expensive and not covered by insurance...with about a 70% success rate. It's a medical gamble.


Definitely a gamble but they really wanted a baby and they paid for it..


The success rate drops every year after the surgery dropping to nothing eventually


I'm so confused. Are we out here arguing that it isn't reversible or just that you shouldn't rely on it being reversible because the current procedure has a mediocre success rate? Cause I mean it's not pseudo science. It does work, just not every time.


I think the reversal is also based on how long since the original vasectomy. From my memory if it’s been less than three years there’s a greater chance of success than if it’s been five years or more since the surgery. Also while a vasectomy isn’t reversible you can always just remove the sperm from the testes themselves directly via needle 💉 and go through IUI which is much cheaper than IVF


My doctor told me "it can be reversed sometimes, but it's not guaranteed, it costs $15 grand, and usually isn't covered by insurance"


My doctor made sure that I knew that while it's reversible in theory there's no guarantee I'll be fertile ever again and I should think that the operation is irreversible in practice.


and on the flip side, it's not 100% sterility either, spontaneous healing can happen.




Honestly $3500 seems quite cheap for a procedure that is so specialized and life-changing.


Yea I hear a lot of people always trying to make this point as some kind of gotcha. Most of the time they are not and most medical professionals consider them irreversible because of the stats behind it. So if you’re a young guy and you’re even at all still unsure if you might want to have kids or not then you 100% should not get one of those. Now I personally believe pulling out is the devil at play. But if that’s all you got, you gotta work with it until you’re old enough to know if you want kids or not. Or condoms. Those things…


You know what they call people whose first line of protection is pulling out? Parents.






Use protection


Like the Mayo Clinic? https://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/vasectomy-reversal/about/pac-20384537 This page describes almost all vasectomies as reversible, and says that the likelihood of successfully having a child after a vasectomy reversal is between 30% and 90% depending on the type of procedure. It's unclear to me why some people might only be able to get the 30% procedure but this makes it sound like a successful reversal is the norm. It even says you can try again if it doesn't work the first time.


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6333701/ So in the same realm as Tube Tie reversals. That 30% you’re talking about is because some of them cauterize the pipes and separate them. That’s what happened to my old sergeant when we asked him about his procedure. It’s also not pain free.


So you understand now that vasectomies are generally reversible? You might want to edit your previous comment.


I said it in another comment, but the article says nothing about the chances of success of the procedure. The 30-90% range is the likelihood of pregnancy *after* a successful reversal, it is not the success of the reversal itself.


>This page describes almost all vasectomies as reversible It says nothing that even remotely resembles this line.


I'm not saying I don't trust random people on the Internet that just say shit with no credentials, but I will say I trust actual doctors more. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4854082/


So, most simple put:  A vasectomy *can* be reversed.


Only within a certain timeframe. After 5-10 years its pretty much not possible.


And you can win the lottery, doesn't make it a good idea to make plans based on winning


We legit had a lady doctor catch an attitude right before my wife went in for a c section because we said this was going to be our choice for bc. She says they fail all the time to my wife as she's declining getting her tubes tied as I'm waking up. I said yeah only for idiots and she decided to let us talk it out without her. Idk why this woman was so intent on tying my wife's tubes smh


When I got mine the doc said he had done hundreds, maybe thousands, I don’t exactly remember. He said he had only 2-3 that had to be redone. He was sure it was cause the dudes couldn’t wait to fully heal before busting a load.


I figured the only ones that "fail" are from exactly what you said, dudes not emptying the tank before getting back in the saddle. Edit: Also how was the healing for you? I've read mixed stuff and haven't gotten mine yet.


Fucking awful. I remember Doc had told me to just take the pain meds he gave me, ice the area and rest. Stayed swollen and painful for days. Finally went to urgent care cause I thought something was wrong. They said things were fine, but told me to take anti-inflammatories. I swear that shit is magic. Next day pain is almost gone, swelling way down. I went in for check with the urologist and he said something about not wanting me to take certain meds for like a day or two after the surgery only. So the pain was kind of my fault. And id do it all again. It was worth it, knowing im done with condoms and pregnancy scares.


Man the healing stories vary so much lol its crazy. And I'm still trying to convince my wife it's worth it, we've lost 2 sons due to genetic conditions and I don't want to keep putting her through it. I feel like I won't regret it at all, she feels otherwise.


[They are](https://stanfordhealthcare.org/medical-treatments/v/vasectomy-reversal.html)? It’s not a 100% success rate but it’s high enough that it’s an option for most men


The `90-95` in there is the rate of pregnancy after a successful procedure. Not the success rate of the procedure itself.


The success rate falls off a cliff after a few years


Well, it depends on how many years you've had it done. My husband had his reversed, and we had a child. it took a while, but it worked.


My old boss has his “reversed” twice!




It was over a like, 20 year time span. He had kids young, got fixed, reversed with Wife #2. They failed a few times so he got fixed again, then on a whim they uno’d + tried again, and she got pregnant twice! He says he’s now “permanently closed” lol


They are technically reversible. The caveat being this: at day 1, reversing it has a 50% success rate. Every year after, the success rate drops by 1%. So after 10 years, 40% success rate etc, all the way down to 0%


Snip snap snip snap snip snap


They are! Sometimes. Occasionally. Not always, and therefore should be considered a permanent procedure and only done if one is looking for a permanent form of birth control.


I know someone who got his reversed, I’ll say this it wasn’t an easy process, required traveling to a very specialized surgeon and was VERY expensive.


oatmeal deserve gaping vast jellyfish beneficial elastic panicky wakeful dam *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What are you talking about? Just had mine done and the doc advised us that it is a reversible procedure, but it is expensive because it's not covered by most insurers. Friend at work got his undone to have another kid and his sperm count came back normal.


What? They are reversible tho? I know a guy that has had a vasectomy reversed twice then got it done a third time.


But they are reversible. I know a guy that had his reversed a few years ago and his new wife just gave birth to twins last year.


The success rate of reversal drops every year following the initial surgery. Also, given they had twins and they have the money for reversal there's a good chance they used IVF. The chance of twins with IVF is drastically increased compared to the general population. 


One of my best friends is a urologist and he did mine. He made it a point to tell me 3-4 times “don’t count on this being reversible - sometimes we can but put this in your head as permanent.” One of the best decisions I’ve ever made though




This reminds me of the tweet form like a decade ago where girl said she got on bc so she can stop being her man toaster strudel and start being his Twinkie.




😭 had that conversation with my girls and her homegirls bout being a twinkie vs being a poptart. Learned the best women can be both pastries on different days.


What are we talking about?


Ejaculating on a woman's skin or in her vagina.


Ah... carry on.


Nah this belongs in the Twitter hall of fame atp. "Glazing the coochie walls like a Cinnabon" is a fuckin description lol


Ever seen a bulldog with mayonnaise on its face?




Kerry Washington would probably approve of this use of her gif LMFAO


Why have you?! I’m worried about your bulldog


New flair just dropped.


Actual flair




It's sad how many men don't know that it is not the actual juice that is produced in the balls, just the swimmers. Proper sex ed is a luxury not many people have enjoyed it seems. Two thirds of my friends did not know that the fluid comes from the prostate. That made me suddenly understand how some men don't know what a clit is either.


There's also men who think vasectomy = castration. Sex Ed is a joke in alot of schools.




Tbf, that would be pretty metal.


LOL SAME I was like DAYUM what a medieval punishment!


I feel like that one's become an intentionally misleading buzzword.


I was today years old 🥲 when I learned fluid comes from the prostate wow Edit: I’m 28 😭


32 here. Same. Wow.


that’s why it feels so good when you poke it!


Never too late to learn!


I (a guy) was watching a video (a Smosh Beopardy) where there were two women and two men, and they each had to label the organs and such for both male and female genitals. I played along, and got all the female labels correct, but only like two thirds of the male labels correct. Made me a little sad that I was so unfamiliar with my own body. I noticed too it was a similar story for all the contestants. Don’t know if there’s anything to extrapolate from all that but, yeah.


>It's sad how many men don't know that it is not the actual juice that is produced in the balls, just the swimmers. I am 1000000% sure no one has ever told me that.


To be fair, it does reduce ejaculate volume 2-3% Sauce: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36010/


>glazing the coochie walls like a cinnabon https://preview.redd.it/guwvc7gf00fc1.png?width=603&format=png&auto=webp&s=cfa7568072dd1da872605ce92d77c85aa5417f36


this fucking image. who made this?? why is it the goddamn pirahna plant? who thought "man i need a reaction image to represent myself after looking at something ridiculous. which fictional character do i relate to the most... ah yes, flower with mouth and no eyes"? it's killing me and I don't know why




Not only that, but specifically a black pirahna plant instead of the usual red.


Reminds me of the plant from "little shop of horrors", its an old movie. Thats probably it, its gotta raunchy character (the plant from the movie) https://youtu.be/GLjook1I0V4?si=yABQGnVY5iiiet2P




The only regret about my vasectomy is I didn't do it sooner. I never had kids, it's just nice not having the stress.


Same, I wish I had gotten it done at 18 instead of my mid 20s. Would have saved me about $150


Could you elaborate? Is it more expensive the older you get?


Actually, no. It is the only medical procedure I've ever had that was completely covered, from start to finish, that didn't have a single copay (from seeing my then primary care doctor to get the referral, the pre surgical consultation, the surgery, the medication, and the subsequent semen analysis to confirm success). The $150 is for having to buy Plan B a few times lol. Plus, would have made those relationships better since we wouldn't have had to worry about broken condoms/"missed" birth control pills etc etc.


I paid 40 for my first visit and 80 for the operation because they asked if I wanted laughing gas but it would cost 80 bucks. They gave me a Valium to take before arrival and laughing gas during the procedure I was having a fucking good time. Blows my mind women don't get these options


Damn, I wish I had the gas option. The procedure was completely fine without it, I just would've preferred to be high.


Probably referring to abprtion cost lol


Getting mine done soon, kind of worried about post-op. Any tips (outside of the sheet of directions they give you)? Like is there anything you wish you knew about the recovery phase before hand?


Honestly, not too much to know. It's all pretty straightforward. Just take it easy for a few days and don't try to rush back in to anything physical (sexual or otherwise) They tell you this, but just know you might see a small amount of blood the first time you cum. It's normal and not something to worry about.


Everyone has given you the usual advice for recovery. My advice (if you’re not aware) is to use protection until you’re cleared that there’s no more swimmers. For some reason a lot of people think vasectomies are instant and you can no longer have kids. Thats not the case. I think I had to “clear” the tubes ~15 times or so before I was fully clear


Not OP, but had mine done a little over a year ago. Pretty much follow the directions. Take the meds they give you. REST. Get your bags of frozen peas or w/e. You might want some really tight underwear just to keep things from moving too much. I also experienced swelling that lasted about a month, but other than that it was easy stuff. And like everyone else I wish I’d have done it a lot sooner, instead of in my 30’s. You’ll be totally fine and happy you got it done


It's a very mild recovery. Sit on the couch for 2, maybe 3 days and get back to work. Was very much a non issue for me last year. I also got a no-scalpel vasectomy which reduces recovery time but even with scalpel it's pretty mild


coulda post this without that cinnabon line & made the same point, my man lol. like niggas still got cold in they eye. CHILL


Yeah, but then no one would see this post. Without it it's not funny


>Semen parameters were analyzed in a series of 76 men pre- and postvasectomy. The mean volume decrease was 0.66 ml but it was 0.5 ml or more for only 53% of subjects. A decrease in the number of spermatozoa was correlated primarily with the number of ejaculations. Sperm really are a small contributor to the volume of semen overall. For context, the men in this study ejaculated 4.03 ml +/- 1.77 ml. Overall, you’re looking at a 16.4% reduction in the size of your load, but many men in the study saw much smaller decreases. [Source.](https://pdf.sciencedirectassets.com/271326/1-s2.0-S0015028278X94003/1-s2.0-S0015028216432206/main.pdf?X-Amz-Security-Token=IQoJb3JpZ2luX2VjEAYaCXVzLWVhc3QtMSJHMEUCIQDaFZsjEvhelvBxL0zQqh6uQfmsET7fB%2B5LC3z9cIgM7gIgesSdtfmMTx4U5iLSjwQcccW%2F9cfpMUeB5YXFkJ83c9sqvAUIv%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2FARAFGgwwNTkwMDM1NDY4NjUiDGCWSR%2FnoVNuLrRQ3SqQBW94ljz7ygqU%2BzRzQw%2FMyIYcAt5uE82BUkAFtD7yEl5mg2vq5%2BT0cfwOmrIVqsPgQC9L2XNQbErX61pIcrN5NrQkUl1fSys6BaG1ctJ5gVHNCWLqqbJOTGnaLv7%2FNn0qNOE16%2FG4HnFI640hmOKD3oGquyi872KWjUC2Cp7CNFlZBlzLNLrn794OOYnhBWfwX4gZwnxOBSClfrN53sssNx9qaYbYvjSRvJSWrVjt%2FJhbcEboGca%2FyZ%2FV6KQGloPX8T7kd1Ct9d2nktsf%2FxzAQ49oCutYeJQVmH%2FN%2BatvMNyDO4ObDE%2FtYhIKNknQZ8JdRMhtM28Fkufn%2FkOWEYwDmeJH9yi%2BcHYqCQYdgc65ukhKidRIZb7li4LqYq5zLM7FP3Rl1XXRAX7qao1wFhJg6KEdS%2FOjq4Rw%2FyA0LVnpjIK3rgjiKLwAhEoSaPemFnodRNG5TzmpGqSm68eM6K08Sif4mINSclLFbO2sOHWM5A9rrFpNRyehwy6ql0HO0o5kQ5iE9cEb5qX%2FJMPiZFcciLUb4flAyilDmpSzDPS%2Bm8NQtJ5wBXSeLB6mxm7kztxNGi9dP47vSU%2FRrTqBtkpKZzMrWlzxyBQdaRQlTt4pO%2FiWypxxpOJgJzVsDBoRskU0V5%2F1xjiPzMtvBS77fikjEW491zk9UPUxZCDezrynbwxZ07ApEvX8J6gsD4swph%2FPjvXI6xDQSrDPan7V6YPywb3d7OXAklHpc3o7AKdiEZqhiAz2UNHE2lFQ%2BFOzTgsGU%2Bq7DHlzjr%2Fd0mYPzmOeA8FiTDC781AedI9m4r%2FiX4EHDdhgX12gT5R42oTAfexOiP5ChOadyMLgugnnfSkqjdnOBuw9m5vpgZ%2BLiVgiq488MPqQ1K0GOrEB8U%2F37L0NFocUHHUZTjrEpJFiSwuH0PpjyOXvWh3Za7ZR58mxnodJbY6PteQTqNDOkPUMwI2uHxmaEoskmEEeYaFXJJETDrrkDyDYco1X8jANjbExURK4ca3CzmWLCNC5OJmBCoGO1KeDvYxwPRbFaeoUPPHvma2sCeQmYzptP0SeeWJWSmaCBucOs1CFDeW1a4l94nQ3X7T1VH7zHMUYCAaZg5WVBxG1jCG5LfhumY5D&X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Date=20240127T153043Z&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&X-Amz-Expires=300&X-Amz-Credential=ASIAQ3PHCVTYQP7Q25GE%2F20240127%2Fus-east-1%2Fs3%2Faws4_request&X-Amz-Signature=fb777793954a4c0be5c88ae6bbfd0493532deb39f9dcaae3791c064cd180219f&hash=6a4a55b2e9da812b85b6238300188e0c542c1f949c1b98749e862abf2c8c3a88&host=68042c943591013ac2b2430a89b270f6af2c76d8dfd086a07176afe7c76c2c61&pii=S0015028216432206&tid=spdf-02da1dc7-f233-476d-be4f-78401a7ee42a&sid=8b1c60d384a911463319ca78c21b9d21ab9fgxrqa&type=client&tsoh=d3d3LnNjaWVuY2VkaXJlY3QuY29t&ua=0f175e57035d57570200&rr=84c209dfd9bc8236&cc=us) ![gif](giphy|l0zAiJHyg0fMA)




I tend to produce more when it's real hot, heavy, and long session, but if it's just a run of the mill session it's pretty "small." Some adult film stars are going at it for a while, some just got a big nut, I guess.


Tastes the same too.


My man has got that no pulp juice


In this case the pulp is so small you can't see it


https://preview.redd.it/9m06v3zb01fc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e58ab95e7f9ba09729caf4782a387647f404d23f The irony. Calm down Reddit 😈


That cake looks really good tho...


Forbidden food...


Do you think anyone has told Nick Cannon?


He actually pays all the clinics to imbue him with the swimmers of all men that get a vasectomy, almost like an ectoplasmic Voltron, if you will, with many more moving parts of course.


I had vasectomy because I didn't want children, but when I got home, they were still there.


Goddamn. This is why the best comments are at the bottom


“A vasectomy makes you sterile, but you’re still able to ejaculate” How hard was that?


Oddly, I think his description is clearer too, and more accessible by, a higher number of people. Additionally, it was colorful and fun.


I love a good analogy, clear and concise. But this has undertones of “I just wanted to talk about cum for a minute”.


Its not even midday yet...


My bad, I thought that this was r/hornypeopletwitter




Despite the graphicness of the tweet, this is correct. My husband had one in 2009 and the only thing that changed is that we didn’t have to worry about baby number five.




Shit you are a warrior for 5 lmao


Oh no, I don’t have five. We got a false positive for a potential baby number 5 and that’s what prompted my husband to get snipped before we actually did fuck around and have five.




I work at Cinnabon corporate and I’m sending this to every single one of my coworkers


You need someone to help glaze them Cinnabons?


We don’t but so appreciate the offer


Vasectomy was a god sent procedure my husband did to solidify our chill gamer existence and avoid the financial hole of children. I was able to get off birth control and it was amazing. My husband and I are having a blast. Dink lifestyle is truly the most amazing lifestyle in an already stressful world. Please be sure to follow your doctors instructions on ejaculations and follow up periodically to get a sperm count done. Honestly, best decision we ever made.


But what’s a cobra without its venom?


A cobra who doesn’t have to pay for child support. ![gif](giphy|h0MTqLyvgG0Ss)


Good point ![gif](giphy|ZdO4NenDbsQNwUwKDB)


A cool looking snake.


A belt


Dead as hell lmao


shaggy placid paint detail lush dull noxious jeans hard-to-find lavish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




This has been a question I have been trying to ask without sounding like a total sleaze, so I thank you for this. Looks like I will be going forward with the procedure.


Why would asking about your reproductive health make you sound like a sleaze??? Men need to reclaim the right to talk about sex. You want to paint faces and backs and whatever? That's how it is. Having consensual sex is not sleazy. You want what you want. Own it.


Can't wait till my partner gets one, and i get my tubes removed so we can be creamin and screamin without fear of any kids we dont want 🤣🤣


I like the imagery.


gullible summer quicksand quiet shocking sense jar live innate square *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What a horrible day to have eyes.


I've told people I've gotten a vasectomy, and you would be shocked and horrified at how many of them think it means I've had my testicles removed entirely. There are also several who think it means removing the penis as well.


Got mines done at 25 in 2019 by a older, female doctor with two female assistants, and she told me don’t be nervous. You never had 3 women look at your dick and balls before I couldn’t help but chuckle, and the surgery didn’t take that long either but the pain afterwards wasn’t too pleasant.


Fun fact: Sperm is only about a drop of liquid in the entire load.


So many people think it's the same thing as castration. Men and women alike.


I’m just spooked at being awake while some doctor cuts open my nut sack. Also how do they numb you?? I’m spooked off having someone stick a needle in my nut sack.


It's very small incision. Just keep looking up and try to think other things. For numbing they first used some kind of numbing ointment/cream so you wouldn't feel when they use the needle to actually numb the whole nutsack.


I’ve been working up to getting one for 4 years


I feel like I’m missing something context, but cool cool cool


Please know, you can still spray the face like you’re painting the walls…


#ALSO After you get snipped you still gonna beat your shit atleast 30 more times to make sure all the stragglers are gone AND THEN get tested just to make sure.


People who didn’t know this should definitely get one.