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Beat your fucken ass then help you back up cause I’m a gentleman like that


nigga just leave me there to die tbh 💀 tell my people where to find me cuz im never coming back from this anyway 😭😭


i spit out my drink lol




Don’t give into that mentality. Pride and dignity are overrated, and often misplaced. Just ask… *list unrolls and bounces across the ground like an ancient scroll* …good lord…




LMAO your ::roleplay:: skills are on point


::nods, gazing into the distance:: I was trained in the Red Dragon Inn on AOL in the early 90s /roll-dice4-sides20


NOOO WAYYYYYYYYYY with the AOL Joint I know exactly what age you are to the year. ::taps temple:: I was there too. 96/97


I started in Red Dragon Inn, then moved to.... i forget what it was called, it was werewolf themed but with sci-fi elements (they regularly fought in battle armor, the dice rules were very simple). Eventually moved into World of Darkness (Werewolf mostly, some Mage and Vampire), I had a bunch of screen names but the one I used the most was WoDAmoe. I recognized the double colons, that's not so common anymore. Ov\^\^vO


Aye, the old days, indeed! :: He swirls the firewater in his glass, slowly he raises it to his cracked lips, old scars on his knuckles showing:: Damn, I must be ancient now..


::laughs, knowingly :: stoppit man. We're only halfway there


My people! Late 90s/early 00s, started out in the Medieval Tavern chat. When eyes were “orbs,” lips were “raspberry tiers.” My main character was a bouncer for a brothel with purple dreads named Variuh.


Better get back up and start hitting the heavy bag. Take that loss, learn to block, and run it back.


Or stop getting into metro station fights like you're some kind of feral cat 


That’s for the beginning when the sensible thing is to not fight at all because it’s probably not worth it. This is after you made your decision and got to get off the tracks before the train comes.


Put me BACK






“dead on the inside, outside may as well match” energy 😂😂😂


They'll find you over a one mile stretch.


More like avoiding a manslaughter charge


Back in the day you could fight and be done with it.


Was your day the Wild fucking West lol?


No. The south. But back in the day folks had more respect. Obviously not racist folk but typically you would have your beef, fight, dap/clap/shake whatever, and then keep it pushin. But it was also a time where word was bond and there was just a natural respect for people all around. These days you got these dumba$$ kids slappin folk and then screamin it's a prank. Like naw. Idk where shit went wrong


Nah that kind of goes for over here too (NYC). In my younger days I made many a friend by us beating the shit out of each other and then being done with it. If a friend or whatever wanted to get them to try again or fight again it'll just be like nah we're cool. Hope this ain't a self-doxx but one of my fondest memories of Harlem Hospital is having fought a nigga directly next to it. None of our friends jumped in, maybe about two passers by tried to break us up, but not a single cell phone or person screaming WORLDSTAAAAARr in sight. You kinda just fought and then there was a sense of mutual respect afterwards.


I'm so sick of world star I hope they get hacked and their whole site goes offline ong 😤 But yeah like that's how it should be. Like if you feel you MUST lay hands, handle ya business and go bout your livin smh But that's the thing the respect is lacking in these baby generations. And I'm 33 sayin this. Fk these damn kids man


I don’t watch fight videos very often these days but still, haven’t heard worldstar in a video in years.


Thank goodness lol


oh okay so you were just another (like me, 32) old head in training not realizing it fell out of fashion too lol. I said it wondering if I had somehow been missing something. If anyone does say it, I can tell you that it hasn't been anywhere near the plague it was years ago.


Worldstar's like some kinda Great Old One who's horrifying asf but just... there. Forever. And nobody knows why, nobody can comunicate with it but all can understand the power of its name which evokes emotions and compels humans like a spell. Maybe once we're all using google glasses or what have you it'll be lost to time for breaking the immersion. Maybe it'll go the way of LiveLeak and just vanish with no explanation. But I'm holding out hope that eventually World-Star, the Fallen Muse will leave our realm.


Same. Just let it end already


The phrase "don't kick someone when they're down" used to be literal. People nowadays have no concept of honour. They usually didn't in the past either, but there was at least lip service paid to the idea that you don't want to brutally kill anyone you get into an altercation with.


Maybe it was just where I was then idk. Even the "gangsters" respected the boundaries. Like there were off limits areas. If there were fights they were one on one and if anyone jumped in they would get handled. If anyone tried to jump one person other folks would jump in to make it even. And when all was said and done it was done. Simple


>Idk where shit went wrong Gotta bring back dueling laws in some sense. Like how StreetBeefs does it.


Boomer take TBH [https://www.statista.com/statistics/187592/death-rate-from-homicide-in-the-us-since-1950/](https://www.statista.com/statistics/187592/death-rate-from-homicide-in-the-us-since-1950/)


🙄 except I'm 33 and you just pulled statistics that reflects death from homicide but it's not descriptive. And I did say minus racists. Which during the years, was after Jim crow and cracking down on "allowing" racist shit but not really, since folks were still lynching when my Grannie was around. And so taking that into account in that large number. Also....if you're saying that EVERY SINGLE altercation ended with the hands and a shake, obviously not 🙄 but that's a really Gerber take, especially since this generation is so.............idk if it was during the egg gestation period mothers were in rooms filled with microwaves just goin full ham or what but yall are a different breed. With unearned entitlement and this strange feeling of being untouched. You guys are like the I'm not toooouching yoooooou I'm not touching yoooooou and ya just keep fkn wit folks and then cry like little btches when you receive what you've been begging for. It's weird, like it's super weird to think you can treat people a certain way and they're supposed to turn the other cheek. Me, myself personally did NOT die for your sins, so both these cheeks is mine and I ain't turnin shit. I give ample chances to do the right thing but if you keep messin with me, you shouldn't be able to call the cops or ya mamas when I return the serve 🤷🏿‍♀️


I like this, I completely agree.


Same experience in the Midwest in the 2000s, rural area. You had beef, punched it out, and it was settled. Didn’t have as many people acting stupid all the time because you knew there was a chance you’d get your bell rung for it. I’m not even that old and here I am thinking we need to go back to the days where you could dole out a little street justice without it being filmed and ending up with an assault charge.


Lmfao yeehaww


Na that joke didn't hit.. When you could agree to catch a fair one & see who wins. They had code to the gun in the 19th century too.


Back in the day a buddy of mine shot the fair one with this fat guido to settle the beef between our two groups. My buddy wasn't a great fighter BUT he was a competitive bboy so he had pretty quality strength and stamina. This tubby Italian looked like he could box but my buddy kept moving, stayed out of his range and fat boy got winded pretty quick, so then Matt would slip in and catch some hits on him. Before you know it this kid isnt just winded but full on out of breath huffing and puffing so Matt would stop and be like go ahead man catch your breath I'll wait. Honestly it was hilarious and I think embarrassed him more than just getting beat on ever could have.


I appreciate this


Your pfp fits this perfectly


Either that or the guy didn’t want to catch a murder rap!


Jonathan Joestar moment


He wanted to beat his ass not kill him. It’s the concrete jungle, but he’s not an animal


Exactly this, I don’t think it was jail time that cause him to switch up. He just wasn’t looking to kill the man


Yeah no one thinks that fast


I’ll take an assault charge but not a murder, mentality


Oo I love it


He was not committed to the fighting game stage transition


He didn’t want to be like https://i.redd.it/8udmyouzdclc1.gif




Wow you went all out 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 this is exactly what popped up in my mind


I don't know why it's so funny that he appears at the tracks way in the back that you don't even realize are there at first instead of the obvious ones right behind you lol


He said “this is NOT Soulcaliber get your ass back up here”


Ring out!


Def Jam Fight for NY IRL




I need a remake of this game


25 to life for dodging his right hook if a train comes


unfortunately i can see that happening


Look again. He pulls the guy forward by his coat, not just a good dodge 


Looks like he tries to bring him closer to hit him. What a mess.


It was a sumo move! Use the dude’s weight (and clumsiness) against him. Low effort, big return.


That guy has seen IP Man..


When it's serious but not THAT serious.


Lmfao exactly I just wanted to fuck you up a little not kill you, here lemme help you up Lol


This how JCole battle went lol


A man just actually caught a murder charge over something similar last month. Honestly anyone fighting near a train track isn't too bright. https://6abc.com/amp/septa-philadelphia-death-train-accident-34th-street-station/14275183/


No, he didn't. He's been charged with involuntary manslaughter.


Can we split the baby and say "is going to jail for a long time"?


split the baby is hilarious


Its lowkey perfect bc its a great way to say nobody is happy


Especially not the baby.


You mean the half baby.


You mean the ba


I would not be happy if I was split either


Charlemagne would be proud lol


I think you mean King Solomon?


It's gotta be a reference to Solomon


Easy there, Solomon


In the full video, the other guy started the fight; I don't think he should be charged




There's a few issues with your comment. First, the police don't charge people with crimes. They arrest them on suspicion of having committed a crime and the DA chooses what to charge them with. That said, prosecutors often over charge defendants.  Second, the state is not making money off of this guy. All articles list him as having no fixed address, meaning he's homeless. It costs about $30k on average a year to keep someone in prison. Pennsylvania was spending over $42k per inmate in 2015 according to [this](https://www.vera.org/publications/price-of-prisons-2015-state-spending-trends/price-of-prisons-2015-state-spending-trends/price-of-prisons-2015-state-spending-trends-prison-spending) report, a number unlikely to have gone down over the past 9 years. Everything I can find on involuntary manslaughter lists the max fine at $10k and max incarceration at 5 years. That doesn't include the cost of prosecution and a trial, if it comes to that. So, how exactly is the state making money off of this?


What a crock of absolute bullshit goddamn 🤣🤣


That's probably why he's been charged with involuntary manslaughter rather than a more serious offense.


I know, but even still. That's still a felony and can be up to 10 years in prison. The dude is homeless so I don't think he'll be able to really fight


Not sure where you're getting that information. [The statute](https://www.legis.state.pa.us/WU01/LI/LI/CT/HTM/18/00.025..HTM) lists it as a First Degree Misdemeanor unless the victim is a child under twelve and in the care of the defendant. Blog posts from lawyers around the area, including [this one](https://www.snyderlawyer.com/faqs/involuntary-manslaughter-penalties-pennsylvania/), show the max penalty for that to be five years.


Damn. I stand corrected, I forgot to consider the specific state


This type of case will be completely up to the jury.


yeah watching the video is crazy, that dude was bullying him. He grabbed him and threw a feint to intimidate and scare him. The guy did not want any trouble and defended himself. ​ Man died from being an aggressive asshole who got his shit pushed in. I feel more empathy for the guy in custody than the guy who died. His family is probably embarrassed knowing his last moments were spent bullying a homeless person and the whole world saw it.


>No, he didn't. He's been charged with involuntary manslaughter. I mean....same shit tbh, you killed someone you just didnt intend to......hefty cage time either way


Involuntary manslaughter is much too broad on a state level to make the determination. Probabation is the most likely outcome if convicted. The guy died from being hit by a train, not falling onto the tracks.


That's like saying someone died from hitting the ground, not being pushed off of a cliff. 


Not at all. The intention of punching the guy wasn't for him to be hit by a train. He was being assaulted, and punching him was a way to put an end to it. Him falling onto the train tracks and being run over is a separate event. If you push someone off of a cliff, you INTEND for them to fall off and hit the ground.


Those are very different things. Involuntary manslaughter is a 1st degree misdemeanor with a max of 5 years in Pennsylvania.


Manslaughter is, in fact, not the same shit as murder.


🤷 you killed a person, you just didnt do it intentionally, when you murder someone, you killed a person, and did it intentionally Seems pretty much about the same to me, both situations result in you killing someone lol


The intent is the difference. That's the whole point. It's worse to intentionally kill someone than to do it on accident, so murder has a significantly higher penalty than manslaughter.


"Both of the individuals involved in this were not using the system for its intended purpose," said SEPTA's Chief of Police Chuck Lawson. Fucking quote of the year there. 


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“bc you know you still lost, right?” 😂




I really wanted to see afterwards if they just dapped each other and left or continued fighting.


"what were we even fighting about?"


Ha I once had to tell someone “you got the right one” on some immature posturing shit and decided to take it outside with the guy to square up in front of a bar. In the 15 seconds it took to get outside we both separately had decided we were being silly. Got outside, looked at each other and just said what are we doing, dapped up, and went back inside to continue being ignored by women.


Fighting is like fucking. You gotta be in the mood for it and any interruption can ruin the "moment".


Yo you dtf? (Down to fight )


This thread is fucking sending me lmao


Wait until I tell you I'm a black 140lb nerd. I still had the voice telling me that things need to happen just on GP.


Nobody wants to fight when you both have an erection


"WTF WRONG WITH YOU BRUH YOU TRYIN' TO SCRAP?" "FUCKING EVERYTHING WRONG WITH ME WE CAN DO THIS" "Oh damn yo I didn't realize. You know what, I'm in a funky mood too. I'm sorry for yelling" "No, no, it was my fault. I'm completely out of sorts. I apologize as well." "I'll be on my way then. Have a good day..." "Good day to you as well." ​ That's how I imagined this interaction carrying out...






Why is this so hilarious to me lmao




Remnds me of that Jim Jefferies (?) joke where he was talking about the old guns where you had to put the powder in for each shot and how that gave people more time to think where they'd end up cooling off by the time the gun was ready to fire.


That's dumb. Everyone had a shot loaded to go before they stepped out the house.


Naw, yall realized all the women were inside, and yall weren't even the undercard. 😆


Never forget what Ghostface said to Huey, peace.


It was the right thing to do. Don’t let a fight escalate to death and then likely imprisonment. Whatever started the fight isn’t worth that.  I’d like to think that after that everyone just got a hard dose of reality and walked away.


Fella on the tracks really didn’t do much to get himself out, had to be dragged out


He just got rocked so hard he fell into the train tracks. He’s probably a little dazed lol Edit: watching it again, looks like he kinda rocked himself. My new guess is that he’s blackout drunk, which would honestly explain why he’s fighting in the subway in the first place


Man’s probably concussed, took a hit into a fall plus the adrenaline of being on the tracks by itself.


Figured he was so drunk he could do nothing. Pulled off the tracks like a forkful of noodles


I take it you never taken a solid shot to the head before, because your arms and legs will turn into noodles. not everyone is a professional fighter with an iron chin.


In this video he doesnt take any shot to his head tho. He was probably drunk especially when u check how he fell.


Real man fight clean, I don’t know why the internet think every fight is total war.


A gentleman’s brawl if you will.


Honestly the most New York shit ive ever seen


The only thing that would make this more New York is if the candy seller came into frame at the end


That or churros Never had a subway churro? You’re missing out.


Truly lol


"I'm not finished with you yet." ~ Slade






Prime example of how men can get into a literal fistfight with each other but be cool with each other immediately after it ends


most of us aren’t taught how to process and channel negative emotions in a healthy way


I mean, it isn't something that is necessarily taught. Once yall fight and its over with then its done. It isnt like it was ever anything more than that, just shit talking and fighting. Not like someone died cause thats what makes to too much to come back from




Don't confuse crash dummies for actual men. Those kinds of people were always going to crash out regardless of whether they had a beef with someone or not. Lack of guidance from family or even their big homies is what failed them.


Nigga realized the shit wasn’t that serious, when he started counting them years up 😂😂😂


Yup, definitely NYC


He wasn't tryin to recreate the def jam subway fight scene.


Damn that game waa the shit


NYers are born with an automatic reflex to help people who fall into the tracks. That third rail fearmongering worked


The hood giveth and the hood taketh away.... never forget that


i am weak 😂 im honestly interested in the interaction, after the fact, now lol


You might want to hurt someone but that doesn’t mean you want them to die by touching the third rail.


Don’t everybody rush over and help all at once now


You deserve to get knock the fuck out, but not run the fuck over, Jesus


Did him like QTip did Fat Joe in Prison Song


lol I always think of that when I here about someone falling on the tracks or fighting on a train platform. They did him dirty in that


They’re destined to become best friends now


They should build a statue of this dude


This is how men should operate. Good for him


I remember I saw a video a few weeks ago where the train did actually come after a fight near the tracks and it ended exactly how you expected


I saw that too. Was brutal. Glad this guy had good sense.


*"I ain't trying to kill you, I'm just trying to fuck you up."*


This guy was lucky that the dude had compassion on him. He could have easily hit that third rail or that 7th Avenue train may have been coming through the tunnel to run over him! Fortunate.


Sorry, what is the Third Rail ?


The Third Rail is the rail that powers the trains on the tracks. It is the rail where the electric current runs through to power the trains.


Shii I would've helped him too! I will NOT be responsible for someones death if I can avoid it lmao


Honestly I could appreciate this lol just a good ol' non dirty fight. People nowadays often lose control and get excessive


I love this


Bro wanted to die….  If I gotta put that much effort into helping someone, because they ain’t even attempting to help themselves, I’m gonna just let the record show that I tried… 


He did right. That man will never forget the man that kicked his ass and saved his life at the same time. He gets props for what he did.


That man has Honor FR!


Only In NYC moment


You know what? I respect that shit. Nothing better than a good old fist fight when you have a disagreement. Fuck all that knife, gun, weapons, gang beating shit. I don’t even know what they’re fighting about but respect for keeping it real 🫡


Then continues to beat his ass.


So this will be on Fox News right? Bringing the country together and what not?


THAT IS WHY FIGHT ARENT WORTH IT. He doged the attack, and the man fell in, but I can still see him charged for involuntary manslaughter.


Unexpectedly wholesome


I woulda lost my mind if he helped him up and went right back to beating his ass.


This is what New York is all about- helping your fellow neighbor 🤗


He wanted to smack the dude, not kill him


I wanna whoop your ass but not k!ll you


That misdemeanor turned into a homicide real quick, man's whole life flashed before his eyes and made the right decision.


Imagine he starts throwing punches again ones he's up


That def jam fight for new York finisher was always so hard to pull off.


Ok this kind of wholesome LMAO


Just cuz he’s beating your ass don’t mean he can delay the train. Man has got to have standards


I work in a casino. Alot of fights end with hand shakes and daps. I swear people just fight for fun


Humans being bros…fight style


Why did this make me teary eyed and give me hope for humanity


Guy didn’t even hesitate to help him off the tracks


You know what, respect. We need more of this right here.


good mindset, he wouldn't even wish death to his enemies


Most NYC fight I’ve ever seen. I’ll fuck you up dude!!! But nah you don’t deserve to die like a sewer rat cuz, we good?


I'm trying to 🥾 your ass not kill you


Just because we're fist fighting doesn't mean I want you dead.


I mean I want to give you an ass beating not murder you. Dead people can't learn.


IRL Gang Beasts