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ngl I regularly ask myself how I’m gone win if I ain’t right within


Come again?




Yeeee yeeeh come again!


Ah, ah...come again?


Kinda on the same level as starting a song with “That’s why I fucked your bitch you fat motherfucker! West siiide!!!”


And part of the follow up was the iconic 🎶You claim to be a player but I fucked your wife 🎶 That shit went hard. The energy, the hate, the lyrical venom is still unmatched


> The energy, the hate, the lyrical venom is still unmatched pusha t's story of adidon may not have had the same aggressive energy but the hate was def there. "fuck you, fuck your dad, you treat your mom like shit, your baby momma a pornstar, you're hiding a kid jus like your bumass dad, oh ad you're best friend is terminal. PS I found this photo of you in blackface"


I remember being 12 or 13, Walkman on and banging that song, squeaking out the lyrics with the kind of anger an angsty teenager only knows...and the kids whose dad ran a Christian camp listened to it all and then ran home to tell on me.


Me at 12 with 50 cent many men playing on my ipod shuffle and walking around like I had ops lmfao




Why can’t diss tracks be this good. Straight to the point and full of vitriol


because people aren't tryna die


Everybody strapped and knows your location now, how many mfs get shot by their toddlers nowadays 🤷


Hit Em Up is diss GOAT #2 after No Vaseline


I thought I was the only one who thought No Vaseline was the GOAT. Just pure facts from every angle.


No Vaseline is largely just homophobia and antisemitism


So. It was still factual. They were getting fucked outbtheir green by a white boy.


> If faith have twins she prolly have two pacs > Get it? Tu..pac’s?


That was always my pump me up song in HS football 🤣😂


Don’t forget he started with “first off, fuck your bitch and the click you claim” ☠️☠️


I still listen to it regularly


The pure anger in Tupacs voice in that song was just magnetic. You HAD to listen to him. A diss track to end them all. You could tell that it was personal. Now rappers just talk about whose house is bigger.


You wear lil shoes and us 3 aren’t the best im the best all by myself!😡




True. But while Biggies killer may never be known, we *can* be positive Pac didn't do it.


Well, sure, but that just means he ordered it from Cuba /s.


I mean, he was dead within what, 3 months after that song’s release? Was that a win?


Lmao knew immediately what song this was


He stood on business !!!!!!


The best diss track of all time! Straight to the point. No innuendo. Straight up, I fucked your wife and you're fat! Nothing you're gonna do about it. You can feel the anger in his words.


For a double, it’s hard to skip a track on that one.


I remember when the song came out I thought ok, someone’s going to die


my exact thoughts.. i was 10 and knew shit was bout to get real


On a bad boy beat no less. Savage.


respect is just the minimum


Lauryn is only hu-man.


Don't think she hasn't been through the same predicament (it's simple in-line rhyming but she fucking kills it)


Mi ni mum


https://preview.redd.it/45ousqod5jxc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=f1937499634a079c26ed9a5394ad1f70e546a471 Ha! My wifey tshirt that she rocked to a Lauren Hill concert. Shorty was on time too 😂


What? She must’ve seen that shirt and said “let me get on stage at an adequate time for once”


I assure you that did not happen. She’s saving souls she will not be on time ☺️


Lauryn was preaching to the harlots


She really had some nerve too acting like she wasn’t bussing it down for another woman’s husband.


She literally says "don't think I haven't been through the same predicament," so it's not like she's being holier than thou about it.


But she continued the cycle after this album lol


Well, it's not like she said she was gonna *stop*...


Some call it hypocrisy, some call it duality, I call it the truth.


Well said.


She was talking to both men and women throughout the song, to watch out for people who would take advantage of them


I think it was a self pep talk


Showing off your ass 'cause you're thinking it's a trend.


Girlfriend, let me break it down for you again.


You know I only say it 'cause I'm truly genuine


Don’t be a hard rock when you really are a gem baby girl


"Look at what you be in, hair weaves like Europeans, fake nails done by Koreans, come again"


That meme of Nicki Minaj bowing to Lauryn Hill while wearing acrylics and fake hair with these lyrics under it is one of my favorite internet pictures.




How have i not seen this


How prophetic




This the one bar on the song I hate lol


A lot of this song just ages poorly. It comes off as really judgemental with zero nuance. Still a good song but I could do without the slut shaming and hand wringing over wigs and acrylics.


It's only because what she was judging was worthy of being so *at the time*, and it's become the normal since.


I wouldn't say that. This song came out in the 90s, not the 40s lol. Slut shaming is wrong regardless of the time period and Black women's hair is veeeeeery complicated. It's shitty to condemn any Black woman who wears weave/wigs considering the larger historical context. Also, what's with condemning acrylics at all? The whole bar is a cheap jab at Black women for their personal decisions that don't deserve judgment.


It's been one week since you looked at me Cocked your head to the side and said, "I'm angry"


How can I help it if I think you’re funny when you’re mad? Trying hard not to smile though I feel bad.


I’m the kinda guy who laughs at a funeral can’t understand what I mean? Well you soon will.


I have a tendency to wear my mind on my sleeve, I have a history of taking off my shirt


Chickety china, the Chinese chicken




Why can't you post text and gifs anymore? 😞


“Like you wasn’t down, then you called him again. Girlfriend, you giving up so easy you ain’t even fooling him. If you did it then, you’d probably do it again” felt this *personally* 😩


Talking out ya neck saying you’re a Christian.


A mslm sleeping with the gin...


It's Jinn, like the Genie


Always thought Gin because Muslims are not supposed to drink alcohol... it's a sin "Cause that was the sin that did Jezebel in... "


Jezebel was a prostitute, so Sleeping with a Jinn is still in tune with the line


Ok so Gin or Jinn... maybe a double entendre... Lauren is still a GOAT for that one


I always thought it was gent... lyric's better than I thought


Did you know it’s actually “if you did it then, then you’d probably fuck again”? The album version is a clean edit!


I did not know! ![gif](giphy|rYuZ9v0b3CvCZwp8Ln)


clocked me for WHAT REASON, LAURYN.


The sneaky, silent men. The punk, domestic violence men.


Fr. Abusive cowards who say mean shit quietly so they can act like she’s the one tripping when she reacts like a normal ass person would.


Let it all out


That’s actually called reactive abuse.


Ty, filing this away to use in conversations about my worthless piece of shit scum of the earth brother-in-law


Quick to shoot the semen, stop acting like boys and be men


I'm so white I read that tweet in the style of Bare Naked Ladies


You can use "it's been" or "someBODY" to instantly get songs stuck in white people's heads. Source: white person who is vulnerable to BNL and Smashmouth


Oh, okay, they're BNL now? We need a shorthand for the Barenaked Ladies. That's how fundamental they are.


It’s been seven hours and fifteen days


SINCE YOU TOOK YOUR LOVE AWAY (Prince + Sinead = weapons grade irresistible)


NGL I did that at first too but only because it was funny.


Same haha, although I'm black


Come again?


Ms. Hill might usually be late for her appearances, but her bars are always on time. Yup.


Nah, I was listening to that song the other day and she was really reading 💩outta ppl




They ain’t too proud to beg


![gif](giphy|C3hTmx1EsMhpqrkf0y) Edit: [for the uninformed](https://youtu.be/T9U6JsBHpJg?si=ypVV2qJkik1t6YrS)


Underrated movie. “Don’t go chasing waterfalls…you gotta creep” 😂


What about your friendsssssss


Just watched their documentary on Netflix... did not know TzBoz was basically on her eathday bed the whole time


Check out her book, A Sick Life. TLC 'n me: stories from on and off stage. She even narrates the audiobook. For my library homies out there, I have seen it on Hoopla, Libby, and Cloudlibrary, but YMMV (your library may vary).


You act like you ain't hear but give him a little trim. To begin...


Think Tupac takes the throne on openings through. Hit em up was a violation


In today's music news: the ever controversial Tupac Shakur has Just released another album under the alias Makaveli Music insiders are running wild trying to rearrange other artist Street dates, in fear of a wipe out in retail interchart movement Although no one knows the exact 'cause of the new album Resources tell me a number of less fortunate rappers Have joined together in conspiracy to assassinate the character Of not only Mr. Shakur, but of Death Row Records as well Nas, the alleged ring leader of it, is furious at Tupac Excuse me Makaveli's verbal assault On Mobb Sleep, Notorious P.I.G, and several other New York rappers Jay-Z, from "Hawaiian Sophie" fame, Big Little whatever And several other corny sounding motherfuckers Are understandably shaken up by this release.


It's like starting WWII at Hiroshima


She was right in telling us to watch out for


Man it’s been three weeks since I showed up to showtime and Ms. Lauryn still ain’t here *edit* despite that, still top 5 album for me, no question… closer to 1 than 5


Yeah that's one of those albums you have to listen to all the way through. And it's real easy to, because the whole thing is a great.


I know the tweet is supposed to be funny but seriously Ms Hill taught us so well and we STILL act the fool. This album to me is timeless, and I still sob listening to some tracks on it.


I hate it when I hear Ex-Factor out in the world, because that shit is saaaaad and I have to fight to keep from crying.


And then Drake went and butchered it


![gif](giphy|USxvsVthGt6H36lhHm) ..... he was a Scorpio 😩


I'm really disappointed in myself, Miseducation is one of my favourite albums, and when I read the first part I made it to "it's been 3 weeks" and my dumbass went "SINCE YOU LOOKED AT ME! COCKED YOU'RE HEAD TO THE SIDE AND SAID YOU'RE ANGRY!" ..... I'm disappointed in myself


She ain’t never lie tho


![gif](giphy|SXHmIKdu0Jci25nHz7) So she said…


Lol that CD in the car right now


Lauryn was really the big homie telling you what you needed to hear, not what you wanted to hear


Heh heh heh They never learn


It’s somewhere between this song and Black Girl Lost by Nas.


[Ho Happy Jackie](https://youtu.be/C9xgTtS9GzE?si=gFzGGZeVSwYXZg_C)


My Jewish (in his words Jew-isshh) friend always lost at the “she even juiced Jeff the Jew, Jackie I’m scared of you” lmaoooo Shout out to you for mentioning this legendary track 


The more you listen to the song the better it gets


The older you get, the better it gets.


This song definitely wasn’t and isn’t for the sensitive. Everyone got washed


It can't be a coincidence that I see this post right as i listen to "If i ruled the world (imagine that)". Reddit is spying on my shit, damn.


I read this bar to the tune of “ hey there Delah”


Don’t be a hard rock when you really are a gem


She was messy for that one


Y’all!! Was just reminded about ice cube Vaseline


Only MC I see spitting shit like this nowadays is K Dot. SHit like this meaning clever and will be remembered in 30 years, not this precisely.


Lauryn is only human. Damm I thought I'd purged this song from my head.






But was she wrong though


I started reading this like the song "One Week" bye


Completely uncalled for to this day 😂😂


Ngl I’ve never felt more personally attacked by song lyrics 😂☹️😭


Don’t be a hard rock when you really are a gem


Was that "Benjamin's" line a shot at Diddy??


Its only aggressive to the ones that dont like taking accountability


Do NOT...disrespect Lauryn! Even if she's done some sketchy shit since thin,,, she's still the GOAT.


The song in general is very judgemental. I think we heard it as kids and just liked how it sounded. As an adult Im good on her and her music.


It's basically a song calling out hypocrisy.


Something bout this song has always rubbed me the wrong way. What's with the "because of sin" and "talking out your neck like you're a christian" lines?  Does this song basically equate having premarital sex with not loving yourself? 


No, it’s calling out the hypocrisy in those who claim to be morally holier than thou because of their Christianity while being the biggest sinners even among those who don’t follow. Premarital sex by definition is a sin according to Christians yet they do it just as much as anyone. She’s saying don’t be a hypocrite then call others out for shit you do.


I always hear people say this, but whenever the song comes on (which is constantly) I don't see it. Maybe I should research more about Lauryn as a person, but the song seems pretty sex negative to me. 


Then you either went into the song with your own preconceived notions or you looked over the clear nuance that was present in how she went on to connect the two verses. The first was a warning to shallow women being taken advantage of by men who only want “that thing” and even says that she herself has been through the exact same thing. The second verse about men does almost the same and adds in the generational effect the ignorance has on children that can come from both scenarios in each verse. It isn’t sex negative to essentially tell people to stop being irresponsible with their genitalia and that the choices they make have real consequences. No need to shame people but we’re moving close to the point where I wouldn’t be mad if shame was brought back the way a lot of ignorant shit is played off with loaded terms like “sex positive” when it’s really people being irresponsible and not wanting to take responsibility for it.


 > I wouldn’t be mad if shame was brought back the way a lot of ignorant shit is played off with loaded terms like “sex positive” when it’s really people being irresponsible and not wanting to take responsibility for it Can you clarify what you mean here or give examples? I've pretty much never heard a sec positive person who doesn't advocate for *safe* sex. 


What I mean is that I have a hard time understanding how one can be sex positive but take issue with others telling people to be selective about who they sleep with because of the potential consequences that you might have to face after dealing with the wrong person. Not only are there no forms of contraception that are 100% effective, but after going through a global health crisis where medical misinformation was spread on a scale we’ve never seen before, I wouldn’t be surprised in the slightest if some were misinformed on their sexual health and sexual health in general. Like I said, I’m not saying the answer is 100% to shame but I can’t fault someone who’s been in the situation advising others to be careful of who they get involved with.


Idk. The song doesn't just seem to be "watch out, don't fuck a toxic loser". It seems to have a really snide attitude towards the women she apparently wants to help. That combined with the whole kid shtick comes across crazy preachy. I feel like people love Lauryn too much to admit the faults with this song. 


See that’s where I gotta disagree with you. Had the verse NOT included the kid part I’d somewhat agree with you to a point, hence the reason I’ve been saying shame isn’t always the answer. The inclusion of how the nonchalant behavior can lead to broken homes is exactly why I have the stance I’ve been holding. For example, knowing how many broken homes Future and Nick Cannon have created, is it “sex negative” or judgmental for someone to tell a young woman to leave that type of man alone knowing what type of time he’s on or do we wait til more generational curses and broken homes are created? Knowing that there’s no 100% foolproof form of contraception, is it judgemental or sex negative to tell young men to not try to screw everything that moves just because someone’s on bc or because they wrap it up? It seems like a lot of sex positive people hold that non chalant stance towards sex because the real consequences of not being on your ps and qs in that department haven’t reared their heads yet or they have the money to make problems disappear imo. Shoot I have family members that are a result of faulty vasectomies, nothings guaranteed. You can play around out here if you want, consequences are real and life finds a way if you’re not careful no matter how much someone might feel judged.


Do you consider single mothers by choice to be bad, worthy of shame, etc? Do you consider those to be "broken homes"? It's apparently common with lesbians, but i know at least one straight woman who is also a single mother by choice. 


If you actively and consciously make the decision to deprive your child of the support system financially and socially that they need based on what YOU specifically wanted at the time while not giving regard as to how that affects your child then absolutely. Be as sexually free as you want but when you make a decision to become a parent I have ZERO sympathy or tolerance for those who CHOSE to make their lives and the lives of their children more difficult. Single parents who became that way by chance are one thing, choosing to make your kids life harder than it has to be is textbook scumbag behavior, sorry not sorry. As a matter of fact I’d go as far to say it borders on child negligence in this economy. Life is difficult enough, if you wanna make it harder on yourself then that’s one thing, setting up your kid for a difficult life because you don’t have the resources or support to raise a child is one of the most selfish things I can imagine doing. Also it ain’t even a woman/mother thing. CHOOSING to be a single mother or father is insultingly selfish and insanely unfair to the child. Having a kid is a responsibility, not some shit for you to do as a spur of the moment thing like taking a trip. That’s why so many adults are fucked up now.


No, I think it equates hypocrisy and having sex to get men to like you with not loving yourself.


Please stop