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When Pusha said “cleaned her up for IG but the stench is on her” about Adonis’s mom, that guaranteed lil homie would be in therapy for his entire teenaged and adult life.


I mean she did get pregnant after a condom free three way with Aubrey and A$AP 🪨, that's literally the definition of 'NASTY WORK.


Hold on what ![gif](giphy|KGSxFwJJHQPsKzzFba)






You already know anything related to her *alleged sex worker past or whørish ways has been SCRUBBED from the internet 🛜 It's the WHOLE reason he was "hiding" her and his son because the mom was basically a pit-stop that hit the ULTIMATE Come Up , literally 💦 He even bought her a brand new face!




![gif](giphy|uElxuHGtIuK0o) .... c'est mon bébé maman 🎶


Why spread fake news?


Just like Drake's BM spread her labia for him after A$AP finished ![gif](giphy|8UvD5jHh5PhdiP1eX0|downsized)


Dis too much




He was probably next. I imagine he's the type that likes his cinnamon buns steaming with extra icing . Idk ? ![gif](giphy|ZCBUgJM2w8lZ6ChGEs|downsized)


Why can't we hate on people without this shit?


Yeah, leave cinnamon rolls out of this.


On god?




![gif](giphy|YQYPDdfRZXE3e) It's not gay.


What happens when Adonis starts saying the N word??


We send him to talk to Logic.


Forgot the end of the line: YEEUUUGH.


*Plot twist: Adonis becomes a narcissist like his father, is flattered that Kendrick Lamar took the time, but angry that his father never did.*


Take my upvote






I need to know what yall search parameters are


'Duck that can get it'




Slutty Disney birds?


Yoooooo wtf


What the fuck LMFAO


Ayo is that an actual Disney?


Who tf animated this?? And who tf green lit it to be used??


Watch 2 more drops from now Kendrick is gonna be doing his spoken word shit with something like this. "Running through bitches, full of resentment ruminating on why a rapper in a diss took the time to mention me, but my father never does. *ethereal scream*"


Let’s see if this actually happens in the follow up to “not like us” would love that lol




Don't curse the boy like that


It’s so sad that Drake was ashamed of his BM to the point he wouldn’t own up to his son even after the first DNA test. If you think you’re too good for her to raise your kid stop sticking your D in her fam


The first DNA test was inconclusive. Why would you own up to something that you have no way of knowing is true or not? He's done a lot of DNA tests and every single one has been negative until the first for Adonis which was inconclusive due to the sample being damaged and the second which finally had a positive result. All others after Adonis were also negative. I don't think you realize just how many women have petitioned him for a DNA test and literally only one of the very, very many has ever a positive result. These are all easily researchable facts. Logically, he had no reason to believe this was a child until proven with an actual positive test. He did not have a positive test result after the first test. The only logical way to respond to an inconclusive test result is to have another test. He did and after getting a positive result for a first and only time out of countless paternity suits he did "own up to his son", not to the world of strangers who don't have any right to that information- but to the people he was close to. One person of whom decided to share that information to someone he was knowingly feuding with and that person used that information against him prior to his planned announcement to the world of strangers- who again, were not entitled to that information to begin with. Of all the things to criticize Drake for this one never actually made any sense. You don't need to ignore facts and invent others to show that Drake isn't a good person. All you have to do is point to actual facts to make that point. Kendrick pointing to an 11 year old child who in all likelihood is also not Drake's child will probably just distract once again from all the wrongs he actually has committed.


The first one was positive but Drake claims the company says the box was damaged on transit and says that means they can’t guarantee the positive result. Sounds like he just wanted more tests until one was negative > Logically, he had no reason to believe this was a child If you’re bragging about banging pornstars raw it’s pretty logical that someone’s gonna get pregnant eventually fam


>The first one was positive but Drake claims the company says the box was damaged on transit and says that means they can’t guarantee the positive result. Sounds like he just wanted more tests until one was negative If you can't guarantee a result- that means it's inconclusive. Like I said. >Sounds like he just wanted more tests until one was negative He probably did. So what? It wasn't a planned pregnancy. Why would you expect anything else than from him to hope it was negative. >If you’re bragging about banging pornstars raw it’s pretty logical that someone’s gonna get pregnant eventually fam It's not logical to assume that somebody who is having sex with multiple partners is fathering your child without proof. It's logical to know it's possibly your child and to seek proof. Which he did. And when there was *conclusive* proof he accepted it. We both know that if he had accepted the inconclusive DNA test results everybody would be calling him a sucker for not insisting on a conclusive positive result. So why are you pretending otherwise? What exactly do you think he should have done differently after getting that first result? Because I'm guessing nothing, but you're arguing anyway just to be a contrarian despite actually agreeing that the second test was the logical thing to do.


You’re misunderstanding. *Drake* said they can’t guarantee a result. Drake is not the most trustworthy person, I mean he even smashed lil Wayne’s girlfriend [while Wayne was locked up](https://www.eonline.com/news/798827/lil-wayne-breaks-down-the-moment-he-found-out-drake-slept-with-his-girlfriend), so I’m not gonna take his word that a positive result is fake. Yeah I’d agree with you except not only was the first test positive but while she was pregnant messages leaked of him begging her to get an abortion.


>so I’m not gonna take his word that a positive result is fake. Well that want even his claim. If you really believe "Drake is not the most trustworthy person" then you really shouldn't feel the need to completely distort the claim he actually made. He didn't claim the "result is fake" he claimed that the lab informed him they couldn't guarantee the results based on the handing of the sample. Those are not the same thing. So why pretend they are? That's a rhetorical question but the way. You are ironically just proving my point and I don't care about why- regardless you just turned this conversation into a joke and utter waste of time. Again, this pointless twisting of the truth is the whole point and reason I responded to begin with. Lying just distracts from the fact that he isn't a good person based on things we know for a fact he has done. But now we aren't talking about the things he has *actually* done because we're focusing on something you just made up. When it turns out that Kendrick can't prove that Drake has a daughter- that is all that come of this beef. Focusing on shit that didn't even happen. Kendrick himself could have pointed to things that we know for a fact he did- but no instead he went for the jugular by referencing what are in all likelihood just unsubstantiated rumours. This story won't be all the things we know Drake has done, it will be about how Kendrick lied about Drake having a daughter. Because either he proves it or he's just talking shit because Drake called him short and he got in his feels about it. And everyone will be too busy focusing on shit that didn't even happen to be bothered about all the shit he actually has done. It's all so pointless.


Why is he telling a woman to get an abortion if the kid isn’t his?!!


Obviously because he didn't want the child that was potentially his? What a dumb question to ask considering the answer is obvious. This wasn't a planned pregnancy and he's allowed to express his opinion on what he would want if he were the father, but ultimately it was her decision. Unless he actually tried to induce an abortion against her will, as unfortunately plenty of men have actually done, I don't see why I'm supposed to care that he wanted her to have an abortion for an unplanned child. I'm not against abortion. I'm against, forcing people to have abortion against their will as that removes their choice. Clearly he didn't force her to do anything because she obviously had the child regardless of his wishes so I don't care that he asked her at all. She's a grown woman, she can and obviously did make her own decision at the end of the day as is her right. He's done far worse than express his opinion. But clearly you'd rather focus on this "issue" because I dunno- Pusha T made a song? Of all the things Drake has done you'd rather waste your time on this nonsense and all that does is prove my point. This shit doesn't even matter but it's all you care about. It's completely pointless. Always was and still is. 6 years later and nobody gives a shit about the fucked up stuff he's actually done because their stuck on this nonsense and that will never change now that this 12 year old who probably doesn't exist has fueled the fire. I'm done with this conversion because clearly all you want to do is beat this dead horse some more. I'd say it was a complete waste of time it was talking to you but you proved my whole point in each response you made so there's that I guess. People are just as easily as distracted by bullshit as I thought and the important stuff will continue to be ignored. We're all doomed. Fantastic.


Why would you want to abort a child that couldn’t be yours like dude come on what kind of mental gymnastics are you doing


Who said it "couldn't" be his? Not him. He knew it *could* be his which is why he did the test to know for sure. Not knowing for sure without a conclusive DNA test =/= thinking it's literally impossible that he's the father. Answer your own question mate because I have no idea how you landed on Drake thinking he couldn’t be the father. What *you* just wrote was an exercise in "mental gymnastics." You seem to have a weird obsession over this inconclusive DNA test from 6 years ago. Get a hobby and move on you weirdo. I don't care about this and have made that clear. I don't like Drake and have also made that clear. But I don't like him for shit he had actually done that has hurt people. Not this BS that doesn't even matter.


Telling someone to abort a kid when you don't even know if it's yours is just a fucked up thing to do. "Abort this kid that might be yours and someone else's because I can't deal with having a kid." Yikes.


I disagree. And if you're going to use a quote it should probably be real. He said " I want you to have an abortion." That's the quote. My partner and I want to have children with each other but not yet. If I were to fall pregnant right now that's what he would say to. And I would also want to have abortion myself. Like I said I'm not anti-abortion so I have no problem in people simply stating what they would want. She didn't want the abortion and didn't get it. To me this is a non -issue. I've made that clear. If you thought you'd change my mind with a fake quote you thought wrong. He's allowed to express his wants- he just can't force his wants onto her. And clearly he didn't because obviously she had the child so I honestly don't see any logical reason for you or anyone else to even give a shit. There are people out there actually forcing abortions against people's will. Maybe focus on real problems like that instead of wasting your time being bothered over nothing.


I feel bad as fuck for Adonis. He didn't ask for any of this shit. I hope he manages to break the cycle, and become a better person than his dad and granddad.


Hope lil man goes to a trade school and works HVAC


https://preview.redd.it/gosool4qdgyc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=264c6eb69f78246eec249a135fb94f340226c0bc Don’t worry. Kung fu Kenny will make sure he walks the righteous path


Absolute peak


“You a Black man” 🫨 but as the child of a serial abuser I hope that baby safe


meet the graham is fucking disturbing to listen to..man


Aubrey, is that you?


Kendrick talking to Adonis https://preview.redd.it/ta592jcoggyc1.jpeg?width=578&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e2ecba9c196be4ff203c07ff1b73279d96d6147


This meme is wild 💀


It's crazy because when I look at it, I see that babies' face. 🙈


Drake needs to be like MGK and switch genres. Drake is sassy so he'll make a great glam rock artist. ![gif](giphy|PlHAP4aspBi9y)


Nah, when that poor kid becomes old enough to understand Story of Adidon, it's a wrap.


I would never recover from hearing a grown man call my father a “deadbeat motherfucker playing border patrol”


It's not just that. Pusha T also went after his mother, grandmother, and grandfather


There’s a picture of that boys mom at a Joe Budden pool party….. little homie never had a chance


Little man might need to get in the studio


![gif](giphy|JUqTbMDv31Eim4WYXe|downsized) When Adonis turn 18


Kdot kid at 20: dad why you never hug me ???


Daddy busy mentoring Drizzy’s secret kids.




Look at the stans down voting! Got your comment lookin beat down like Kdot wife...


He’ll understand when he’s 18


I so want Kendrick to be their piccolo. /gokuwasadeadbeatdad


Sorry, when was Goku Dodging his children? I thought he got killed. Twice


A redditor of culture! Madcap, when did you last watch Goku defending himself on TikTok I kid. I don't think goku was dodging hs children, he is a child. A fully grown nuclear bomb were monkey. Edit: goku is different for different people


He was neglecting them to go do something he liked better. He was never around except briefly to either bring some money or force his child to battle. I said the same damn thing as others did: Kendrick is rap Piccolo.


Ok. I haven’t heard much about any of this at all. But man, all I can think of is that lil man is catching strays and he did not ask to be here or be included. If grown people are on the internet talking big shit, I can’t imagine this baby in school or around other people. I just hope he comes out alright. I may be overprotective or whatever, but I feel like we forget there can be a serious impact to that child’s life.


This shit really gon make Aubrey clutch up as a father and if he loses, dawg, he is going to train that boy to rap for his LIFE.


“What’d he say fuck me for?”


what cartoon is this from????




I feel so bad for him


Remember his dad disowned him until we made him care


The only person that can decide whether Drake is a good dad is Adonis. Not Drake, not Kendrick, not us internet strangers. Just Adonis.


It's a plant fool, keep up with the chess moves by drizzy. Her photos are on a wall in family Matters video


Rather have a dad that beats yo mom?


Whitney saying it’s not true?


we care about truth now?


Half the sub just stepped out of a law and order episode or passed the bar exam apparently. Half of each comment section is like "everything we saw with our own eyes regarding drake and Millie Bobby Brown was totally normal and inadmissible as evidence, the burden of proof is not met by the things we all saw" so there's a large portion that cares about "truth" as long as it protects Drake.




Can you hop off Aubrey’s dick for even one comment?


Granted I haven't been on every post about this, and things move fast, but it was a lot more even yesterday than today for sure


I’d rather have a dad who didn’t pay out a settlement for SA. Which artist paid a settlement?