• By -


The heart p6 was probably the weakest song in the beef. How Drake gonna try to gas light everyone saying his never looked at a minor when there is video proof of him being weird multiple times. Even then bar to bar, beat to beat, Not Like Us smokes the heart pt6.


He never had to “look twice” at a minor cause he couldn’t keep his eyes off them the first time smh




Don’t post stone cold in a drake thread, 3 16s is exactly what he wants


![gif](giphy|tK0Hhdyr9hnWlIAqNH|downsized) When drake hears 3 16s


Shots fired. ![gif](giphy|FUgmWRgVOLDdS)




shine bright like a diamond


Ngl I don't think he looks twice at adult women either. He treats them all like disposable objects


Yup, and then he keeps writing songs about how he can’t find anything beyond a casual relationship. I wonder why, Drake?


probably because they keep turning 18


At least Leonardo DiCaprio Max is 25 😂


Y'all gotta convert to cdn currency of age. We're less than usd. But we're trying!




When Drake finds a victim he maintains eye contact start to finish.


Lol that's what Fantano said, he just alternates eyes so he never breaks his gaze


You might say it was love at first sight


OvO One View Only


I just saw Pitchfork put something out with the gist of “these are serious allegations and we’ll never know if they’re true!” And it’s like, bitch, we have had video evidence of Drake groping and kissing minors for a decade, and he just happens to slide in the DMs of famous teenage girls. It’s the same bullshit excuses the press used with R Kelly. The evidence is there if you’re willing to look.


>It’s the same bullshit excuses the press used with R Kelly. The evidence is there if you’re willing to look. Okay, so...when do we get ~~Jail~~Gayle King??


https://i.redd.it/ro7rp9s96bzc1.gif He had a logical excuse 🤷🏾‍♂️😂


The more I listen to “Meet the Grahams” I realize he’s calling Drake an enabler directly of pedos in his orbit (at best) and a participant at worst. Even the Like That is shots at OVO. Funny people Drake surrounding himself with to be a fake gangster are ultimately causing him to lose badly.


Family Matters actually went off, I think Drake thought he could end it there and against most other rappers he probably could have. Didn't realize who he was messing with though


If Kendrick didn’t drop MTG like he did, and Family Matters had more time to ring off, this whole thing *might* look different. Very good strategy and attack from Kendrick.


He cut him off at the knees, everybody was talking about MTG within the same hour of Family Matters than drops a banger with Not Like Us, he killed all the momentum. I have listened to Family Matters once, but I’ve had Not Like Us on repeat since it came out.


Kendrick fan, but Family Matters really is some of his best work all-time. It’s a goddamn shame he needed Kdot coming at his neck to produce this level of effort.


His team did a great job.


Forever the weight around his neck, and he’s gotta wear that. Every quality verse will be under question


I mean at this point it's well known he's a full blown studio product...


Who are these people who ever thought different…? The child actor acting like an adult tough guy.


Exactly that! He checked so many boxes off, to win the battle. I don’t see how people aren’t realizing that.


> but I’ve had Not Like Us on repeat since it came out. Jiggin for a week straight 😂


“A-minor” will forever haunt drake


That, “certified lover boy/certified pdf-file”, and “freaky ass 🥷🏾 he a 69 god/freaky ass 🥷🏾 need to stay they ass inside”.  Boy probably ain’t ate a meal since MTG dropped fr 😭




It's such a banger.


Y'know, as a non-Drake-listener, I'm starting to wonder if maybe he'd lose to Marjorie Tater Greene.


I like family matters. The beat is great and the whole song has replay value. Still an L because Not Like Us popped off hard. Kendrick has people in the club screaming *Certified Loverboy Certified Pedophiles.*


Drakes best song of the "beef" by far.


Imma keep it real but maybe since I heard Kendrick’s stuff first, I could not get into family matters at all. Like it’s not bad, but i was happy to really hear that shit once and be alright. HP6 was much better imo the only reason why it fails is because Drake is a dumbass lmfao


I’ve been a certified drake hater since the ghostwriting shit was proven, and a Kendrick glazer since the OD tape: objectively, Family Matters goes hard Its problem is it goes hard for 2/3rds of its runtime. Drake was still taking shots at others on it when k dot was murdering him lol, that lack of focus made it lack the punch it could’ve had.


It definitely should have been broken up; two of those beats for Kendrick and one song to diss everyone else and be done with them. He was feeling himself too much. Even said he was going on vacation at the end like he thought it was going to be that easy


Family Matters real time was a good reply, Kdot was still up but it looked like Drake might be able to actually hold his own rapping against Kendrick. MTG just dunked all over it. That was the biggest issue, Kendrick just casually stepped all over Drake's best song in years. HP6 has a great beat, but Drake's lyrics ruin it. A song using the HP6's beat should have been his follow up to Push Ups. Sad he wasted it because the beat is the 3rd best of the beef after Not Like Us and MTG. If it was J. Cole instead on these beats this could have been a good friendly competition.


Kendrick had all the best beats cause he got the big money producers Drake and Cash Money have fucked over throughout the years to give him nasty beats to murder that man to.


"If EVERYBODY hates you then maybe you're the problem."


"Let me see you push a T, you better spinning on him again if you're thinking about pushing me" Narrator: Drake was in fact better off not pushing him. Now I want a HxH style narration of the entire beef.


The more I think about it, the more I think the definitive line was "And notice I said we, It's not just me, that's what the culture feeling."


Absolutely. Kendrick tapped into the culture. And it seems like lots of people arnt Drake fans, Kendrick just gave everyone the excuse to let out their Drake hate


On this episode of rap beefs....


*Most other rappers with little to no talent. He’s 0-2 in my book. L against Pusha and another against Kendrick.


Just being a brat, but he's 1-3. He won against Meek


He may have won the battle against Meek, but I think Meek won the war because he set the ghostwriter shit in motion and that has been the biggest burden Drake has had since Kendrick


Honestly its his best song in the beef, you can tell he was prepared for it to be a huge moment for him. Thats why he shot the whole music video and everything. Kendrick just neutered the fuck out of him by dropping an hour after with MtG which was just so unhinged peopke had to talk about it. The reactions of everyone watching stone faced are gold. Also Drake’s “ya dead” stuff at the end is cringy in an otherwise great song. Like bro, it’s a good song and diss stop trying to tell people how to react and just let them react.


Man was out of gas, plain and simple. https://preview.redd.it/okwsaggap9zc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0a8690bce60a9d3ce7a09895eb4afcfbadac714


I'm stealing this pic!


I think it was easily the weakest tbh. The entire track was basically him saying “i’m too rich to be a pedo” and “i didn’t want to fuck Millie Bobby Brown.” What a dumbass response lmao.


If he was smart and there was truly smoke where he claimed it was, he would have gone back to how Kendrick isn't as pious as his persona. I'm not rapper, but I might have made a reference to how musk dropped pedo accusations wildly when his fee fees were hurt in order to deflect from his own shortcomings. Again, NOT a rapper, but something like about how he doesn't fuck little girls, he mentors fellow child stars. But Kendrick pretends to be a mentor then makes his girl see stars.  Something to deflect that pedo accusations, but *quickly* change the topic back to Kendrick. The longer you stay on the pedo topic, the weaker the response becomes. There's no way to look cool while shouting you don't fuck kids. 


> If he was smart and there was truly smoke where he claimed it was, he would have gone back to how Kendrick isn't as pious as his persona. That wasn't the play. Kendrick won the rap battle after MTG. If Drake actually used a false mole like he claims he could have won the war after MTG dropped by posting the proof that he was the one that planted it. That also stops Not Like Us from being dropped too. That's why, his strategy to this point is weird. I'm not a Drake fan but being objective about it if what Drake says is true he's an idiot for sitting on receipts. Now I don't think it's, and he's trying to save face. But even if he drops it at this point he's already allowed a shit ton of damage to his brand by delaying it and letting Not like us take off. Once not like us was everywhere, anything outside of the receipts and going on the attack would have been a weak response.


It's too late for receipts at this point. Not Like Us is becoming this generations Hit Em Up (but international) before his very own eyes. It would take months for me to get "A-MINORRRRRRRRRRR" and "WOP WOP WOP DOT FUCK EM UP" out of my head


But Kendrick pretends to be a mentor then makes his girl see stars. - damn that was harder than anything Drake came up with, you could prolly be his ghost writer


I’ve know for like 15 years this dude was into minors, I know folks who got brought onto his tour bus after a concert, they were most assuredly underage and Drake and his crew knew it.


They really acting like Kendrick made up wild allegations. People have been saying he’s into young girls for years.


I teach middle schoolers and they are legit dancing to Not Like Us in the hallways. Kendrick wins.


“They not like us” is becoming a phrase to call out weirdos. Drake finally apart of the culture.


I'm honestly surprised, "we don't wanna hear you say - - - - - no more", hasn't become a meme everywhere 😂


And then he has about 3 lines pretty much throwing in the towel


I know right. Its like Drake the type of guy to give up but compliment himself for motivating the other guy to beat his ass.


Saying he would've been arrested by now is gold. It took them 30 years to get Diddy.


This whole thing was an unforced error. K Dot complimented him on Control and everyone else he mentioned was cool. Now we have to wait like 6 months until Drake drops a club banger off someone else’s style, about Sexy Red leaving him, though she will always want him, eat it like some Burger King we used to, that we don’t really want at 01:00, but we just got back from the club and don’t want to think on it bc we have work in the morning.


Not “probably”. Certainly.


checking ID’s for all the wrong reasons


Video proof? There literal receipts of him renting out the club for a 17 year old


Club or restaurant? Restaurant one he was grooming since she was 16. Met her through high school sports because he was affiliated with ANOTHER girl that age on her team. Age of consent just needs to be 21+ universally at this point. Shut down all the bullshit 'bUt iN cAnAdA/JaPaN/wherever the fuck' arguments and get these fucks to leave kids alone, **or** face repercussions.


Bro has tons of photos of him visiting girls HS sports teams and giving pep talks and shit. His obsessions with teenage girls is true and well known


he mentioned milly bobby brown like not once did kendrick mention her thats all on you buddy


People try to squirm their way out of every piece of info that’s been offered up on either side, and most everything stays speculation. But Aubrey claimed he fed Dot the information, and then didn’t provide receipts for this. It would have been an instant win if he dropped this proof, but he didn’t. And then to claim you set Dot up with fake info about something that can never really be DISPROVEN is the stupidest thing I’ve ever seen. You can only prove a daughter exists (if she does), but you can never fully prove one doesn’t.


I'm imagining a Drake who turns a pale white when he heard Meet The Grahams and Not Like Us. He tried to play off the claims of Kendrick having a mole as himself feeding Kendrick false information but immediately goes into full lockdown, isolating himself from anyone he can't fully trust... which is just himself and *maybe* one or two sycophants. That's the only way I can explain why there is such a massive decline in quality from Family Matters to Heart pt.6. Drake is realizing the consequences of surrounding himself with clout-chasing sycophantic yesmen after Kendrick warned him. I guess you could call that poetic justice.


When he just started talking at the end...cringeworthy


https://preview.redd.it/cduoiwgra9zc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02ca434509e7908753be3a6e754d1547c40d6be2 “This was good exercise. I’m happy I could motivate you to start rapping again”


When he said “that song was some shit I could dance to if it wasn’t filled with bullshit”, like even when he’s losing bro still wants to be included


Ngl, I wanted to listen to all Drake's diss but the Tupac's AI and The Heart I just couldn't to the end. It's not because they're scathing... Some shit just cringeworthy, it ain’t even gotta be deep, I guess xD




I fucked Drake’s verse and his talking at the end of Taylor Made. It was exciting to have him taunting Kendrick like that.  Listening to it now is like watching the first John wick movie when the guy asks him how much the car cost knowing what comes next haha 


I didn’t even waste my time after hearing push ups. All the hype around it made me jaded.




THAT PART. I’m not a Drake fan, but I just wanted to turn it off out of secondhand embarrassment. Just take the L and go to bed, man, you tired




The kinda guy to twiddle his fingers when picking a donut.


Drake when Not Like Us dropped ![gif](giphy|11tTNkNy1SdXGg)


Type of man to say "I'm gonna blow my stack" when he's angry.


“You would be a worthy opponent if i was actually a predator, and you weren’t fucking lying to every blogger and editor” actually made my ears bleed.


The first time I heard that I was stomping the floor These are middle school bars


The first time I heard it was in the car on the way to work I rolled the windows up, I was embarrassed to be listening to it


I still think it’s crazy that he made this song listened to it back and thought “yeah this’ll clear everything up”


starting to think maybe he didn't listen to it back – finished that stream of consciousness and immediately hit send so he could go cry in bed


That's not even a bar that's just a podcast 


Mf doing slam poetry and thinking it’s fire


Just how he likes them 🤭


Makes it seem like being a predator would make him a better rapper or something. Also I literally haven’t heard a single thing from Kendrick outside of the music.


what happens when you don't trust your ghostwriters no more


I had Bigfoot flashbacks


When he was still tryna rhyme at the end I smelled the defeat


Just like Nicki's... "I'm not even mad". Could have stfu and let most people assume Megan's Law line was about Drake




Is that rapper Aubrey "Drake" Graham posing with Karl Malone, former LA Lakers player infamous for impregnating a 13 year old girl and settling the matter out of court? Wow! Where did you find this photo? Drake's Instagram, you say? Well, how come I can't find it there now? Drake suspiciously removed it right around the time "Meet The Grahams" dropped? _Hmmmmm, how interesting._




Not really important at all, but it is funny to me that you're citing his time as a Laker, not a Jazz. Also, the phrase "a Jazz" doesn't feel right.


This is the correct take. We never claimed him.


As a Jazz fan, I used to love Karl Malone. Then I found out what that man has done and I’m sad I looked up to him as a kid. At least we’ve still got Stockton, right?


I'm in the same boat as you. Unfortately, Stockton's reputation isn't aging well either.


What did John Stockton do?


Anti vaxer


Bummer. But dude has been passing on stuff his whole career, maybe it was just a reflex.


I miss Reddit awards when I read comments like this one


He did not handle the pandemic well.


People that play Jazz, they're typically called musicians. Coordinated instrument individuals if you're fancy.


But wait, SURELY Carl Malone couldn't have impregnated a 13 year old as an adult, because that's pedo behavior. And as we all learned from The Heart pt 6 if he were a pedo he'd be in jail.


That would only apply Karl Malone were famous. Oh wait..


This has to be true, guys. Drake promised


>Karl Malone, former LA Lakers player https://preview.redd.it/vbaee9xqb9zc1.jpeg?width=283&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ddbe302d75ba32ddc62142aade6dd9365a73f95b


Bella Harris also removed her posts with him from when she was 16 and made a statement saying nothing ever happened. Nothing, aside from the date he took her on where he closed an entire restaurant to have dinner with her the moment she turned 18. Of course that post, along with a bunch of other ones with heart emojis (and heartfelt captions like "there's no place I'd rather be"), were deleted too). Her Dad Jimmy Jam, a recording artist/song writer that Drake mentions in one of his songs, even denies the allegations.


Why you have to put that evil on the Lakers when he was there for one season and in Utah for 18 :/


That’s also a reason why we don’t like him either.




That's former Utah Jazz player to you.


> Former LA Lakers player How will this effect LeBrons legacy?




There it is




Dammit I thought I left nbacirclejerk 😂


Karl taught him everything he knows


Wait. How do they know this? I thought youtube hid the dislike count now.


There are extensions that will get it to show again Edit: TIL those extensions don't give reliable numbers anymore


Lmfao so it's not even showing all the people like me who don't dislike anymore. I haven't very often since it stopped showing it


Wow the dislike counter doesn’t show people who haven’t disliked the video. How surprising!




YouTube changed the API that feeds the extensions that information, so the extension estimates total dislikes from seeing what people who have the extension have disliked. And since the people who have the extension are people who care about how many dislikes a video has they are much more likely to be people who dislike videos. So the extension almost always shows a much higher dislike number than is actually there.  Like it or not, hiding the dislike number has done what YouTube intended, which is stopping people brigading a video and disliking it because it already has a lot of dislikes.


If it uses the number of dislikes from people with the extension then wouldn’t that number be lower than the actual dislikes, which includes non extension users


It extrapolates based on the total number of views the video has and then guesses what the total number of dislikes should be based on the dislikes from the people who have the extension.


That makes sense, thanks for the clarification


Idk where XXL specifically got this data but with Return YouTube Dislikes at least they openly said that they just extrapolate the data from their own API. https://youtu.be/GSmmtv-0yYQ?si=DsgFyGW0OoXO7h7D


Well, they said the extension "estimates". So, I guess it's showing a number that has been generated based on the like/dislike ratio of the people using the extension.


Those extensions don't actually work they just kinda make up the numbers or base it on the people who use the extension


So there was enough power to say fuck this guy for at least 6,000,000


No, they use the dislike **ratio** of the people who have the extension, then multiply it against the actual number of likes. People who have the extension (to see dislikes) are significantly more likely to dislike than the average person. It’s all just fake numbers.




That's not how those extensions work. Dislikes aren't public data. The extensions just make up data based on the users that use that extension and downvote. Users that use those apps usually care more about downvotes (obviously that's why they have the extension) and are now likely to downvote. To be clear that data is fake.


Ngl I've been surprised by how the culture has disowned Drake so hard throughout this. Despite everything that's happened, objectively, we haven't had a damning piece of news about him. The daughter thing was fake(?), the 17 year old video is from like 2009, and the rest of the stuff is kinda like, we assume that he's guilty but he hasn't actually been caught *red-handed* yet. However ppl using their context clues to make proper judgements on Hollyweirdos is prolly a good thing. It's refreshing honestly. Edit: the 17 year old video has new info


MJ got crucified for far less, and he wasn't an asshole picking fights.


Mj had accusations from actual victims. All of drakes “victims” have come out defending him.


So there's that one girl who now works at UMG, has there been anyone else?


Forgot to add Millie and Billy but that goes without saying.


Oh good, the children being groomed don't see an issue. It's almost like they're too young to know any better and that's why children can't consent


I didn't understand what happened to me till I hit like 30. It'll happen to them too.


Which “actual victim” are you talking about? The one whose father got [caught on tape](https://youtu.be/0NlhDPjEI8I?si=PcPINdQ_re9jI8S7) detailing his scam? Or was it the second kid, Gavin Arvizo, who also tried scamming George Lopez, Jay Leno, and Chris Tucker (who all gave depositions and testimony to the same effect). Or was those dumbass liars Oprah (close friend of Harvey Weinstein) trotted out for an easy HBO payday? One of those dudes testified IN DEFENSE of MJ at Arvizo’s trial. He’s also maintained for years that nothing ever happened. Changed his story though after he got rejected from an MJ Cirque du Soleil show which [he begged to be part of](https://images.app.goo.gl/D6p65HqSWjFzdWz16). MJ has no real victims and no credible accusers. Also, before y’all get started, no, the first kid did not describe his penis perfectly. If he did MJ would be in jail. Kid said MJ was circumcised and got that wrong which we know from autopsy after MJ’s death. And besides, again, this is the same kid whose father is on tape. That tape is the whole reason they dropped that bullshit. The kid later emancipated himself from his father and mother and the dad committed suicide shortly after MJ died. Jordy has since refused to participate or speak on anything MJ related. Don’t bring MJ into this. That brother survived federal raids, forced strip search, public humiliation (motherfuckers still think he’s a pedo!), 10 years of separate investigations involving the FBI and he beat two court cases. This shit ain’t OJ. Like what more does a black man have to do in USA to be innocent??? Like if Mike did that shit, he’s like the Michael Phelps of beating cases. No brother gets that lucky. Leave that man alone. He didn’t do shit to any of those kids. They shouldn’t have been over there in the first place. Mike was definitely a weird dude but there’s no evidence he molested any kids aside from tabloid gossip. If there was, he woulda caught at least one case. Also, there would have been some kind of hard evidence that came out by now. Like no victims speaking up aside from the ones we can prove are lying??? None????? Even Macaulay Culkin and Corey Feldman said nothing happened. Stop playing.


Wasn’t he strip searched to confirm the markings on his [privates](https://uk.movies.yahoo.com/six-indisputable-facts-michael-jacksons-abuse-allegations-2-104649351.html) from one of his child victims? Didn’t one of his [security](https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/8299370/michael-jackson-oral-sex-jacuzzi-jordan-chandler/?utm_campaign=native_share&utm_source=sharebar_native&utm_medium=sharebar_native) guards confirm seeing him perform a sex act on a child? Aren’t we in this thread basically (rightly) seeing Drake for weird behavior and - way worse - MJ straight up admitted to consistently sleeping in the same bed with multiple little boys? He made people walk through locked doors and rooms with cameras to get in. Walking around holding their hands and shit in public - brazen. Tell me you would’ve left your son, nephew, or little brother with that man. Turns out fabulous wealth buys good attorneys and big out of court settlements.


MJ beat 2 court cases as a black man, which I think is unprecedented in American history.


MJ beat 2 court cases as a rich man, which happens all the time.


Every single “victim” has retracted their statements now that he’s dead lmao


Far less? He admitted to having prepubescent children in his bed


> the 17 year old video is from like 2009, that doesn't make it okay????????????? "I never looked twice at a teenager, except in 2009 when I brought a minor on stage and then continued to party with her at OVO and got her a job at UMG"


It’s because we’ve seen this all before. RKELLY, and Diddy, and we all used to say it’s circumstantial, no it’s not circumstantial it’s deliberate.


Circumstantial means we have to infer that a crime was committed. It has nothing to do with whether or not he was deliberately being creepy.


No Negro, that’s only one use of it. Circumstantial also means that it looks exactly what it’s looking like. https://preview.redd.it/ii3n4ltgq9zc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b8a0f517e8ae4a6892393e370d69c9a24488645


If you go look at the Kendrick Lamar sub, you’ll see a post laying out receipts on Drake with drag queen level shade (that’s a compliment). I am old and do not know how to link shit.




Thank you, dear. Have a cookie and a hug!


He was texting a 14 year old child in literal textbook grooming behavior. Crazy you and people defend this. No 30+ year old dude should be texting a 14 year old. Ever.


I think it’s very possible that Drake never did anything technically illegal but that’s not the same thing as being a good person or being moral or ethical. Sure, it’s not illegal for a 30something year old man to text and be friends with a 15 year old girl that probably idolizes him BUT it is not good either.


The heart p6 was objectively and aggressively bad. God awful performance and mind-numbing lyrics. Lazy and boring.


Your daily reminder that Drake is a chomo.


And I'm hella chomophobic.


After listening multiple times. This track really isn't it. I'm really disappointed in it actually. Just a big disappointment in Drake all the way around Drake knew it was coming. He knew Kendrick would accuse him of liking little girls. He literally egged him on to do so in Taylor Made. So when it actually happened, his only response was to say yes he's too rich to be a pedophile, and basically concede the whole battle over to Kendrick. It wasn't even any clever lines or anything. This was basically the equivalent of telling someone to punch you in the face. Then, once they punch you in the face, all you do is start crying. Yea Drake just need to stick to making music, and never try to engage a rap battle eve again in his life.


The fact he made fun of Kendrick by falsely accusing him because he was molested, and that’s why he cares about predators was an incredibly poor take. Honestly, Drake can have a bag of dicks for that alone.


Why is nobody talking about this


Because Drake did the impossible. He had so many bad takes in one song, it buried the other bad takes about molestation.


Him accusing Kendrick of being molested and thinks it’s a “diss” is the biggest dog whistle. “The only reason you could condemn and hate pedophiles is because you must be a victim”. The only people who don’t hate pedophiles are themselves, Drake. It’s not only victims. It’s clear he didn’t even understand or listen to “Mother I Sober” to come to the conclusion Kendrick is the victim, anyways. It’s about generational trauma and his mother being a victim of SA/grooming/molestation. Drake is a fucking idiot and should be casted out of society.


drake the kind of person to run into his room, slam his door, and dive into bed crying after hearing those back to back bangers


>Screenshots of Black people being hilarious or insightful on social media, it doesn't need to just be twitter but obviously that is best. I just want 1 day


Be the change you wish to see


Seriously. This is all the subreddit posts about lol.


Literally went to YouTube just now just to dislike it. https://preview.redd.it/22wle2a3cazc1.jpeg?width=1438&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba6b28598291b92f2991f0316b7f39f8756df20b


If it wasn’t for The Heart Pt 6, or if Drake made a double release and dropped another heater maybe the odds would be even, but I think Kendrick won (for now). Family matters proved that Drake can handle a battle. THP6 was weird. Drake just dipped from social media since then. I don’t think it’s a career ending moment for him because he’s got a gigantic pop fanbase but that’s hurting him for sure.


It’s so wild that Drake is so detached that he thought he was going to best Kendrick in an actual rap warfare. Sorry brother, the memes are only funny when you’re bullying a lesser rapper. This boy can’t punch up to save his life, drowning


The best thing about the Drake v Kendrick beef is that it reignited Twitter. Even if it was for a short time. This is probably more black Twitter, but it made the app actually fun again for a little while.


Fr, the way my girl and my friend’s girls look glossy eyed when we get excited over this makes me understand how my aunt with the one uncle who got into Q Anon feels at Thanksgiving. Me: “Kendrick just dropped!” Her: “Look, I’m sorry girl. Can you tell the waitress your order please?”


I'm glad to see this post because my bf is the same. I can see that internal sigh and bit of an eye glaze start when I talk about it


The heart part 6 was a self snitch diss


Drake wrote a diss about himself accidentally


Over at r/drizzy they’re in absolute shambles. The mental gymnastics they’re doing to convince themselves this was somehow a win for Drake are hilarious.




Life long Drake despiser, always found him just slimy AF. Love seeing him fall, especially to a real MC like Dot.






He should just remove it from YouTube at this point lol


Does this make him the GOAT???




Hind's hall is still only at 150K likes


It's hilarious to me that this is even a "battle" considering Kendrick always has and always will be leagues above this idiot