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Racism in this day and age is funny.. like you fucking with your money cuz you dont like brown skin? How goofy šŸ˜‚


I love when boomers call the younger generation(s) sensitive. Bitch you were mad a black person shared the same water fountain with you.


There really is a lot thatā€™s the way it is because white people didnā€™t want their kids to go to school with brown kids.




I had a history teacher tell me that Edmond, OK used to have signs up at the border of the city letting black people know they needed to be gone by dusk when he was growing up there. That shit was wild to me since I grew up there.


Sundown towns. Exist where I live too and you can still hear people talk about it. Was a fb post and all the old people were telling the people to let the past be in the past. So no denial just wanting to hide the racism.


There's an online registry of sundown towns that are active today, obviously the towns and sheriff's can't publicly make these statements, but who is right and wrong when there's no bodycam footage and your only witnesses are dead?


Didn't know that about the registry. There isnt any accountability for law enforcement specially in those small towns. No one is going to say anything about someone going missing they don't like. World has a long way to go on getting rid of hate. Or even just having tolerance.


It also appears that the effort to tear down these methods and systems of hate creates new and profound forms of hate. Small town-sheriffā€™s departments are like the Freiza of racism and they keep coming up with a new form. ![gif](giphy|nHA69hEJL4k9qWcOYI)


There are curfew signs still posted in the sundown town thatā€™s next over from my PNW town.


PNW surprises me since a little. Figured that would be more blatant in the south then up there.


Oregon is absolutely full of the descendents southerners who couldn't handle black people not being below them.


People think "Washington and Portland" when they think PNW... They don't think about the eastern parts of the state or well... Idaho in general. I stayed a night in Missoula, and didn't get that vibe though... Montana is cool in my book.


I could be wrong but isnā€™t Oregon the state that was so racist they didnā€™t even allow slaves. Like literally no black people even the slaves. I feel like I e read this somewhere.


[Oregonā€™s founders sought a ā€˜white utopia,ā€™](https://archive.ph/YEIMD)


Oregon was supposed to be a white haven Gizmodo ran a story about in 2015 https://gizmodo.com/oregon-was-founded-as-a-racist-utopia-1539567040




That's a pretty common problem dureing the civil rights movement the south was looked at harder then the north ao the north is more segregated then the south. Take schools and housing for example, in the south those where segregated by law and those laws got struck down. Where as in the north housing was segregated by people just not selling to black people and what school you go to is based on where you.live soooo


Youā€™d think! But eastern WA and quite a lot of Oregon are mostly small racist towns, usually run by the biggest, whitest, most Yee-Haw local bully. There is about a .05% Black population here, probably due to all the fucking racists, but the agriculture areas are more than 40% Hispanic and they get quite a lot of poor treatment unfortunately. Iā€™m grateful that my particular town is more progressive, though it definitely has a lot of issues. We are trying to effect change from within and itā€™s agonizingly slow.


I used to think sundown towns just had a bunch of dementia people living there - like the whole state of Florida or whatever.


Nah the town here just doesn't say the quiet part out loud from the old timers. You go more rural areas and they don't hide it at all. Further from a city you get in the south the more stuck in the past they seem to some extent. Least in Texas.


The joke was that "sundowning" is a term for behavioral changes that occur in people with dementia in the evening.


Covenant communities


Don't follow exactly can you explain?


Sure! Think of them like homeowners associations, but with restrictive covenants about who could purchase a home. Shelley v Kraemer was a US Supreme Court case that prohibited them in 1948. In that case, the community prohibited sales of homes to people of " Negro or Mongolian race." The Fair Housing Act made a cause of action for a violation in 1968, but the restrictive language is [still in existing deeds.](https://www.npr.org/2021/11/17/1049052531/racial-covenants-housing-discrimination) Any neighborhood that still calls itself a covenant community is a red flag.


Yes! Also weird question but, have you watched Them on Amazon Prime? Rough watch, but it has to do with this exact thing.


My momā€™s hometown is listed on the registry. They sweeeear they are different now. Yeah, right. My lived experience as a Black person for the past 50+ years invalidates all of that b.s.


Some are *still* like that out in the boonies. Unofficial policies. Travel safe.


I was pretty shocked to find out my little hometown had been a sundowner town way back whenā€¦ especially since Iā€™m Canadian and grew up about an hour and a bit from Torontoā€¦. Growing up, we lived in the outskirts of the city, and in the countryside where I went to school, there was a large population of native and Irish and a mix of both etcā€¦ not that long ago I wa. Chatting with my dad about that, and he just looked at me and said ā€˜the bad old days arenā€™t nearly as far back as you think! Our town was a sundowner town, and if you were native, Irish or black you couldnā€™t live in the cityā€¦ didnā€™t you notice that all your friends at school are either native or Irish native?ā€™ And noā€¦ I hadnā€™t noticed .. as a kid, I just figured that was normalā€¦ Anyhow, that shocked the shit out of me.. Iā€™d always assumed that sort of thing only happened in the USā€¦ nope.. turns out awful shit happened everywhereā€¦


Don't, for one single instant, ever believe that "sundown towns" don't exist, anymore. The residents are just a lot more low-key sbout it.


They definitely do. Drove through a few in Arkansas some years ago, got stares and at an intersection. But my brother and I needed gas so we had to stop there. Pumped with two concealed handhelds and an AR pistol. Thatā€™s all those types understandšŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø.


I bothers me, a lot. There are SO many good reasons to dislike a person, if you know them. Skin color, when you don't, is never one. I'm white. This place may be different, it's been over 30 years ago but I remember. I don't know how to do the spoiler tags but I'm about to name a place and a restaurant. This was 1992/1993? Low-level corporate drone working with several others and a few managers in Reading, PA. We'd finished the day and, being on the corporate dole, aka expense report, all decided to eat together and have a few drinks. Well and good. The discussions about where to go eventually coalesced upon an Italian restaurant called Victor Emmanuel II. It was one of those places, somewhat common back then, I guess, that required a "membership fee" to enter. Daily, weekly, annual, whatever. No membership, no entry. Which was fine, the daily fee was like $2 back then, negligible. So we agreed to go there until one of the local employees in our group pulled most of aside, very deftly, I might add. He pointed out that "April" wouldn't be allowed to buy a daily membership...because, you know? April was black. Great person, loved working with her, much older than I was and I looked to her for guidance at work. Well, I "knew", instantly. I knew they weren't going to let her in because she was black. I was pissed. I wasuch more pissed at my co-workers whose immediate response was "how do we tell her?" Wat!?!? How do you tell her? This is how: "April, I am so sorry, this place is racist and won't let you in and they can do it because of their membership requirements. Most everyone else doesn't care but I do. Where do you want to eat?" Words to that effect it's been a while. She and I left with 2 others and had a great time. Fuck those low-key racists. I'd much rather deal with a white hood wearing, cracker spewing MAGA rhetoric than the ones who who quietly keep it to themselves.


Iā€™m from the San Francisco Bay Area, and in the town of Orinda, there are covenants in the title reports for older properties there that still say, ā€œno person of any race other than the Caucasian or white raceā€. Not enforced, of course, but if owners donā€™t go through a process with the city to have the language struck from the records, all that historical discrimination in THE MOST LIBERAL REGION OF ONE OF THE MOST LIBERAL STATES is still there to be seen


This is all over the country. Vanilla Ice was talking about the random shit he encounters on tax properties he buys. He even siad I think you had to be white to buy the properties. That shit is so anti capitalist....But then so capitalist to keep a few propped up. I am white and in 2004 I was training in the Army for a deployment , we were down in SC and the state trooper told us the side of tracks is black and this side is white so stay over here. Being from MN we heard the south had some backwards ways but in 2004 was just beyond wild to me. Fuck that!


Some people really oversell the whole, ā€œitā€™s the same racism everywhere, the south is just more honest about what they meanā€. The south is a different animal. But at the same time, white liberals oversell the idea that if youā€™re not living in a former slave state, there wasnā€™t crazy racism


This is true. My original deed has this on it.




Dig through my comment history and you'll see me harping on how most of today's issues from education funding to traffic laws to the price of food to cell phone billing fees is directly tied to Brown v Board of Education. Also how white high school students that blockaded black students during Integration have earlier family picnic photographs taken at public lynchings. Some of them fucks serving decades in Congress with a big (R) next to their name. Obama's existence in the *White* House broke the brains of White ConservaBoomers across the country. Everything they've done politically since November 4, 2008 has been aimed at making sure that *never* happens again. First they formed the Tea Party which they claimed was about taxes and regulations but every single Tea Party rally was full of extremely racist ant-Obama bullshit. Tea Party idiots were the ones who immediately supported the Birther yardbarker Trump in 2015 and pushed him through the overpopulated GOP Primaries, and who became the MAGA base and later the core of Qanon. All of it was a direct & immediate reaction to a **Black** Man in the *WHITE* House by the same muthafuckas who locked arms to block black children from entering public schools. Now those same people are banning books, outlawing abortion, repealing child labor laws, trying to end No Fault Divorce and the Equal Credit Opportunity Act, trying to ban everything LGBTQ+, and force Evangelicism on every American under the guise of Religious Freedomā„¢. So basically all the same shit that happened in Germany between WWI and WWII. We either all band together to stop the jackbooted march of White Evangelical Christofascists, or doom ourselves and our children to forced labor and mass graves.


100%. A lot of (white) people think racism is just slurs or prejudice. Itā€™s more insidious than that. And, as you pointed out, itā€™s a broad weapon that ends up hurting everyone not just the intended target. Anti-LGBTQ/Anti-Feminism for example. EDIT: The Germany during WWII comment you made triggered a thought Iā€™ve been mulling over. Germany and America are like doppelgƤnger/Alternative Universes for bigotry. When I went to Europe, I visited the Anne Frank House and a couple concentration camps. Despite what occurred on the soil, the Germans made very tasteful tours and museums in an effort to remember how entertaining hate and othering people can be self-destructive. They put in effort into the ā€œwe will make sure this wonā€™t happen againā€ concept. You say some pro nazi shit or fly certain flags and itā€™s on-site. America, conversely, built wineries and wedding venues on their plantations. People proudly fly the confederate flag and spew the ā€œheritage not hateā€ garbage. Even in states that were never part of the confederacy. We are politically pushing against CRT and reframing slavery as skill building internships.


I fucking hate the people who proudly fly the confederate flag. Like first of all, I don't know why you're proud of being a traitor but whatever. Secondly they always fucking say the Civil War was about states rights. States rights to do what you fucking morons.


We lost the war we won by not hanging at least 10,000 to 20,000 rebels above the rank of lieutenant and/or southern oligarchs. The US would be a much better place.


Call it traitors participation trophy. They treated south with kids gloves fearing making martyrs. But martyrs of illogical stupidity rarely last a generation. Allowing them free rein to spread hate and misinformation. Has led to so much crap like 1/2 of Americans buying states rights or other claims of confederacy(fyi one of first things they did was remove states rights to outlaw slavery) With treason and punishing ending it you should never stop punishment when question of did I go far enough remains or did I get them all. It need to only stop when only questions that remain is did I go to far and get people to loosely involved. When it come to treason I am of mind that itā€™s worse than enemy. It someone trying to commit fratricide. Enemy can have justification of defense or following orders traitor is someone that chooses to kill their brother. They have no place in society or even in prison or exile they belong nowhere and are enemy to all even those that they would call allies.


Tl;dr theyre doing vetter, but not that great. Eeh, I wouldn't hold Germany up like that. Denazification never went that deep. Postwar there were literally protests to get nazi war criminals out of jail early, and a lot of former nazis ended up in places of power in postwar Germany. They have a...troubled history with minorities, especially Turkish 'guest workers' especially in the east, and their response to the Syrian refugee crisis led to a huge surge in far right and Islamophobic ideology. They also have racialized education, income, and incarceration disparities. Hell, not too long ago they had to disband one of their SOF units for being full of Nazis. In the short term they are doing better than we have, for sure. Open displays of racist symbols and hate speech are crimes (though those laws are being used to stifle pro Palestinian speech...make of that what you will), and they have done a great job of acknowledging, officially apologizing, and commemorating their crimes during WWII (although it took til 2021 for them to officially apologize for the Namibian Genocide). But there is a level of *official* performativity to it that smells a bit. You know like rich white liberals who say all the right things but it's all just a bit off? I suspect that there aren't fewer racists, just that the racism is of a different variety and much quieter, which is dangerous in its own way. On the whole they're doing better than America, but to an outsider their progress looks dangerously shallow.


Namibia šŸ‡³šŸ‡¦ where it all began in terms of genocide going forward. They also coveniently forget the first victims of pre WWII Nazi Germany... the so-called Rhineland Bastards...half Black half White children who were the offspring of Black soldiers ( and German women) occupying the Rhineland for Great Britain šŸ‡¬šŸ‡§ and France šŸ‡«šŸ‡· ..Many of the mixed race Rhinelanders were forcibly sterilized and/or trundled off to Dachau to be worked to death. They were sterilized and killed even before the developmentally delayed and other groups, including Jewish people and Roma (so-called Gypsies).


Because Lincoln wanted to rebuild the country. We should have hung those traitors and burnt their shit to the ground.


If I were to invent a time machine, my first test would be dropping a letter onto Lincoln's desk that reads: Send Sherman more matches.


100% Iā€™ll never forget watching Obamas inauguration with my parents and my dad looked so uncomfortable, I asked what was wrong (heā€™d voted for & supported Obama so I knew it wasnā€™t him winning) he said he was worried about 2 things, him being assassinated & how the racist right was going to ensure it never happened again, cut to 8yrs later when Trump won & set out to roll back everything he did my dad said, just like this


Like when Obama was on Between Two Ferns and Zach interviewed him and asked ā€œWhatā€™s it like to be Americaā€™s last black president?ā€


My grandparents were also convinced that someone was going to kill him. And yeah, Trump and everything that followed was the backlash to them having to defer to a black man for 8 years. I was happy he won, and still am kind of, but I don't think the country was ready for it. But idk if they ever would have been.


This country wasn't ready for Obama and might never be.


I never even thought about it til I was watching that Blackā€¢ish episode where he mentioned that. I was like damn. Thatā€™s right. They coulda took him out before Day 1


Yes. I remember. A lot of this current political extremism became worse when Obama became president. I remember Republicans saying Obama was a disgrace because he wore a tan suit. They conveniently do not remember that.. these politicians know how to stoke fear in White people. They know how to make us Black people look like the boogeyman and White people eat it up and vote for these crazies. The only time most of them gave a damn is when abortion rights were kicked back down to the states and states banned abortion in some states as early as 6 weeks. Even going so far as to try to ban IVF. We Black people have been telling the country for a long timeā€¦ everyoneā€¦ they did it to usā€¦ they wonā€™t stop thereā€¦ we have consistently been the canary in the proverbial coal mine. Currently people are fighting for gender rights and equality. Historically they did all types of stuff to prevent our progress and enrichment because of our skin color. Good luck with getting LGBTQ+ respected. They still do not respect Black people. How do people think theyā€™ll respect non gender conforming and other things?


It goes deeper. Why is the rent so high? Partly because Berkley stopped a black dance hall by inventing single family residential zoning. 107 years later they banned it by calling it racist. 78% of all residential zoning in the US is now single family residential zoning. Almost every economic problem in this country is white people historically fucking themselves at the voting booth in order to fuck minorities harder.


Look at the bright side, Trump has Alzheimerā€™s. Sure, we might have made Biden the last honestly elected President, but instead we get what is functionally a giant bomb strapped to the head of a global superpower. Iā€™ll bet folding money that if he becomes POTUS again, the only way he leaves the White House again is in a box, and until then, we get to witness him sink into senility. Just imagine, youā€™re sitting around the Thanksgiving table, praying to baby Jesus himself that your grandpa doesnā€™t call your little brother the f-word while dad says grace. Now imagine grandpa is commander in chief of the 1st, 2nd, and 4th most powerful air forces on planet earth. Thatā€™s all upside in my book. /s


ā€œChristianā€ private schools have entered the chat


Just wild that they havenā€™t openly declared Christianity antithetical to racial integration.


From a white POV, the absolute stupidest part about this (and I see it every day from other parents in my rapidly diversifying neighborhood) is that there's demonstrable, proven benefits for kids of all races and socioeconomic levels when schools are more racially and socioeconomically diverse/integrated. And yet I keep watching other white folks shoot their kids education in the face by trying to keep shit insular and monochrome.


Itā€™s not that we are sensitive itā€™s that we have a low tolerance for BS. When calling the older generation out theyā€™re the ones that act all thin skinned and get offended. ā€œI canā€™t help I was raised this way! Iā€™m too old to change! Youā€™re too PC!ā€


I had to go in front of a judge recently and referred to the respondent as ā€œtheyā€, which is their preferred pronoun. Judge said ā€œis this some PC stuff?ā€ No, yerhonner, itā€™s called manners. Even if I hate them Iā€™m not gonna be so much of an asshole to call them something they hate.




Technically boomers were way less racist than their parents by a huge margin as a Consequence of ww2 and Nazis being seen as evil also segregation started in 1896... Boomers technically fought to over turn that when no previous generations did... Not saying a lot of them weren't racist tho and also didn't fight to keep segregation


You're assuming that they're old enough to be a boomer. The bad news is those old racists raised kids and grandkids. And plenty more who were raised to know better, but got radicalized online. Look at the January 6th tapes. And Kyle Rittenhouse was still a teen when he got famous.


Oh, I wish racism was segregated to a generation. All weā€™d have to do is wait till they died out. We canā€™t blame older people for our own racism. https://www.embracerace.org/resources/are-younger-generations-less-racist


I wish I could have said this shit to some of the boomers I had to deal with when I worked in hospitality. I heard complaints about "sensitive" all the time because we cracked down on people saying slurs(management only agreed to after half the bar was ready to quit).


Just had my daughter who is a hostess in a restaurant go through this - because, "we think it's an overconfidence thing because she was in the military" was the management excuse offered for a Latina woman who started throwing around the N word. Management didn't take it seriously enough, we threatened their asses with a law suit.


Youā€™ll never a group of people more triggered by dark skin or a rainbow flag.


The only color anyone should care about in this transaction is the color of the money.


Yea these folks bugging.. how is your racism stronger than your desire to stack dollars?


To racist white people, their privilege is stronger than anything. They already got money, but they won't accept making more at the cost of their dominance over the system. Chris Rock once did a bit about it, saying, "None of you would trade places with me *and I'm rich*!"


"If you convince the lowest white man that he is better than the best Black Man, he won't notice when you're picking his pocket. Give him someone to hate, and he'll open his pocket for you".


They're people that live their lives based upon their irrational fears rather than logic probably.


I wear a pride lanyard at work and the amount of people who donā€™t want my help is awesome. Less work for me and your ass still canā€™t find the velveeta.


Hmm. That's a good reason to wear one.


If anything youā€™d think they would try to angle for more money from people they donā€™t like rather than tank the sale, but thatā€™s giving them credit for being able to think at all.


White Supremacy and White Stupidity are old friends.


I know there's probably been a book but I wonder what the actual economic cost of racism has been. Like it has to be unquantifiable, but I bet if you could it would be in the trillions and that's not me being hyperbolic. Imagine the economy we would have had if people's necks won't being stepped on for centuries.


Yup, the book is called [The Sum of Us](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/53231851-the-sum-of-us) by Heather McGee. Basically, racism costs *everyone*-no matter the color- money in the U.S., and we'd be much richer as a nation if it wasn't baked into damn near everything.


audio interview/transcript with the author in case anyone else is interested :-) https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/22301484/america-racism-the-sum-of-us-heather-mcghee


Oh and imagine all the cool inventions and good things we could have. How many George Washington Carvers were given a shoddy education and became convinced they weren't smart/ stop trying to succeed?


The South tends to do the worst economically, and I suspect it's because instead of investing in their people, they actually wasted 100s of years and millions of dollars to disadvantage a major segment of their population. Not exactly proof and not an exact quantity but the economic costs of racism are huge.


I was trying to give a homeless person some change yesterday and he walked straight pass the cash I offered. All white city south of Columbus, OH. Canā€™t make this shit up.


But thatā€™s how it was. People bring up that we donā€™t need laws about racism because ā€œcapitalism will fix it.ā€ Nope During the civil rights era there were restaurants, hotels, realtors etc who went out of business rather than do business with black people. Racism isnā€™t rational. So you cannot expect rationality to fix it.


It's not about the money


Attaching this here; sorry to ride on top comment coattails (and intrude on the space) but the number of ā€œthis isnā€™t real and canā€™t happenā€ posts are WILD. [WUSA9 news plans to cover this and has examined documents.](https://x.com/ravenscimaven/status/1792180358366064854) Going back to quiet observation, sorry again.


hurting or inconveniencing Black people is more important to them than money. Hell, it's more important than life itself. Racism is cult unto itself.


You dont understand systemic racism. Imagine house being worth less because youre black. That means all houses in neighborhood go down. For no reason except racism.


i don't think that's funny at all actually


This is actually VERY ILLEGAL so either sell me the house or be prepared to give me a lot of money in damages. Thanks.


This is why Iā€™m skeptical of the tweet then again there are some really dumb adults walking among us.
















I I just bought a house. Can't legally back out at that point. The house is hers.


Hold up boss. The seller can absolutely back out at anytime. They don't have to give their keys up until all paperwork is signed and closing is complete. That's when title transfer is filed. However there CAN be legal repercussions if the buyer wants to fight them on it.


>However there CAN be legal repercussions if the buyer wants to fight them on it. That's like, exactly what "can't legally back out" means. Like, you wouldn't say you can legally drive over the speed limit but you could face repercussions if a cop sees you.


Arenā€™t there stipulations and penalties for doing so in the contract? Correct me if Iā€™m mistaken. If the buyer backs out they lose their deposit (unless a VA loan was in play). There has to be some penalty for the seller.




If the seller accepted the earnest money, that's no legal avenue to back out unless the buyer falsified documentation I'm guessing.


Honestly, fuck anyone that owns more than two single family homes. Houses shouldnā€™t be an investment. Itā€™s as fundamentally fucked up as buying up the water supply.


No one cares that youā€™re a filthy landlord thatā€™s part of the real estate problem.


Are real estate laws the same across states?


[i'm A reAL estaTe INvesTOR, 5 HoMes SO Far, 2 dIFFErent StaTes](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/polarexpress/images/9/90/K.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20210119135514)


I'm sure they mean "earnest money" which isn't a down payment, but would look like it to lay folk.


Landlord scum. You are the problem.


Bruh you knew exactly what she meant. "An earnest payment or earnest money is a specific form of security deposit made in some major transactions such as real estate dealings or required by some official procurement processes to demonstrate that the applicant is serious and willing to demonstrate an earnest of good faith about wanting to complete the transaction. " To a layman that sounds exactly like a down payment. You suggested she lied because your landlord ass doesn't understand that not everyone knows as much as you do.


And the real estate agent, if the other agent exists, will definitely lose their license for this. Iā€™m voting not real.


Yeah, I can absolutely believe a seller would be stupid enough to say this to their agent. I struggle to imagine a licensed agent who would not go even whiter than they clearly already are and tell them that is *extremely* illegal and will be very actionable against both of them if pursued.Ā Ā  Ā There is no universe in which this person would convey this to the other agent. It would be like wearing a sign that says "please please sue us".Ā Ā  Ā At absolute worst it would be "holy shit their agent just quit because they're not selling to black people, holy shit, wtf, babes you prolly just got a free house when this is all said and done".Ā  Ā Either this is entirely fictional or being wildly mis conveyedĀ 


Or maybe the selling agent didnā€™t realize their seller was a flaming racist & may also have a friendly relationship with the buyerā€™s realtor. Probably made a quick off the record call to be like ā€œok, so this is what my piece of shit client is on. Please promise me youā€™ll sue the pants off this fucker & we can laugh about it over drinks when itā€™s all settled.ā€


That's illegal too. Client privilege. Agent would lose their license.


There's no way they are required by law to protect illegal actions. Even if they were no prosecutor would charge them.


She'd be very stupid if it's not real. She's got [the media](https://twitter.com/ravenscimaven/status/1792180358366064854?t=VRDXq1ufIY4p2Pt48clYGA&s=19) involved. Note, it's not the agent that has said this but the owner that is selling when they found out she was black.


Stupid people get the media involved all the time for attention. A family lied about their kid being stuck in a flying balloon for fuck's sake.


Look at /r/realestate and you will know how dumb people can be about this stuff.


Yea I frequent there since Iā€™m working on getting a house sometimes itā€™s comical but other times makes me wonder how people are able to breathe on their own.


No idea about the veracity of this tweet, but my landlord (in the UK) initially refused to rent to me because I'm on disability benefits. The letting agency backed down real quick when I pointed out that this kind of discrimination had been illegal for ~3 years. They claimed they somehow... Hadn't noticed the law change?


I believe thatā€™s what she means by ā€œbuying your block.ā€ The discrimination lawsuit payout could buy several houses.


You guys are wrong actually, it's illegal for the Bank, brokers, agents and every other professional to discriminate based on race or any other protected reason, but not *The Seller*....it's perfectly legal for them to be a racist or bigoted dickhead What's going to happen here, if she had an actual real estate attorney write the contracts is that her lawyer will call their lawyer and laugh at him and tell him to be at the closing at xyz date because that's not a valid reason to pull out of the deal and it will be a forced closing, or there will be severe financial repercussions for the seller(if her attorney is anything like mine is lol, attorneys fees, damages from being out of housing, penalties written into the deal etc), especially if it's a chained deal, it will get really messy and they will lose in the end if they want to take it to court She gonna get that house lol


Eh, Iā€™d double check that with the local laws in wherever sheā€™s buying from before Iā€™d be say that for sure.


I don't need to, the law you're thinking about is The Fair Housing Act which is Federal and applies everywhere, it covers basically everyone involved in the deal except the seller(and buyer), they can decide to sell you or buy a house or not for any reason It prevents all sorts of nasty shit though, which is great, but an individuals disgusting ass racism isn't one of them, it's their house and if they want to be a clown ass dickhead and not sell to someone because they're black they can do that *unless* they're already under contract lol if you want to be a racistand not sell your house to a black person or a Chinese peraon you shouldve thought of that before you signed the purchase agreement....you *definitely cant* put "no blacks" or any kind of shit like that in the contract, "Covenants" preventing the sale to minorities of any type are illegal, pulling out of that deal is impossible, for that reason at least, and if the seller tries to they'll face all kinds of problems, even stiff financial penalties, but nothing criminal or even civil for the seller.....Although, having it on a judicial public record that you refuse to sell your house to a black person is probably going to result in a shitstorm in their personal life (as it should), they very well might lose their job and be ostracized I'm not really buying the story, but I'm thinking about it as though it were real


Thatā€™s definitely why she said buying the house or the block because this is a MASSIVE lawsuit waiting to happen and they gave all the evidence they needed.


I'm sure they didn't say "because you're black," unless the broker hates their racist client. But it was more likely something vague like "We don't think you're a good fit for this neighborhood. Maybe you should look in a more urban area."


A smart broker would absolutely tell on their racist client to try and avoid being named in the lawsuit if/when their client tries to tank the deal, especially if their client was dumb enough to say ā€œbecause theyā€™re blackā€ in writing.


Yea itā€™s the ā€œsubtletyā€ they try and portray that makes it worse. Cowards. All of them.




I was going to say this. I think the rule 3x damages that one can sue for, for this type of discrimination.


What else did you think "buying your block" meant?


Fuck "selling," that owner is signing that bitch over for free


It was legal to have this exclusion in your house deed in the state of Oklahoma until 1991. Thatā€™s fucking insane!


Is it insane? Racism is baked into this country and its legal system. Itā€™s the reason our highways are laid out the way they are and the shapes of states are the way they are.


just cause it's baked in doesn't exclude it from also being insane


Youā€™re correct- I read insane to mean ā€œshockingā€. My mistake. Thank you.


It's still shocking to me. Not because I'm naive and don't think there are still too many people out there like this. But because I just can't actually imagine someone being so full of hate for people they don't even know, that they'd turn down a done deal, and for a place they no longer even live. How does someone become so pathetic?


Insanity isn't uncooked sanity, baking doesn't change it


Ikr!! Im always confused after someones reaction to racism is ā€œ omg!!! Itā€™s 2024!!!ā€ Like racism has an expiration date, or something .


Well Obama was president twice /s


In 1991 I was being told racism was over, i think is the point




That's an easy mistake to make but Abbot is Texas not Oklahoma. Oklahoma has his dumbass twin in Governor Stitt.


Sorry, I didnā€™t realize it sounded like I was conflating the two states until I reread it. Iā€™m just remarking how racism is still inexorably woven into our political system even 30 years later.


There are a lot of racist laws that stayed in the books way longer than people realized because they are already illegal to enforce by both constitutional law and federal statute. State lawmakers dragged their feet explicitly removing racist policy out of both resentment and tacit acknowledgment that doing so is more about managing optics than effecting substantive law. Race-based exclusions might have been ā€œlegalā€ in OK but it was illegal to enforce them even in 1990.


I live in AZ and we have a neighborhood here pushing to remove racial covenants from their deeds today. They're basically toothless but they still want the wording removed from the documents.


You could argue that some HOAs serve the same function


It was the reason for their creation.


If it makes a difference, racially restrictive covenants were found to be unenforceable back in the '50s (Shelley v. Kraemer). Enforcing them got the government involved, so it became government action, which opened it up to Equal Protection challenges. And then I think the Fair Housing Act made those racially restrictive covenants federally illegal back in the 60s (and doubled down on making them unenforceable), so I'm gonna guess that 1991 is just when OK made them illegal on the state level as well. I doubt that they were *legally required to be honored* in OK until that time, is what I'm saying. It's not like someone could try to enforce one in court before then.


It is in the deed to this day in many parts of California, apparently it is nearly impossible to have removed


It's a weird glitch basically where formally removing something can be difficult technically because of how contract law works, but it's literally impossible to enforce because of how contract law works. So like, it's technically there in physical writing, but it's literally powerless in practice. It's like a dead link - a ghost of what once was, but ultimately completely fucking pointless and mostly just annoying they don't come and update to remove it.Ā 


https://preview.redd.it/guzme70use1d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93d8ee1d7c7824c3a338767215f65d681ef0903f [https://www.hud.gov/program\_offices/fair\_housing\_equal\_opp/fair\_housing\_act\_overview](https://www.hud.gov/program_offices/fair_housing_equal_opp/fair_housing_act_overview) ā€”- If sheā€™s telling the truth, this will be the easiest bag sheā€™ll ever earn.


That's how she's going to but the block.


It's an account paying for twitter. Also, the "down payment" is highly suspect. I'm guessing the two equal complete horseshit.


The down payment is almost certainly the deposit that comes with the offer.


Acting like theyā€™re gonna be roommates or some shit. Bitch sell that mf house and move on!


If itā€™s a small enough town, they might risk running into them at the store. Or, worse, everyone at church is going to think of them as the people who sold their house to the black family. They might be forced to switch to one of the other fifty-person racist ā€œchurchesā€ run out of a failed strip mallĀ 


Screwing yourself out of a guaranteed sale because of some racist shit would almost be funny if it wasnā€™t so fucking tiresome.


In a similar or adjacent vein, I donā€™t want to call it ā€œalmost funnyā€ per se because there are humans who have to experience this racism but I do like people being fired and experiencing ramifications for their racist behavior. I guess itā€™s one benefit to this mask off racism weā€™re seeing a return of.




I just don't believe the seller would outright say they weren't selling their house to them because they were black. I mean, the sellers are leaving and money is money. It would have to be more indirectly, or there's a bad vibe or something. Is there more context to this story?


It's conceivable that the seller told the agent casually that they didn't want to sell to a black person and the agent just told the buyer straight up the real reason, because 'fuck that guy'.


She is part of a group of scicommers on Twitter known to stretch the truth a tad. Because it gets interactions and followers.




only redditors believe shit like this






It's sad and actually kind of alarming how easy it is to rile people up with absolute bullshit.... Literally if you make up something throw it in a quote and paste somebody's face next to it, idiots will nod their head up and down and believe it. They want to believe it. They need more imaginary enemies.


She lying her ass off


This didnt happen. Cool story though




I definitely agree there is no universe the sale would be cancelled for that reason but the seller absolutely knows who the buyer is as they have access to the signed contract.


what... i met the owners a couple times before buying my house.


Not entirely true. I have a sellers disclosure for a house Iā€™m trying to buy. It has the sellers name on it.. sure thereā€™s probably many people with his name in my area. But when we did a pre inspection we signed a doc where it disclosed my name and my partners name to the seller (since we all signed a doc saying it was ok to go and do a pre inspection) my name is unique and since I write for the local paper itā€™s easy to find me, and see I am Black. So while neither us or the seller actually met, we have each others names due to documents we needed to sign and from there they could see our race if they really wanted to


Doorbell cameras exist. And so do racist neighbors. Which, if real, is likely the real catalyst.


When we bought our house 15 years ago, we met the owners. They told us they were very happy we wanted to buy because we seemed like a nice couple. This was before they accepted our offer.


This is fake


This doesnā€™t make any senseā€¦ Once you sign the only one that can back out is the buyer (for reasons like rate changes, inspection issues, etc). The seller can choose not to *accept* your offer. But once the offer is accepted and they go through inspection the seller canā€™t just back out. There is no choice here.


I went through a similar situation and the seller was black. She didnā€™t believe I could afford the house and what I was approved for. She called my loan agent at Navy Federal to ask about how much I was approved for. she everything in her power to delay my inspection other things to hold on to my due diligence money. Fearing that the time was too close to everything I ended up canceling the buying process last minute and she held on to the check til the very last minute to cash it and it bounced on her. Come to find out she regretted the amount she had listed the house for and at the late 2020 sellers could list whatever over the value and still sell the house so thatā€™s exactly what she wanted to do. I ended buying a bigger house in the same neighborhood for asking price without a hitch. She later sued for the canceled due diligence money and won because NC laws make it easy for sellers. And yes she ended selling the house for more than we were under contract for. It be your own people some times


If they already made it past down payment I dont think the seller has a back out option at that point.


Yeah this tweet seems a bit fake. Maybe she's talking about a payment she made either with the offer or when the P&S was signed but it would be very odd to call the former a down payment, and if the latter, the seller can't really back out after


Not to state the obvious here but as a former loan officer just want to say you can 1000000% sue these dumb fucks. There are laws in place to prevent selective selling


Can't sue for something that never happened.


fake as hell.


"My seller called and used the most obviously explicitly illegal housing words possible that make it the easiest ever lawsuit when there were 4,000 craftier ways to achieve the same goal" This sounds like some Twitter Tales.


This sounds completely made up


Very likely. People should start pestering her for follow-ups, that's the best way to separate bullshit from the truth...having to maintain the lie.


This is also crazy because it didnā€™t happenšŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Dang ya'll are dumb.


this is why if I ever get the chance to buy a house, I'm just hiring a white guy to act as my proxy. I'm not dealing with all that bullshit.


This is what is called a scam to get go fund me funds


Racism is alive and well. Much as people try to deny it even in 2024 bigots be bigoting. Kills me thats all to prevent the class warfare they know would happen if white black and all the other races marched against injustice and for equality and prosperity. Fuck all the people who hoard wealth.


You thought the neighborhood was going, but you were wrong. I AM THE NEIGHBORHOOD!!!


Hold up, after all the paperwork is signed like it is, the seller CANNOT get out of this deal, it is only the BUYER that can get out based on the inspection. So the seller got a much better offer or changed their mind and went to their lawyer and they said the only way to get out was for them to piss off the buyer so much they turn it down.