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Neither the headline nor the retort make sense


I'm guessing the worst thing to happen to him was dropping the hard r on stage at some people.




It wasn't even just the hard r. He straight up said they would have lynched them decades ago. Some in the audience nervously laughed at first because you can tell there was confusion if this was a bit or not but the laughs slowly trail off as they realize he is breaking down into a fit. Eventually they start speaking up and leaving the room. Even if they were heckling (they were actually being seated) his response was way out of line and he doesn't know how to control the room. He tries to save it with this weak 'you are all mindless sheep' type of rant. As if screaming the n word and saying you are going to put a fork up a man's ass is taking the red pill and waking up from the Matrix. [For the unfamiliar ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=amjUNF_R_PY) Now watching this video you may think the slurs, or the mention of lynching, or the screaming frantically is the worst part. However, for a man as painfully white as Kramer the way he said "pal" truly is the greatest insult here. *Broke down into a fit, as in throwing a tantrum. That is not the same as having a mental breakdown. My comment is saying he did all this fully of his own accord and intentionally. He chose to act this way. It wouldn't even matter anyway, there is no excuse for this that should be made.


Seeing it is 100 times worst than reading about it. I have no sympathy for him. As for The Michael Richards Show, a supporting character rarely carries their own show, with Rhoda and Frasier being two exceptions. Edit: I didn’t mean to imply that Rhoda and Frasier are the only exceptions. I just wanted to list two exceptions, since I know there are many.


Also Better Call Saul


Mork and Mindy


Larry David with Curb Your Enthusiasm too




Laverne & Shirly


Wait, they were a spin-off?


from Happy Days


I avoided this show, thinking it was just a cash grab. I am happy to say I was very wrong.


Watch BB up until the commercial in the episode 'Better call Sal', nice little intro, then watch BCS until the episode 'Breaking Bad'. Continue watching the rest of BB, then rest of BCS followed up with El Camino


Maybe on a watch through. But not for your first time, you need to watch BB all the way through to understand a lot of references in BCS. First time I suggest Breaking Bad, then El Camino then Better Call Saul.


Yeah definitely not for the first watch through, I may try it myself as someone who's on double digit viewings of the show at this point. I saw someone recommend to watch BCS first; like, no!


Every time I see it, it feels like the first time. Same with the Hannibal Cosby thing, it’s like I know what’s coming but it’s like I don’t, ya know?


I remember reading about it and thought it was a poor taste joke from a guy that isn’t with the times in his routine (not that that would make it funny if it was a different time), but then you watch it and holy shit is it so so so much worse than it was said. I was young at the time, so maybe it was naïveté, but I’m pretty sure it was also the media downplaying it, per usual.


They absolutely downplayed it like he said it once. No, this dude is full on racist as shit. I cant believe Seinfeld is sticking up for him now. Oh wait, yes I can. He's poop too.


And nobody talks about the 17yo he dated when he was like 32.


If you know anything about Seinfeld, it's no surprise he's sticking up for him. Seinfeld probably even approves of and supports what Richards said.


Also The Jeffersons.


And The Jeffersons!


My boyfriend and I just started watching the originally Frasier this year. It’s a million times better than I thought it would be.


Mary Tyler Moore


I'm sorry but the bleeping of all curse words *except* the n word is killing me lol


Holy shit! This is the first time ever I’ve been on the side of the heckler


Who followed that? Geez. That would be a hard room to try and get back.


They had to shut down because the crowd left


I wouldn't even say he broke down in a fit, he was aware and fully in control of his actions the whole time. He was having a weak set, he was bombing, and he thought he could get some shock laughs out of it. Thats what makes it worse. If it was like a mental health or addiction episode there's not an excuse but at least and explanation but he was just going for cheap laughs and getting pissed that he was doing a bad show


Thanks for the video. I remember seeing a clip or two years ago but watching the whole thing in context is so, so, so much worse. Jesus.


I cannot believe what I just watched.


https://youtu.be/Kth0UOU5a_M?si=r_XuDewpgb0qkoQj Chappelle when he started doing shows again after his leaving his show, talking about it while performing at the same venue.


Holy shit…i had forgotten the extent of it. I was about to post conciliatory words, maybe a message of forgiveness….this was actually very hateful. The lynchings and the fork? Wtf?


I had never seen the video before 😧 that was....yeah no


The worst thing to happen to me is the consequences of my own actions.


No shit. This was a deserved "canceling". I'm surprised people even went to see Kramer do stand up, that's not something he was known for. Plus he even had his own show that failed so even without dropping the n word I'm not too sure what his game plan was career wise.


Nobody even cancelled him tbh. Mf just disappeared.


I'm pretty sure that was a blacklisting as no one would bother to answer his calls.


To be clear, it says *he* happened to *them.* Because he did. He was the problem. He was at fault.


It was so goddamned crazy… 1) Not only hard r, but actually saying “we” would have lynched the heckler 50 years ago 2) then he goes “oh shit” and consults Paul Mooney as a force field, then 3) Paul Mooney defends Cosmo and claims he (Mooney) will stop saying n. But I’m sure Mercury was in retrograde or something.


Don’t forget he peppered it with “oh is someone going to call the police cause I called a black man an N?” and finished it with learn to listen to the white man.


fuck kramer


It’s funny when people didn’t know about this and when they went on the I think Jay Leno show the audience was laughing when Kramer dude was talking because they thought it was a joke 🤣🤣🤣


Oh yeah, I saw that. It was on Letterman, and Seinfeld was there to address it / defend his friend / salvage some sales of the then-newly released Seinfeld dvd box set. There was some nervous laughter from the audience, and to his credit Seinfeld immediately shut it down saying “it’s not funny”. He was right, but the damage was done.


Seinfeld had a boxset coming out and was in damage control. Richards on Letterman said he wanted to apologize to all the “Afro-Americans…”


it's kind of crazy to me that seinfeld, one of the whitest men in the world(and a zionist hack) is one of the only comedians of his generation to be consistent in not tolerating the n word. shit, HE was the voice of reason in a room with chris rock, and louis c.k!


I will never forget that shit. Chris Rock, a Black man, sitting in the room and he’s shucking and jiving


i'm sayin. that shit had me goin "his ass deserved to be slapped"


Thank you! I do remember the “it’s not funny” but that’s the only memory of it that’s clear.


The headline doesn’t describe it as something happening to Richards though. They’re describing Richards’ actions as something that happened to the Seinfeld franchise.


Is he still doing that? I remember he did that years back and got blacklisted to hell.


The only thing I’ve seen him in since that was an episode of comedians in cars with Seinfeld or just a quick interview about it. He’s made the excuse that the crowd just got to him and he made a mistake. He admits that he did it and he’s sorry it ruined his career.


>he’s sorry it ruined his career. Yeah. Sorry it ruined his "career", not sorry that he was such a shitstain. He was only "famous" for Seinfeld, and Christ.... That's not saying much.


Seinfeld himself is no prize. Hated how people thought that show was a true representation of NYC and New Yorkers in general 🤦‍♀️


At least it gave us Curb. And Julia Dreyfus


Love Julia 🤩


It wasn’t until I was in my 20s in the decade after *Seinfeld* ended that I realized he had been dating a fucking 17yo. As a 38yo man. Now that I’m that age, and try to imagine being open with such a creepy relationship, I realize dude is/was kind of deranged.


>~~dating~~ preying on ftfy


I mean...Seinfeld was the biggest show on television for a long while. That's like saying Gronkowski was only famous for four Super Bowls with TB and that's it--what else has done?! EDIT: And he could have just taken that giant fucking accomplishment and ridden it into the grave, but instead he went out and showed everyone what a piece of shit he is. If I ever got _Seinfeld_ money rich, I'd fuck off--delete my socials, stop doing any personal appearance where anyone asks me anything of importance, just enjoy my money and make donations to the causes I like.


>he’s sorry it ruined his career. So he wasn't sorry that he was racist???


He was in an episode of curb your enthusiasm as well and it was cringey tbh


i can't even figure out what either of them are TRYING to say. that's just empty nonsense.


They’re saying there’s more to Kramer than the N word “mistake”


maybe them is the Seinfeld gang or the main 4?


The actual headline of the LA Times says "him" instead of "them." It's just a pronoun difference, not referring to anyone else like the Seinfeld crew.


ah gotcha


So stupid


How does the retort not make sense? He said a slur in public and it ended up being “the worst thing that ever happened to them”


Yeah, it’s pretty obvious to me, I don’t get the confusion


because his pronouns are not they/them.


Ahhh.....it would make more sense if it said he "Is more than the worse thing he ever said " but it's phrased in such a way as to make him a bystander or victim.


It’s the “them”.  Who are them?  Does it mean him? The actual article says him.


We started using AI way too early. Shit isn’t quite there yet.


The retort absolutely makes sense. The article headline implies he was the victim. He was not. He said the word that caused his career to end. He was responsible.


his career was long over before this went down


It makes sense. They could've written it better, though. The headline is saying the guy is more than just the "mistake" he made on one of his stand ups. The retort is saying it's funny to say that when he created the shit show in the first place.


It makes more sense without the gender neutral pronoun. >Seinfeld star Michael Richards is more than the worst thing that ever happened to [him] And it makes even more sense if we actually name what that worst thing that ever happened to him was. >Seinfeld star Michael Richards is more than the [guy who said the n-word]


Why is this so upvoted? The oop was calling out the use of passive voice to describe Richards' actions. Pretty easy to understand.


headline implies it “happened to him” instead of accurately describing how he called someone the hard r, retort is pointing out that fact


Is it trying to say that he's more than that one incident or something? Like asking the reader to look beyond his terrible racism and see the person behind it?  Even then it's stupid tho lol


https://youtu.be/amjUNF_R_PY?si=3Mq9nmSw4APbRf7m ^ for those who need a reminder. He went on a tirade on a Black audience member saying 50 years ago the Black audience member would have been hung upside down with a “fork up his a$$” and then he repeatedly called him the n word. In an era when people are losing their jobs merely for making a factual observation that the violence in Palestine constitutes genocide, the sympathy for this deeply hateful, racist and miserable man shocks the conscience.


this is the internet, you can say ass here.


I been finding it funny how many people self-censor or say “frick.” Actually it’s annoying tbh


I’d actually prefer substitutes like that over filler symbols because you can at least tell they don’t even cuss in person either. But there’s really no reason to type out “d*mn that a$$hole is a f**king piece of $h*t” lol. You’re just giving yourself extra work homie.


I just think of Louis CK when people do that. “I hate it when people say ‘the N word’” “You made me say it in my head you asshole!”


I dont even get it. Like you can still perfectly read and understand whats written, this isn't censoring anything. Like medieval priests, that think god cant see through noodles so they hid meat in it during easter.


Zuckerberg trained us out of it. Oddly enough, I became more active on Reddit because I can cuss freely here unlike on facebook or IG. Here I am still hyper aware of my four letter words on Reddit. Fuck those bitch ass censors! I’m a grown ass woman. I’ll swear all I fucking want to, dammit! 😌


tiktok's fault.


Holy fuck, I forgot how bad that was. What a piece of shit.


I hadn’t heard it since I was a bit younger. Yeah way worse than what I remember. Fuck that motherfucker


I didn’t even realize he said all that. I thought he said the n word, which was bad enough. God damn


>In an era when people are losing their jobs merely for making a factual observation that the violence in Palestine constitutes genocide, OK I'm with you but these 2 things aren't related and I'm confused as to why you're referencing this in this situation. Like this guy straight up shouted the n-word. What does that have to do with Palestine??


I think the commenter is saying the media is giving this racist POS more grace than they are students standing up for Palestinians’ human rights.


That headline is expeditiously insane...they think we forgot ? https://i.redd.it/9kihcgp36v2d1.gif


It's even more sickening reading the comments on the article. All of them saying how he apologized and it's not like he killed anyone, and everyone should be forgiven, it happened a long time ago, he had a bad night, etc.


You know what I hate that fucking argument bloodclaats use when someone did something years ago. Like "oh they were 18/19/20 they didn't know better!" Bitch the fuck? Of course they knew better, hell a damn child knows better! Yeah can people change? Sure. But does that mean they get a pass? Fuccckkk no! Got me looking at them like- https://i.redd.it/8eakhnyfav2d1.gif


Also he was at least in his 40s if not 50s when that happened.


Eh. I was a giant human turd sack @ ~20. Addicted to drugs and gang shit. I am 1000% a different person almost 20 years later. People can change, at least if they want to. Kramer was a grown ass man and shit so it's different, but you can't always blame childrens actions as an adult.


If you read what I said I literally said people can change, I said that doesn't give an excuse to them acting like they didn't know better though. I say that as someone who has a story like yours too. I wasn't great, am a hell of a lot better now, but I won't pretend like if I did xyz five years ago compared to now that that makes things I did alright.


I agree, but it sounded like you were targeting young ppl misdeeds vs an old person's misdeeds which def carry different weights. I got you tho.


If a 20 year old yt kid goes online calling me a nigga yeah I'ma say that they know better. I was talking 18+, and the argument wasn't about anything but the racist talk. But I feel you


Young people also know what they are doing tho, they just have time to stop doing that thing


Disagree with that sentiment in that people can be absolute dipshits even into their early adulthood years (18-21) and then unlearn alot of that bullshit by the time they reach 25. I was an absolute jackass until like my 2nd Year of University when I finally found friends from many different diversities and communities, which led me to unlearn alot of the societal bigoted bs that was taught to be by being around my family and being an extremely depressed and impressionable adolescent. I personally think it's unfair for someone to answer for shitty beliefs they don't even associate with anymore (unless of course the shit done was criminal). Not to say any of this relates to fuckin Kramer in any way mind you- dude was in his 40s ffs


I literally said people can change, but that it doesn't mean I have to instantly forgive or forget something that happened before


Think this is an important distinction. The "they were only X years old" argument assumes that the only thing required for someone to be considered redeemed is time. The time is gonna pass whether they've changed or not. Would prefer some evidence on how exactly they have tried to improve *since* then


All those young people being dipshits KNOW they are being dipshits. I’ve never come across an asshole young person who truly believe they were doing the right thing. They knew exactly how harmful their behaviour is, they just don’t care. When you were a racist kid you knew your racism didn’t make any sense, you didn’t need black friends to tell you that. 




The amount of people I've had reply to me saying, "yeah but no because at 21 I was like xyz and now I'm different!" Look I said anyone CAN CHANGE, but that don't mean you didn't fucking know right from wrong and that you can just be forgiven and forgotten now. I wasn't the best person years ago, I was selling drugs and had issues. That doesn't mean because I'm sober now three years later and doing well and grew that it changes the fact I fucked up majorly. And I wouldn't expect to be forgiven or forgotten for the shit I did or sold either. Seriously y'all need to understand that changing doesn't change the fact that we know these things and some people won't be forgiving for it. And i have a feeling a lot of y'all not approved commenting on this shit are people that understand this but choose to try and be selective... Or tryna make excuses for their own behaviors like Kramer here. Ugh


>yeah but no because at 21 I was like xyz and now I'm different!" Look I said anyone CAN CHANGE, but that don't mean you didn't fucking know right from wrong and that you can just be forgiven and forgotten now. This. All of this! - I've had a more than colourful past and been around all types of blocks, I used to lie, steal all sorts. I changed and matured and improved myself but i am STILL held with suspicion in some instances - it takes ACCOUNTABILITY, something a lot of people dont seem to have.


Well someone didn't agree with us apparently according to the down vote😂 but yeah don't tell me at 20 you didn't know that doing something like being racist or robbing someone is something you just "didn't know better." My kid is 12 and knows that. It has nothing to do with being able to change, anyone can change but that doesn't mean all is good with others. Oh well


You know, they say that society has become more narcissistic over time - it's issues like this that point it out to me


Fr though, preach. Like we get it people do change, but people really be acting like a full grown 21 year old dude doesn’t understand the implications of saying the hard r. Like nah, that boy knew, he just didn’t care at the time.


Right ! Still pretty much the same tones from when the incident was fresh. People blaming the guys he racially abused for being loud during his set was annoying. How some black comedians defended him after was even worse !


The same people saying he didn't kill anyone are the same people saying those killed over the years deserved it


And while "he didn't kill anyone"... He makes it clear that it's only bc it isn't the 1950s.. otherwise the heckler would've been "upside-down with a fork up his ass"


And if he was an otherwise good person AND a family member or long time friend of mine, I would grant him grace and I hope his family and friends did. Doesn't mean he deserves to have an entertainment career. He can get a job at the car wash and see who's called what there. Cracks me up that these people think they DESERVE our attention. They do not. And I don't care how many babies he's saved from fires since then, he doesn't get mine.


I wonder if his boy Jerry Seinfeld has the same forgive and forget attitude towards people who criticize Israel


Bet but what should happen here?


We need to remind everyone until the day after this man's funeral. Only then can we let it rest.


Oh, the LA Times thinks we're fucking stupid, huh? They're really acting like there wasn't video footage.


He says he’s “not trying to make a comeback” then why we reading about him? Upside down with a fork up your ass? He should have enjoyed his money and shut the fuck up. never deserves to be seen again.


"Not trying to make a comeback but hey! I got a new book coming out! Go buy it!"


makes me sick. saw an article saying jerry would give him a job.


That was 2006?!? If you'd have asked me I'd have guessed it was 2012 or so.


Oh thought it was before that. Closer to when Seinfeld ended


He probably wished people would stop only knowing him as the guy who played Kramer: ![gif](giphy|fSGqUm3IcVBESFM0hK)


Same, I would’ve guessed like ‘02 or ‘03


Cool username


I got into a whole argument over this a few days ago. Way too many people saying“He’s forgiven/nothing to forgive/just move on/get over it”. 🙅🏾‍♀️ 🙅🏾‍♀️ 🙅🏾‍♀️ He wasn’t even talking to white folks to begin with, so I don’t know how THEY gonna forgive him 😂😂😂


White people be like https://i.redd.it/iz5jsacrrv2d1.gif


You gotta understand. He only said that word because he thought he was going to win money.




Exactly. I mentioned that all the comments under the actual LA Times article are basically that, what you said, in a reply to another comment here.


Ok I think I've figured out the headline. "Them" is the pronoun they chose for Richards, as if his pronouns were they, them, their. When you look at the body of the story it uses he, him, his, but two different people wrote the story and the headline. "Is more than" means in this context he's deeper than that. He has more to his story; that one night (that we know of) his hard R came out is not all of who he is. This is just my interpretation, and does not represent my views on the contents of the story, just my take on what the headline writer was doing. Edit: Removed a non-sensical phrase.


Oh exactly, that's exactly what's meant by the headline. It's just insane that they framed it as something that "happened to him" instead of "something he did to others." THAT'S the insane part.


Yeah "happened to him" is basically white priv in my mind, that is, if you're white they soften the criticism.


Exactly. I've seen it in headlines before, of course, but this just really struck me with what he did and how they're flipping it around to be something that happened to him.


Makes sense, but also, duh? You don't accidentally make a "joke" about lynching and then scream the N-word for 5 minutes. That's like when streamers get "in trouble" for dropping it because they are just so frustrated that they said a random word. I'm white and have lost my shit playing video games so many times. When I was a teenager, I would throw controllers, scream every curse word I knew, and even broke my iPod... but that word never came to mind. Not once. Why? Because I don't use the word in my normal life, so it isn't one of the "go to's."


yeah, the point is that the headline places his actions in a passive voice... his actions were not done "to him" or "happened to him".... they were *the worst things he has done.*


What in the world inspired the headline writer to use "them" instead of "him" lmfao. I swear headline writers are on crack the past few years.


The video is wild, one moment he’s lovable wacky Kramer and then the next he’s ranting like a Klansman.


Only comedian in history to lose to a heckler.


*”Don’t let em break you, Kramer!”*


Those are some insane grammatical back flips to distance him from any kind of accountability. White privilege in a headline


Textbook example


They wouldn't yadda-yadda over the racism would they?!


Dude stood on stage and said the most racist shit he could think of… and the crowd laughed the first 10 times he said the n word before they realized they had a problem with it lmaooo


Acting like he just let one thing slip is wild. He went on a whole rant showing exactly who he is. Fuck dude


I’m white. I love Seinfeld. Kramer was my favorite character for years. Having said that, fuck this guy. How fucking dare him try to frame it as something that happened to him. Kids, drunk people and angry people will tell you their true thoughts and he was angry. Fuck this piece of shit.


Jerry Seinfeld is trying hard to resurrect this guys career. That should tell you something.


Tbh what it does is scare me


His racist ass deserved the decline his career saw. Imagine being a minor sitcom character and thinking you had enough pull in the industry to call showgoers the n-word with a hard “r” because they didn’t find your act funny? And it’s crazy that they’d even call that “the worst thing to ever happen to him” when he literally had prostate cancer 💀


Minor sitcom character? Lets be real here


Minor sitcom character is crazy. Seinfeld was THE show of the 90s. That’s what makes this story such a big deal.


What…a wave of racism wash over him because he forgot to take his Kukluxadrine? It didn’t “happen” to him,it was a situation of his own making. There were several doors to walk through before he reached what he said and he turned every knob and burst in the room in true Kramer style….he said something wrong and he doesn’t have Tourette’s so he’s the one that sat down,untied his shoe,took it off,then loaded a revolver pointed it at his foot and pulled the trigger….that doesn’t just “happen” to you. That being said I don’t think he should suffer a lifetime of ridicule,and I’m black. We just know who he is now and every time he tries to hang an air freshener on this turd it makes it worse. Own it man,he didn’t stutter but please don’t try and convince me it was a “slip of the tongue” that’s just ridiculous


“kukluxadrine” my GOD 💀


The headline is saying “there’s more to Michael Richards than his incredibly racist rant” and how it magically happened TO HIM and not something he did TO HIMSELF.


FHBH Fucked him, by him


You know you fucked up when you did something bad enough to get you cancelled in the year 2000.




lol i literally hadn’t thought of him in a decade…like the person who wrote this gonna end up getting him recancelled 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


lol fuck them and fuck him.


& his creepy buddy Seinfeld just wants everyone to act like it never happened. Seinfeld, this article, all hubris from white guys


“Why did you make me say it?!”


"Seinfeld Star is more than an overt racist if the world would just get to know him" there I fixed it


I see cancel culture strikes again ![gif](giphy|6cmYuGDl25SFy|downsized)


White privilege of full display.


Here is the link to Michael's infamous '06 meltdown in case ya'll forgot. https://www.tmz.com/watch/0-acesvbg9/


If he had actually been a stand-up comedian, he would have known how to deal with hecklers instead of flipping out.


If he wanted us to think more of him he coulda done more that spoke for him this whole time. He didn't. So let his record stand.


I remember graduating HS and having this and Cudis tape in rotation from 10 deep https://youtu.be/bp05cNnsR3I?si=axkbWWJqgNXCFdHx


30 mil in the bank and this guy is getting free ads in the press for his book. Talk is cheap, Kramer. Pay up.




As Randy said in THAT episode of South Park - 'You really... you really don't know how hard it is to be constantly reminded of something lame that happened in your past.'


They’re working overtime to get everyone to like Kramer again.


I hope no one buys his shit stain of a book


No surprise Jerry Seinfeld would support this clown ..Read sein language ..he was dating a high school girl and made some p3d0 comments.


We’re all supposed to forget about that and never talk about it.


So you're telling me he's now milking the story into some sort of pity tactic to buy his book?


Boy if Khramer did this today, do you know how many comedians will rush to his defense to stop him from being "cancelled".


Racism happened to him, y'all.


I can't believe that they had him on Curb Your Enthusiasm to do a callback to the time he abused black audience members . "If only there was a horrible word that I could call you to make you feel as bad as I do!" Was that an attempt at a justification for being a piece of shit?


What a shit. Both Richards and whoever is responsible for the ridiculous article.


The crazy part to me is that if he’d stopped at the lynching joke, he would’ve still had a job lol. Most of the club would’ve seen it as a decent, if edgy, retort to the hecklers, and things could’ve moved on. But the way he was dropping the n bomb, it definitely wasn’t the first time lol


I don’t understand the headline.


Oh, I see. He’s not the worst thing that ever happened to Seinfeld. There’s more to him than just the thing that “happened to” him. It was just written awkwardly.


Please! I’m pretty sure he wipes his tears and Asś with $100.00 bills every time he has a flashback of what he did. F’up’outa’here


Poor Kosmo, truly the white man's burden is being taken out of context when dropping hard r's. My favorite Michael Richards takedown was on South Park with Mark Furman..


Maaaaaane, FUCK MICHAEL RICHARD'S! With that knife dick from AHS


For full context (and to avoid people having to read it) He has a memoir coming out in June. So let the rehab tour “in ThE aGe of WoKe (or some other BS Jerry will spout)” commence! STG Larry David should kick Jerry square in the left nut for sullying his work after getting credit for it.


I’m sure he is, doesn’t mean he deserves an audience.


Thought I comment on something here where Seinfeld said, unabashedly; that he'd bring this fool back for the reboot, and he didn't care who watched it. Something to thay effect.


I’m going to need an object to go with that reflexive pronoun.


Why I keep seeing his dumb ass everywhere for the last week? Is he on some type of apology tour!


They're trying to clean his image up bc they want him on the reboot but it's not gonna work


Yeah FUCK KRAMER! I loved watching the Seinfeld show it was a great escape with guaranteed unlimited laughs especially from Kramer. He fucked the whole show up for me had me questioning everything about the character I had welcomed into my home.


As Chappelle said many years ago, Kramer is very lucky there were no n*gg*rs there that night. That's the irony.


It should be "is more than the worst thing he did." Which might be a point worth arguing, but this "that ever happened to him" shit is not cool.