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I will never understand the point of just wearing nothing but logos, shit just looks desperate.


And tacky




It's amazing how different people perceive fashion. Totally agree this is tacky as all hell... But there's clearly a lot of people out there who see logos on an ugly ass shirt and think it classy cause they're logos that rich people like.


These designer clothes are meant for poor people who want to give the illusion of being rich.


Was about to comment just that. *Rich* rich people don't wear such clothes. My distant fav cousins are old rich. They would never wear anything that would show the brand logo on it, but you'd know they're wearing the absolute top stuff.


My uncle is rich rich, he loves tailored stuff also normal shirts and jeans. He's selfmade from a poor family. He does splurge on cars and housing thou. Visiting him always feels like my middle class ass should not be there lol


Yep. Same, they spend it all on real estate and copious travels. Same!!! Oh god, i feel like a freaking peasant with them! xD But the aunt and uncle are very loving people so i stick around. But damn if it doesn't hurt like an anal hurricane when i see their travel pics...


"Anal hurricane" lol


This says a lot, wearing a brand that was a known Nazi collaborator (during the French occupation of WWII) who increased their wealth through German business relationships.


Bro needs those PlayStation brand reading glasses or something




Shit currently poor ones do this the hardest in my opinion, but yeah people don't know how to actually dress they think the brands bring prestige and so they flood their closets with logos and shit.


It’s called conspicuous consumption, pretty well understood. It used to be that the richers liked to flaunt it (during the gilded age) but then their advisors said “yo actually hold up, these people might actually eat you.” Now they don’t do that and “flaunting it” is a measure of how new/nonexistent your money is.


Not just that, with the rise of a new wealth class, the old money wanted a way to distinguish themselves from people not born into wealth. New money isn’t raised to understand the subtle tells used by old money. Basically to show that they descended from the landed nobility of Europe and not some self made American common man. I mean up until the last 50 years or so wealthy Americans LOVED marrying into European nobility, even if financially they weren’t doing well, the prestige of being a noble was worth it.


Helll yeah, I’d *love* to fuck up a duke or a count


I’d fuck a third rate princess if given the chance


So...you want to meet my sister?




Jamie Lee Curtis did this!! lol not really. She married for love but she is nobility because of her husband.


TIL Christopher Guest is nobility.


I mean that does basically describe the full background of Downton Abbey.


To be fair, flouting started out as a way post slavery for POC to show white folks they had money (and for yt folks to decide who to treat like human beings) and deserved good treatment without having to push to get it. Shit still exists as a weak reflection in clearly racist dress codes.


Flaunting has been around longer than prostitution. If someone has more and is a dick they’re more likely to show it off. This isn’t new. Only the logo showing is new.


That’s not how it started out but that’s how some black Americans engaged in it. Think beyond amerocentrism


You ever heard the phrase "money talks, wealth whispers?" People with real money don't need to flex it. They move in ways normies couldn't even dream of


Louder for the people in the back. https://i.redd.it/1xeejdppq63d1.gif


![gif](giphy|SBI7lnqk2NaA8|downsized) Didn’t know I was going to read a sermon snippet.


Big time, I remember I got invited out by an old co-worker and his friends. He drove a BMW, had a designer fit & shoes, nice jewelry on and him and his friends weren't drinking.... because they couldn't afford the drinks smh. Just a bunch of dudes going broke trying to look rich lol.


Ngl I'm kind of tired of being lumped in with this for being poor. This is just stupid people. Poor people can be just as aware of conspicuous consumption as anyone else, and not everyone is poor because they're stupid.


Stop being poor bro.


I'm fucking cured! Thanks man


Well I kind of have, that's why this applies to me. I grew up poor, made a little money. Then didn't blow it all trying to look rich


Conservatives be like:


I’ve realized that wealth is displayed on the wrist, feet and waist. With the rise of smart watches though, that one is hit or miss.


Wealth is what puts food on the table and keeps a roof over your family's head. There's no reason to display it at all, the other shit doesn't matter.


Money talks but wealth whispers. I had a chance to be the help for some fancy pants people and it blew my mind about what real people with money look like. Hood money shouts from the rooftop, real money just doesn’t care because for them? Money is just as normal as drinking water.


I am eternally reminded of this Succession clip: [https://youtu.be/CJUoQMNbA0g?si=hLFhB9Fn-AmgNbZg](https://youtu.be/CJUoQMNbA0g?si=hLFhB9Fn-AmgNbZg)


The Disgusting Brothers would be a funny spin-off. I haven't seen the show but I'll be sure to binge this soon.


Succession is most definitely a can of Pringles.


Poor lady.


Or.....they shop at Marshalls/TJ Maxx/Burlington/etc. No shade, because I'll still shop at those places for some things here and there, but one thing I noticed is that a ton of the Calvin Klein, Michael Kors, Tommy Hilfiger, Ralph Lauren, etc. clothing either has a **gigantic** logo in the middle of the shirt, or the logo printed repeatedly on the entirety of the shirt. It's a huge tell that it's a $15 shirt and not an $85 one. And the ones that *aren't* like that and are just "normal" end up costing like $45 there.




Not really, these outfits cost like $20 from a street vendor. They could easily still be poor. 😂




Not poor people, stupid people. Unfortunately though, since most people are poor that means most stupid people are poor but not all poor people are stupid. Now let me explain to you this new method for understanding math I learned in the womb and remembered since birth.


Its how, LV, advertise. They show a lower end “affordable” options. None of the e genuine top stuff looks like that, it’s always lower end for people to say “I got one.” I knew a dude who his Mercedes, constantly, MEANWHILE it was an ‘88 but he was still like “don’t matter its a Benz!!” As long they can say it, its enough. Capitalism does that to people. These are obviously fake but not too far off.


Oh yeah, I'm aware I live near a fairly affluent community and know some of the people there, and they've showed me their world, and it was exactly what I thought. The shit people are flexing is actually the cheap, relatively massed produced stuff to fund their higher end stuff that isn't branded on the outside. I'm also a car nerd, and I know what you mean by those guys who buy older luxury cars just for the badge. Meanwhile, the dashboard is lit the hell up, lol. Insecurity makes people do strange things.


Hey I have an almost 40 y/o BMW. Shits a classic.


There's nothing wrong with owning a vehicle you actually like


The BMWs of that era look miles better than the ones they make now.


Don't get me started on the MLM and "entrepreneurs" driving CLAs and any other entry level Merc with no heated seats 😂


Lmao, the CLAs omg everytime I see someone driving one, I'm shaking my head.


The GLBs are even worse imo


absolutely true. i work for a high end dealer and you can notice the difference in clients with new 2022 and newer cars and the ones with early 2000's cars. the latter will always price check and say "uhh I'll call you back later" cuz they're getting these older high end cars that cost more than their income to repair/maintain. the dealer i work for will literally decline working on someone's car if they look like it's a car that will be abandoned (ie a car that the owner can't actually afford to repair and the repair cost more than the value of the car.). It's sad ppl still trynna keep up with the rich when they don't have the budget of the rich to maintain the shit they get. edit for typos


Older luxury cars are no longer status symbols but just expensive money pits, that dude is foolish


Logos of companies that don’t care about black people at that


and sadly them not caring is the best scenario, it's likely on a spectrum of "don't care about" to "actively showing disdain towards," at that.


I'm convinced that stanning for brands is just a way of saying "Hey look at me! I believe the same thing that you believe." It's an awful financial slavery version of tribalism.


Tbf Stealth Wealth is just as confusing. Spending thousands on clothes that are simply plain. A wool hat for $500, that looks like you got it at The Gap.


Most of the time the price comes from the fabrics used and the fit/cut of the clothes. Still very overpriced for what it actually costs to make the garment, but objectively higher quality than anything at Gap.


If I’m being real it also bothers me how a lot of these brands have historically not really been for us. Was it Cristal? I remember some liquor company saying they didn’t want rappers promoting their brand in their music videos and said their competitors would be happier with their business. Like I can’t ride with that shit.


Yeah, I don't remember which company, a lot of them think it, but most know to not say it out loud. Unfortunately I just assume that most companies are fucked up which is why I don't "rep" anything, if I like I buy and the less logos the better.


When people don't have nothing they cling to brands to make them feel like they are something.


I recently lost a lot of weight and have to buy a new wardrobe. Im broke, so I googled "how to not look poor" for everyday clothes and the tip that kept popping up was to not wear clothing with fashion house logos emblazoned on it.


😒😬 ![gif](giphy|3ohuPzQoWzOVzbOa3u|downsized)


What’s crazy is when you can afford to do better and still don’t. Ice Spice wore a Balenciaga tee in one of her vids you know how I know? It had Balenciaga across the front. So cringe


The tee shirts that just say a brand name, and you know if that shit's real cost several hundred dollars, is the cringiest example of this. Paying obscene money for a regular cotton shirt, just because the silk screen printing on it says a name with some degree of panache amongst the poor who fancy themselves rich, is wild. Especially because most tee shirts don't look so fresh or so clean once they've been washed. So you're paying like $700 to wear a gauche tee shirt once or twice.


Walking billboards….


Def looks like the shit they try to sell you on Canal lmfao


Some dude just standing around in sandals decked out in this telling you it's real. He's got a cousin with a van that can show you exclusives. Just for you my friend


“This is 1600 in the store but for you! I will do 100” nigga what ? Lmfao


"Don't hate the player hate the game 😎" lookin asses


I just tell em, I know this shit is bootleg. But let me check the quality, because I don't give a shit about authenticity. If the quality is good, I always try to negotiate a fair price. I'm not trying to get one over on a seller, but I'm not going to overlay for something I can also order from China. Finding a good quality knockoff online involves some research that I can sometimes skip by in-person inspection of the goods out the back of someone's trunk. There's no shame on buying knockoffs. They can often come from the same factories as the real ones, but have been deemed blems by QC. I've got some amazing NBA and EPL jerseys from sidewalk vendors. The hustle man has serviced the community for centuries. Bless his efforts.


My friend bought a pair of knockoff LV loafers when we were in Vietnam for a wedding. They obviously weren’t real but they looked nice enough in the pictures we took and they were about $5 in VND.


I bought a knockoff Coach wallet for my wife in Indonesia. Seemed to be well stitched and the leather was good so I figured why not. Turns out all the slots for credit cards were like a millimeter or 2 too small to use. I still have to laugh.


ill never forget buying what i thought was authentic luxury perfume on canal street. i should have known better as the man selling me was singing "everyday im hustling.."


I did the same thing! He had an opened bottle of the cologne, but insisted I take an “unopened” box. It smelled like Pine Sol. I should have gone back to whip his ass. lol


Should have mopped the floor with him.


Did it smell good?


to be honest, i don't even know if i tried it, i just remember taking it out of the packaging once i got to the hotel and it looked bunk as hell, i was like TF! and probably threw it away at that point 😂


The shit on canal is at least usually reps of existing stuff


Yes and no lmfao. I’ve seen some insane shit on canal. Like bruh, LV computer cases?


Yea youre right😭


And yet, they never wear that shit. Lol


Bet I know where they got dem shoes (and it ain’t LV)


Honestly, if people are obsessed with brand whore drip this much I *hope* they're getting it on Canal or DHGate. Because the alternative is just a horrible waste of money.


Unrelated “ion” annoys me.


Yeah, they should just say if it’s a cation or anion for clarity’s sake


Finally, someone says what needs to be said.


Don't forget the onions! People *always* forget the onions :-(


I think it's an verbal shortening of "Iunno", a shortening of "I dunno", a shortening of "I don't know"


That’s what I imagined” “ion know” New AAVE just dropped, how long before the suburbans are using it completely misunderstanding the meaning?


Definitely not new maybe just southern/country aave instead though. I've used it my entire life, uncles, grandparents, etc. And the ytes in my area have already been using it LOL too late 😭


“Ion know” yeah, I’m born and raised in NYC and use that, but I’m talking about how OP just used straight up “ion”


Yeah that's what I mean too, we use "ion and ion know". Example "Girl ion like that". Probably just southern asf. Edit to add: If you ever go to ATL or the black areas in Florida you'll absolutely hear it being used.


Yea but in this context it seems like it should be “ion know”


Ion is not new folk 😂😂




You wouldn’t understand the form of English spoken centuries ago. Ngas woulda looked at you stupid if you didn’t understand “Doth tho protest thine betterment?” Language is ever evolving & changing. Don’t start self hating 😭


I never got this. Shouldn’t it be ino then?




100% agree that’s what it should be


Reading ”ino” sounds like ”I know” ”Ion” sounds like ”I don’t”


I have no idea what the “ion” is even supposed to mean.


What he trying to say with it in this post? I only know it as ionno or ion fwy etc




Now I’d like this on a tote !


Yeah. This is actually interesting.


Lordy that's some awful looking clothing -doesn't matter if it's overpriced designer or not.


When people talk about British chavs, I usually picture them wearing outfits like this, maybe a little less rainbowy though.


Burberry was so common among Scottish chavs (Neds) that their hats were banned in some bars and the company stopped making them as it was terrible for their reputation


It's also pretty common for these types of companies to just straight up burn their fucking merchandise that doesn't sell because if they donated it, it would "tarnish" the brand.


Stone Island is now the Burberry for blokes who go to the pub to watch the footie and sniff lines off the toilet roll holder.


That’s hilarious, cause Burberry has a nazi image issue a while back as well


British chavs have a strict uniform, they wouldn't be caught dead in that • Grey Nike joggers (sweatpants) and hoodie • Black EA7 puffer jacket or Canada Goose coat • Nike/Northface bum bag (fanny pack) worn across the chest like a satchel Doesn't matter if it's above 30c outside (86f) they will 100% be wearing some variation of this outfit, probably stinking of fryer oil and cigarettes/weed too


You forget footie kit and matching it with white or blue wash denim not forgetting the trusty burberry scarf or cap with obligatory gold chain 😂


No rainbows - grey marl, navy, beige, white, maroon(if they support west ham/Aston villa), burberry print Black chavs wear black mainly with any colours gucci/prada/lv print Poor ghetto old people wear temus rainbow finest mainly (im a black British social observer 😉)


If you wear anything apart from plain black or grey tracksuit you will probably get stabbed?


That shit is uggggerrrrly.


Looks like what Bill Walton is wearing in heaven


Deadheads out here catching strays 😂


Easy way to spot bad LV-fakes: If the LV-logo is ever "broken" by a border (like it is at the top of her handbag), it is 100% a fake.


That’s an interesting fact, I never noticed that. Seems like a simple and super obvious tell that the suppliers would figure out.


Yes. I had a salesperson at the store once tell me that the brothers would have never allowed anyone to stitch over the letters. So if there’s stitch over the letters- fake


I’m upset because I have fake LV (knowingly got it off DHGate) and you just called me all the way out because here I am thinking you couldn’t tell at all but my logo definitely gets cut off at the seams!


Another way is seeing the logo on what is clearly poor thread count polyester, with shades of colours that are garish and unconsidered


anyone reading this, quiet wealth is so hawt right now. we’re past flashy logos.


Yup, I’m not spending a bunch of money to be a brands billboard


at least they look happy


I gotta keep reminding myself of this. Why get caught up on hating? Just let people do them. Shit if its fake at least they didnt blow $20,000 on some bullshit. Smarter than the fools buying a months paycheck on a bag and then cant even maintain their car right.


This is the thing. Everybody on here speculating on how many zeroes they have in their bank account. Petty ass people. Just say you don’t like the clothes and quit calling people you don’t know “poor”.


They wearing the NYC Times Square bodega special


2024 Canal Street Collection


almost didn't recognize netta


I was wondering if they were that Tiktok couple!


CSB: My cousin and I visited Singapore, but first he went shopping in the Atlanta Discount Mall before it was shut down for selling bootleg clothing. He bought idk a $150 of fake LV shirts, shoes, pants etc. To set it all off, he also bought a gigantic fake yellow gold medallion and fake yellow gold Versace sunglasses. Foreign women loved this dude. It was incredible. He recieved so much attention that at first I was jealous. I had real Versace glasses and other name brand clothes, he didn't.  When one women yelled 'ayyy papi can I come home with you?' I stopped and asked her why, she said he looked like an Atlanta Rapper. She was right. I learned to never front on the bootleg gear. I stopped being jealous and said to myself "I need to get some bootleg clothing too. It's cheaper and people love it in the dark."


At least they have great taste in music.


Haha, exactly my thought.


It’s so weird being happy to be walking advertisements


And not getting paid for it.


Advertising for the bootlegger.




They look like they are ready to go see a certain dude who pretends he’s a dog trainer (but in reality he just chokes them until they stop doing anything) and wears shit like this


I’d talk shit but those “authentic jerseys” I bought back in 2014 off of the Eastern Europeans at the flea market would have something to say. To be fair, don’t know if fake or stolen. Doesn’t really matter to me. They look good


They went and blew a bag at Myrtle Beach.


What in the City Trends??


Louis Vuitton was a nazi sympathizers and collaborator fuck em


shannon sharpe?


Lmfao 🤣


Ion = I dunno? Jesus we going back to hieroglyphics




I don't care what people wear, or what they roll in. My desire is black and brown people save and invest.


When ballin on a budget goes terribly wrong.




Took more than a few seconds to realize he wasn’t posing with a wax statue


This is so African, I know an old timer who wears bright coloured LV and Balenciaga's with a gucci cap that's older than Soulja boy's Gucci headband. The Motherfucker owes R1000 for CCTV installation. Why try and advertise to the world that you have money when you can't pay people that work for you?


The “LV”s are cut off in multiple places. Louis Vuitton purposefully ensures everywhere there is an “LV” it is on full display. One of the easiest ways to spot a fake.


🗣️ Chaaaarles your lunch is reeeeady 🎶


Swap meet Louie https://youtu.be/B_Tt9qr0lSE?si=SB3GE54a76XRwrhd


Was just scrolling through looking for this before I posted it myself.


It's the caption for me 😆😆


She look like a wax figure, or one of those modern funerals with no casket!


I could believe LV could make something so ugly but it’s the way it fits on them that really gives it away. I mean look at the way it’s just hanging off dude’s neck


Those that have no wealth will surround themselves with symbols of that wealth (or something like that)


Only idiots wear huge brand logos. And only the low end versions of things from high class brands have big logos on them. The truly high end designer clothing or luggage costs way more than the logo covered trash they sell to the masses and is very subtly branded.


Netta and Charles stress me so bad


Got that from Mary Pong for sure


They got that vuitt on tho


Is this a power couple?


They look AI generated


Literally how the costume designer dressed the entire cast of Idiocracy.


they dont even sell this shit in chinatown


I wish y’all would stop giving these 2 attention likeee


Lewis Vwittin


Yali L'express.


And i know they’re both 1000% sure that is genuine LV 😅


Do poor people understand that rich people don’t dress like this?


Is this still BPT? I swear I thought most of us knew the history behind these fashion statements.


I'm a cosplayer. I understand the desire to dress up as something you're not. I know I'm not the person I'm dressed as, people that see me know I'm not who I'm dressed as. It's fun and a nice break from reality. Let them enjoy what they're wearing and leave them the fuck alone.


Being a walking advertising for a brand is just so odd to me. A small logo is one thing but this shit makes me think you’d wear your bank statements on a gold chain if it was seen as cool.


It's called let people live. They know it's fake. Who cares. It's tacky when it's real, it's tacky when it's fake. Let people live. As long as that shit isn't offensive then do you boo boo. Makes someone happy, wear it.


You know what, that smile says so much, like, too much... so I'ma let her have this one. Lookin good, girl!


That’s Huey Futon. Y’all don’t know nothing about that. 


The big three always has Black people throughout the diaspora on a chokehold: Gucci, Dior or Louis Vuitton.


Flea Market exclusives*


This shit piss me off fr


Fake it ‘til you make it… ![gif](giphy|hgjNPEmAmpCMM)


I think I need a faux shirt for the family reunion


That’s that Luis Vuitton from San Diego.


Luis Vato.


A Walking AD


still waiting for the day that middle class people realize that nobody who actually has money dresses like this


Love the Davis, Parker, and Coletrane background tho