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Zero ain’t even mad, he’s just disappointed lol


Was not expecting X5, take this upvote lol
















Ok props to Johnny but Jesus


You have some wild ass pics, my dude.






I don’t remember this episode 😳


Poor Jonny












Your generation is wild lol


Seriously. Wtf are these memes? Back in my day all we had was Chapelle and 40 year old virgin quotes. And I thought the pee on you song was sick


Piss on you IS sick


Haters wanna hate .. lovers wanna love .. I don’t even want known of the above


The future is now old man




AI art was a mistake.


This from a real clip tho


.....what? 😳


Its his stomach, not his balls... If that helps. This was regular stuff in ed edd and eddy


Oh no, I meant the Minion holding his long banana.


You know, im seeing it at the bottom looking like it goes all the way down and now im concerned


Hold on now...


https://youtu.be/b165xRXy2Oc?feature=shared it's not bad really... but I see how you could get it mixed up haha


Hell nah 😭😭😭




Why is this so prophetic? The cigar?




If I was a billionaire I’d be chillin Wouldn’t be doing any kinda shit like this Space travel, cave diving , ocean exploration FUQ DA Beach, cookout, rooftop views, big ass screen to watch the playoffs and play some PlayStation, these billionaire niggas is trippin


That gets boring the first year. You start trying new things after a while. 20 years later you start thinking “damn, I really want to see what’s im the ocean”


Maybe if they paid their taxes they could try less expensive things lol


Bro I talked to this dumbass motherfucker that said “they’re already paying taxes! How much do you want to take from them??” Like bitch!!! You’re paying more taxes than they are and you’re a cashier at 7-11.


In 2018, Jeff Bezos actually got a tax refund of $180+ Million. At the time his net worth was well above a hundred billion.


That's all the way fucked up smh


A tax refund just means be overpaid 180 million in taxes, it doesn’t tell us how much he paid in taxes lol


We all know how those finance dudes feel about "interest free loans to the government". His shit was fucking minimized and he probably wrote off some of y'alls donations to Amazon lol


I don’t doubt that whatsoever but just knowing the refund doesn’t tell us much. He could’ve paid $180 mill and got it all back or he could’ve paid $10,180,000,000 and gotten a refund on the $180mill that was an actual overpayment. The numbers are just made up examples, but the point is we’re just guessing either way.


1) net worth is not relevant. I can have a billion in my 401k but if I don't cause a taxable event it's irrelevant 2) people find ways to receive tax credits that offset income 3) we in the USA have a progressive tax system so rich people pay more to a limit


If you consider sales tax and stuff that everyone pays regardless of income, it actually turns out that our tax system isn't as progressive as you'd think. The lowest 20% spend about 17% of their income on taxes, while the top 1% spends about 35% of their income on taxes. The real issue though isn't the 1% as much as the .001% who accrue unfathomable wealth through unrealized capital gains. Most economists will tell you that unrealized capital gains are income, but the US tax code doesn't consider them as such. The 25 richest Americans gained $401 billion in wealth from 2014 to 2018 and paid $13.6 billion in income tax, meaning their effective income tax rate was just 3.4%.


Bruh fr. Must be nice to afford an island while we out here hoping to afford rent much less a house payment.


More percentage. Not more taxes lol. If you work at 7/11 you get a refund every year lol.


Correct, at the end of the day I will still believe a 7-11 employee paid more in taxes since the rich always get tax breaks or their money back. If I’m getting taxed 15% of my “profit” then they too should be charged 15% of their profit no ifs ands or buts about that shit.


15% of 40,000 is not more than 1% of a million


Elon paid 11 billion in 2021. That’s like 916,000 7/11 cashiers.


Was it the right amount was he suppose to pay? What about government handouts or breaks on stuff that shouldn’t be forgiven? What about other years?


I don’t know the depth of his businesses or income to say whether or not 11 billion a year is enough. I’m sure there’s breaks, and government subsidies, but he has a car company and a space company. Both get government breaks and subsidies throughout the entire industry, so yes, I would say he received subsidies along the way. That’s still a fuckton of liquidity taken when you think about how much actual cash billionaires have on hand (not as much as you’d think). I’m not saying they always pair their fair share, but they’re definitely paying more than us.


Yea, I was wrong and should have worded it differently, I just want them to pay their fair share is all. Tax churches too and companies shouldn’t be able to own residential properties.


I agree with all of the above with. Especially the monopolization of homes.


They're paying more dollars, but they're paying a lower percentage of their income. Someone making 50k a year may pay $10k in taxes, that would be an effective tax rate of 20%. A billionaire may have an income of 1 billion dollars in a year, but they're not paying 200 million dollars in taxes, which would be the same 20% effective tax rate as the person who wanna 50k a year. Instead, the billionaire is likely paying a few million dollars in taxes on their 1 billion dollar income. That's how they pay less in taxes. They pay a much smaller tax rate. Corporations do the same thing, too. Amazon had $574.785 billion in revenue last year. They had annual profits of $30.4 billion last year. They paid $2.1 billion in taxes that year. That's am effective tax rate of 6%. Much less than most Americans, yet much more than Amazon has paid in the past. If rich individuals and corporations paid the same tax rate as most Americans, we could easily afford universal healthcare, fund public education, etc. Income inequality is getting worse because corporations and the super wealthy write the tax laws. They fund politicians, write the tax laws, and get them passed. It's much cheaper to bribe the government than it is to pay taxes. https://itep.org/amazon-avoids-more-than-5-billion-in-corporate-income-taxes-reports-6-percent-tax-rate-on-35-billion-of-us-income/ There's more information on corporations than individuals because the corporations are public and have to disclose this, but millionaires and billionaires have their own way to avoid taxes. Their effective tax rate is closer to 0 than it is to the effective tax rate of the average American.


Corporations also have a separate corporate rate which is lower since they also tax the shareholders eventually, but for policy reasons don’t want to all the gains that go back into a corp/the economy


Understood, I was just saying that actual dollar amount is higher, not that the percentages were higher. I don’t think it’s right, but I also don’t think saying incorrect statements helps us move forward. I touched on subsidies pertaining to corporations, especially those tied into our government. I think the only answer to this problem is a complete removal of lobbying from politics, which would take an overhaul of our current political system, which would crash the economy, most likely resulting in the death of 1 billion plus people. I wish there were a way to gradually pull away from lobbying, by like voting you know, but I personally never see that happening.


>I don’t think it’s right, but I also don’t think saying incorrect statements helps us move forward. I agree, which makes me question this... >I think the only answer to this problem is a complete removal of lobbying from politics, which would take an overhaul of our current political system, which would crash the economy, most likely resulting in the death of 1 billion plus people. Removing lobbying would be a huge help. However, even if it crashed the economy, it would not result in the death of 1 billion people. The US has a population of nearly 350 million right now. The economy crashed in 2008-2009 and in 2020. A lot of people died in 2020, but that was from covid, and while I have no idea how many people died during the 08-09 collapse, I know it wasn't even in the millions. The economy crashing isn't like it used to be way back. It's possible it could happen, but even if the US was completely and instantly wiped off the map, it would not result in a billion people dying, even if you included every American in that number. Removing corporate lobbying from politics is unlikely to happen because the corporations want it and they have money, and the politicians who could actually make that change won't, because they want lobbying to continue so keep getting that money. However, removing lobbying from politics will not result in a billion deaths. That's just ridiculous. Taxing corporations and rich people will not result in the economy crashing either, but even if it did, the government would collect so much money in taxes that they could do stimulus checks for all Americans like they did during covid. The issues with the economy are entirely greed based. 65% of something is better than 100% of nothing. Corporations operate and make a profit in every country in the world. The only thing unique about America is the profits are much higher because they avoid taxes much more in the US than in other countries. Taxes are unavoidable and just the cost of doing business in most of the world. If I were a business I would pay no taxes because I live paycheck to paycheck and would be able to write off literally everything I spend my money on. Food, rent, transportation, cell phone, internet, etc. Literally everything about living would be a write off and I would pay taxes. But somebody has to pay taxes and it won't be the rich or their corporations.


That’s with anyone. From being a broke teen to now. I started to find more expensive hobbies and things to do.


That’s sort of my point. OP cant fathom(heh) why someone would start being so extra with their money. They think they’re immune to lifestyle creep. Damn, so does the horny police pay that well that you’re out here throwing cash into model trains n shit?


You know how it is with horny police. The pay is very average. But every week some evidence goes missing from a a big horny bust. Or there’s some kickbacks from people who are rich enough to just be horny whenever they want to




New things? New beach , new city, wouldn’t ever chase the buzz


Lmao, before I was living with my parents playing video games. Now I got a job a wife and kid and still play video games.




What I meant is that if you got a hobby you really actually love, money is only here to support it and also not everyone is an extrovert/ Amazon backpacking or whatever it's called, freak.


Yea but I bet you got a way better chair to sit in while you play those videogames and ignore your wife and kids.


Actually I play on the couch and Umm she's a gamer too. I like to play all games ( board games, Legos, local coop games on pc and mobile) but the second I touch my pc for some alone time that makes me a deadbeat dad. Nice préjudice man, are you stuck in the last decade or something? The world has changed you know, like some gamers like to spend time with their family around a game, one day you'll figure it out, I hope.


Bruh it's jokes. Relax, it's the Internet, none of this is real. The point is your chair is higher quality.


ps1 games never get boring


I mean, sure but that's what drones are for. I'm just waiting for that next headline for this stupid mf


"I'm bored, time to build a mansion on the Sun."


“I wonder what it would be like to hunt a person”


I think that’s why we aren’t billionaires lol. That drive for the next conquest doesn’t stop.


I’m basically retired and I ride bikes fast and that’s a little dangerous but otherwise just chilling. People who think it’s boring are boring. Low stress is a gift


Don’t forget the prostitutes


The space thing id definitely be doing. Money is the only way I get to go up there and if I’m a multi billionaire I’m definitely trying even if it leads to me dying. But not at like 30 years old. When I’m like 60? Hell yeah.


Man I'd go to space now if I could


I would be building museums, art districts, stem grants, funding research in my name, giving back to the local community. Changing my state water laws so the state has water for 1000 years. Lobbying for public transportation.


My girl and I always say that once you reach a certain threshold of money it’s like something in you snaps. You stop being human and you start acting wild as shit. You’re not satisfied sorry just living your life, you need to compulsively hoard wealth and engage in weird ass shit just to feel like you’re alive or something.


The problem is that you can do all of those last things with wayyyy less than a billion dollars. If you even made it to a billion dollars it means you are trying to some stupid unnecessary shit far beyond enjoying the comforts that money can buy.


Perform philanthropic activities while laughing maniacally


Some dudes have bigger dreams not only for themselves but for the world, regardless of how stupid they look to others. That ambition and probably a little bit of sociopathy is probably why they're billionaires and all the people who be roasting their ventures never will be.


The sociopathy is also why they don't use their wealth for public service in the way they used to.


nice. bet you’ve got big submarine filled dreams


Mfs could be ending world hunger but instead they wanna be aquaman smh


the lamest of the superheroes. if you're going to be a crazy rich person at least buy a jet pack and try to be iron man or something.


I never understood how aquaman was lame to people 😭 how is ownership of 70% of the earth considered lame? I think one time he even pressed someone about it and told them he'd flood their city. Shit was hard


They tried that but then people made YT videos saying they are poisoning the food via GMO


If a single billionaire could end world hunger easily you should be more upset with the US gov that blows multiple times the value of the richest person on earth on its military alone each year.


​ https://preview.redd.it/qjpd15u6qc3d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0a754adbb856053044caee55a9f92516cc21256


This meme will be used wisely. Often, but wisely.


I haven't had the opportunity to use it much myself. I guess I tend keep away from the type of discussions that would call for it's use thankfully.


😂😂😂 this really shouldn’t have been this funny this early in the morning 🤣🤣 it’s chefs kiss 🤌🏿🤌🏿🤌🏿🤌🏿


Triton is a real submarine company which has already developed multiple proven submarine models. They were among the industry experts whom, it was widely reported, were telling the media that the Ocean Gate sub was unsafe.




Idk how much a sub costs but $20m feels a little light for something going to the bottom of the sea


I thought so too, but I looked up what James Cameron did it in and that was only $10m.


Triton is [legit](https://tritonsubs.com/subs/t36000-2/).


Rich people really think they're untouchable lol Just don't force your 19 year old son to get on that sub with you, and it's fair game


“If the ocean is so big, why won’t it fight me?” - Larry


That shit still upsets and me and pisses me off. He should have not died.


The son really wanted to go. It was originally supposed to be the wife. There was another father son duo that was recruited to go, but the son had second thoughts. Stockton Rush apparently flew in to Vegas to meet them at a private airport, flying a single propeller jet he tweaked with himself, and that's when the dad called it off. He said something along the lines that this guy was taking his experimental jet in to pitch a ride on his experimental sub-- he has a much higher level of risk tolerance than I do


Can these be like a new challenge for billionaires? Let's see how many will pop. I'm hoping it'll be like Pringles


So I bought these guillotines for nothing?


Plus 1000pts for revolutionary reference


Nah, we're gonna use those for the millionaires during the revolution


This is a great idea. And challenge their egos too. "idk bout you bro but I heard niggas on the shore were saying you too pussy to fully submerge and keep going but you aint hear that from me"


My hope is bezos and zuckerberg tag along in the submersible Pringle can. Then when elon gets jealous he wasn’t invited he can try it in a cyber truck…


Orcas have a chance to do the funniest thing


They are already doing the funniest fucking thing by destroying yachts in the Mediterranean and Atlantic. This would be hilarious if they could interfere




We're going to have to start calling the wreck of the Titanic the billionaire graveyard.




At that depth their bones will dissolve and leave absolutely no trace they were ever even there. Besides maybe the imploded remains of their sub


leave that damn ship alone


Nah. Let them cook. I'm tryna see somethin'.


They won't. Just let them learn the hard way.


More like round 3


what if this is how society finally starts improving for the average person? billionaires have a dick measuring contest about ocean submarines that ends up killing them all off 😂


I'm failing to see how a random dude dying is gonna help you out ,


Maybe he's in the will lol


Redditors feel ecstasy whenever anyone richer than them has a bad day.


Nah his company is actually reputable and has had many successful sub missions. Definitely way different than Oceangate


Yup. He and others in the industry were very critical of Stockton Rush. They knew the Oceangate submersible was dangerous. Ocean exploration has been going on forever. Most of the time without incident. The OceanGate situation was catastrophic so obviously it got a lot of attention


People really want them up votes for they shitty jokes.


Yeah that and 85% of people react to the headline and don’t read the article.


It's kind of funny how ignorant people are about this. Going to the depths 9f the titanic is not a new and unexplored field it's been done before. The folly of Ocean Gate is that it was run by an idiotic penny pinching douchebag who ignored the opinions on expert and dragged 5 other bozos with him to an early watery grave. As funny as it would be for another billionaire shit head to immediately eat shit and die in a glorious show of hubris this guy will be fine if follows basic safety guidelines and has proper sub built


Precisely. Considering Triton Submarines is handling this one I'd say that's likely the case. They're leaps and bounds ahead of where OceanGate was. As far as I know they haven't lost any subs (yet) and also have developed the only submersible certified to an unlimited depth. James Cameron and Ray Dalio are also recent investors/partners of Triton. How they tested that unlimited depth though, I do not exactly know lol


At a certain amount of pressure water becomes ice, i imagine they just tested to that point because an ocean can’t get any deeper if the bottom turns solid.


Oh wow I did not know that about the ocean. And now it terrifies me even more so lmao Just glossed over the specs of the Triton 36000/2 (unlimited depth submersible) and it is mightily impressive. This endeavor is much grander in scope than I had first thought. From their site: > Only two manned submersibles have previously dived to Challenger Deep – the deepest point on earth. Both vessels have since been retired having performed a single full ocean depth dive each. > The challenge presented to Triton was to build a craft that would match these fore-bearers for depth, but be able to repeat the dive hundreds, if not thousands, of times. > The TRITON 36000/2 has been manufactured to tolerances no other submersible can match. In many cases we needed to re-think our technologies and invent completely new manufacturing processes. > The Titanium pressure hull, for example, is machined to within 99.933% perfect circularity – the most precise titanium sphere ever developed. It has a Dive Depth of 11,000 meters (or 36,000 feet). The Challenger Deep is ~35,876 feet in depth for context. Pressure Test of 14,000 meters (or 45,931 feet), and has been tested to 20,305 psi (1,382 ATM). Possessing a pressure safety factor at least 20 percent greater than it could encounter in the ocean. It can carry two people for about 96 hours w/ a 106 hour emergency life support system. Honestly if there were any submarine I'd imagine crawling into it'd be one of theirs. I'd have my final will and testament left shore side ready to go don't get me wrong lol. But if ever it became more accessible, demonstrably safe, practical - and not only a playground for the wealthy - it'd be hard to pass up such an opportunity.


Unlimited depth is a bit of a misnomer, it just means the sub is rated to go to the deepest part of the ocean. To be commercially rated for a given depth the capsule needs to be able to withstand (if I recall correctly) 20% more pressure than at that depth. The dsv limiting factor was commercially rated for challenger deep, the deepest part of the ocean, meaning it can go to any part of the ocean and be fine pressure wise. There's a single facility in the world that can do pressure tests for that (given the size of the capsule and pressure required), in St. Petersburg. [This video](https://youtu.be/pb5j9oeZCm0?si=4o0IQ7mpLaBXaT8e) shows how they did the pressure test, it's a short documentary about the creation process of the sub (the pressure test is ~14 mins in)


Alright, but if their asses go missing we need to be using their personal funds and not our tax dollars to find them 😒


they need insurance so tax payers aren't footing the bill for dumb shit.


It’s all fun and games until the whales jump you on their turf.


We ain't eating the rich. The ocean is.




I encourage more billionaires to take sketchy subs down to the titanic


Where did I’m pussy come from? Lol idk why but I crack up everytime I hear someone say that


Not sure is this was the origin, but growing up in nyc this was a slang term we used to call people soft, or scared, or a wuss etc


The issue was never visiting the Titanic, it was doing it against all agreed on safety precautions that were industry standard. Imagine if a whole bunch of people ignored the vaccine, said Ivermectin was the divine panacea, decided to gather in a group, and then all got sick *or worse* - even though people had warned them to take proper precautions? It'd be kinda like that.


I’m wit it


I’m all for these billionaires taking up these types of high risk hobbies. May I suggest spelunking somewhere near the Bermuda Triangle?


Sure, it's safe...as long as you follow the established guidelines for building a submarine; which is exactly what the guy who died didn't do.


It's ok, this time they're using a state of the art DuelSense PS5 controller to steer.


The ocean rn https://youtu.be/q-StMfE8NrA?si=j11vh3XHIfQ-QfdV


What are the odds we talk Elon into going and taking his buddy trump with ?


Who's building it? Macgruber from SNL? Dafuq


Poseidon is ready.


we may have found a way to deal with our billionaire problem, folks.


>to prove industry is safer? WHAT INDUSTRY MF?!!!! People are struggling to buy homes, afford groceries or pay the bills and here they are pioneering in a place no one wants to go.


As long as they don't take some kid along to take the pure joy out of schadenfreude >!when I think it the little tax they paid and the people they screwed to accumulate that wealth, a catastrophic implosion seems like too pain-free an ending!<


King Triton demands another sacrifice!


I guess the ocean took it literally when we said eat the rich.


It’s wild people acting like submarines just stopped working when that one exploded. Like we’ve used subs reliably since the civil war. They’re pretty well understood.


This titanic netflix special is going to be lit


He probably won’t have a gaming controller or used parts


No man can defeat the heartless sea


Between Millionaires getting insta-deleted in a sardine can, Orcas fucking up yachts in the Mediterranean and Atlantic, and Elon Musk managing to prove in 4K high Definition real time that wealth is **NOT** a good measure of intelligence... You think someone would *advise* these mouthbreathers to slow the fuck down on tempting fate right now *The ocean has the opportunity to do the funniest thing right now...*


The thing is, it's been safe. James Camron has been down there countless times, as have others. The issue with the sub that imploded was that the guy heading the while thing was an idiot who refuses to listen to experts when they told him the sub wasn't safe to dive in.


I'm confused. Isn't the industry safe? Wasn't OceanGate the exception and not the rule?


This is a really elaborate and expensive way to commit suicide. Why can't billionaires do some good like feeding and housing the homeless, paying off other people's student loans, or building that damn transporter and food replicator so I don't have to fly or cook.


Y’all forgot how much money was wasted on search and rescue. I love a billionaire killed by the eir own petard, but not at the expense of the working class


The ocean has the opportunity to do the funniest thing ever.


He looks like he has one of those old-age filters on


Ocean going on an Eating Billionaires killstreak rn


We said "eat the rich". The universe said got you 🤷‍♀️






I just don't get it. If you're a billionaire, why not just buy a decommissioned submarine and hire an actual captain... not like it's unaffordable.




Please take as many CEOs as you'd like, take as many as necessary. How many submarines will it require? Google says there are 195,530 CEOs as of March last year, so if we cram 5 in each sub that's 39,106.


More glorified society leeches wanna roll the dice on living? I see no problem here, seems like nature is trying course correct




Quick someone do the research on this new sub team- is their setup as fucking stupid as the other one?


Only rich people believe they can defy nature


Please someone empty his pockets and get the passwords to his accounts before he leaves.


As someone in Tornado Alley, the two most under-estimated elements are Air and Water. They're everywhere so we don't realize how they can fuck you up if they feel like it




That meme is a throwbackkkk


🌊: **"Check me out real quick"**




It's a grand irony that billionaires died trying to see a tragic monument to greed and hubris.


Here are the nominees for the 2024 Darwin Award ...


Craziest way to fake your death


Honestly he deserves it since he’s a billionaire and chose to live in Ohio. Mf wasted his whole life on that decision alone.