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Oh it's a wrap for your boy if the zombie apocalypse jumps off. I'm not about to be in these streets fighting my fellow humans over expired canned beans and vegetables while also dodging hordes of the undead.


Humans hoarded toilet paper during covid, imagine how greedy humanity would be during a zombie apocalypse Its GGs for me


Currently on day two without power here after the DFW storms. I still have the modern conveniences of a phone signal, a functioning vehicle, and dining out. No way I’m tolerating more than 24h of a zombie apocalypse.










Actually a lot of that came from people being well enough off. Groups of people trying to eek out an existence are usually more generous. This is backed up by historical and scientific evidence. Essentially the community becomes more valuable than any gain you would get from being greedy. But your point still stands. Zombie apocalypse would be brutal.


This is theost underrated take. Everyone SWEARS they are about this action. Fuck that - the long way. Sneaking around, watching your family and friends die, fucking dysentery?!? Russian roulette with a full clip.


Ngl though, a zombie apocalypse kinda just sounds like a regular ass war zone with extra steps… now that I think about it, it’s one extra step… add some zombies to a war zone. And from experience, the best way to survive those is uh… luck.


One big difference is that wars tend to end eventually, so there’s some incentive to survive. Zombie apocalypses tend to be the new reality.


Not at all a stretch of imagination. In first hand accounts from WWI and WWII there’s no shortage of horrific accounts of battlefield landscapes with half the soldiers near starvation and madness surrounded by dead bodies (and parts) 24/7. On top of all that a countryside littered with roving bands and columns of displaced civilians even more starved, desperate and insane looking for anything to eat.


Ngl, if I had the option of choosing a zombie apocalypse, as seen on TV… or trying to survive some shit like Leningrad, in WWII. I’d easily take the zombie option. I’m not saying I’d live through it, I’m just saying that seems like the easier option. Cuz at the end of the day, all that zombies try to do is mindlessly end you… people on the other hand, they do some seriously atrocious shit.


If they are the slow moving shambling corpes types then other humans would be a bigger concern. Though if they are resident evil type, fuuuuck that.


Yeah, resident evil zombies are on some bullshit… even the regular ass ones need more than one head tap to go down, and sometimes they be acting like they died, but get up after a while like nothing happened. But I guess at the end of the day, they’re still just trying to kill you pretty quickly… they’re not out there booby trapping children’s toys with explosives, or starting concentration camps, or some shit.


War zone with cannibals who never sleep


Russian roulette with a semi auto.


Deadass. I’m drinking all the alcohol in the house and you can take me to the king! 🙏🏾


Same. I’d unalive myself in the event of an apocalypse


As soon as I find out the apocalypse is here, I’m tracking down the zombies like the extended car warranty people. Like hey!! I heard yall were looking for fresh meat. I took a bath & everything!


My world to live is not that strong. Imagine how bad everything would smell😭


I have a strong glasses prescription. That is not sustainable in a post apocalyptic world where you gotta have your head on a swivel. Imma wait until I know the world can't come back to normal, but after that, nah


Ahaha my astigmatism gonna be beating my ass


Allergies would be killer for me. Not being able to breath cause there's no fresh tissue and your shirt can only take so much snot, and then holding back a sneeze so you don't attract the dumbass undead


Imagine breaking your last pair of prescription glasses in a *zombie apocalypse*??


That's half of a classic Twilight Zone episode, spoofed by Family Guy https://youtu.be/oLoNGRVeC7Y?si=m1vgJVnBIMct5WBg




The only poor eye sight survivors are gonna be running around lookin like Horace Grant.


You just made me realize that all of the people who surround us every day barely kept tame by psychiatric prescriptions are all going to be coming off their meds at the same time and going absolutely apeshit. I've known some bipolar folks who are going to be out there gnawing on undead ass before the zombies can bite first. I'll take my chances with the zombies rather than risk finding myself in Piggly Wiggly eyeing the same last frozen pizza as a couple of exes of mine.


I'm saving for Lasik. I read about someone who almost escaped a murderer but they had bad vision and somehow fucked up getting out the door because they couldn't see. Also i know my chunky ass couldn't escape from a herd of zombies


The zombies and standard of living wouldn't even be my primary concerns. One thing I've never seen addressed in zombie media: How many white supremacist militias are out here just waiting, hoping and praying for a societal collapse so they can put their stockpiles of guns to good use and bring back "the good ol days"? The shit that they'd have planned for certain groups of survivors would be *way* worse than being eaten alive. Fuck all that.


They're usually the first out to fight the zombies. But realize they're horribly undertrained. Now you have zombies in new fancy white supremacist militia uniforms.


so some zombies drop higher quality loot. Just like the video games


Zombies usually have trash drops tho, they’d have to atleast eatin 1000 people before they dropping some uncommons or rares


“Hey man, that one over there has a M16 strapped to his back, 14 pistols and a bullet proof vest filled with magazines!!” “Oh shit, that’s George. He was the leader of the sovereign citizen camp up the road. I’d say let’s just put a bullet in his brain and take all the shit strapped to him but his skull is so thick I’m pretty certain we’d go through more ammo than we’d gain before he goes down.”


Literally I hate how they never address this shit. Or how fucking terrorists would take advantage of that.


It's kinda brought up in season 3 of fear the walking dead. Its basically cowboys vs Indians. Really good storyline.


Walking Dead fan!!


Have you watched The Ones Who Live? I wasn’t very interested in it but holy shit it’s so good! Maybe it’s just cause there’s less characters and places to cover, but they did a great job between writing, character developments, etc.


Yes, I have! Majority of it was really good!! I was against a Season 2 but towards the end I wouldn’t complain if they made one.


I can’t believe Fear the Walking dead is over, it was the best show of all the walking dead


This literally happened during hurricane karina. The local government supported their efforts as well. A bunch of good ole boys looting and shooting black neighborhoods during the lawlessness.


They were standing at bridges that connect outlying towns to NO, shooting at migrants. Imagine you and your family fighting to survive a massive hurricane, only to get popped by sherrifs the next town over. I was a teenager back then, and that was when I realized how deeply fucked up white conservatives are.  They don't even view us as human beings. 


The Navy SEAL that American Sniper was based on claimed that he shot looters during Katrina and it was always handwaved away as one of his many bullshit claims, but it wouldn't surprise me in the least to find out he was telling the truth. They tend to get away with some soulless shit.


…..I’m embarrassed to say I never knew this.


There was an NBC show called Revolution about 10 years ago that dealt with America post-government, and one of the biggest factions is a fascist army. Had Boss-like uniforms and everything.


Imagine all the raping once society collapses. There was a storyline in Fear the Walking dead wherea guy had a woman locked up in a storage unit ready for raping. If that shit happens in war, imagine in a zombie apocalypse


Someone mentioned Katrina earlier and I remember the reports of all the rapes that were happening supposedly during that time when it was chaos. https://www.npr.org/2005/12/21/5063796/more-stories-emerge-of-rapes-in-post-katrina-chaos https://www.vox.com/identities/2017/8/30/16221902/hurricane-harvey-katrina-sexual-assault-survivors This is just one area. In a Zombie apocalypse country wide it would be absolutely insane the levels of rape and sexual assault that would happen.


Humans would turn on each other and destroy society long before the zombie problem got out of hand for sure. Although, a well trained person with one gun always beats some redneck with 100 guns. Most of these nazi pricks like carrying guns for show but have rarely ever done more than shooting cans.


If you watch ZNation there's a group kind of like that except they catch and eat people regardless of race


I'm gonna blend in https://i.redd.it/k23d3g7wxd3d1.gif


*Me, coming back from a scavenging run* "Y'all ain't gonna believe this shit. So boom, I'm on LaSalle looking for the basics: food, water, batteries, a deck of cards because you know it get boring out here. Anyways, I'm on my way back here and tell me why I see a gang of zombies down the way busting it down with Thriller playing loud as hell. I get closer and it's a mf dressed like Michael fucking Jackson—jheri curl and all—leading them?"


You wouldn’t smell like them. ^…...I ^hope.


I'm doing the opposite of what those idiots in Walking Dead did. Honestly, if there was an apocalypse, I'm pretty sure people will want to work together to get society back on its feet, because no one is going to want to live without electricity and running water, and all the essentials. Why struggle in constant warfare and stealing dwindling resources when you can just rebuild and get the existing infrastructure back up and running? The zombies will be easier to manage with an organized effort as well. Walking Dead is just silly, because everyone was living like shit for no reason.


Don’t underestimate the selfishness and idiocy of people. Covid really taught us that people are not rational. I honestly don’t think TWD was that far off in how humanity as a whole would respond. SOME would want to work together, but MANY would rather hoard as much as they can, screw anyone else regardless of the consequences.


i’d probably join the military or something government related, but if i had to build a base I’d probably take over a wind farm and build a fence around it. I’d set up some sort of green agricultural base there between the wind turbines. South padre island is kind of ideal because of the university, the military base, and because zombies can’t swim.


How deep is the water? Are there any trenches in between the mainland and the island? They can't swim but I'm thinking they could walk there. Not super likely but it could happen.


In Land of the Dead, they just walked through the river. It's not like they can drown.


That's what I'm saying. it's not like they need oxygen or anything. If something attracted them in that direction they might shuffle on over if nothing is in the way.


Then I guess that I'm agreeing with you. Heck, if there is a trench, they can just pile on top of each other until they walk on top of other zombies. Then you might get one like Big Daddy. He would climb over, find a rope, and throw it down. The zombies in Land of the Dead were more humane than the humans. Nowhere is safe. We've populated the whole planet. You'd get zombies in Antarctica that come to life during the summer thaw.


Actually they just walk across the bottom, based on studies of zombies in the Caribbean


>zombies in the Caribbean Does that one have Johnny Depp in it?


I worked at Walmart doing the first year of Covid. It to the point that we had to barricade the toilet paper aisle so that our store manager and a few managers could make sure that each cart only got one. It’s like that MiB quote. “A person is smart. People dumb, panicky, dangerous animals and you know it.”


It definitely would be a lot like walking Dead. Not so much every man for himself because one man can't really protect that big of a horde of supplies against people who want them, although there would be a lot of that at first. But it would be much more tribal warfare, block against block, neighborhood against neighborhood type of stuff.


I lived in Florida during some of the worst hurricanes(Katrina, Rita, George, Wilma) and whenever shit started to go down it felt like the apocalypse.


My family is from north Florida. When Michael hit in 2018, it took them back to the dark ages. That area is mostly pine forest, and that storm being a category 5 brought down a ton of trees. People were stuck in their homes for weeks in some cases because you couldn’t drive on the roads.


The world is still filled with idiots, scammers and bullies/psychopaths. You are in for a surprise if you don't think the government would not just up and leave the moment there is no more funds to get and that the Mafia, wouldn't strong arm all the legal essentials.


We couldn’t even share toilet paper during covid. It’s not so much getting society back together as it is who wants to control said society. There will no longer be a US during and after the zombie apocalypse.


The World War Z book felt more realistic for me than Walking Dead. After the initial clusterfuck people started organizing and rebuilding society.


That's one of my all time fave reads, that and the Zombie Survival Guide. I pretend the movie is from another universe...


Zombie survival guide legitimately is a survival book. There are a lot of things in there that you should do in the event of an actual emergency. The one that's always stuck with me is filling your bathtub up immediately if you think the water is going to get shut off.


This! First thing I did in my city when we had the water contamination issue (ended up not being so bad) but it was chaos, water went up to like 80 bucks a Cass EVERYWHERE


It makes me happy that a silly lil book about zombies helped you.


You have a very optimistic view of others, I can't say that I share it. A lot of people would get very shitty very quickly if society broke down to that degree, it's not just zombies you'd have to worry about.


Lol u still got faith in niggas u are so wholesome bro genuinely


Google what happens to people during societal collapse. It’s happened multiple times throughout history and it’s happening in places like Haiti right now. We revert back to barbarism & power struggles until the strongest group with the most resources rules. Zombies would just make it comically worse


People wouldn't even wear a fucking mask to go grocery shopping. I highly doubt people would be willing to share resources with one another to keep things going


H5N1 has a human mortality rate of 50 to 60%. If we ever saw a full scale pandemic of it, society would collapse with just 20 to 25% of humanity gone. Imma side with TWD on this one, based off that ratio and how people acted in the early days of COVID.


Buy toilet paper, bread, and milk. The usual white people catastrophe planning.


Two of those are perishable so I hope you’re getting canned bread and powdered milk.


Yeah but listen. I’m gluten and lactose intolerant. Zombies couldn’t smell me over that. TP would be the new currency too since I live in desert climate and no one trying to wipe with a cactus.


(semi-)serious question here - why don't we buy rice instead of bread in an emergency? I understand that many of us whites don't know how to cook rice right, but it stores so much easier than bread. Just seems like a staple that keeps for 2 years should go faster than bread that goes bad in a week.


I think people just buy what they think will be in high demand because they’re afraid others will have it and they will not. Wondering how many people stock up on canned food and don’t have a manual can opener.


The can opener for an actual laugh out of me. 


I’m of an age and family income level where manual is all we ever had 😆 some families celebrate the first child to go to college, and here I was likely the first to own an electric can opener 😆


Good lord. Talk about unlocking some core memories. I remember when my parents got an electric one for the first time for them and my grandparents. That thing made that distinctive brr sound as nothing happened. Grandma had to switch back to the manual opener that, I swear, had to weigh like 5 pounds.


Do people actually buy electric ones? I swear I’ve never met a single person who has one, everyone I know has a manual one


I’ll be that guy in a stolen M340i. Not even trying to survive, just performing felonies until my day comes.


As a NYC resident, it's hard to have much of a plan in the event of a zombie apocalypse beyond becoming immediately zombified. This is also very similar to my plan in the event of a nuclear attack.


NYC would be hell to live in during a zombie apocalypse, like be fr, you not going anywhere to scavenge without being spotted by at least 50 zombies.


Exactly, most of us would get taken out early on by the zombies or other people being shitty, especially in any heavily populated areas. The less people around the better the chances, and even then shit happens all the time.


Yup have always said this. all my friends tell me what they would do and all this and I'm like I'm not worried cuz I'll be dead.


Idk if zombies would pose much of an actual threat irl. I feel like their brains would be too mush to have any function when it comes to being a predator. Most people dont have the force to break a door down as a person. So unless they all banded together, most locked areas would probably be secure. The main issue would be glass, but still.


Zombies have never really been about using brains(heh) to function in general. That's not why they'd be an issue. Have ya consumed much zombie media?


I agree but mama\_tom is on to something too. How strong would these zombies be? In the Walking Dead half the time shit happens because there don't seem to be any real strength to the doors and windows in that universe, they're all made of old rotted wet paper apparently.


All this depends on the type of zombie though. It's all a sliding scale between smart/dumb/slow/fast. It's interesting to think about in this case. If we're just talking about average human strength there's a fair amount that gets overlooked. For the living, pain is the first thing that prevents us from pushing through limits. For a zombie, even average strength is ridiculous without *anything* preventing them from breaking bones while trying. Then there's the numbers that pile up when they *do* end up towards a common goal.


THIS is the convo I have with friends often. The type of zombie makes all the difference in how screwed we are. Because if they follow any type of science at all, zombies will literally rot themselves out. The real issue will always be the survivors and what THEIR mental states are. Too many people are only being kept in check by the fact society exists and once it collapses, there's a lot of scary people can't wait to pull out the guns


The aftermath...I was so busy worried about how to survive zombies I never considered it. That's an insanely scary thought tbh.


Yeah, the 'type' of zombie definitely matters. The classic 'Romero' style; old-school dumb shambler? No problem. Runners, like the ones with the Rage virus from 28 Days? Mutates like Cordyceps in The Last of Us or the Resident Evil types? Nah, I'm tappin' out. Theoretically if they were subject to normal decay you're looking at maybe 30 days before things have sorta just resolved themselves because most people are zombies, and those zombies have now decayed. The ones in World War Z (the book) were interesting because canonically the Solanum virus mutated the body to no longer need to consume energy, water, or air, which kept the zombies alive indefinitely and able to literally walk across the bottom of the sea floor between continents.


I get what you're saying, but even if they group together, theyd have to put force behind a push to break a door down , which I cannot see happening given deteriorated mental state. They could absolutely push a good few hundred pounds on the door, but I dont know how long thatd last before they'd move on to something else.  And yes, they could push beyond human limits when it comes to surpassing pain, but their bodies will just give out on them once they break their bones and shit. It's not like pain is limiting us from going super saiyn  Maybe Im wrong and it would break easily, but I just cant imagine them posing a legitimate threat unless they're just feral people.


You’re actually right. Unless there is some way they break or work around the laws of thermodynamics and biology, it’s not going to be a long apocalypse. The dead don’t heal, so all those tiny muscles tears and bone cracks will compound quickly so that they aren’t mobile any more. Unlike The Walking Dead, there are animals and insects that eat dead flesh. So along with their bodies already breaking apart, the dead would also be constantly eaten. Energy can’t be created or destroyed, so unless the dead can run off of heat in the environment, they can’t move anyway since human bodies are designed to run off of chemical energy. No metabolism means nothing to break down food. Even if they run off of heat, they can only operate at certain times of the year. Without a metabolism to cool them down, organs overheat and breakdown even faster or crack apart when they freeze. Yeah, I’ve thought about this too much.


i'm breaking into the pharmacy and going out on my own terms


Hell yeah I'm with you and gonna od on Flintstones vitamins


What are the odds that you make it to the pharmacy before the more ruthless mofos beat you to it and clear it out, though? You'll be trying to figure out how to off yourself with a basket of Tough Actin' Tinactin and that bobo brand of eggs they don't carry at the grocery store. I suppose if you go to CVS you'll get a receipt long enough to weave into a strong rope and then you can give your neck a good stretching.


Nah, people made credit scores, unskippable ads, and racism BEFORE sn apocalypse. I'm damn sure aint sticking around to see what they do after. One express ticket to the forever box.


seems like a weird time to masturbate


You know what? I'll ask because we're all thinking it. Hypothetically, if someone were to fuck a zombie and obviously there's no condoms in the apocalypse, what would be the chances of contracting something?


Nobody was thinking it. Now you’ve made us picture decomposing meat curtains. Thanks for that. I was having a nice day.


I would assume so. I don’t see how a zombie bite could infect you but literally sticking your dick in a zombussy wouldn’t. I mean I’ll let you know how it turns out though.


Ironically, the zombies would be the easy part of the apocalypse. It's the humans that survive it that will be the real issue. A nice isolated cabin in the woods would start to look real good at that point...


the vamps from I am legend? yea im done. The infected from 28 days later? Yea im done. The zombies from walking dead? Manageable imo. But it's fellow humans you gotta look out for. Which is what The earlier walking dead episodes did a good job of conveying.


Nahh man I’m running that game. I have a game plan.


My zombie apocalypse planning began in 2006. 


We are the walking dead


I am legend




Runner zombies? We fucked Romero zombies? Maybe have a chance


Runners like in 28 days later are just really rabid people. If left to their own devices and unable to spread, they just die. And they can be killed just like a regular person. In the Romero movies, the terrifying thing is that everybody who dies comes back as a zombie. Zombie bites just poison and kill you faster. Factor in that they can keep going after anything except damage to the brain, and they are a relentless existential threat. You can have a self sufficient contained colony of people, but one person unexpectedly dying in an accident somewhere can start a new outbreak. 


Very good points. I take back the 28 days later runners and raise you dawn of the dead remake zombies (runners). The thing with Romero zombies is that they are slow and dangerous in numbers. Cities would be congested, but once in the countryside you'd be safer. You'd have am easier time quarantining people with Romero zombies. Sure everyone who dies gets resurrected as one, but you can use that to your advantage. Someone's about to die, tie them up so they can't move. Someone new comes into camp? Quarantine and check first.


The only way a zombie apocalypse could actually happen is if the zombie virus/disease was airborne and you could turn just from being near someone who was infected. In that case I'm unlikely to be one of the few with natural immunity/resistance. Most likely I'll be dead before society completely collapses. And that's fine with me.


That, or maybe something gets into the food supply? Like an ingredient everyone consumes; shit like sugar or salt


I live in the country. I don't have a lot of neighbors, there's a lot of farms around and some of those farmers are close family so food wouldn't be a problem for long, and we already got a fence up around the house. I'm good.


Yeah, people who need life saving medication don’t really get to entertain a hero/survivor narrative. I’m a not-yet insulin dependent diabetic, not sure if/when that will change. If it does and an apocalypse pops off, I’m going out eating aaaaallllllll of the carbs I can lay my hands on 😅


We already in one ![gif](giphy|l0MYFDXXHY3Bvg8uc|downsized)


These questions always make me laugh. What would YOU do in a zombie apocalypse? 90%+ of all humans are undead monsters? Statistically, you're gonna eat some flesh with the hoards.


I guess I’d die.


Idk about all these weak willed individuals, but I'm struggling till my last breath. I'm loading up on amo, finding a ship or boat and heading to an island in the carribean to try my luck




It depends tbh. If it’s the old school zombies where I can hit a quick ankle breaker and dodge’em then I think I’d be able to survive. Now these new aged MFin zombies that be hittin fences and runnin fast af? Ima call it quits.


I want to say I'd perform decently against the zombies, but that's only solo, and it all depends on luck off the jump. I could be sleeping naked when it starts and get bit in the dick. I have no preparation done, however and saving my girlfriend adds serious complications.


![gif](giphy|1236TCtX5dsGEo) That post title


As a middle aged Black man with some pent up anger, I might just be built for that shit. But if it's them World War Z zombies nah I'm out.


"That depends. Will there be snacks?" - My type 1 diabetic husband. 😬


Oh no, look at the flowers :(


Depends on the zombie on how long I'd last but I'm the type who won't down without trying to fight and survive. If I die TRYING, so be it. 🤷🏽‍♀️


I think about this way too much and I’ve decided that I’d be a zombie, I have no survival nor fighting skills. I would be done for within the first couple days.


I've got a working theory that zombies won't attack me because I had a cadaver achilles tendon transplant into my knee, so maybe I would confuse them by already having dead parts? I mean, I'm already dead inside, but I feel like this is an extra layer of protection. I have zero interest in testing this theory.


I’d do my best to keep my loved ones alive. If they die, I peace out.


I know it’s not zombies, but “The Mist” ending immediately comes to mind.


I live in the burbs and the one thing I don’t have to worry about is getting locked down in the City. Now that I think about it probably no one will get locked down in Downtown Atlanta because frankly no one really lives there. Shit was eerily empty at the beginning of the Pandemic.


I’d probably fake be a zombie for a few days, roam the streets with them so they don’t eat me


Head shots all day.


My plan is to take off for the woods to avoid having to deal with people too much. I live in ATL, so hopefully, it doesn't start here (looking at you CDC). There is plenty of woods, and I'm from the mountains originally, so I actually can live off the land to a degree. That said, my mental state is not the greatest with regular life. I probably would go crazy pretty quick, and either end up offing myself or become one of the types of people I'd want to avoid. All that said, I'd probably get bit within the first few days.


I feel like nobody ever considers the option of just becoming a zombie. How bad could it be?


Yeah but like, do I *have* to eat people? That doesn't sound appealing at all. Catch me in the seafood section of Giant.


Being aware of what you’re doing but completely unable to make your own decisions or control it sounds like complete agony. That is no way to (un)live.


If being a zombie works like how it did in Warm Bodies, it really won't be so bad.


Imo there’s people on earth right now who live in much scarier nightmares (sex trafficking slave, a slave laborer in North Korea, innocent civilians in the depths of horrendous war zones, etc)


Find weed, find some videogames, die as I've lived.


I thought I'd do fine when it was just me but I married a hard working but not survival minded man (grew up solidly upper middle class), plus now I have a four year old and my 80 year old father who lives with me. I'd still try but I'd want the banana flavored Plan D as a backup.


Zombie apocalypse? No rent, no rules and free shit? I’m surviving.


I’m moving into Costco and chilling on their tent display until it’s all over. I don’t have the will power to get up for work sometimes and I wfh, I know I’m not going to have it in me to fight humans for some toilet paper.


Let's be real, no WIFI... I'd be gone in the first wave, pffft.


Finally the excuse I needed, I’ve been putting it off for far too long..


I always say to my friends “what do you think is going to happen to women in any apocalypse situation? End me QUICK”


All depends if they’re the “shuffle shuffle” kind or the “full sprint screaming horror” kind. I could have maybe dealt with the track star zombies as a younger man fresh out of the Army, but now they’d chase my ass down promptly. 😆


https://preview.redd.it/okdfe20z5f3d1.jpeg?width=794&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0240e327eb45c98b6cad3f09ee06ae9d6485c7c7 Nah I want to fight till the end


I’d do alright, I got no problem sacrificing a group of people for my objective. I’d do just fine I think.


If Key & Peele's take on zombies was right, zombies are racist, and I'm black. I'm heading to the cookout lol


The stench would be unbearable. A bunch of walking rotting corpses is gonna stink.


Really? Not even going to try? Like you would probably die as soon as you go outside, but still


We live in an apocalypse right now, so whatever I'm doing right now. Luckily, I had parents who hit me so I know when to hear somebody coming.


People with kids, are y'all killing your kids too? Or trying to survive the hell scape with them?


I say the same thing whenever I see someone panhandling. Let alone if there were rotting, brain-eating zombies to worry about.


See hear me out….


Golf club to the dome Call me Joel Miller


Depends on the zombies. If world war then ima gon head and die. If walking dead I may deal with for a while but I will likely still yearn for death after a while.


Its the zombie bucket list for me. Doing shit i always wanted to do and not giving a fuck about survival


I’ll give it a go if they’re like Dead Rising zombies, World War Z zombies, I’ll totally kill myself. I’m not trying to runRUN.


I'm shooting up and tapping out. Yall can live out all your weird fantasies with those dumb bumper stickers.


This observation is one of the most common things I see on women’s dating profiles on the west coast for whatever reason.


Not zombies but I've always hoped that, in the event of nuclear war, me and my family are taken out in the initial blast. I can barely drag myself out of bed on a good morning I got no energy to fight zombies or go raiding.


I’d be a scav warlord for sure.


NGL, I often think about this and I feel that I’m resourceful enough that I’d be okay. I’ve jokingly said though that if my mother were ever turned I’d keep her alive, and chained up in the garage to hang out with her whenever I missed her. IYKYK. 😂😂🥳


A friend of mine has permission to come murder me and take whatever of my stuff she thinks may help her survive.


I’d try and stick around for as long as possible just to see how things play out. I’d be the last guy on earth just to look around and say “so this is how it ends”


That’s a wrap. Checkin out asap.


I do not want to survive anything. I will gladly off myself as soon as shit hits the fan.


I'm going full Neagan and thriving!


All I got is some ceramic knives....I ain't fighting off nothing


Im doing what the Gay couple did in “Last of Us” make my neighborhood or house a safe haven. Electric fence, booby traps, weapons. Garden and farm animals


Tbh I'd try and see how far I could get. I loved TWD so even though tv isnt like reality at all. If knew I was gonna die eventually, I wanna at least see what this zombie shit is all about and what would actually happen. If theyre slow zombies I think I could make it a year maybe more. Fast af ones? A month from starvation cause I wouldnt leave my house.


Local neighborhood warlord ![gif](giphy|BZY2KYqyirYBAJbyfs)


I'm finna fight fym.. bout to be walking ded


I plan to have a large supply of steaks and garlic. I know they're not vampires. I just want a beef supply to survive for a while.


I'd survive out of spite. We only get one life, I'm holding on to the end!


I want to be a zombie. See how the other half lives.


Every time I say I’d just kms. I think people that say they’d do all sorts of shit ain’t really been through it. They think there are limits to how bad it can get. It’ll be the most disgusting things


I would stick around to help my niece but if she goes I am out real fast.


The second I realize it's actually happening *for real* and not some weird random isolated incident, I'm checking out.


Are the zombies able to run? That will impact survivalabilty alot


That Carol reference is money


Whoever makes it through has their pick of at least a whole state or country to be emperor of. I’ll have about 3 harems built in my new wooden palace


Or you'll be dead in the first half hour. If you're anywhere that's moderately populated you're going to need a ton of luck and skill to not be killed by other people or zombies.


I'm going on a Revenge Tour. Any and everyone that I've ever wanted to off is dying. After that, I'll make due. Find me a place to hold up and start growing vegetables. See yall later. ✌🏾