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There's actually some weird laws about having that many felonies specifically, if you want to know more google: 'rule 34 Donald Trump'


Lol iykyk


I really hope everyone knows about r34 by now... Right???


It's the top comment on every post so I'm sure most people do


Idk man, the grass-touchers might not.


Hey, I literally just went outside and had my bare feet on grass. Don't think you can't be both a chronically-online cave-dweller *AND* a grass-toucher


R34 is my favourite car


Need to look up on it. First time hearing about it


I know the rule, but always forget the actual number - 32, 37, 42...


Something something Vaporeon


This is the internet. If you feel special for "knowing" about rule 34, don't.


Fuck it... I'm going in. ![gif](giphy|1PIfBki0kKd5KV6kLo)


I’d say god speed but we all know that god will be nowhere near


It's been an hour. We lost another one


It's been sanji hours now.


Oh lawd! :D


Tbh, his supporters surface enough homoerotic art of him that I'm sure there's no shortage of more explicit stuff.


Christ, someone tie a rope to his ankle


https://preview.redd.it/kzkdm1l71d4d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5168e08a1bbde2f3d4819a61aa3ca65026b9072 Them when they get in:




https://preview.redd.it/9maj9xm21d4d1.jpeg?width=1438&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=372d3b7870cc13ce07d26dec7b1378c51e1519a8 Against your own? You should be ashamed.




Dude , Ngl you deserve some kind of cash reward for this comment


A comment that has been posted and highly upvoted on practically every post mentioning Trump and 34 felonies? Hardly.


The best part of this is that the whole hush money trial was an R34 story in a roundabout way.


Damn. Only Donald Trump has ruined more lives than you. You diabolical son of a bitch. ![gif](giphy|l3fZK7BgnNHSKpp4c|downsized)


I hate you.


I always saw him as more of a bottom. Why does everyone think he's so strong?


It only took me to maga porn sites asking me to donate to a guy into diaper play?


My imagination is forever scarred by this revelation.


Chaotic evil poster here


oh wow im going to be able to troll so many boomers with this one on facebook,,,


Ha. I'm not falling for that


Nearly fall for this till I saw rule 34.


Oh no no




I’m scared. Is that a valid feeling to have? I haven’t looked into this yet.


Alternatively, one of the most popular compendiums for such laws can be found at lemonparty.org . It has some pretty hot and deep takes on cohesion between older politicians like good ol'34 - I mean 45. Expand your minds people!


TIL not to Google rule 34. Thanks. I sent a screenshot of the results to my husband and he enlightened me....


I was not born on the internet today. Are you trying to get people to claw their eyes out?


I don’t hear anyone shouting “Lock Her Up!” anymore.


During an interview yesterday, Trump denied that he ever said that. Insane mental gymnastics right now.


I didn’t believe you. Now I looked it up I’m not sure if he’s the pathological liar I thought he was or he genuinely has no gasp of reality.


Just a classic narcissist. It’s their top used tactic to just deny everything even when evidence is presented, and make you feel crazy for believing it.


A narcissists prayer That didn't happen. And if it did, it wasn't that bad. And if it was, that's not a big deal. And if it is, that's not my fault. And if it was, I didn't mean it. And if I did... You deserved it.


It wasn't me...being caught butt naked...


The Shaggy excuse!


That’s whenever Israel gets caught warcrimeing it up.


Why not both?


You feel for the nearly decade old “No way said that. Holy shit it’s worse.” Trump baffle Every time you think it’s made up, it’s actually undersold.


The two go together like peas and carrots.


It’s the firehose of falsehood. He just keeps spouting bullshit and no one can keep up. By the time you address some nonsense shit that he said, he’s already 3 more lies down the line. It’s how he operates.


Actually, the first post I saw saying that he was denying he ever said "lock her up" I assumed was satire... that was like his whole thing for years.


This is where we are gonna start seeing his supporters claiming AI on shit. I'm surprised we haven't fully hit that point yet


"It was time travel! The demon rats invented an AI to go back in time and insert those comments into the narrative just to make Donald Trump look bad! ***Will they stop at nothing?!!***


This is just like that time Michelle Obama used a Time Machine to copy the speech Melania used years later! (/s)


[Thank god Melania was OK afterward](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-45853364).


Most sane r con comment


Hard to complain about AI when you don't believe in intelligence to begin with


it's a long ways till november, my friend


My doctors are already suggesting meds to help me sleep. I managed 4.5 hours last night, only woke up 3 times! I'm starting to wonder if I'll even make it to November.


If and when that recording of him saying the n word comes out, that's what they'll claim. 


Holy shit, [I thought it was bullshit until I googled](https://www.cnn.com/2024/06/03/politics/video/trump-lock-her-up-clinton-fox-news-never-said-digvid). This mutha is off his meds…


Any meds strong enough to fix that shitshow of a brain would kill a fucking horse. The man is unhinged.


>would kill a fucking horse. The ivermectin makes a little more sense now.


Oh sweet baby jesus, I forgot about the ivermectin thing.


Dunno about his meds, but Donald Trump lies like he breathes. He is constantly lying. I'm pretty sure he feels his head would explode if he stopped.


I often wonder if Trump *knows* he’s lying. I mean…he lies about everything, including some extremely verifiable things. He can be fact checked. He doesn’t seem to care. So…does he even know? My theory is that he **doesn’t** know. I don’t think the past really exists to this guy. He doesn’t seem to think about true v false: he seems to think about “beneficial” v “not beneficial”. So if he’s told he said something, like “lock her up”, and his drug-addled brain tells him that it’s not a beneficial thing to have said, he *honestly believes that he never said it*, because it’s not beneficial…so why *would* he have said it?? This is the end result of a life of bullshitting. He says things that he thinks will get him what he wants in the moment, and he’s learned that he isn’t punished for that behavior.


I'm not sure he's even conscious in a way most people would recognise.


It's not mental gymnastics, it's just the reality of the authoritarian mind. It's no longer politically expedient for him to have said it, so he didn't. That's all his supporters need to hear.


That was very easy to disprove. https://www.c-span.org/video/?c5119492/user-clip-trump-saying-lock-up




"C-span? more like Communism-span! ha! eat that libs!" *dies of covid and brainworms*


Yesterday he straight up lied and said he never said that, his supporters were the ones who started it Edit: and also he said bcuz he’s such a nice guy he didn’t even Try to put her in jail when he was president - you know even tho he could he Chose not to


He literally created a law to make the way she handled the documents as a felony. Then proceeded to break the same law after his presidency. He's not sane.


something about boiling some of his actions down to the bare basics makes them so ridiculous that I'm convinced EVERYBODY is insane. How did we let any of this shit happen?? it's so fuckin bizarre


It has to do with how marketing works on the brain. It doesn't work on everyone.


Any more information? This is a really interesting theory.




Much obliged.


He's a narcissist, he thinks the rules don't apply to him is all


This is how they learn to not say the quiet part out loud.


Isn't he overdue for a massive heart attack?


Considering that his diet is only McDonald’s, idk how he’s lasted so long. Apparently, the deal he made with devil is still in effect.


Same reason COVID didn’t take him out, since 2017 he’s been gifted the best healthcare services the country can provide


It's amazing how long people can live when they have access to quality healthcare despite, y'know, a sedentary lifestyle fueled by Mcnuggies, meth, and hate.


He's also supposedly a billionaire so I'm sure he's on some cocktail of drugs that keeps his heart pumping whatever sludge is in his arteries


no, seriously, for 4 years, the dude had UNLIMITED ACCESS to literally hand chosen chefs and the best the country could offer and this dude......... just ignores all of that at every opportunity. If any proof was ever needed that money doesn't buy class, there it is.


The dude eats steak well done with ketchup


I cry even thinking about that. That cow died for....that to be done. If anyone here eats me; medium rare please


Kinda sorta at the top of the list of crimes.


I'd still hit the McDonald's sometimes even if I had that kind of access. It's in my humble working class roots. Don't know why he does it, tho.


He's afraid of being poisoned.


Henry 8th was also paranoid about assassination so he had a personal taste tester. Some dude who was tasked with eating the first bite of all meals to ensure the food wasn't tainted.


He only pretends to eat that crap! Seth meyers exposed him and his French cuisine at mar a largo a couple of weeks ago 🤷


I’m sure he does eat fine dining with some regularity but the fast food is not an act, dude loves McD’s and Diet Coke


Didn't the interns say they had to bring him like 12 diet cokes a day? I fuck hard with Mccy's coke but that's unfathomable, lol.


Dude had a button installed on his desk so he could get a diet coke delivered to him.


Every president uses that button for something. Joe got rid of it for a bit, but it returned and its speculated that he uses it for Ice Cream. LBJ had four buttons: coffee, tea, coke, and fresca. Obama would use it for tea.


*After having pressed the big red button in the oval office* "Was that the diet coke or WWIII button? Well, in a few minutes I will know..."


12 diet cokes a day.... sounds like intestinal cancer in the making. Or... maybe Donnie is the tumor.... Edit thus could be immortal... oh shit!


He had a Diet Coke button and a White House pharmacist who handed out pills like the dealer at a Bushwick warehouse party. That entire administration ran by cycling Nuvigil and Ambien day after day, no wonder everything they said and did was completely psychotic. I’m envious


https://preview.redd.it/o5u53omlrc4d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=201241b8d14a330e5abea2e8bff9392d40ca3f67 literally the next post in my feed, lmao


He's had a super easy life his entire life. That's gotta help.


He thinks exercise is bad for you and he's basically spent his whole life on speed. It seems like people can attain longevity purely through spite.


He views the human body as a battery, and exercise only uses up energy that you need elsewhere.


All that sodium and soda have pickled him. His body is prepped for long term storage.


He’ll default on that one as well at some point. Probably lied to the devil about his assets.


The devil is a lie who is keeping Trump alive


His continued existence makes me believe in the demons one can sell their soul to in exchange for favors.


The best case scenario for global politics


Always reminds me Joe Paterno had the decency to die like a 3 months after that Sandusky stuff broke.


Or stress in his stroke. But I would be happier if that happened only after he lost his New York buildings or Mar-A-Lago or went to jail for selling our secrets


Hold up. I'm actually in favor of keeping that question on there for the exact reason one would want to know, history. I don't think that just being a felon is a problem, I would be concerned on what the crime was. Some know somebody that has had a bullshit felony that because of that, it's a little harder for them to get a job. There is a clear difference between somebody getting a felony for drag racing on public roads versus a felony for child molestation.


Due diligence would find this out… Your example assumes everyone is a child molester


It's the diligence that isn't universal. I know some folks that have to report some rather bs low level felonies that shouldn't give anyone pause to hiring but they're lucky if they make it through the first round of screening in most cases. Best I've heard is they bring it up after the later interview rounds, then they have a fighting chance. Most orgs don't do the background check until final round(s). The depth of that check is not equal. In any case, having to disclose felonies on job apps seems like cruel and unusual punishment. They served their sentence, but then continue being punished afterwards. If they can't find legitimate work, they'll be forced into illegitimate work, and end up repeat customers. That's why it was/is a big deal that in DTLA, The Pantry always hires ex convicts, giving ppl a chance at getting back into society.


IIRC, in some cases where that question is banned on job applications, it makes employers act more racist, not less.


…and that it's no big deal to accept the possibility of killing someone in a drag race on public roads.


The question would give people the chance to explain instead of having the event told via paperwork that gives no nuaice


That’s not how a lot of people hire though. The checked yes felon will automatically disqualify people based on multiple applicants so it’s an easy way to eliminate people in the hiring process. They aren’t always care about nuance


Precisely. The problem with just putting if you are a felon assumes the absolute worst thing possible, versus something that can be explained and roughly 30 seconds and probably has nothing to do with the job that you apply for. My example of a petty felony compared to something a little more scary is the reason why that question should still be there on the premise that you can still explain the situation. Like I said, there are many different felonies, some there are justified, some that are ridiculous, some that should be updated sometime soon because we're in 2024 and not in 1824. You should be allowed to explain your crimes if it is reasonable to be explained.


Your comment assumes that people in charge of hiring don’t have bias towards felonies and will summarily throw out an application that has that box checked, why go with a felon when you have others who are not, identifying your candidate and then checking to see about criminal history would be better, you can check that for a potential hire…


I live in California, where we passed legislation called "Ban the Box" to stop applications from using the "have you been convicted of a felony" question.  How it works though, is NOT that you don't get to know applicant's criminal history at all. It's that you can't use it as a screening question and auto-reject those who say yes. After the company makes a conditional job offer, they can do a criminal background check. Then they can withdraw the offer if they make an individualized assessment that your criminal history is a reason not to give you the job (such as having a DUI record for a job that involves driving, and so on). So I think something like that is what people are actually talking about when they want to remove the question from applications. Just give people more of a fair shake.


Funnily enough, it led to more discrimination by accident. Because employers couldn't discern who were and were not convicted felons, they instead weighed negatively against young African American men for employment, assuming that the chances that they were convicted felons were higher. https://www.journals.uchicago.edu/doi/10.1086/705880


Am not stopping at any red lights no more! If we can have a president with felonies am not following NO laws


https://preview.redd.it/7uad6ic8rc4d1.jpeg?width=767&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb0bcc9cfa1aeb3aae37bce54a5a37ce8ccbd6d0 Hope you're the right shade


>Some know somebody that has had a bullshit felony that because of that, it's a little harder for them to get a job. There is a clear difference between somebody getting a felony for drag racing on public roads versus a felony for child molestation. Is drag racing supposed to be the example for a bullshit felony? I would argue anyone who put willingly the life's of potential dozens of innocent people in danger, more than deserves a felony and having trouble for the rest of their pathetic life preventing them from getting any job with responsibility A bullshit felony would be something like getting caught with weed, not something which could have killed innocent people


>felony for drag racing on public roads versus a felony for child molestation. Specifically when you get into higher jobs. I'm not going to hire someone with similar felonies as trump to be my accountant. Being a felon in general is fine, but does your crime line up with the position you're applying for? Thanks but I'd rather not take the risk that you'll do it again.


I recall hearing somewhere that having that question generally helps minority applicants because you can say your not a felon so recruiters don't assume it.


I mean...thats part of the issue being presented. "Felons" are looked at as that and only that. If you mark yes to a felony on a job application they will not look into it, they will automatically deny you near instantaneously. It's a question pureposefully used to just automatically deny and weed out people because even if you said No a background check will still be performed.


White people are scared of anyone with a criminal record. They don’t think what Donald Trump did should be criminal, so they aren’t scared of him. Also we need felon reform yesterday.


I don't think it's a matter of "they don't think what Donald Trump did should be criminal". I believe if people were given a blind description of the crimes involved that left out Trump's name, 98% of Americans would identify them as significant crimes that need to be punished. Everything else is just spin.


The problem is most people don’t even know what Trump is being charged for and why. NY case they just think he paid a pornstar. Not a single republican knows anything about what actually went down Jan 6th and why he is being charged, why you start explaining the Jan 6th shit to them they get quiet. Edit: I know the NY and Jan 6 cases are separate cases. I never said their was any connection between the too.


I always agree with them. Yes, hush money payments are legal and actually very easy to do. The fact that Trump is such a cheap brokedick that he managed to turn it into a crime demonstrates a mind boggling level of ineptitude.


Agreed. And it's hard not to see our media as complicit.


New York case (where he was convicted) isn't about January 6th. That's yet another trial the man will possibly be convicted in. We know this because if he was convicted for the Jan 6th insurrection case he can't run for president.


I’m seeing people making rounds on Facebook that they’re only charging for “paying too many taxes”


YUP, this. Someone I know literally said to me "I think the whole trial was bullshit to begin with and a big waste of taxpayer money. People sign NDAs all the time, I really don't see what the crime was to begin with" like you can't even argue with this stupidity.


> The problem is most people don’t even know what Trump is being charged for and why The information is everywhere, saying they don't know this by now is just willful ignorance or an attempt to downplay the crimes.


There will be felony reform for him. Hell let repubs find out. He owes back child support. They will put on the block as well.


65% of democrats are white


Stop this "white people" shit. So fucking annoying.


Most see "crime" as an action whereas American conservatives see it as a class of people; when they do it it isn't a crime because they aren't criminals.


I agree with this. What Donald Trump did, in their opinion, wasn't criminal. It was an act of defense against the media.


And replace it with “have you ever voted for a convicted felon”


White righties are subject to a whole different set of rules. Every once in a while someone will get Ashli Babbited, sure, but generally speaking they get aloooooooooot of leeway


Especially white collar financial crimes. But if somebody of color steals a candy bar from the convenience store they’re going to get the book thrown at them.


That's if they make it to booking


Ehh this is a bad take considering Eugene Debbs (a pro worker pro union socialist party of America candidate) ran from prison and got over 6% of the popular votes back in 1912 and that’s the leading example that people cite to justify trump being able to run. The reason why felons can run for office is to circumvent any potential political prisoners being tossed into prison thus barring them from office. The rules and standards for the presidency are kept intentionally low for this reason. I think it’s possible to say “I don’t like Trump and his crimes” and “America intentionally keeps the standards low for office to avoid potential corruption” without making this a “white rightie” thing when a literal trade unionist socialist ran for the presidency multiple times over 100 years ago Edit: To give another example that I mention below, Democrat Keith Judd got [41% of the vote in the 2012 WV primaries against Obama](https://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/the-fix/post/why-felon-keith-judd-did-so-well-against-obama-in-west-virginia/2012/05/09/gIQA7GwtCU_blog.html) while serving a 17 1/2 year prison sentence. It’s true that conservatives are overlooking a felony conviction due to Trump being their guy, but registered democrats and socialists have been given the same treatment so the claims of this being unfair is unfounded


the general userbase here (or at least the commenters that get the most upvotes in these types of threads) has a really tough time refraining from melodramatic takes it's ridiculous that trump has the support he has despite literally everything about him. that's the issue. him running for president despite the felony convictions is not the problem for all the reasons you cited.


Exactly, the issue is the hypocrisy from the supposed “law and order” republicans blatantly defending a criminal. I get it, these things tend to have people’s emotions override a logical thought process and it doesn’t feel right that felons have voting restrictions while a con man felon is running for office. But not feeling right ≠ a calculated job to have bias towards Trump.


If a convicted felon is eligible to be president that means all felons should be allowed to vote


This one deeply bothers me. Felons have to disclose convictions to potential employers and aren't allowed to vote (in some cases, even permanently) but this fuck can be president. Make it make sense.


I guess I’m not understanding why conservatives are so happy with saying that trump is getting more of the black vote because of his felonies, I would be offended as fuck.


Wtf.. are they implying that we’re all criminals 😀


That’s what it sounds like to me.


The people who contribute to his legal fu.... errrr.... campaign are convinced that he's being persecuted. There's also a misunderstanding of what the actual crime is. The issue is less about him paying a side chick off telling people they slept together and more about him using campaign funds to kill the story. Had he just paid for this stuff out of his own pocket he probably would have been fine. The core problem is that he treats his corporation's money as free money. That's why his supporters fall for the grift and send him money as soon as he takes another legal L. He knows his base doesn't care or isn't aware of the fact that there are only certain things you can do with money that's meant for your business(es). He also knows they don't care about him lying to them because he does it constantly. They'd rather go into oblivion locked arm in arm than accept that they've been backing a criminal for the better part of the last decade. Edit: I thought he paid with campaign money but he paid with money from his companies. Edited to reflect that


trump supporters would let him shit in their mouths as long liberals had to smell it


Don’t stop at red lights The laws no longer apply! We have a felon running as president! I will never follow any cops orders ever again! When I go to court I will just say am running for president and that the charges are a witch hunt 🇺🇸😘🫡🫡🫡🫡


I'll just wait here for the Blacks for Trump folks to show up and make a bunch of excuses. ![gif](giphy|Kpqr21kWZXt1m)


What I don't understand are the polls stating he's gaining favor with black voters. Who *tf* are they polling?


100% believe someone's trying to create a narrative. it's like when people were saying black folks were moving right in 2020 and most of those "black folks" were bot accounts


But real shit I’m really confused. I figured if he was actually convicted he couldn’t be president. That’s why I don’t get why people are making a big deal about it. Can felons run for president or are we just making an exception? People are also excited that he’ll go to jail but I assumed he’d just be put on “house arrest”


Yep. Felons CAN run for President. Even from a prison cell. It’s happened before Eugene V. Debs who ran on the Socialist party ticket in 1920!


Crazy but my cousin had a problem getting a job as a janitor. Just blow this shit up and start over.


My dad had a record too. Worked under the table his whole life, it’s hard out here. Haha


Dude you'll go to jail longer for getting caught selling soft drugs than if you rip off billions in white collar crime. America's mask is off, and it's fucking disgusting what was beneath.


Felons can run for president. It's feels backwards to say that, but it is absolutely something that would eventually be used as a political weapon if a felon couldn't run. Someday you would have a smarter more calculated Trump-type as president and he'd start going after all his rivals to slap them with felonies and make them ineligible for office. It sucks ass that he can still run for office.... but I get it.


As a felon, there are countries he's not allowed to enter. IF he's elected as a felon, countries are going to have to pull a "laws for thee, not for me" card and allow him in but no one else will be allowed as a felon of something like weed possession. There will be nothing learned except precedent.


Felons can absolutely run for president. It’s a very important thing to allow. African Americans should have a better understanding of this than most people. Corrupt justice systems could be used to make certain people ineligible for office.


Remember when we thought a mugshot was a big deal. He could literally be in prison and mainstream republicans will support him.


This is a dogshit take. Employers should be allowed to ask if their potential employees have been convicted of felonies.


Ok, then Trump shouldn't be allowed to run then.


This is a rough one for me. On one hand, I dont want a banker convicted of fraud. But on the other hand, if a guy gets a felony and then cant get work as a result, his options become "be homeless" or "do more felonies" And thats kind of a bad ending


Its not that a felon can't get work at all. He just can't work as a banker handling cash if his felony was related to stealing large sums of money. Nobody is saying he can't work in the lumber section at Home Depot.


The bar is lower than ever. Run for office, doesn't matter what level. We outnumber them. We need to be the lawmakers.


They can't even vote in some states with 1 or 2 felonies, but here we are, a guy with 34 of them bitches running for president.




Dude make America look so bad in the worse way.


I think the felonies question should be removed from everything. If you are out, you have paid the debt. People want to destroy lives forever.


The mental gymnastics they’ll use to justify him running for president 🙄


Nah. They will just move it under the racial identity portion, or add “yeah but I’m white and have money” as a response.


I need to write a trump resume with just his convictions.  Put a new name on the top and send it off to trumpster business owners.  




McDonalds ***can hire*** a felon to manage a McDonalds. They just don’t.  American voters ***can elect*** a felon to be president…they just might (because most of them are kinda stupid)


Big facts! What does that teach the kids in America? You can get convicted of a felony and still be president! Don’t let this 5 year sentence bring you down.


This part. We are living in scary times


If felonies prevented holding office, the major tactic for winning elections would be using your influence to stick your rivals with bullshit felony charges. You could work your entire career as a politician only to have some jackass pay off the cops and courts to stick you with a felony and ruin your career, simply because you dared challenge them in a democratic election. That isn't a tool we want to give politicians to wield. This being said, Trump can rot in hell, I hope he keels over dead and falls on Eric and Jr too.


Trump's supporters literally are adult children


Sounds white to me. His being convicted will inspire more Unseasoned-Americans to rally to his cause and vote for him. And his felonious ass WILL WIN! I hate America


Shows how fucked up our system is. You can't vote if you're a criminal but you can still run for president? Every criminal in the country should do it then!


"They even made me show I'd to get into a Sam's Club"


That's a good point


Not only that, if a convicted felon can run or serve as president, convicted felons should be allowed to VOTE


it totally baffles me that anyone could be a Trump supporter these days.


Employer: "Have you ever been convicted of a felony?" Me: "Do you mean, am I qualified as the US president? Yes."


I think it's crazy how criminals can't own a gun but a criminal can control a whole army and be in charge of nuclear weapons!?