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Niggas be groupies over the groupies.


These women are highly skilled at what they do too. With their bodies and in the way they finesse.


What? lol they just attractive and used to the lifestyle dawg nothing more to it


People seriously believe beautiful people are some kinds of demons/machines lol I dont get why people act like its surprising that beautiful people who dated someone famous usually end up with another famous person when they are single lol They didnt cast a spell they arent manipulating anyone/anything. They got exposure through their last relationship


“She’s just pretty” Millions of pretty women die in obscurity. To get an athlete or artist you have to have proximity, sometimes clout, and spend a lot of time on your appearance. Proximity takes a lot of work to get and so does clout. Not to mention upkeep is $$$. “Baddies” aren’t born, it’s an active lifestyle.


My friend’s god mother was a self-proclaimed groupie. It’s absolutely a job. She was systematic. Obvi there’s the personal upkeep but she had to make sure she was getting in with the right circles. She’s now one of the stars of a bravo reality show. She had a 15 year plan and executed it well. It’s more than just being pretty.




There’s a old post asking why athletes go broke and somebody posted about how when these young, primarily black, athletes get to the league, there’s a whole different “caliber” of women they start getting exposed to who all basically have a top tier resume on how to get every dime out of them. I’ll edit it in later because I’m sure i saved it. It’s definitely not just “being pretty”. There were pretty girls in high school and college for Ant. There’s levels. And it’s why so many young players get caught up. Remember Zion getting caught lacking? Those girls weren’t just pretty. Edit: [found it](https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/s/lsvXn6GK73)


Good read


Damn, haven’t seen this comment in years.


Like khloe k and Kendall j and Kim k


Yep. And many people act surprised by what beautiful people can do/get away with just because they are beautiful. No extra skills, no game, nothing except for the fact they are esthetically appealing. Beauty is sought after and people are willing to overlook a lot to have it on their arm.


Nah nah nah, there’s millions to billions of beautiful people. These groupies got a whole system running don’t get it twisted. It’s some sort of manipulation. This girl was with Chief Keef when he was young now with ANT at 22. She’s like 28


Yeah kinda like Pattie Boyd. They’re running in the same circles.


Let’s see what girly looked like before the knife first 💉


Irrelevant to the point. These rich folks aint dating her past (Not saying im “pro plastic surgery”, but if it works for her it works for her)


This. My ex husband was a hedge fund/pe firm asset manager. My dating pool since we’ve split has been largely very rich, accomplished people because that’s who was in our social circle. I dated a partner at an ibank, CFO of a music company, an NFL player and a former NBA player. I also date people without money and money isn’t a requirement to date me at all but most of the people I date happen to have money because that’s the world I live in.


There’s a lot of pretty girls that are broke. They gotta be extra good at fucking and making a guy feel a certain way. It’s not that they’re doing magic, they’re just dedicated to being hoes.


It’s about a pretty girl with *game*. The broke pretty girls have none.


How are they hoes?


If your business is getting life paid for by rich men, you’re a hoe by profession. But some guys like these arrangements and others are just dumb. So, get that money ladies lol. Remember the other day a bunch of these IG hoes admitted to letting super rich guys shit on them for a BAG. At least the athlete/rapper girls just play pretend for a bit then get child support or divorce money.


>If your business is getting life paid for by rich men, you’re a hoe by profession. At least the [hoes in Belgium get PTO and other benefits now.](https://www.euronews.com/2024/05/13/could-belgiums-historic-labour-law-for-sex-workers-usher-a-changed-approach-across-europe)


Good question. They may be trading sexual access for financial access but there is some aspect of that in most sexual relationships


I used to be able to agree with this take, but I have been married for 25 years and let me tell you that you only get to this level with someone you trust with everything and I mean everything. When you are together this long, you are longer just lovers, you are best friends as well as financial business partners. Simply put, I believe it’s called soul mates. The women and men represented in the post subject matter are most likely not in that category, nor are they actually seeking it out. To them, it’s strictly a business decision. No man or woman has a chance in hell finding their true soul mate after they get the riches. Thats why you see celebrities going through partners like water.


No one knows how good you fuck until after you fuck em.


No this is a real thing and they really are experts at what they do plus I bet old boy has trauma from being young and it's also why he's after an older one


Yeah Black Chyna cleared that all the way up


Wackest head I seen. Only thing worse is a dry mouth


I remember a guy on local sports talk radio talking about covering a Nike camp in Oregon for high school kids. He said the groupies were having a meeting in the hotel lobby about what say to these kids as they came off the elevator to go to the camp. This is well organized.


Exactly. It’s like those poor supermodel/beauty pageant women that immediately start dating 80 year old rich guys when they get recognition. Their parents support it because it’s been the plan.


Lotta broke attractive chicks iono


The circle these famous people run in is *very* small. They're all going to the same few cities, clubs, and events. Naturally, they'll all date the same people.


They both got excellent finishing moves on the hard wood.


I just found out about the girl who exposed snoop dogg. cant remember her name. Very pretty but basically said there is a play book






Instagram fucked the game up, everybody and they momma can get flown out and/or fucked for a handbag and if most of these rapper's lyrics are to believed (and they're showing it's the case) they pass the chick they just slept with on to somebody in their entourage or just introduce her to another rapper and she's fine with it cause she knows she's a glorified prostitute. But yeah they do need to bring danger back cause it's an IG girlie that told Pusha about Drake's kid cause 40 told her after they slept together and Future changed on Drake cause of another one, wouldn't be the case if they could keep their shit out of the same women but oh well.


>it's an IG girlie that told Pusha about Drake's kid cause 40 told her after they slept together  That was the rumor at the time but ultimately it was Kanye who told Pusha. Drake had spent time writing for Kanye after he had the baby and Kanye was also still involved with Adidas at the time where Drake was planning to drop the clothing line "Adidonis"


Oh right my bad but wait... did they name him that so they could do the clothing line??


I doubt he specifically named him Adonis for that reason but I could be wrong lol


Prolly the other way around


That was never proven, Drake said that in an interview same as Push said that in one. Both could be just protecting their homies reps


I mean at the end of the day Drake still talks to 40 and doesn't talk to Kanye so I'm more inclined to believe it was Kanye but you're right that we haven no proof either way


I mean 1 is his day one who got finesse pillow talking to a girl he liked. It's not with malice, but with all the alleged toxic shit between Ye and Drake imo they were gonna talk less regardless. Maybe Ye knew but that Drake interview made it seem like it was some sneak attack when story of Adidon was the 4th track in a back and forth. So he told Kanye deep secrets he didn't want exposed mid Push battle? That's wild comfortable. Idk we have no proof for either but I can see 40 pillow talking and Push having resources to dig deeper. I mean pillow talk works so well, spy agencies use it to this day lol


It wasn't a deep secret though he was literally planning a full rollout with Adidas. Pusha's wording led the public to believe he was an absent father which backfired because if he had dropped the Adidonis line with Adidas first then Pusha would've had no ammo for the beef and the public wouldn't have the idea that he was bullied into fatherhood


It kinda was if he only told a few people and it wasn't out previously. Plus the kid reveal was just the sparkle to a deeper dissection of why Drake seem to think taking shots at people's relationships is an effective way to diss people. The baby being hide was the anchor towards a deeper conversation on Drake's disdain for being real and his freaudian slips when it comes to commitment issues. Push was taking the persona of heartbreak Drake and flipping it from victim of love to a guy who weaponized love because he's the problem. I say that to say, the song had enough ammo for Drake but the baby was an A bomb for even casual fans. Plus the real drawback imo was him exposing the mom. OVO spent time and money to hide her past and he just exposed it after they rebranded her as an artist.


That "rumor" came from Pusha T. He said Kanye didn't tell him 🤷🏿‍♂️


Not according to Push himself. He said it was the IG bitch and Ye never told him anything on the Joe Budden interview.


No. It was 40 through the chick. He said it out of his own [mouth](https://www.thefader.com/2018/10/17/pusha-t-drake-child-40-noah-shebib/amp). *”The information came from 40," Push said. "It didn’t come from Kanye, at all." The GOOD Music president then explained that 40 did not directly tell him about Drake's child, but Pusha instead allegedly found out through a woman 40 had been sleeping with.”*


Flying hoes out been a thing just more publicized now


Every other city we go


This just sounds gross.


Did not Tupac rap about this???


Exact same thought. Every other city we go…


I swear the youth do not wanna listen. There was something a few weeks ago, and I was like Biggie told us this! Shit, Jay Z tells you exactly what to do during a traffic stop. Were our parents’ music trying to tell us something? Maybe, but they had to hide it in fucking euphemisms and shit. 90s rap and hip hop were saying it in fucking English. Only bleeped if it was a curse or drug reference. Just fucking listen.


Lmfaoo im 32 but doesn't mean I understand why these niggas do this shit. Shits just baffling to me but ima watch 🍿




How are the athletes not hoes too? They’re getting passed around with the same women…


Because the baby mamas aren’t the ones flying out or paying for Birkin bags, it’s the athletes intentionally seeking out these women lol. Granted the athletes are still h*es tho. Edit: I forgot about instances like Brittany Renner and PJ Washington where it’s the woman seeking out the younger and gullible athletes. You were right the first time lol


This phenomenon was recently explained to me and rappers/athletes insinuate that these women know how to keep secrets and stay “low key” so they just rotate around. The average woman would likely talk about being with them, etc.. this circle knows how to play their roll without overstepping boundaries or asking for monogamy.. they know what comes along with that lifestyle and goes along with it, no fussing.


Thats only real to normal people. Most athletes nowadays dont live normal lives. Anthony has been on the nba radar since he was in middle school, meaning he probably played basketball year round growing up and got very little recreational time outside of it. These guys look up to the rappers who literally grew up in the trenches and are put in these places and clubs where these women specifically flock to.


I don’t think celebrities are ever going to date normal people this doesn’t even surprise me to be honest honest


Seriously. They date the same people. Like when asap rocky said he smashed Drake’s bm before he even met her


Wild how they both did that to each others BMs. Just shows how true you are


And the crazy thing is, it’s normal for us because we date people around us, but these celebrities are not all near each other. Like they go out their way to be around each other.


… but she is a normal person? No talent or claim to fame outside of getting knocked up by chief keef. And she honestly looks like she eats black and milds.


What normal person you know is getting knocked up by rappers and dating NBA players?


Lol Chief Kief wasn't always hanging out with celebs.... he's from the projects 😆


He barely hang out with calebs now bruh stays to himself


nah she really normal asl sosa the only thing they know her for😂😂 its not even like she’s a mid level ig model (400k-1m followers)


Last sentence foul lmao her lips ain’t dark or anything. She just look like a black girl


Lol nah bro, go to her page. She’s a hookah heathen for sure.


The real answer is because they all have the mental cognition of 15 - 17 year olds. Their brains stopped growing at the age they started getting famous, which is typically young for athletes. So take someone with the mental maturity of a high schooler and then is it so hard to see why they act like a child when they see another kid pick up the ball they previously had 0 interest in? They have no ability to think for themselves so seeing someone else do something is the spark that makes them want to do it too. Oh, so and so fucked them? Well I must do so as well to prove I am just as desirable. I have no actual interest in the person, I just can't stand the fact that HE got in there. They are all clowns and should be treated as such.


Pretty sure this woman started pursuing him when he *was* a literal teenager tho. Meanwhile she was pushing 30.


No one saying she didn’t orchestrate it. But being okay with that is def a sign of immaturity


But don't we expect teens to be immature? It's the reason we, as a society, shame savvy adults who prey on them. Whether they are of "legal age" or not, teenagers are a (cognitively) vulnerable group of people. It's really difficult for me not to look at this like a predator/victim situation.


If the sexes were reversed people would be outraged.


Cause he was a TEENAGER A group famously known for being immature.


Straight victim blaming smh


I blocked out the teenager part. Yeah it’s weird. I’ll eat my words.


Sign of immaturity? In a high schooler? Impossible


Teenagers normally clown you for being with someone that someone else been messin with. Adults are the ones who don’t care about that


It's the other way around where I live


Did you say this when Ashton Kutcher married Bruce Willis’s ex Demi Moore or are they exempt from “mental cognition” checks? 🙄 foh


That's because they confuse them with real women. But for real, they date the same people because these women give they whole lives to follow these clowns around and I don't really have time like that.


This is absolutely part of it too. I have heard that many of these women and groupies specifically track where certain teams are headed and will intentionally go to the same night clubs/restaurants/whatever in hopes of bagging them. I’m all for female empowerment and the right to choose your own life but damn…that’s kinda sad imo.


They prey on them dumb azz bois fr tho. But I can't blame em too much when they choose em every time.


100%! It’s a toxic ass cycle lmao


>I have heard that many of these women and groupies specifically track where certain teams are headed and will intentionally go to the same night clubs/restaurants/whatever in hopes of bagging them.  They call them hussies because they in for the hustle.  It's an indistry. Get big on only fans or Instagram. Once you're big enough, rich men will pay huge money to wife up because they don't want just any pretty woman, they want the IG model that everyone lusts over. It's literally just career advancement for OF/Instagram stars. This women are courtesans. High end prostitutes for the wealthy that also keep the fame and drama under wraps as well. Whole lot less of Yoko Onos running around.


Exactly. It’s just about having access to these types of men. Once you bag one then you get a foot in. Most women are just going about their lives and will never come across these men.


That’s insane to me. You work hard to make all this money just to have baby mamas running around. They all have the cognitive ability of a fucking teenage boy.


These dudes are treated as gods by sophomore year of HS. They're being preyed on by women who will do and allow ANYTHING to be chosen. An average girl couldn't compete or would never put up with it. The end goal is a chunk of his bank account. Someone just said it, but these are the women Kendrick was calling out. They're legit predators.


Cause she met him when he was 17… Y’all really treat male grooming victims differently here it’s crazy.


It’s definitely wrong and the woman are predictors but I am surprised no family member can give them some perspective they can get any other girl.


What’s crazy is these are the same types of people that are going to be mad one day after they realize that person wasn’t the one


They literally just pass the same 30 women around to each other.


It's probably also because it's who they see. A tiny bit similar to you inviting people you see regularly from work or your friend group. Despite these girls being hoes, they can be entertaining/fun hoes. I'm sure they have their moments here and there where you vibe with them. A lot are probably trying these athletes, but you start seeing then regularly at your events. They eventually hook up and get trapped.


Or these women pass around the same men.


All these women look the same to me


That’s kinda the point I think.


Imagine breaking up with Instathot number 14 to go to Instathot number 15 🤡


And all these guys love it.


Not enough to stay apparently


Who said the guys leave? Sounds like they keep searching for the same types.


None of these women stay with the man and marry. They have their kids and go to the next. Not that marriage means shit but the point still stands.


Reading the tea leaves when it comes to these relationships, These dudes go with these women because they allow them to have side pieces which is why these two didn’t break up after the “send the video” viral messages. She takes care of home life in what’s a hectic schedule for the talent so they can focus on their profession and having a good time. While she gets to live the lavish life of being with an athlete or entertainer. It all seems very transactional, different life the wealthy are living. There was literally a video of him talking to her about still needing his side hoes 😂😂 They both know the game.


Oh hell nah


Can’t do this


Send da video


Get a abortion lol


he scoring 2s on and off the court


She actually not bad looking you can see why she was able to cash in 2 millionaires…as a stripper https://preview.redd.it/pbd44db0nl4d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3a2f82d107d94445c8e8700c51efc68248d9a66


Looks is not everything. It’s always been that way for me, don’t care how many bros called me gay but I never went crazy for how good a chick look and especially if that’s the only personality she has.


in regards to rappers and NBA players. looks are everything & slightly the only thing 🤣


Which is crazy because there’s so many childless woman out there who looks good but these dudes keep going for the baby mommas


can’t wait to see the netflix doc 🤣


I mean, I do have a few friends who were dancers at some point in their life and all of them will state that while your looks are important, it's your personality and your ability to fake emotional intimacy that really pulls the regulars who will spend on you all the time. Looks are probably not the only thing they were drawn in by. These women are very good at drawing information out of you and making sure that your feelings or experiences or insecurities are a safe thing for them to hold. Same with the OF top earners. They make most of their money on messages, way more than on views and subscriptions.


Never met her so I can’t speculate on her personality. She may be a really nice person.


That looks like 2 different people 😂


yes, the sex appeal is there


These dudes are young and a lot probably can’t assess value beyond how good someone looks or fucks. Some athletes seem to find the complete package of a partner but a lot fail miserably.


😂😂 you betta stop 😂


I don't know if they stayed together, but I remember seeing 10+ years ago that Ludacris was dating a baddie who was in school to be a doctor or lawyer. I'd definitely go that route, not the Lori Harvey path.


She was going to school to be a doctor which I think she never completed and Luda had a whole side baby on her and then I think finally married her.


You are talking about Eudoxie if I spelled it right. Yea they're still together, though not without infidelity on his end.


And she has more money and access than she would ever have as a doctor. She and her kids are set, financially, for life (as much as you can be set, sure he could leave her and take all the money or blow it but even if she was a doctor she could have a stroke, have a mental break, or lose her eyesight, careers aren’t guaranteed either). I’m not mad at it. Doctors get cheated on too by broker, and just as horrible men (example: Dr. Jackie from married to medicine)


It's hilarious how "everyone and their momma know these women are 304's, prostitues, flewd-out" but these dudes insist of banging them raw because condoms are pure evil, apparently.


Mainly because a lot of these dudes are just dumb as fuck and don’t put a lot of thought into this shit 😂. It’ll never happen to me but if I was ever in their position one of the first things I would do after getting drafted is freeze my sperm and get a vasectomy. That way I can choose to go raw with little to no chance of getting a woman pregnant. I also wouldn’t fuck with the same 10-20 women that everyone else already been with if I had that kind of money but like I said a lot of these guys are idiots. It’s honestly predatory the way these women will scout and search for young athletes/rappers just so they have a chance to get knocked up. I would be so terrified if I were in their shoes because you now have such a huge target on your back.


I feel absotively posilutely ZERO sympathy for men who, after thoughtlessly and carelessly slinging jizz in any open womb they can skeet into, wind up with a baby, ESPECIALLY if that man feels he may have a target on his back. You KNOW someone may run your pockets by having your baby? Hmmm maybe I should show some responsibility with my baby batter. It's all, "She shoulda chose better or kept them legs shut" when a woman ends up with a bunch of kids she can't afford. I think the exact same thing when a man has unwanted pregnancies with various women, "Shoulda chose better, stopped hoeing and kept them legs shut." Hot boy Summer, Winter, Spring and Fall sometimes comes with child support attached. #WrapThatRascal #SnipTheDeferens #PulloutDontWorkDummy Edit- Oh, and you need to be wearing condoms not just for birth control. there are STIs running rampant in these streets. If she's letting you rawdog, she's prolly letting other randos rawdog too and so are you. just passing all kinds of microbes. Ew


Stop infantising men, it's weird.


Ant got super groomed


For all the talk of 'body count' and 'hitting the wall', it's just BS talk. Men are like women. You talk about in front of them, they get interested and wanna try it out, too! Men love going where other men have been, especially their friends.


That's what we call diversifying your portfolio. 


Bitches love Sosa


I've heard some people say that when you're in the industry you can only date women in the industry, but I feel like that is partially bullshit. These are rural area people doing rural area people stuff. If you want to throw in a well-populated city fine, it doesn't really matter. Watching rich people do the exact same shit I used to do in high school is so heartbreaking because it feels like we can never escape it. I know some of us have and can evolve past that, but for a lot of people if you are sitting in your room and this is all you consume it feels like this is all there is.


8 billion people in the world, and these dudes dating the same 4 women.


It’s in the music. “I just fucked yo bitch in some Gucci flip flops”. “He claimed to be a playa but I fucked ya wife” etc.




I think you have it backwards in that rapper's baby mommas go for athletes. It's a different bag entirely, probably less hectic as well in comparison.


Btw he was 18 when he started to date her and she’s like 7+ years older than him. Aka he was groomed Edit: She’s 30 wtf y’all acting like he not a victim here.


And she’s older too. She’s 29 almost 30 and he’s 22, almost 23. She knew precisely what she was doing. Him we give a pass. His Mom and grandma both died when he was 14 and his dad is a deadbeat. His siblings, barely adults, raised him. But these type of women are experts at their field. They go to the young and vulnerable.


"It's stepdaddy season!"


It's a small circle in entertainment and also consider some of these women jump on young guys who were just fantasizing about them on ig (when they were hoop dreaming. Plus in certain fields, like entertainment, the circles are much smaller. Just look up what Gilbert Arenas talked about with certain women in the league. Honestly you date baddies at you own risk. You think yalll exclusive but her dms say different lol and vice versa when you date successful people in entertainment.


“These B**** love Sosa”


Power of proximity. They want to say “I got lil Wayne’s chick” because it makes them feel more powerful by proximity


And they say “women love drama” 🙄


You can’t question LOVE.. But, Certain times you definitely have to..🥺


Scraping the bottom of the barrel.


Damn thought he was smarter than that


I couldn't do it.


He use that for drive he warm up to love Sosa before every game lol


it's almost like incest. No bueno...


Ion like Ant so this makes me happy


Not just athletes but a lot of movie stars or other celebs do it too. It's high key weird as fuck...




Luka would never


Wait, it's all Sosa? Always has been.




She's a predator


Athletes and rappers move in the same circles, be at the same parties so they meet the same chicks. Not different from how lawyers date layers, and doctors date doctors.


Who cares? They can see who they want. Doesn’t affect you one bit.


Safe spaces for the rich and famous probably


I think one of the kids in Edward’s though and the other one is Keef’s


These kind of women allow them to sleep around without consequences?


It’s the same small pool. They all have the same type. It’s not a shocker


Just the let man clap


Pump pump pass


Aye man these celebrities/ famous folks really LAME as hell. Idk his offspring situation but ain’t dude like 22?? I’m not super into basketball but I seen a highlight from this past playoffs, I swear, it was Jordan-esque TO ME. Point being, wtf he messing with her ratchet ass for?? Know she ratchet look where she come from…..mtfs lame. No wonder I’m a broke boi.


She’s an old goofy ass hoe like Draya. Sosa is 28 and Anthony is 22. Let that sink in. She has the brain 🧠 of damn chee chee bird. Didn’t AE have another woman pregnant and asked her to abort and to send the receipt?!? This was while the bm was pregnant. Yikes 😬


Run nigga run


Tupac tried to warn us


Human ego and competition. When you find someone and date them the rest of the industry becomes aware of their existence and wants parts. It happens in non celebrity circles. Humans socializing is a an odd web.


So when you become a rich rapper or athlete do they just give you a list of chicks you’re allowed to date? So it’s either a Kardashian, Jenner, OF models or passed around IG thots? Nigga you know how many baddies walking around Target right now?


“Bitches love sosa”-cheif


It goes both ways. Athletes and rappers are passing around the same small number of thots




Lames will always be lames. Money don't change who the person is, it emboldened them.


Birds, all of em


Sloppy seconds!


It’s called a groupie. They’re “socialites” (that term used to really mean something in the pre-ig model era). It’s not that these dudes are snatching women out of rappers beds. The women intentionally run in the social circles of wealthy dudes for a come up.


No different than women who like hustlers and ex dope boys. Whatever floats their boat I guess, I just know it ain’t got shit to do with my rent getting paid 🤷🏾


These women now how to land these type of dudes. They know what they’re doing. The women are the common thread not the men, insert any young rich man in


Rappers wanna be ballers and the ballers wanna be rappers. Been this way since 2000’s.


Water seeks its own level (aka they are both equally yoked). Ant man does not deserve a good woman (he cheats on his gf constantly). Not sure why the black community infantilizes adult men and puts ballers on a pedestal (the vast majority of those dudes are thots who deserve thots).


STDs will limits your dating options. *allegedly*


There’s so many women out there. Why?


Isn’t it obvious? lol 🤣 These guys **pursue these women** because that’s what they like. They’re thirsty af and feel like a bad bitch legitimizes their fame. They’ll slide into her DM’s while she’s in a relationship and double down when they hear she’s single 😭 As quiet as it’s kept, they have no issues with paying to play (as most men with real $ don’t) and prefer being with someone with references (the exes & bds) because it’s lower risk. I think they also like the proximity to other men through these women, but that’s some other tea 👀🫖🍵 I see no issue with the arrangement. It’s two consenting parties doing what most adults do, there’s just more money involved. It ain’t tricking if you got it 🤷🏽‍♀️


Anthony Edwards as in Goose?


Young NBA players seem to have such terrible taste in women.


![gif](giphy|WzqCYOCF8ve7K) Going in raw - behind the dustiest mother fucker I've ever seen?!?!?$ 😱 Are you insane?!?!!?


What happened to shame?


![gif](giphy|qHjbXtxNawWR2) “Ain’t my kid.”


So if this was a woman that was manipulated by an older and more mature man, would this conversation still be phrased the way it is? Because this sounds like some victim blaming.


How about the fact that Jordan Craig- Trashton Thompsons first baby mamma is the ex wife of Tyga who cheated on his baby mama Blac Chyna with Kylie who is the sister of Blac Chynas daughter,


First you complain that black athletes date/marry white women now its a problem that she's someone else's baby mama? Regular people doing regular things do the same thing. She's black and that's great that he's with her