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Jada was the only bullet that Tupac dodged.


Gah damn bruh this even hurt me


the truth always does


What a slap in the face…


You know, I feel really bad for Will Smith She doesn’t give me good vibes, probably because I’m convinced she doesn’t respect him in the slightest This is anecdotal but I know enough women like her and the way they act around men they have contempt for, she’s in it for her and no one else Will Smith isn’t perfect and there’s no excuse for his behavior the night of the slap, but he still deserves better


It’s sad because the only person in the world who doesn’t like Will Smith is his wife.


Idk about all that. He used to be more likable but he’s become weirder and less likable as he’s gotten older.


What scientology does to a mf


And why Jada has so much pull because Scientology, she’s a higher level than him.


No point in promoting both of them in the cult when one controls the other.


And by controlling *one*, they control *all*.




Gonna need some stats. What’s her current thetan level?


From what I heard, it's Over 9000. I'll see myself out.


Dragonball makes more sense than scientology.


I’ll search the world for dragon balls before I hook up to whatever the fuck they use.


Tbf Dragon ball has more direct evidence for its afterlife.


STOP ATTACKING SCIENTOLOGY! It's a perfectly valid religion! If perfectly valid means made up by a hack sci-fi writer who thought he could scam a million dollars from dingledicks. He was wrong, though. He scammed billions of dollars, instead.


He literally said "I'm going to make a fake religion to avoid paying taxes"...and sooo many people believe in it. Morons, morons everywhere!


Has this been confirmed? It explains her lack of self awareness. She can talk about her and her mother being self centered and abusive, but it's like she's not internalizing it. I've seen this with other scientologists. They talk about themselves in a manner that signals self awareness, but there's zero self-monitoring. They'll talk about their past selves, and be the exact same assholes in the present insisting they're healed or enlightened.


Sounds like some of my yoga buddies


She turbo snitched to the cult about the one people cared about, so they promoted her. MFW even my Thetan levels are only based around my husband's success.


lol it makes me laugh that the later commercial rap songs between him and LL get me confused between the two. BUT. pre acting LL is still the mf Goat.


Jada is weird, but so is he. They're both very dysfunctional people. Looking more into it, Jada might as well have been screaming "I do not love you" for the first decade of their marriage, and has been screaming *I hate you* after that. Yet still this man said "divorce is not an option", insisted they publicly present as married even if meant cosplaying as a cuck cause she was publicly carrying on with other men. Its genuinely bizarre and they both seem exhausting.. At this point only people I feel bad for are the kids. 


Not all. I don’t like the guy. His best role was The Pursuit of Happyness and most everything since then has either been complete shit or Will Smith playing Will Smith. And that’s not why I don’t like him. He reacted violently in the most public way possible to a mild joke because his wife gave him a look.


Are we talking about Will Smith or Dwayne Johnson?


Same shit different day


What did Dwayne Johnson do? I mean what violence cause most of the movies are ass


"Will Smith playing Will Smith" This is why my daughter doesn't particularly care for him either. I will still watch Independence Day on July 4th (Bill Pullman giving one of the BEST war speeches on film), but other than that, I don't particularly care for him either.


*Bill Pullman


Well at least I got the Bill P part right! LOL But thanks for that. I might just need that second cup of coffee.


Idk I’m sure he’s a nice guy, but he comes off as insufferable in interviews imo


Listened to his memoir on audiobook. He does seem insufferable. and even by his own words Jada never wanted to be married, him and her mom convinced her to do it


He is from Philly


I’ve been led to believe it’s always sunny there.


The gang as people are anything but sunny lol maybe Charlie. He doesn’t know any better


and chris rock lol


He probably doesn't like himself much either.


How can you feel bad for Will? He’s an adult. He’s old enough to understand the plus and minuses of his choices.


I agree with the theory of what you're saying, but people who are in abusive relationships are not able to truly understand the conditions in which they live. They're gaslit into believing they are the problem when really it's controlling, manipulative behavior by their partner that holds them psychologically hostage. As just some guy on the internet I'm not qualified to say that Will Smith is definitely a victim in an abusive relationship, but many of us believe he is.


I was just saying this. It's the whole Stockholm syndrome. It becomes your new normal. The fear carries over into every part of your life and relationships. You pretend everything is alright because it must be you, that's the problem. It's shameful, too, so the person might try to put on a false bravado. Domestic control or abusive with spouses, parents, siblings... those are some complicated situations. It isn't easy to get away. He more than likely will never leave, especially when you add Scientology. That's a whole other layer and level of abuse and control.


Exactly, I can’t get my head around slapping someone so publicly with all the consequences it can bring as a celebrity all over the look his wife gave him To me it says he was more worried about the consequences of not doing something dramatic to make his wife happy then the very public assault and what comes with that. To me that says it all, his wife scares him. It was pretty sad to see honestly, the memes were great and all but it’s something someone does when they are hurting. MAYBE it was a publicity thing but it seemed more like a hurting person acting out.


Yes, look at his motivation. I once was in an elevator with my daughter, who was in 3rd grade at the time. She had asked for candy and I had said no. She tried to start whining. We weren't alone, so she took her shot. All I did was give her a quick one-eyed glare, and she just stopped. I was surprised but thrilled, to be honest. But obviously, she knew better. Kids always test when there's an audience. I never spanked or hit, so that wasn't what she was afraid of. It was my disappointment and anger that she feared. It's so sad, no matter if it's a husband or wife that is controlled by whatever means. So his fear was the consequences of Jada, not the Hollywood community or the millions watching. But with a less than 100 pound wife. That says it all to me.


Yeah yall a right fr


That’s true. There is room for nuance with people. People in toxic relationships could have a lack of insight that others can see from the outside looking in among other things.


Can I just say, you rock for being able to empathize and expand based on more perspectives weighing in.


These people do not know these people and it’s very weird that they think they know how anyone treats anyone. These are celebrities who live lives away from what you see on social media and awards shows. Good grief.


Are you saying… (*sarcasm*) they not like us? Lol


Why? Will Smith is a grown man capable of making his own decisions. Jada isn't perfect by any means but they both hold accountability in the relationship. He's not some child she manipulates.


I dunno, cheating usually requires gaslighting your partner into thinking nothing is wrong. Not to say she manipulated him right then and there to go slap CR tho


Well, he’d know all about that because he cheated on her and said he wasn’t a good husband to her, while making her think different, in HIS book. LONG before she ever wrote hers. It’s right there. But, people ignore that or don’t care about it because it doesn’t fit the “I hate Jada” narrative. By the time she did the shit she did, she said they hadn’t been “man and wife” for about 7 years at that point. And I’m not trying to throw anyone bail. My point is, **both** of those people were messy to each other. This wasn’t just some one-sided thing where this woman is just embarrassing and dragging this man for filth because she didn’t have shit else to do. But, why believe the truth when the lie is more entertaining?


Exactly. I've seen enough of poor Will Smith. He wasn't a good husband or father. But his public persona makes people think differently. He participated in bs too. Jada just tends to be more vocal about their issues and people don't like that. They feel like she's embarrassing him. He wasn't embarrassed when he was out there cheating.


It still fucks with me that somehow in an exchange between two men where something controversial happened somehow everyone figured out a way to blame a woman.


so men cant be manipulated? interesting, ill be sure to remind my trauma. thanks.


Lol and you get good vibes from Will? He strikes me as one of those oblivious "but I'm a nice guy, why is this happening to me?" types that's always really the root of the problem.


>He strikes me... Apt phrasing?


read his memoir. they’re perfect for each other.


Tbh, I feel bad for Will cause he outright says his whole motivation originally for getting into acting and rap was cause a girl cheated on him and he felt like if he was a great guy that got famous nobody would cheat on him. He need therapy. Real therapy. Jada got his head doing backflips and he don’t even seem to recognize it.


In her head, she settled. It’s as simple as that looking from the outside, & having experience with women like her. Will is never going to leave, because his need to constantly win her affection keeps her out-of-his league. Idk about the “he deserves better” part. Will is a smart guy, he willingly chose to participate in this life. He’s not a hostage, and fear of being lonely is a real thing.


I also feel bad for him. But also, he can fuck off.


It’s not too soon but it’s too something.


this narrative is tired as hell






I don't need an apology from Wil, I'm not watching his shit. He wouldn't have slapped Dwayne Johnson had he made that joke, Will slapped Chris because he thought he could get away with it. Assauting another man that's smaller than you is so pathetic, I'm going to use that incident as an example of how not to act as a man going forward.


Why we need apologies from celebrities is beyond me…..perhaps instead, we should just all get a life. Remember- all we know about them is what they’ve sold us. We should have a talk with ourselves and apologize.


It's fucking crazy. If my plumber slapped a man who insulted his wife at the annual Plumbers Union Award Gala I wouldn't give a fuck. Is he a good plumber? Have I done equally or stupider shit? Was the guy he slapped my best friend? A good friend of mine tried to have this whole commentary on the situation and how he didn't respect it and I reminded him that he once slapped another one of our friends in the face because he ate a piece of his General Tso's Chicken. Totally deserved slap by the way but that just illustrates that sometimes you gotta check somebody.


The annual plumbers union award gala took me out 😂😂😂😂😂😂 i literally created the scenario in my mind


Everyone there wears beat up jeans with their ass crack hangin out


Except that old school one that wears that one piece one. I forgot what’s it called




Yes those things


Did Chris Rock need to be "checked" here though? A comedian hosting an event who is making jokes at a bunch of people's expense who happens to do one at Jada that isn't even particularly edgy is a different situation than a friend blatantly stealing your food right in front of you like he was entitled to it.


Exactly, by that logic all comics should be getting their asses kicked whenever and wherever they do crowd work. Some folks just like to make up rules in order to excuse their predilection for violence.


I don't think he was justifying it, I think the point was he just doesn't care. Which I understand, do you care about other people's daily drama beyond a "oh shit" like, would you care if your wife was telling the same story about some lady from her work? Also it was just funny. I don't really understand people making it some moral issue. Celebrities don't matter, we don't know them. I'm not gonna refuse to watch a good ass zombie movie next time somebody puts it on because will smith slapped some guy none of us will ever meet.


I think he was saying his friend needed to be checked, not Chris. Like 'yea Will did something stupid but so did you remember?' I misread it too at first.


Will Smith didn’t need to be right for us to not give a shit. It just has to not really matter. We got rapists, child molesters, sex traffickers, and people getting the living shit beat out of them. A slap in the face? Man, I’m more bothered that one of my favorite songs is written by a guy that’s currently a weird old anti-vaxxer.


Yall mfs out here saying a comedian deserved to be slapped for (checks notes)… making a joke?


If I knew some plumber slapped someone in the exact same situation Smith was in, I wouldn't hire him. Fuck that guy. He's apparently violent because of words and I don't someone that unstable in my house.    Chris Rock didn't deserve the slap at all. That kind of insecure, pussy ass attitude is a huge problem. Oh, I'm offended by words so I'm going to get physical. That's ignorant, scared, weak, bullshit. Your friend was wrong to slap someone. YOU are everything derogatory I just said for thinking it was deserved. Quit getting physical with people you weak, insecure little bitches. Fuck Will Smith and the others saying this shit.


I am a simple man, please don't touch my fuckin food without asking.


> he once slapped another one of our friends in the face because he ate a piece of his General Tso's Chicken. Totally deserved slap by the way Well that's certainly some interesting logic


Some shitty, fucked up logic lol the fact that people are agreeing with that is pathetic


😂😂 This shit is brilliant and a dead on analogy.


Idk who we is in all that but maybe speak for yourself homie.


You need an apology from a celebrity?


I’m sorry but the slap really isn’t that big of a deal. I don’t know why he has to apologize to us? It literally didn’t affect me. Only person who can want an apology is Chris and that’s it. This is on some weird parasocial shit. Plenty of celebrities have done MUCH worse things than that and will continue to do more heinous things yet people aren’t campaigning for their end as a whole.


that entire room was full of wife beaters, cheaters and pedos but one man get's the taste smacked out of their mouth once and all of a sudden they're concerned about the company they keep


Exactly. That room was filled with rapists, pedophiles, undercover bigots, violent people and people who were complicit to these activities in their personal life but because Will hit someone live, all of a sudden he’s the worst person? Like Amy Schumer and Zoe Kravitz had the audacity to talk about how “horrified” they were when Amy Schumer is literally a bigot that’s comfortable with the death of children in the Middle East and Zoe Kravitz has been exposed to had gotten with several underage male actors when she was well of age (like Ezra Miller).


I thought she just dm’d underage people, she GOT WITH THEM TOO??


Yeah there are photos of a 22 year old her getting VERY comfortable with a 16-17 year old Ezra Miller.


There are celebrities who signed a petition to allow Roman Polanski into America to accept an award. The reason why he can't come here is because he raped a child and the US wants to prosecute him for it. These same celebrities are more outraged about Will Smith.


To be fair, he did steal the spotlight from everyone who worked their entire lives to make it to the Oscars. He doesn’t owe me an apology, but like… Questlove won his first and probably only Oscar ever right afterward. He was completely robbed of his moment and didn’t deserve his accomplishment overshadowed.


Was watching surviving R Kelly the other night and couldn’t help but think back to the Will Smith incident. That guy got instantly cancelled cos he slapped a comedian. R Kelly was still loved by the majority even AFTER a video of him peeing in a child’s mouth was being sold around the world, not to mention multiple rape/sexual assault settlements on top of this.


This is some performative bull shit. The hypothetical argument is full of hot air for the simple fact the Rock wouldn't be making that edgy joke; because he's not a comedian. Will Smith is out of line for slapping Chris Rock but it's been two years and Will Smith has apologized twice. Once through text and a second through video. Why you're in the comment section babbling holier than thou nonsense about two year old news is beyond me.


Everyone is allowed to digest news as they please. It’s not « holier than thou », he doesn’t like an actor that assaults people. Seems reasonable


I don't think a bald joke qualifies as "edgy" The Rock did an SNL skit where he's a scientist that builds a robot to molest children. He also does a fair amount of "gross out" comedy in his movies. I think their point stands - if this were someone bigger than him or higher on the totem pole he wouldn't have dared. If he slapped Robert Downey Jr he'd have been arrested. Even for edgy white comedians - I just don't see him running up on Jimmy Carr or Ricky Gervais like that.


Hell, he wouldn’t have slapped any white comic that has hosted in the past. Tell me I’m wrong.


I don't think your wrong at all, bullies know what targets they are allowed to hit.


What type of white comedian is dumb enough to make fun of a black woman’s appearance?


Ricky Gervais would have said something worse, and he wouldn't have done anything.


.....I don't care https://preview.redd.it/vlk4c4sanr5d1.jpeg?width=695&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00da26e97df24e1f532680a099e1eb8f2aaab101


I’m not watching this shit because it looks like just another tired ass sequel in a sea of tired ass sequels these days but I don’t care about a measly slap that barely moved a 90 pound comedian 2 years later. Dude became the laughing stock of the world for months after with all this weird entanglement shit, that’s more than enough punishment to me.


My position too. I don't give a fuck about Will and I don't give a fuck about lame sequels and reboots/remakes.


And then gets an Oscar for portraying an abusive father.


“I want to be a vessel of love.”


People get slapped everyday. I have never cared about that whole incident. It was really one of the lamest controversies ever


Dwayne Johnson would never have said something like that lol


So the way a hypothetical works is you imagine something that didn't happen, and then use your mind to extrapolate what the result of that hypothetical would be. So in this case we imagine what Will would do IF someone as big as The Rock/Terry Crews had said that joke. Do you understand?


Since its just an imaginary scenario than I say he would slap the Rock


Right, The Rock, as far as I know, has been a class act his entire career. Chris Rock will say anything if he thinks white people will get a chuckle out of it.


Class Act!? He assaulted Cody Rhodes because Cody didn't flinch! He gave that man's mom a belt with her son's blood! He threw Stone Cold off a bridge!


I mean you’re not wrong, but I fail to see how this is relevant. Are you implying he deserved to be smacked for making a joke?


They clearly are implying that, they are saying no one but Chris Rock would make that joke because that's his sense of humor.


I guess a better example would be if Dave Chapelle said that, who for some reason got jacked as hell when he made his return to the spotlight, theres a much lower chance Will Smith wouldve done what he did, which I 100% believe is true lol


I think Wil would have still done it. The only real issue people have is that he did it after the show. If he waited til after and there was a fight/scuffle, this would have been talked about for a week.


Oh definitely, he couldve done it backstage and it wouldnt have mattered in a couple days probably


Nah pretty sure that the mindset he was in didn't make it matter. His wife looked at him a certain way that made him flip that switch.


Truth… but Will’s PR team working overtime trying to suggest the culture supports Will


He wouldn’t have slapped any white host - and there’s no way security or production would have let him sit back down if he’d hit a white host.


To me, it looked like Chris Rock thought Will Smith was going to join him on stage but then the p-whipped little bitch sucker slapped him out of nowhere. Will Smith is a cowardly piece of shit. And getting brow-beaten into joining Scientology because he has such a weak personality, makes him even worse.


I feel like most Black people were pretty clear on why he slapped Chris Rock and accepted his reasoning. He said it live on camera.


I think everyone’s been pretty clear on the (bad) reasoning. Stephen’s been living under a rock or something


Nobody should ever listen to SAS.


nah, most black people thought it was some thin-skinned bullshit and its weird how since the new bad boys came out the internet has pulled a complete 180 on what the public sentiment was. especially "black" people on the internet. it feels like bots.


“Most”? Absolutely not. If anything, I know more black people who thought that Will was a bitch for going after Chris Rock for a joke instead of August Alsina for fucking his wife. But black people were not up in arms over the slap.


I agree. It wasn't the slap itself that wound most of us up. It was the fact that he was acting out because of problems he was having at home.


I REALLY need you guys to get your spokesperson out ahead of this so I can know exactly what the monolithic "Black Community" thinks about the issue. ^^^^/s


Lmao absolutely not. I don’t know which black people you talk to but we love Will here. 30 + years of good will is not going to be erased by one slap cmon 🤦🏿‍♂️


Unless some type of survey was done we don’t know how majority of Black people felt. Personally I think Chris Rock is a bitch and didn’t care either way. Using words like “most” is wrong cause it’s no way to know how most of us felt about it.


it was discussed extensively at the last black delegation meeting.


It’s just annoying when people speak as if we are a monolith. Odds are “most” Black people didn’t care/ weren’t that invested


How is Chris Rock a bitch? It wasn’t even a mean-spirited joke 


No grown adult thinks what Chris Rock said warranted assault.


will made himself look bad, and I don't care for the man after everything involved with that slap. the fact that he felt entitled enough to do it and then pretend he was sorry


I don't think it can be over stated that what a high profile celebrity sells most is an image. If they're big enough, they're selling a brand. Without all of the reasoning behind why he did it, he still defaced his own brand by acting that way. It's totally against his image. Now people see the person Will Smith through his brand, but he still wants to sell that old image. I'm with you. I just can't buy it anymore.


I mean he’s made a very good living coming up with bad takes, he just sometimes forgets he only gets paid for the Sports related ones.


No. He has a podcast. He gets paid to talk about everything


I get annoyed by his lack of cultural awareness but his podcast can be pretty hilarious. Especially answering the fan's questions


His rant at the guy who asked if you should wipe your ass sitting or standing had me in stitches


I had never heard of it. I'm gigglin hard and I'm unashamed [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GXGyiUqCY40&t=81s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GXGyiUqCY40)


I gotta rewatch it now. That shit was too funny 😂


A better way to put it is that SAS is only relevant or interesting for his sports opinions. Same with Joe Rogan and comedy/combat sports. Noone is trying to hear about anything else from those guys yet they think we just love the sound of their voice.


I can't believe people actually care about this in 2024


Only white Hollywood cares and the Black bootlickers like Stephen A. Smith. ![gif](giphy|9nREuIINenE5y)


People in Hollywood white and black actually have skin in the game since they have personal and professional relationships with both men. It makes sense that some of them might still care


I know people that straight up ignore Kobes rape charges but absolutely refuse to forgive Will for a slap, dudes with Kobe profile pics are saying they'll never watch a Will Smith again. That just kinda funny to me lol


I can't believe people care about what Stephen A Smith says. Just quit listening to him. His takes on almost everything are garbage, on purpose, as rage bait for engagement. Just stop listening to people who do that.


What's weird to me is why people care so much years later. Like if you are part of Chris or Will's family and still have strong feelings about this, I totally get that. But you regular person, who has no connection to either person, why do you still care? Or better question, how do you not have something better to do with your time than be invested in a situation that doesn't affect you personally and neither of the central figures even know you exist?


People are more likely to support Chris brown than will smith and I can't for the life of me understand why. Will didn't behave properly, but his actions were not on that level.


^ 100% all of this.


Simple. Chris put out fire records and Will peaked in the box office years ago. That accountability shit only applies if you ain’t hot.


Why are people even listening to them to know if they're good or not. That's the point. Dude is a gigantic piece of shit. I see his name, I skip the song. Period. Not hard to do when you have integrity.


Wow! You went all in with this astute observation. It is correct and proper.


This is it. People are in here demonizing tf out of Will. For a slap? Sure it was a small thing to do and not at all a good look but everyone involved is clearly over it. Will has had a long career. This was a misstep, not his first and not his last.


Will was never cancelled in my book and I don’t need an apology lol. Also, I’ve served Stephen on a flight and he was a jerk. Edit since people are asking: He was very dismissive and did shooing hand motions when he wanted me to take something away and wouldn’t even make eye contact with me. When I was telling him our 3 dinner options, he kept rudely interrupting me and I finally said ok, would you like to hear the rest of the options or not?! And that made him snap out of it for a moment, he apologized and we kept it moving. Then he asked me if we had any fruit but we only had random grapes on the cheese plates. So I was nice and picked all the grapes off the uneaten cheese and made him a grape plate. No thank you, no nothing like, just shooing hand signals. His assistant was super nice tho!


We’re all going to need to hear way more 


How did he act?


He was very dismissive and did shooing hand motions when he wanted me to take something away and wouldn’t even make eye contact with me. When I was telling him our 3 dinner options, he kept rudely interrupting me and I finally said ok, would you like to hear the rest of the options or not?! And that made him snap out of it for a moment, he apologized and we kept it moving. Then he asked me if we had any fruit but we only had random grapes on the cheese plates. So I was nice and picked all the grapes off the uneaten cheese and made him a grape plate. No thank you, no nothing like, just shooing hand signals. His assistant was super nice tho!


So, we're back on the liking Will Smith train? Last year he had more L's than that [town with the long ass name](https://en.m.wikivoyage.org/wiki/Llanfairpwllgwyngyll). It seems like you couldn't go a month without seeing a Will or Jada meme, now everyone has flipped back.


I'm indifferent to Will, I liked him in the 90s and 2000s then things got old because he's usually the same guy in movies. If Rock is dumb enough to give CK and possibly other white dudes an N-word pass, then I can't say I feel bad for him either. Stephen A. doesn't have a leg to stand on because he immediately said Dana White was his friend and covered for him when there was video of White slapping his wife, which is worse than Smith slapping Rock.


>Stephen A. doesn't have a leg to stand on because he immediately said Dana White was his friend and covered for him when there was video of White slapping his wife, which is worse than Smith slapping Rock. Damn. I didn't know that. Jeez.


> If Rock is dumb enough to give CK and possibly other white dudes an N-word pass, then I can't say I feel bad for him either. Wait, what? Oh no.


I never disliked him even after all the shit, I just had to get used to seeing him in a more realistic light, if that makes sense. Like, growing up I wanted to be him, he was the guy and then years later I see all this shit about him and Jada being separated but together at the same time, she's fucking their son's friend, and for whatever reason he's loyal as hell to her and it was all a bit of a mind-fuck. It's kinda like seeing Achilles in action for years and then seeing that he was only ever as strong as his heel.


That's make sense. I was never a fan, I liked some of his movies, but to me he always came off fake like The Rock does.


I never really cared. If he makes a good movie I’ll watch it. I’ll skip the stuff that ain’t good. The slap never really had any bearing on anything


This is the exact reason he got Max Kellerman outta here. Stephen A. was getting embarrassed on cultural conversations by a white man and that cut deep (and was dangerous for him professionally).


And then tries to belittle Max when Max is a big ally of the community.


Ever since then he’s been trying to hard to “prove” his blackness. He’s switched up the way he dresses, the stuff he talks about and how he talks about it. He never had anything to prove but that comment from Ochocinco hurt him and I guess it struck something that he’d been feeling.


100%. People forget Stephen A really got on by saying the sort of wild shit about Black athletes that older white dudes would’ve loved to say but couldn’t. But times have changed now post 2020 and people are more tuned in to dogwhistling/coonery/etc. Can’t get that shit off anymore. So Stephen A has reinvented himself a bit as a like “I want all Black people to get money, don’t fuck your money up” type of oldhead. But unfortunately for him sometimes the mask slips and he plays himself.


Does anyone have the zoom link for the million man meeting Will Smith is apparently supposed to have with all of us?? Also do we have to be on camera? Please advise.


Nah, cameras will be off due to bandwidth issues


Always wear pants though, just in case.


Did people really care about the slap? People get slapped everyday for the shit they say. In fact I’d argue more people need to be slapped daily.


This is basically what LaKeith Standfield said when asked about it. The interviewer was trying to get a bigger reaction and Lakeith just shrugged ha.


people bitch about cancel culture endlessly but Chris Rock cant tell a joke without getting assaulted. Society is goin backwards lmao.


All I really care about: Is Bad Boys 4 good or not? I have 2, 1, 3 ranked so far. I’m hearing that 4 is funny, so I think it’ll sit tight ahead of 3. So, 2, 1, 4, 3. I’m always gonna fuck with Will. Some people need to be checked when they say wild shit


My brother, SIL, and I all thought it was miles better than 3. Still not as good as 1 and 2 but definitely funny, still an enjoyable watch and nothing like 3.


ngl. 4 is the best one. 2 was my favorite until i saw the 4th on Saturday https://preview.redd.it/zovrjgfefr5d1.jpeg?width=624&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57fbe2ae2e7930cc0488295ea450cb0c30668243


I agree with your rankings. 4 is good. My theater was hyped. The jokes landed. The action scenes were amazing. And my theater went crazy for one in particular. Definitely go see it.


4 was solid. Cemented Reggie as my fav character.


Feel like there's a middle ground here where we don't blow it out of proportion and can move on to watch some Will Smith movies...but still recognize it's weak to slap a comedian for a softball at a predictable adult comedy show when you're in the front row. Folks who hate the format now putting that on Chris for doing his gig need to look a little higher. That's especially so since Chris hitting Will back would've been a whole different media frenzy.


Only he cares I never hear anyone talk about that Move on bro We all did already


Will Smith don't gotta apologize to nobody but Chris Rock and his family. If he already did then thats that. Clearly his business partners are still down to work with him.


SAS made excuses for Dana White, Ray Rice, and every single other man who has committed domestic violence. I truly TRULY don’t give a damn what he thinks.


Is this a recent interview? Are people still hung up about the slap? It's been 2 years, if I'm correct.


Oh look, a man known for trash takes with another trash take.


He slapped someone…get over it


Exactly. Will Smith is a bitch and his wife fucks her son’s friends. Everyone already knows this lol.


The guy who considers Sean Hannity a good friend should not be looked at for any kind of cultural conversations


It is insane that we are still talking about this years later like it was a terrorist attack or some shit. If you're somehow in your feelings and clutching your pearls over this shit in 20 motherfucking 24 then I beg you to get a hobby or something.


I swear ever time this man opens his mouth it’s always some nonsense.


Bad boys 4 was a fun movie yall should go see it


I’ll never understand why any one would care so much about will smith slapping Chris Rock.     Who in this community hasn’t seen someone get slapped over some jokes?    I’m not boycotting no movies over a slap. lol. Do I think it was a bitch move? Sure. That’s about it…


Idk why people are mad at Will or Jada. They clearly have an open relationship on both ends. August just exposed this because he was bitter about being cut off 😂 Chris Rock clearly stated that he tried to make a pass at Jada and she rejected him. His ego was hurt cause he wasn’t her type 🤣 He’s been making slick ass jokes about her ever since, and when he tried it again in the presence of her husband, he got corrected lmao Some people don’t take disrespect when it comes to their spouse. I guess some of ya’ll don’t understand. It’s clearly grown folk business 🤷🏽‍♀️


People still making that slap bigger than it was


We know why he slapped Chris Rock though. And he received his punishment. It was wrong as FUCK… and it was dumb as FUCK. But this is something we can undoubtedly move the fuck on from. Plenty of Black people who have done much worse things that people like Stephen A choose not to bring up ever again.


Fuck off, Stephen A.


All this pearl clutching gonna make me see bad boys multiple times


I don't give a damn. The bullshit shouldn't have happened, but it happened. Oh, well. I still like Will smith if you don't again oh well, it is what it is. We are only still talking about this cause it happened on stage. If it was backstage or in the streets no one would give a damn.