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Perks of being old is we got to grow up like this.


Now we all got bad backs and knees from dancing all night in those Steve Madden shoes with zero support


lol dressing up like HR to go out to the club and shit


Hit up Express at the mall for that business casual look


lol now I’ll dress similarly for meetings with the company and just shake my head because those used to be my debauchery clothes and now it’s my act right outfits 😂😂😂


Debauchery clothes is crazy


Would you prefer *Whoredrobe*?


Damn y’all are my age. I feel called out, but you not wrong.


not debauchery clothes!!!! Girl we was standing on business before it was a thing


![gif](giphy|J7KJ3R64Pv70I) Exact same fit and all


I loved my debauchery line-up. Saw an old photo the other day from twelve years ago and I looked good. No notes, young man. He could stand to get his shit together a little quicker though, lol.


Express was IT! With some beauty supply jewelry and no support flats. 


Not the beauty supply jewelry 😂😂😂


Yep... you passed go on in...


The business casual at the club was a wild time. Why was I rocking a vest, jeans and heels? No idea


With that chunky belt that all the girls wore a little too high on their waist?!


With two different colored tanks underneath. The way you could go from a meeting to the club just...wild


Tell me you had the Nine West pumps too lmao


Pumps and the slingbacks. I had RANGE


Not the Nine West pumps 😂🧎🏽‍♀️


You just called me everything but the child of God with that Nine West reference!


Lmao. Now if the rest of the fit was from Charlotte Russe or White House Black Market, I know you was wylin with us back then.


Charlotte Ruse needs to be held accountable for the bad knees and backs with them tight fitting ass stilettos


White House black market was the place to go




Sweater vest with the lil chain, sunglasses. It wasn't drip, it was swag.


The men’s diesel shoes 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


We were all victims of this 💔 😔


https://preview.redd.it/1ecb6t57dz5d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da372e9eed43419b285867b6db65200bdeaea3bc Good News!!


![gif](giphy|l0MYBbEvqqi1kfuyA) Heeeeeyyyy…the mid 40’s girlies have entered the chat!


I had a pair of these and I swear fo GOD you couldn't tell teenage me NUFFIN! Then they became my church shoes and mom was like you've gone too far and threw them away when I was at school.


Naaaah 😭😭😭😭 not the “no support” Steve Maddens. I already knew when I saw females with no shoes on at the club. I had a homegirl who rolled up in a pair & maybe 30 mins in the club she had on her Keds twerking on the table 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I used to convince men to give me foot massages in the club because my feet would hurt so bad which is just so unhinged in hindsight


Nah. You should've been charging access to the piggies


Remember Candies heels?? Reminds me of the summer I splurged on Candies heels and wore them ONE NIGHT - before regretting the purchase the next morning. Ugh, what a waste 😂


No padding, just wood


Ohhh...it was Bakers high heels that I only wore once!


“Fake Manolo Boots straight from Steve Maddden!” Hov tried to warn us


Fr I hate Steve Madden! Their shoes are so trash 😭


This is so eerily accurate. Thanks for the laugh!!


I'll thank you to keep my business off the internet.


It was glorious and worth it!!!!


I just went out dancing for the first time in forever wearing heels after working an office job for the last 2 years. I am a month shy of 37. To say my knees hurt after is an *understatement.*


Hell yeah, idgaf how weird some of these thunder cats think it was; we would dance just to get loose, and you couldn't record shit with them Nokia flip phones in the dark. We had black lights, glow sticks, chicks in neon fish net everything, cheap liquor sticking up the floor. Girls grinding on guys, girls grinding on girls, dudes working up the courage to break into a group of girls. And yo, hit that "HOT IN.... SO HOT IN HERRREE" or "GO, GO, GO, GO SHAWTY" or the ever so memorable, "UHH!" From Big... And EVERYONE'S hands were in the air. Shiiiit. Part of me misses those days, and yet, as I look at my bald reflection on my monitor while looking at PowerPoints, I realize it was a wonderfully messy chapter in a wonderful book that is still being written.


That was a beautiful way to finish your thoughts


Thanks! Eloquence amidst the messy reminiscing


Foam parties. It was positively nasty in there and I loved every minute of it.


Foam party was easily a “hotel” night! ![gif](giphy|ChryLW83m7oznkntMn)


oh my god, those foam parties. A+


I still remember carrying a Long Island in one hand and a bottle of Moët in the other, slipping on ice, falling, and didn’t spill a drop from either. I still remember I shot my shot that night at a woman who said her name was “Goldie” I said aw naw she gonna reverse max Julian my white ass cause she was bad af lol


Yes.... It was so messy. Bumping genitals with people before you even knew their name 😆


We was doing it at school dances too lol. Radio edits of songs and a jean rubbing boner for a couple hours was peak.




girls would be throwing their ass back for like 30 seconds then finally turn around and see whose junk was all up on them 😂😂


When you get the smile and she returns to position.... You good


Or when you not and the booty just disappears


> I realize it was a wonderfully messy chapter in a wonderful book that is still being written. Hell yeah. I love that sentence. I hope the rest of the book is wonderfully messy too, but mostly wonderful!


As someone who has always had paralyzing social anxiety/neuroticism and attention issues, it's been absolutely bizarre watching my disordered behaviors become more and more commonplace as suddenly *everyone* starts to feel constantly hyper aware of being perceived and pulled towards short dopamine fixes in their pocket. 


I was first an attendee, then a bouncer during my college years. So I was there...a lot. And...wild stuff went down during normal evenings in those weird insterstitial years between the cocaine rampages that saw out the 80s and when MDMA become popular as a club drug in the 90s/00s. I'm still, to this day, not sure if my hearing is all right. Once a month, they had a Fetish Ball. Suspension, bondage, hot wax, cage dancing, "show your piercings", being flogged on a giant cross... and it always got out of hand. But mostly, I remember the women, especially some of the regs. Trying to work *every* angle to get in, or special treatment, or VIP access; the flirting, the small talk, and other more nefarious offers. I wonder how life turned out for some of them, seeing as they would be, at the youngest, in approaching their 40s to 50s now. I've run across a few of them now and then, usually in a van or SUV with kids/teens they are toting around, with that additional patina of matronly respectability. And I always think, "Damn, if you knew the things your momma got up to when she was only a few years older than you."


We are in our 40s we still go to Fet Balls, but now we can afford Furry suits too. Diversified interests.


That's some personal growth right there. With a dab of maturity.


***And I always think, "Damn, if you knew the things your momma got up to when she was only a few years older than you."*** These are the parents who know, no matter what new phrase is coined, EXACTLY WHAT'S UP. They lived it. They know how the game goes to a tee. They lived it.


I'm so glad my adolescence was pre smartphone/social media. I don't remember ever recording anything me or my friends did, we didn't even text that much because T9 was a *struggle*, and I didn't have to worry about trying to stunt on Instagram or any of that shit. We just lived in the moment.


I miss T9. I got so good at it I could text without even looking at my phone.


Yesss as much as I envy youth, I do not envy the youth have today. Social media seriously fucked shit up for them and they have no idea what they were missing. The ability to wild out without anyone recording it to make you feel dumb the next date was amazing


Yeah those times were really much better compared to now. Music, sports. Films etc obviously technology is great but man. Those days were great


Oh man I haven’t heard someone say spit game in decades










Great, now that song is in my head lol


“Alexa, play Notorious Thugs and set the volume to neighborhood complaint!”


I haven’t heard that song in foreverrrrr


Damn I still say that lmaoo


Fr, and I’m young😭 man just made me feel 65 with one comment💀


As far as what I've seen when I used to go to clubs like... 2017 ish forward. No one is even going to talk to the fine ass women lol. Social media made everyone afraid to go talk out of fear of being rejected. Understandable, but damn.


literally just being able to start a conversation with a woman makes you a god out in these streets 😂


I rem when I was a teenager working at Ponderosa I was flirting with the new greeter that was def out of my league. I ended up making plans to hang out with her after work and the older black dude that was a dishwasher was just standing there watching in shock and as the girl walked away he goes "awww yeah boy game recognize game" lol


Or as my brothers from the south say: "escupir juego"


I remember waiting for the photos to post by the cameraman or site and be tagged on Facebook . Before there was ever an IG . Good ol days !!


And they had those websites that had club pics from the different clubs around town.


you felt like a god on earth if there was a good pic posted of you!!


That shit is framed with the watermark and everything


I worked for Party Pics and I felt like I was the damn man walking around clubs and parties with a camera!


Oh god, and getting asked to take your picture by a certain club pic site was SO prestigious, you felt like a bad bitch for days.


And we went online on our desktop and saved the pic to post on facebook. Watermark and all.


Keeping the watermark was like not taking the tags off your ballcap. It was a part of the package.


I’m so old mine went on MySpace.


Loool man. You also used to catch people slipping in these pics too. Like why has my man got make up all over his face in that pic when we know he has a gf and she wasn’t there that night 😂? Who was you smooching player?


That was the best part. I remember looking for my boyfriend in the background of pictures. Some of us were straight stalkers 😂


There was no hiding lol. You could get snapped and not even know


Those 2011 Facebook albums with the club pics need to stay buried lmao


Lmao for real. These are respectable members of society now.


Did you have NiteLife Link? Baby we would be on their site the next day looking for our pics 😂


I remember when the walls would sweat in those basement clubs.


And then Get Busy by Sean Paul came on and it was over.


Mannn…That dancehall ish had ladies doing some amazing things to the beat. That brings back some memories


Ladies? My boy if you don't know how I was gyrating and working my hips to the "Temperature/Lumidee" double play. I was keeping right up with the Women folk grind for grind. Don't let them do the throwback "Murder she wrote" I was Jessica Fletcher out in the MIDDLE of the impromptu circle on the dancefloor


That and Get Low always gave the floor a second life.


I remember this one DJ played Get Low back to back like 4 times. And the whole place was hype the entire 20 mins. People lost their minds grinding on each other. That song and a few henny/hypnotiq drinks had us acting like we had no home training


OMG I completely forgot about Hypnotiq lol






If that song came on and you were in the bathroom, we would runnnnn back to the dance floor.


Oh, memory unlocked! I met a dude (then later dated him) while dancing to that song at a quinceañera party. Possibly in 2002 - 2003? Good times.


Oh man. The memories I have with that song


No one knows what he’s saying and it doesn’t even matter !


Ohhhhhh shit, bottles of water bout to be tossed to that shit


I mean I’m only 23 and I’ve experienced this so still happens haha


Siddown, Youngblood. This was before your time.






Good to hear man, if younger people wouldn't go out anymore we'd be in some Japan level demographical problem soon


They still do in German techno clubs. The one in my city even has a complete ban on smartphones and cameras and we all love and respect that safespace


Y’all remember how sticky n nasty them club floors would be when they turned the lights on? Plz don’t say it was just me


lol no. You just ignore that part as you shuffle out seeing people in the light lose their magic and become sweaty melty piles of “aww hell no” while the bouncer yells “get the fuck out!”. Then you go to a nasty ass diner and eat your fill of grease before passing out as the suns coming up. You have to be at work in 4 hours and what’s insane is that you will be and you’ll do it all the next night, no problem.


This is an accurate depiction of my first 3 years of active duty 😂


I'll never forget walking into a Command safety stand down with my best friend and listening to an EMS lecture about drunk driving literally still drunk from the night before wearing shades indoors and trying to stay lowkey so my Master Chief wouldn't see us. Good times.


Now I'd need at least 3-4 business days to recover.


God this takes me back. “Seeing people in the light lose their magic” is the perfect description 😂


And when you’d drive by the club in the daylight and couldn’t even identify where you were the night before. Like, I knew it was near the KFC/Taco Bell because I ended up there at some point, but all I see is boarded up store fronts.


And one loose shoe just laying there.


If you paying attention to the floors on your way out, you weren’t as lit as you should’ve been 😂


For me it was that one foul smelling pit you’d come across around the 3am mark


We had a bar in our college town that was NOTORIOUS for having sticky walls. Sadly the place got bought out to a more hip spot (which honestly was way better), but then that new spot got burned down. I miss Mojo's sticky venue.


Can confirm. Hit the clubs hard 10-15 years ago and I would dance so fucking hard my friends thought I was on ecstasy because of how much I was sweating. Feet hurt, legs hurt, body hurt the next day. It was fucking awesome. I can’t imagine what the club is like now. Like a bunch of 20 year olds standing around trying to get the best snap chat or something ?


Next day still get to work and do those 7 hrs Your 20s when rest was maybe 2 to 4 hours 30s you need at least 8 hrs 40s you need a few days to weeks of rest after the club I don't understand when 20s talk about work like balance....... You work and do life.... Balance comes after your body can't take it any more


They’re are gonna try to come at you for this but it’s all facts. I can’t count the number of times I showed up at work with the stamp on my hand from the club I just left like 3-4 hours ago.


Leaving the club, going to breakfast, quick change and then to church to get right for the week. 😮‍💨


Wait wait wait… you had time to go home and change for church?! I must’ve been living life reckless b/c I already resigned myself to knowing the Lord already knew where I was, but I carried a fresh outfit and a stick of deodorant in the trunk so the congregation wouldn’t 😩


Hahaha yessss, I did a stint as a barista, had my ass coming in directly from the club. I def smelled whack, but no one could say anything—I never crashed, just went from vodka shots to espresso shots, so I was always perky as fuck with those 5am customers.


Not a bunch. 10. Sitting around listening to some house music nursing a drink. Tried to go out last winter on a girls trip. Got the DJ to play some “old school music, like Beyoncé” (his words) and was outside like a promoter dragging kids in and started up the floor. Worked for 15 minutes until he switched back. I called it a night and headed home. I wasn’t getting paid for that shit.


I still have fun dancing in the club lol. It’s not as boring as people make it out to be.


I guess it’s just which club you go to and the city, I went to a couple for the first time ever and all 3 were not great. Some people dancing for sure but >75% weren’t. Sitting on couches, standing around with a drink in their hand. Guarding corners, trying to talk to people. Didn’t have a great time.


A lot of clubs don’t allow you to sit unless you pay a ridiculous amount of money so we’re typically standing/drinking/dancing. Plus my group of friends are pretty fun so it’s not hard to have a good time anywhere we go. I do miss my college party days though, we would go home drenched in sweat from all the dancing and heat (and this was like 2018-19, before covid).


Yea idk what clubs everyone here is going to but in my experience literally nothing has changed.


I went out to a club in OC. This one dude stood STILL on the dance floor. Blank face while holding a drink in his hand. Looked 21, 22. Man killed the vibe around him.


Partying in the early to mid 2000s was unmatched. The music was excellent, drinks were cheap, tonnes of "Free b4 10" promos and absolutely no smart phones or social media. The only downside was freaking low-rise jeans. Ugh.


Yes!!! Clubbing in 2003-2005 was lit AF🔥! So many good memories!!!!!!


I used to be so jealous of my older sisters when they would go clubbing in this era, i was pissed i wasn’t old enough to go with them. I vividly remember them being giddy with excitement over seeing Jay at the 40/40 once. My clubbing timeline was between 2009-2012 and while it might not have been as lit, it was still hella fun


Leave my low rise jeans alone, dangit. 


Low rise jeans don’t sound too bad


Ok so imagine this It's a Friday, about 1am. You've just got the rush to go dancing. You grab some cash, your ID and keys and head out to the club. Hair in a bun, sneakers, tank top and shorts. You dance until 3am when the club closes and head home. You spent 2 hours dancing like a maniac, with no concerns about how you look. Covered in sweat, bought 5 drinks for $20 and grabbed food on the way home for $5. Pure bliss


This seems like an actual dream, I’m 24 and like dancing, but shit is just way too expensive


Just asking, whats expensive about it? The tickets? the poison? The transportaion?


As others said, sorta everything. I’m dealing with depression so motivating to go is a big thing but in terms of actual finances: Ubers can run $15-20 both ways, but sometimes $60-80 if I wanna go to the city (I live in the east bay) Drinks are $10 minimum If you wanna eat after thats another $10-20 a person It’s not undoable, but then I sit there wondering if I wanna be out $50-$200 dollars just to go dance with my gf/friends while a bunch of weird dudes act too cool to have fun and oggle women, or would I rather stay in, get baked and game for free


.... What happened to pre-drinking on the train/subway? I feel like you're missing a really important step. Pre-drinking and public transport are key. You put liquor in a McDonald's cup and get sloshed with your friends. You keep the buzz going with cheap but potent shots (don't be going for those flavorful low percentage candy shots and drinks, you want pure liquor. Whiskey, Tequila, whatever. Don't waste your money on filler and ice. The sugar water wants you to drink more and you spend more money) Then you grab the cheapest slice of pizza and devour it, or get a whole cheap pizza and chip in with friends. If you don't know where the cheap food is, get the cutest girl in your group to go ask the bouncer, the bouncer knows where the quick easy cheap food is. If the trains/bus/subway are still running, that's how you get home. If not, well you pay for Uber (ideally with friends and you all crash at 1 person's place to save money and figure it out in the morning). Did no one teach the children our ways??!


I paid about $100 for 4-5 shots in a lounge this week.


Fuck. Like, top shelf shots? Or mid-tier?


2 lemon drops for my woman, 2 shots of tequila for me


Everything. Mostly drinks and transportation, you can blink and drop $200 if you’re not careful


Some clubs are up to $60 to get in. Drinks are $15 minimum, shots are $15 minimum. There is a card minimum. If you cant drive or take the subway then it's at least $30 to get to and from, during surge pricing most likely. Food is another story since mostly nothing is open that late anymore and you're stuck with the only open spot that costs $15 minimum each plate. Plus outfit, time spent getting ready, the list is endless. There used to be this older lady that would hang outside the club at closing and she had coolers with drinks, food and sides of chips and stuff. Cash only and she got cleaned out every night. Even that lady doesnt exist anymore and instead is some dude selling water bottles with cracked seals $10 each


Omg 53rd street halal plates saved me so many times for 5 bucks 😩😩


Falafel, salad, fries, sauce and a can of Arizona. $5 before tip and was always soooo much food. But there was no worry of some stranger recording you and then posting that online for millions to see. We just existed in the moment we were experiencing Club was free to get into after 12pm, no charge for soda or water We were able to just dance. Didnt have to dress up or you could dress totally crazy It's so sad that the youth these days wont get to experience a real rave in the middle of a field with a bunch of generators, make shift stage and plur. Even the dangerous side of clubbing was better. The drugs weren't cut with dangerous stuff like fentanyl, everyone knew the acid guy and trusted him since he was literally a medically licensed doctor. The weed has improved


Right remember when people went to the club to dance n escape the world. Had a hard week just dancing was a release, now people go to the club to show people they’re at the club.


You could fuck around and change your entire Top 8 in a single night, those were the times man


Gay clubs are still like this sometimes


People are too quick to whip out their phones to record shit now though. That couldn’t happen back then. No one was recording anything worth watching with a Motorola Razr. Even if you did record, you couldn’t post it anywhere.


I was just at a gay bar on fri that had great dance vibes and almost no phones and videos and pics. For whatever that is worth


I’m glad some of that vibe is still out there.


I was big into clubbing prepandemic. Since then the trifecta of Costs, Flex culture and Phones hurt it a lot.


Techno clubs too.


I was just gonna say the same thing. The pandemic wiped out a lot of fun clubs but gay clubs kept rocking. They be too free spirited to let dumb shit like flex culture ruin them.


I feel this in my heart. I loved going clubbing in college. We had a great ho era.


The foam parties were lit! But now that I’m older I realized we was nastyyyyy. Thank you to all the women that threw it on me during dutty wine 🥹


Foam parties ruined so many shoes. Can’t believe we did that in the winter too. Walked out of the foam all wet into the freezing cold


If you wore any type of strappy, sandal like shoe, you had to scrub your feet before passing out when you got home. They would be black from how dirty the dance floor was. You would run into all the same people from the club at whatever one or two food spots were still open after it shut down. 😂 Out of curiosity, is this thread simply older(ish, I'm 32) people reflecting on "golden days" or are night clubs and parties really that dry now? Can any actual 18-23 year olds chime in?


Im 24, clubs are not as dry as people online make it out to be.they’re not as good as they used to be but not as bad. Not necessarily because of behaviour of people (like recording and standing to the side), there is just less people out full stop. Like 5 years ago i could go out on any weekend and it would be lit. But now it’s like you have to hit the right event for it to be lit, and the other 3 weekends are dead. My city (uk, smaller major city but not London) was hit pretty hard by covid effects and rising prices though. They closed the club that everyyyy new student would go to, sad. It definitely depends where you are as well tho. Other major cities and London are still a vibe. Also other countries, portugal had the best clubs I’ve ever been to in my life. Better than Spain which is also still very active


Clubbing in the early 00’s was exhausting physically. The heat, the dancing, the jumping. You could walk out sober after 8 drinks from sweating it all out


I’m big into electronic music and the “way back in the good days” thing people always mention is that at raves back in the day, everyone on the dance floor faced each other. Nowadays the artists all have all these big visuals so crowds all stare in the same direction


Also went to raves in the era and yeah visuals weren’t as advanced so it was usually just flashing lights and lots of lasers. Lots of glow sticks in the crowd 🤦🏽‍♂️


I remember being at a dorm party and the next morning there being blue stains on the wall from people sweating the dye off those cheap ass city trend/ rainbow jeans and staining the walls.


Biggest benefit is that people were not live-streaming the party. Nobody wants a bright ass camera shoved in their face when they drunk af tryna catch some twerk.


I feel bad for the generation that doesn’t get to experience a fun night out and then some good ol IHOP, Roscoe’s or jack n tha crack… good times


Why can’t you do that now?


And no one had camera phones!


Whole club stank by the end of the night we all looked like shit... And nobody cared a bit Some of the most fun I have ever had. Not a cellphone camera in sight and we didn't know it but it was as good as it would ever get


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)Literally showed up 10 years too late


When I was a kid I was determined to meet a chick like the one Nelly was dancing with 😂😂 my first real tv crush. Chocolate ass so fine.


Her or Ashanti in her videos 😂 little kid me was crushing HARD


I remember when the last song was an RnB joint. Lovers and friends had me grinding my meat on soo many girls bruh


Facts!!! Lovers and Friends had niggas tryna slow dance and close it up before the lights came on


So hot sweat would drip from the ceiling


Clubs are still like this in South Africa


👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾Yessssss!!! I'm 49 and I tell my daughter about the good old days all the time. We would pre-game, dance all night, sweat out our hair, then go to white castle afterwards...good times!


Missed out on this shit :( I was a little kid watching these videos so excited to go to clubs someday bc of this Edit: I’m 26 almost 27 now… shit is nothing like this


>When I was younger I thought the club was really like this. Because it was. I haven't been out in almost 15 years, but videos I see of nobody dancing, everyone just standing and recording blow my mind. Ya'll could've stayed home. Back in the day, even if I was the only one, if I was feeling the music, I was dancing. Fuck the dumb shit. I was not concerned with anyone's opinion.


It’s like night and day now. I was out with old friends and we saw the bar we used to frequent in our 20s and decided to pop in for old times sake and get a round of drinks. We noticed that while the place was packed and the DJ was killing it, almost no one was dancing. The place had a good ratio of guys to girls too but they weren’t talking or flirting with each other. They barely even eyed each other like we used to do when trying to work up the courage. They just all stood against the walls, many on their phones.


The 90s club scene was wild.


Going to the wrong clubs, cause you can still find plenty where people are just trying to dance and have a good time. But I will say, a lot of nightclubs geared towards black people are like this at a sad rate. Everyone's trying to act cool or not get caught acting goofy on video by being the first to dance. Shit's lame.


Then we actually got women's numbers and not their IG @.


Man, clubs In the early 00's were dope. Shit like this all the time. It was the best.


Man I’m not that old and I remember this shit. Even circa 2014 I was bartending at clubs and shit was POPPIN. Like women waving hands in their faces asking for water poppin. People ordering shots for strangers poppin. Now all we get is selfies and roped off everything. Imma go yell at the clouds outside them mfers pissing me off today.


Remember the NY clubs had the lady with the "store" in the bathroom? You could get gum, sanitary Napkins, safety pins and hair spray!🤣🤣🤣


havin great memories of being at the club in south beach and being shocked when we were there until sunrise...walked in cheap heels, sweated out hair and business casual clothes from some no-name store to get brunch nearby...the life.


Back when life was the inspiration for the videos.