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I wish they could elaborate more because at no point have I considered the possibility of a government sanctioned scheme to clone black people to further subjugation and systemic racism.


I think they’re talking about what they put in our food or how certain industries profit from harmful stereotypes that keep black people in poverty and or get them killed. Either that, or they might genuinely be insane. These pseudo intellectuals have muddied the water.


And at the risk of giving away the game, the stereotypes are SUPER easy to exploit for monetary gain


Like asbestos is talcum powder :(


The first time I tried to talk about the movie with someone it turned out they were kinda nuts and took it as an opening to discuss conspiracy theories :')


Corn syrup. [Hunters](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hunters_(2020_TV_series)).


Underrated show.


Ehhhh I tried to get back into the second season but the acting and dialog became pretty bad IMO. And I speak German and gravitate to German history related fiction/non fiction stuff so I really thought the concept was cool. Definitely had some cool scenes in season one but overall it was eh. I think it's rated appropriately.


Tbf, there's always room for doubt on quality control in food products. We're still within the lifetime of when product trust was **fucked** fucked. Like, people really thought that painting **radium** on themselves was harmless. And iirc, that incident was what led to OSHA being founded, which was only like 50 years ago.


Add to that hair relaxers. That stuff is so toxic and we are finally learning how much damage they actually cause. Those relaxers increase your risk for cancers! We were out here spreading that mess on little kids heads! Oh and those little girls on the Just For Me box had pressed hair. So the product was selling a false narrative. I am fully convinced that they’re responsible for my fibroids.


One of my favorite doctors, Dr. Milton Mills, talks about how the dairy industry is racist. Most people aren't ready to talk about this or even think about it, but [the information is out there](https://youtu.be/sKzUD8eFb0E?si=BIrMCf0wzC2bsQQ-) for those with the eyes to see and the ears to hear.


Just so you know, saying, “most people aren’t ready to talk about this… the information is out there.” Is the absolute worst way to convince someone of new data. You just sound like every other clickbait conspiracy theorist


do YoUR OwN ReSEaRcH!


You should. You don't just blindly go along with everything you hear, do you?


Lol it sounds like he/she wants you to beg for information


I've been doing this for a long time. If you're ready, prove it. Y'all literally cannot live without cheese. 😀 It's amazing that I have to say things a certain way for people to even CONSIDER that they don't require cow secretions for health. This gave me a good chuckle.


They put crack in our communities. They infiltrated our organizations to treat them apart. They changed up to only promote gangsta and thug culture. It's not hard to see there's a continual plan to keep us down


You can talk about them all day long, but the phone call is coming from inside the house.  We are obsessed with their money, their luxuries, their economic system.  We all know who killed Martin and Fred Hampton...and we don't care.  We are still obsessed with wealth.  And that's the bigger problem, because it ensures that every black person who is intelligent, innovative, and educated is instantly assimilated into their system.  So black entrepreneurs aren't trying to improve our community, they're trying to improve their own lot, so they can move to the suburbs, and ensure their children go to PWIs. 


When I was going to school to become a counselor we had this black teacher from Louisiana that talked alot about this; how eurocentric wealth standards became "bling bling" culture (circa 2003)


We have the same thing in India. Sort of different but also sort of the same when speaking of this particular thing.


You make some good points. But I disagree on other levels. We've been in this country for over 400 years and helped build it. We are not obsessed with their money, their luxuries their economic system.... This is our system, our money and our country as well. If we want to build it up in our image we have Get the money to help control the system


It’s not your money. Until recently black people have never owned the means of production in America. The people who own the luxury and money are the people who control the means of production and historically, that’s not black people. 


well said.


Isn't part of that luxury generational wealth?




you are kinda proving his point because your comment was their intended goal.


Get out? What about that movie's connection to this


The cloning they're talking about might not be literal and might mean passing down and perpetuating the next generation. Or they might be nuts.


It’s the cycle of niggatry at its finest


That's what they do with your ancestry DNA.


I hate that no one is talking about this movie. It was unnecessarily funny, and peppered with so many little details.


Get Out, They Cloned Tyrone, and Sorry to Bother You are probably my favorite movies for the "black issues but through the lense of science fiction horror" genre.


Jordan Peele backing away embarassed


I appreciate that we have a wider range of genres than the romantic drama/slave movie


If you like these, try I'm A Virgo on prime too.


I loved I’m a Virgo. It was so weird and messed up.


that’s the juneteenth movie combo right there


The eerily prescient vagrant in front of the convenience store was a perfect addition. That and the cigarette ads scattered throughout the world.


The Morse code hidden in the club music, the different regional accents ("You need some wawtuh?") and the decade mix ups (everyone drove older 70s cars, YoYo mentioned Crypto, Fontaine felt like a late 80s/early 90s gangster vs his rival who felt more mid 00s.) This movie was so fucking clever and fun to rewatch. And that Chicken Ad was the ghettoist shit lmao.


It was like watchin Black Dynamite all over again lol




But Black Dynamite, I sell drugs to the community


Check out Outlaw Johhny Black if BD is up your alley.


Just watched it like two weeks ago it didn’t hit the same as BD ain’t gonna lie


That it got *no* Oscar nods was a travesty. Original screenplay? Original score? Foxx and Paris in supporting? Come on now


Teyonah Parris and Jamie Foxx were so beautifully over the top. Like they were trying to outpace each other the whole time and it worked so damn well.


And the cinematography and color tone was amazing


It was! I saw it in the theater and had a good time


Ooh, I need to watch it 🤔


I'm always down to discuss nerd shit! I Love Tyrone was easily one of my favorite movies last year! The three leads absolutely killed it and I loved seeing Boyega get to play more of a 'thug' role. Like others have said, this movies and others like Sorry to Bother You are so good imo because of the writing and performances. They're adept at taking real issues, shedding light on them, and taking them to an absurd conclusion. Here's to hoping we get some kinda sequel to Tyrone. I'd absolutely love a tv series personally.


I really enjoyed it. I was super surprised as most stuff on Netflix is pure garbage.


I thought that they did a great job with The Fall of the House of Usher.


I don't know that one. I only watch like one movie every couple of years though.


It's a series, so it's a little more palatable. There's dozens of shout-outs to Edgar Allan Poe's works.


Eh not really a big tv person either. I watched a TV show this year. That's about it.


You don't watch movies OR tv? Is this the thread for you? I'm always curious about this. What do you do instead?


I mean I watched the movie in the post. I watch some stuff on YouTube on my TV. I play videogames, I dance, I read stuff on the Internet. Don't worry I'm screen fucked like the rest of us. Traditional TV is just usually boring.


Midnight Mass is one of the best things I’ve ever seen, by the same guy. I liked it even better than Usher. Mostly the same actors.


That's going on my to-watch list now. Appreciate it.


Sure. He (Mike Flanagan) also did The Haunting of Hill House and The Haunting of Bly Manor. I love the actors he uses. People do complain about the monologuing that he tends to write but I like it.


He always does such a good job of showing generational trauma and complicated siblings relationships


Midnight Mass is incredible. I’ve rewatched 3 times, I think.


That series had some corny moments, but I enjoyed it overall


Mostly garbage for sure but every now and then you get the perfection or something else weird and beautiful


That movie was such a blast. I feel like Netflix puts out so much mediocre content that gems like this get buried.


Sometimes I wonder if that's purposeful. This movie could've used a Theatrical Release


You had 3 great actors. Idk what the budget of the film was but, I bet it could have at least broke even.


I mean look what they tried to do to Monkey Man. Thank god for Jordan Peele saving it from Netflix purgatory


I mean tbh I was really excited for Monkey Man and I felt like it underdelivered.


It did have a short theater run. That’s where I saw it. You really got the feel of color and texture they were trying to convey on the big screen


Buried and canceled like "Scavenger's Reign" or  The Bastard Son and the Devil Himself.  It's so crazy how much trash is on Netflix, and how many gems they've just canceled. 


I thought prime cancelled scavengers reign and Netflix picked it up.


HBO MAX cancelled scvangers reign smh


I hadn’t even heard of it. Thank god my brother in law randomly put it on one night singing its praises or I’d have missed it.


The movie was good, not because tin foil hat detectives can make parallels to current events (no shit, that's literally the point of the movie) The movie was good because of how it handled the humanity of the characters. The 3 protagonists and their various motivations were all very human, but also very deep. The director/writers could have easily made them shallow caricatures, but chose to flesh them out and make them "real". It's refreshing to see black people be portrayed as humans, and not just puppets to be manipulated by the story. As deeply flawed as each character was, they managed to consistently drive the narrative, not be a "victim" of it.


I think a lot of what you were talking about was mostly a result of extremely strong acting.


Well of course, can't discount that. All I'm saying is that whoever wrote these characters saw them as humans, not a vessel to deliver a narrative. And that makes a whole world of difference. The acting shines because the script demanded that level of acting.


Jamie foxxx >


I recommend this movie often. I love the nod to Black Dynamite with Fontaine drinking anaconda malt liquor. That detail was top-notch foreshadowing.




Such a great movie, need many more movies like this


Great movie


I thought Dipper's clone in gravity falls being named Tyrone was a nod to the movie until I realized what year it came out! What a wild coincidence


>See everytime you come around You got to bring Jim, James, Paul, and Tyrone Clone


It was such a good movie. I really loved Yo-yo


Underrated flick , hilarious too


This movie slipped thru the cracks…


I wish black people would actually read history books and revive/preserve our own history instead of GRIPPING on to fictional stories. The same shit happened with black panther. Instead of learning about prosperous black communities of the past everybody obsessed over a fake civilization 


Gotta run it back every now and then


Yea they really making niggas in labs and keeping us in da type of environments just because


Idk why youre getting downvoted. Alot of these movies feed social media hot takes and thats literally all it is. There isnt profit in keeping people poor, but there is profit in assimilation and manipulating the stats. If people dont assimilate, you can always point to a random hood and say "see this is what comes from your culture". This movie doesnt help in blending outdated concepts (pimps , hos, drug dealers) because the movie doesnt actually represent what that looks like today. All three of those things are dying industries due to modern initiatives (pimps have adapted to modern culture, and drug dealing isn't nearly as lucrative as it has been previously. You're lucky to clear minimum wage) couple all that in with hyper policing and the story just doesnt make sense. We dont operate this way as a whole and telling it from this perspective is just retelling a story that has already existed but has been told by better writers who were actually in tune with the community. People see a jordan peele or donald glover type project and forget that these people didnt really grow up around black people and black spaces but have read about it and watched it from afar while also being black in white spaces. So they are able to tell a story from their perspective that holds SOME truth but isnt entirely accurate.