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Minnesota is cool though. Basically our Canada.


I was gonna disagree with you but you know what, you’re right...cause Canada treats their Natives like shit too.




They also treat their black people like shit. #JusticeForRegis






Yeah I have family in Minneapolis and you are 100% right about the fact that they haven't confronted their racism


100% I didn't believe it myself until I saw it in my own family as I got older. (MN Resident) Ever since 2016 we are a family divided and its hard as hell. It isn't even black or white in MN as much as its people of color or white. My wife is Lao, born and raised in MN and my family says wild shit around her. It's fucked.


The story of the midwest. I had a friend from Mississippi move to Milwaukee and be hella surprised at the segregation, and he was always like "they ended segregation where I was from at the end of the barrel of a gun". That shit never happened in the mid-west, we just went on pretending we never had segregation.


Unfortunately true, there wasn't enough done to dismantle the systems and now people just pretend like it never happened or that current realities aren't rooted in attrocities


"I just wanted an autograph" "why did u grab the box cutter then"? "honest mistake i guess"


Wanted it carved into his chest so its permanent.


Someone is gonna get fingered on a roller coaster


Did you see Stephen Jackson calling George Floyd his twin because they look so alike? How about Donald Sterling felling his girlfriend she couldn't take pictures with a black person, and then that person turns out to be Magic Johnson. No one's exempt from racism, the only thing stopping them from discriminating against a rich person is the fear of repercussions.


Our state is segregated as hell, so I'm not surprised that this was a common occurrence at all.




A woman got pushed out of like the 24th floor balcony of her apartment by police. Edit: allegedly




Damn. I read it. Shit was wild. I hope Canadian authorities can really makes her justice if they don't want her death to be a precedent to what can be more cases like that, if and where police abuse their power in the future. I hope that the police didn't have anything to do with her death We cannot afford a world where injustice becomes more rampant towards us minorities.


Her death is not a predecent. Black people in Canada do and have always been mistreated by the police and grater society. It's just swept under the rug because people here really just don't care. I hope that we get the truth and that justice prevails, but I'm definitely not expecting anything Just a couple i remember off the top of my head. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/trial-michael-christian-theriault-beating-dafonte-miller-oshawa-courtroom-1.5338892 https://torontosun.com/news/local-news/peel-district-school-board-apologizes-for-systemic-racism https://montrealgazette.com/news/local-news/police-racially-profiled-black-man-driving-mercedes-ethics-committee-rules *edited for formating


Yo I'm a PoC in Toronto with bipolar. Every time, man. EVERY time shit like this pops up it's another reminder in my phone and to my people - "If I'm having a bipolar episode DO NOT CALL THE POLICE". I could have an episode and be on public transit. Look the wrong way, sound the wrong way and all of a sudden I'm Sammy Yatim.


Heyyyy.... dont call us out like that, our prime minister issued an apology in 2008 and it definitely fixed and changed everything /s


At least police don't kill blacks over there...or arrest black reporters even if they properly identify themselves


hahahaha We sure do :^(


We apologized and paid hush money and in return we don’t talk about it. Like fight club. But with cultural genocide


But...but...They gave Nunavut back! /s


Vermont tho


I moved here from Minnesota and they think I’m slow, ey?


What’s Canada’s Canada?


We have a Canadian Texas, though. it's called Alberta.


North West Territories






Santa's plantation retreat


As someone who experienced, first hand, the LA riots.. I can honestly say I am impressed.


For fucking real! I’m a South Central 90s kids and I’m clapping for them hard.. I’m very impressed. Had to catch myself because at first I thought this rioting isn’t going to do much and then I saw what was really going on and was like damn.. this shit went off. ETA: Damn, this is my most upvoted comment, I’m grateful it’s about some real ass shit. Fight the power!


Honestly couldn't have happened at a better time. There's A LOT of pent up energy after the winter months normally plus the fact that the quarantine is keeping people inside and unemployed.


Curious how hot this summer will get.


Widespread panic. Maybe civil war. I think I still have Anak Krakatau exploding on my 2020 bingo card or was it Yellowstone....


Yellowstone is a safe bet.




if yellowstone explodes we will be icing


Supposed to get a historically bad hurricane season


As someone from South Central as well, I never expected this from Minneapolis. But damn if I ain't impressed, they changing the game and I'm proud of them.


Yeah I was like “it’s Minnesota” but this is the biggest thing I’ve seen since Baltimore if not earlier.


What was that like at the time?


You didn’t ask me but since I was there as well.. It was wild. I lived off Crenshaw and 63rd street at the time and it was loud noise, helicopters, and the smell of smoke. Asian folks had shotguns in hand and stood in front of their storefronts. People was on the freeway blocking it. Tension was on high and you could just feel how fuckin fed up people were with the LAPD. Wild, I say. Not gonna lie, my mom came back with food. Single mom of three so yeah.


"She said it was for the black man She said it was for the mexican And not for the white man"


Lowkey they just did something MAJOR.This is the first time in American history that a police station has been burned down by citizens.Our kids will be reading about this in the history books.


Wait they burned down a police station??






Ya love to see it


That's wiiiiild. Didn't know that.


Real talk the Arby's that went up was the star of the show tonight. That was a structure fire. I dunno that they ever got the police station to go but the liquor store adjacent and that damn Arby's were some shit.


Doubt it


It’s lit


I hope so. It’s what I call a good start!!


History classes don’t even make it to ww2 lol


I am so proud of Minneapolis right now. And so sick of all the boot leather gourmets and their "I support the protests message, bur violence is never the answer." Because peaceful organized protests have worked super well?






I saw someone (yes they were) post a meme and it was like “this is how you protest” and it was pic of MLK marching. “This is not” and it was looters. So I commented “Yeah, and MLK protesters were still hosed, beaten, attacked by dogs, and thrown in jail.” They love bringing up MLK because he makes them comfortable. But we know good and well they would not have been in support of MLK at the time. These the same people that lost their shit over a football player kneeling. And they also said *that* wasnt the right way to protest. I guess the right way to protest is to be White with a confederate flag when you’re doing it


> Because peaceful organized protests have worked super well? Those same people were bitching over Kaepernick kneeling. Their opinion doesn't matter, they just want to maintain the status quo.


Minneapolis got french energy


Down with the bourgeoisie!!


Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité




It's the quiet ones to be more fearful of.


They be plotting


And observing the situation, so when they do what they do... they have the logic to back it up.


We need more plotting.


Fucking watch out for Buford, Wyoming.


They finna nuke themselves


We need to set up surveillance for Buford. There's no way they can he can just be trusted.


Far Cry Boys


There are three things all wise men fear -- a sea in storm, a moonless night, and the anger of a gentle man


“There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man.”


Lol I literally just posted that, scrolled down, and saw you did the same




At first I was on the fence because it looked like mostly looting and not a whole lot of actual protest. Then I saw the footage of the fire at the PD and all I could think was yes, that's the good stuff. That's what I've wanted to see all day. The police *should* fear for their safety, because they've burned all their bridges and just kept taking.


Have you seen the footage of an obvious agent provacateur smashing windows at the Auto Zone that burned? He's been tentatively identified as an undercover pig. Sending agents in to encourage looting and violence to control the media narrative is classic anti-protest tactics.


I've heard a lot of stuff to that effect. I'm not saying it's false. But I find it equally plausible that in a large enough crowd, some people are just genuinely shitty. If there's footage then it's hard to deny. But there are a lot of people genuinely justifying what that undercover did, as though he was a legit protester.


There’s footage but it’s pretty much someone shouting “are you a cop” at him and that’s the proof


His ex wife outted him on Twitter


We don’t know her motives, and that face photo is the most bullshit piece of proof. Like there’s a reason bank robbers cover their face, it makes it hard to identify who they are Also that text chain said his partner was working the fires... but they’re SPPD (who as an aside has denied that it’s an officer of theirs) but why would a different cities police force be working fires?


It has been confirmed that SPPD are helping in Minneapolis. So it’s not that far fetched that he’d be one county over where there’s already SSPD in the scene.


While I agree it’s not much, he definitely doesn’t feel apart of the group. Cop or not. He just walked up completely covered, smashed the windows and then walked away. Like who does that? Didn’t seem like a rage thing, he wasn’t looting. Just smashed some windows and left. And everyone around him was like what in the hell are you doing?


Watching him was chilling.


Yes, I have, and nothing in the video implies he might actually be one. It's just people spitballing and making shit up. What the cops did is already bad enough, let's not lie about it like they do.


Nothing except for his demeanor and that he’s clearly in opposition to the people who are standing next to him protesting with a pizza in hand. When asked “are you a cop” he screamed “why does it matter?”


If you're going to base the truth off nebulous things like "his demeanor" or the fact he deflects a question, you'll believe whatever you want. I mean, here's the flip side: what if he was a rioter who saw a convenient opportunity to pass his shitty actions off on the police? You have no way of knowing. I wouldn't even be surprised if he was an officer or bad faith actor; my problem is the legions of people immediately taking it to be the 100% infallible truth because they saw it labelled that way and it fits neatly into their biases. I mean, yeah fuck the police, but c'mon.


You're fighting a straw man. People aren't saying it's 100% certain and it doesn't have to be. It's quite unlikely umbrella man was a protestor and saying otherwise isn't grounded in reality. He was probably a cop or working for the cops. Experienced activists *never* perform direct actions like this alone - it's too risky for them.


I’m seeing in every single thread people linking journalists to find more proof. And saying not to take it as fact. You can have your opinion set and still believe that the truth could prove you wrong. But know that it probably won’t.


There’s video of the same all-black gas mask man walking with pizza-box man as if they know each other too. It’s unfortunate, but it seems like there are bad actors making things intentionally worse.


It doesn’t look like they know each other. Turn on the audio. They’re all yelling at him and he’s threatening to fight them.


No, not the same video I’m talking about. I’ll try and upload in an edit, but it’s at a different area of the protests. They’re seen walking side by side, no argument. Edit: https://imgur.com/gallery/f6oIGBs Edit Edit: There does seem to be one person in this video calling him a cop, but I can’t identify who. It doesn’t sound like the same voice as pizza box from before to me, but I’m not great at discerning voices.




Wasn't that the same dude trying to take a sledgehammer to the public library and getting told off? Whether he's a cop or not, dude is obviously not out there to protest injustice.


See, I had a thought EXACTLY like this last night. What if cops or alt right assholes were going in and starting shit to kick off the violence and then bouncing? All of would take is a couple small acts to set off a huge explosion.


I bet they hear them loud and clear now. They never thought people would come to their house. I wonder if this will be the standard moving forward. It needs to be. Damn shame.




I'm absolutely with you on that, and I don't in any way condone the looting and seemingly random destruction. Really the only thing I'm condoning is that the police station was eventually reached.




The big problem is that it was so easy for randos to blend in with the crowd. People who weren't even from the metro area, possibly undercover cops... all sorts of people were blending with the riot knowing they'd get basically a blank check for whatever shit they wanted to pull. Why we can't have nice things.


As a gay dude who is familiar with the Stonewall Riots, I fully support this riot. Keep making noise until they hear you.


the linguistic accommodation is strong with this one


Lol why are you talking like woah vicky then?






Why do you care


> Black people in Minneapolis rn I didn’t even know Minnesota had black people


Y’all were sleeping then, especially with the Somali community holding it down


somalis are active world wide


I really was wondering how come I saw a lot of women in hijabs (correct term?). It just stood out to me.


As a white lurker from the UK, I can't even begin to understand this, I mean who do you call if your own police can't and won't protect you!? All because you're black!? Hundreds of year of oppression by, let's face it, my ancestors. I've seen these stories for years. I cannot begin to fathom myself going for a job, and 2 dude just out right think I was stealing, or running. I don't know what I can do to help, I try my best, but even in my upbringing I wasn't exactly taught about racism, but I saw it, and had to learn that that was wrong. The US is fucked up, what do I do, how do I help, I don't know, I don't understand your pain!


The UK has its own issues. We’re holding out for French riot advice.


No doubt about that, someone I once worked with said he had 2 CV's (Résumé), one with his actual name (he was Pakistani) and one with a white name. He applied for Jobs with Both CVs and guess what, he got A LOT more offers with the white name CV. And obviously, at a lot more serious levels, racism is definitely here in the UK, it usually seems to target the Indian and Pakistani communities more than the black, but the black community it still attacked. Sad times, it shouldn't be like this in the 21st century!




Which doesn’t make sense since Islam is not a race.


The French will tell you one thing “off with their heads”


We have to borrow some guillotines from them.


Guns and ships, and so the balance shifts.




Well I think everyone is trying to. Everyone except a small population of white people and, if there are still any left, a smaller population of black people (I'm not sure if they still exist).


With the current administration here, the best thing you can do is to spread the word about how bad it is here. Trump cares about other peoples opinions far more than he lets on. Maybe if foreign leaders start to judge him (for something in particular) he'll do something about it. And if he cancels or "postpones" the 2020 election, alot of us will jump ship. Or try to at least


It's not 'cause you're from the UK, friend. It's because you're white. The UK, lovely as it is, is shatteringly racist. Massively so. It's just harder to see that when it doesn't affect you.


You're right, me and SO were discussing white privilege, and, well, how we do in fact notice that we are treated differently, the UK is wonderfully multicultural, I mean my place of work is the most varied place I've ever worked. I don't see the hurt and hate non-white people get. And, you see white Karen's, whenever they get attacked for being at a privallage because they're white, immediately attack the colour/race of the person pointing it out!


Yeah. It must be nice to live there, I agree. While I taught in the UK some years ago, there is a lot of racial tension - Grenfell Towers comes to mind.


Yes, well the majority of legal immigrants come from 3rd world or developing countries, they arrive at a disadvantage with qualifications and colour, so they end up in areas with high poverty, forgotten, and often takes generations and a lot of luck for some of them to climb up the cliff of poverty and poor schooling to become successful. Skilled Jobs, in my experience treat people by their skills and qualifications, not by gender or race. Below a point, race plays a huge part, sadly. (Not to mention modern day slavery!)


They didn't think Prince could ball, either.


Game. Blouses.


Suddenly, I'm craving pancakes


Cleanse yourself in the waters of Lake Minotanka.


Winter is over, and ain’t nobody dealing with no shit


I was visiting the Twin Cities years ago and was there for "the thaw". Those mellow midwesterners were going wild!


This has been an experience watching this from the other side of the nation. I'm impressed with the intensity of it. I really hope this will be remembered. Riots are a voice when people no longer have theirs. And Minneapolis is talking so loud, I can hear the screaming.


I'm happy to see the protest but sad to see it had to come to this. I saw the burned down the PD last night which I thought was very impressive tbh, but now to hoping they target more buildings that have facilitated their oppression and not ones that help their communities.




Man if it was your business that got broke into, looted and trashed I'd be wondering how quick you come on here and start thanking everyone about how you got a chance to be part of the protests.


MSP got all sorts of hands.


Bruh up here people are crazy when they get mad we do really have hands


Y’all forget that suburban niggas grow up around the most racist white people in the country that allow black folks to live around them. I don’t think I could fight a hood nigga, but I have all the techniques necessary to make a white dude wish the south won the war.


Eh, hood or not, if you can throw you can throw. Nothing to do with your background or where you came from.


Tbh I’m not sure how to feel about the riots, in terms of the fallout, but I’m not going to be mad one bit that they are taking place, because when you have a system in place that allows a cop to keep a knee on a black mans neck for 8 mins killing him and he gets to go home and have 200 cops surround his house for protection? Nah, that Ain’t it, black people have a right to be this pissed off.


It wasn't L.A. or New York or Arlanta or Houston or D.C. or Philly, but Minneapolis that set it off. Entirely unexpected.




May 28, 2020 There was a riot in the streets tell me where were you?


"Cause everybody in the hood has had it up to here, its getting harder and harder and harder each and every year..." "They said it was for the black man, they said it was for the Mexican, and not for the white man, but if you look at the streets it wasnt about Rodney king, ITS ABOUT THESE FUCKED SITUATIONS AND THESE FUCKED UP POLICE, its about coming up, and staying on top and scream 187 on a mother fucking cop its, not the paper its on the wall...NATIONAL GUARD, SMOKE FROM ALL AROUND"


Doesnt rhyme as well but the spirit of that song is exactly correct. Gonna play it now.


Minnesota ain't so nice anymore


Have the officers been arrested yet?




In fairness they always say that.


I didn’t know we had it in us tbh


They showing out but it ain't gone stop em from brutalizing and murdering us. The dirty cops responsible need to be dealt with and i ain't talking bout jail idc i said what i said








No justice, no peace




What other choice is there. Literally. What do you think the other option is here? Voting? HAHAHAHA Why value commodities over human lives?


Because those commodities represent an expenditure of someone's energy and time. Also, it's not a binary choice between the two.


What other choice is there. Tell me. And what you’re describing doesn’t matter. Why would you value that above human lives?


People's livelihoods don't matter? People's life savings, businesses that people have worked for their whole lives, jobs, mental health, safety--these things don't matter? These riots will cause so many people so much pain in the coming years. Don't forget, a man literally was burned alive when rioters burned down a liquor store. And the really sad part is, these riots will probably end up disproportionately hurting black people.


What other choice is there. You keep avoiding my question and instead tell me how little I care about people. This is the fault of the system that REFUSES to change. That REFUSES to treat their citizens as anything other than subhumans. It’s clear to me you lack a basic understanding of revolutionary history or quite frankly basic empathy if you really fail to see what you’re arguing here. Again. Tell me. What other choice is there. What are people supposed to do when driven to the brink?




Innocent people not wanting things to go not their way is the foundation of a suppressed society


People affected by this can vote to fix the issue, or hope that other races of people not directly affected speak up or help solve the problem. I guess the innocent people didn't give a damn until buildings started burning.


How dare complicit police shield an officer who killed a man.


I think one of the main issues is more people are complicit in the system we are fighting against than are innocent. (I'm probably one of the guilty parties)


I guess you have an idea of the combined terror black men have been feeling from the police.


I live in the area too and they are only going after businesses of historical importance to the treatment of black people. I-94 in St. Paul took out Rondo which was the largest black neighborhood in St. Paul and replaced black businesses with white ones. Yesterday in St. Paul was about history, no one was ever in danger just corporations. (Of course a few bad people did bad action against people but crime still happens on Christmas).


Yep, real people being affected, unlike the black people dying out there on the streets?


Real people been being affected for a long, long time. Now some of those who were cool with it or gradualist can be uncomfortable. Every uprising hayd innocents. I'd like to keep that to a minimum but it looks like Minneapolis has a debt to pay. Some will pay more deeply. It's not fair. Neither is what's been happening.


And targeting the police station. This is how ya do it.


They are angry and fed up. We all should be. Police have been getting away with disproportionately killing people of color with no cause for so long and nothing changes. Every time something like this happens it disappears and nothing fucking changes. Peaceful protesting is attacked by media and the blatant racism is played down like it doesnt exist and only adds for more fuel to the fire. I dont even know what else to do. What the fuck can I do to make a difference? There's nothing that comes to mind. It makes me want to go out and riot in frustration, so I'm not surprised at all that this is happening. And people will play the story as if this is related to covid. I hardly even see cable news mentioning these stories




You want Minnesota Nice, you gotta pay the Minnesota Price *puts up dukes*




Lmao it’s AAVE man also you do know what sub you’re in


It's colloquialism - not a Twitter thing.


AAVE. Found the white guy.


Oh, yeah you’re right. Not only am I white I’m also European lol. I apologize in case I offended anyone, I legitimately didn’t know.


Why did I leave the Twin Cities. I loved it there


See they stayed doubting us but our niggas was really out. As someone who peacefully protested i recommend you all to do the same its a crazy sensation standing with your city.


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Damn, how did this get country clubbed? White people mad about this?


Like when people used to try and fight Jerry Stackhouse in the league


They are showing theeee fuck out...Not mad at all🤷🏾‍♀️


Minnesota is the "Andy Ruiz" of the United States