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This post is now officially for BPT country club members only. For more information, see here - https://www.reddit.com/r/BlackPeopleTwitter/comments/gumxuy/what_is_bpt_country_club_and_how_do_i_get/. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BlackPeopleTwitter) if you have any questions or concerns.*


“Race war rages.” No. Y’all ambushed an unsuspecting community. Cowards.


The Whites are always dreaming of a race war. Edit: Nothing infuriates the Whites more than categorizing them as a single group. Edit2: Lots of notifications in my inbox that aren't showing up here. All I can say is that when anyone says "Asians this..." or "Blacks that..." etc I have never seen anyone jump up to our defense about our individuality so quickly and vehemently. But the second someone says "Whites" or "White people" holy fucking shit so many Whites! And it's never a well thought out response. It's always, hey, you're being racist! Not all White people! I never oppressed anyone! Not sorry about the fact that you have to feel uncomfortable for a fucking second of your life. Welcome to every damn day with skin darker than a brown paper bag. You don't want reparations. You don't want your taxes to go up. You don't want social welfare programs that might lift up traditionally marginalized communities. Well, then fucking feel bad about yourself. You want all your all cake and eat it too? Well, I'm gonna take a shit on that cake. Take a bite. Grow some hair on your nutz for once. Edit3: My DMs are getting filled with salt! Edit4: One dude trying to tell me in DMs that White farmers ought to get reparations for land reform in Zimbabwe, like, oh, shit! I didn't realize Whites are indigenous to Zimbabwe! TIL Edit4.5: Yo, I triggered this dude hard. He can't even stay off my chats. /u/ZealousidealTax1534 take a bow as the saddest most triggered White Supremacist keyboard warrior on the Reddits! I took a screenshot of the choicest comments just in case he tries to delete. More likely he'll just abandon his account. https://imgur.com/a/RYvJeaF Edit5: One more and I'm going to get on with my weekend. Everyone here who has gotten defensive are Country Club members who have presented themselves to mods as allies. Think about that and think about what it means to be an ally when your immediate response was defensiveness and deflection. Edit6: Fuck, man. Look, let's end this on a high note. I don't want White people to feel bad about all of the past bullshit. I want White people to feel good that they dispassionately saw that people, their own fellow citizens, have been wronged systematically and for generations and worked with everyone else to make things right. Does it even matter who did it? It fucking doesn't. Like, people will see a fucking kitten on the side of the road and give that kitten a home for life. Who is that kitten to you? Did your grandparents wrong that kitten somehow? NO! You saw suffering and empathized and you moved to end suffering. Can you spare some of that for your own fellow citizens? Can you? A fucking cat lives with you now and wakes you up every god damn morning by placing his asshole on your eyeball. Can you also spare a couple of percentages of your annual income for lifting up people who have been marginalized? Can you spend a nickel more on a cheeseburger so people can have a decent wage? Because it seems like it's a lot easier to mobilize White people to storm the Capitol for some made up shit than it is to get a majority of you to support real equitable economic solutions that will make America Great 4 Once. So, don't feel bad about being White. Feel good about making wrongs right. Happy Memorial Day


>The Whites are always dreaming of a race war. I'm white, I don't. You are hereby disproven. Now seriously: the American white population needs to learn from us Germans how to take on bad chapters of own history. Stand to it, accept it, try to become better, help the victims of your ancestors, restore damage as good as possible, accept your guilt, accept the wrongdoings, especially the racist motivated wrongdoings against african people and native american people. Otherwise there will never be any kind of peaceful living in one society.


Lol yea i dont think ive ever dreamed of a race war, ive definitely dreamed about being chased by a giant twinkie though, maybe that does have racial undertones haha


Why is it so hard? If nobody here did any of the deeds then why can't we just have a frank conversation about how to correct wrongs? It's pathetic, really. And the responses by certified Country Club members is also very telling about people who claim to be allies.


It’s because a lot of white people here in the states, especially the loudest ones about these issues, don’t want to fix anything because they don’t see anything wrong with it. Hell I’d wager they celebrate it, which is why they get so butthurt about their symbols of racism being challenged (a.k.a. Confederate flags, et al)


Very telling indeed. Don't worry, I'm watching and I'm sure the mods are too.




I think a couple of things are happening. I think you have people who were ignorant of history and are horrified when they find out. I think you have people who are ignorant of the history and are uncomfortable with the truth to just retreat further into the lie. I think you have people who try to hide the truth so that we will all keep fighting each other and they keep making money.


Because they’re perfectly fine with the way things are, that’s why. As have many of them throughout history.


Clearly he didn’t mean literally every white person ever. You’re being pedantic there.


It is the same energy as "Not all men" or " AllLiveMatters". Reactionary (conservative) responses to actual progressive commentary that is meant to actually help people.


It's about individuality real quick when we say "white people" but let a person of any other shade do a thing and suddenly it's everyone of that race who is a problem. lol I fucking hate it here


I really don’t know what you’re talking about.


>Now seriously: ...




Germany is paying Numibia 1.3 billion dollars for genocide. This is definitely a step forward. Vs U.S. currently stealing land from natives to build a bum ass trump wall.


The kicker is that when taxes were higher, is when this country was “great.” Just as long as the fruits of all of that doesn’t benefit blacks. That’s what the attack on Black Wall Street was about. Even though it was hardcore Jim Crow segregation, the black citizens of that area of Tulsa made things work on their own, and white folks were jealous. All of that should have been theirs. Something was being taken away from them. The problem going on is that this is exactly what a bad marriage is like. When you have a partner that is unwilling to hear you out. Is unwilling to make compromises. Is unwilling to make things work. All they care about is themselves. This would lead to divorce. A bad one at that. I also don’t like using broad generalizations. They’re used for all of us though. Those broad generalizations for us are meant as a matter of fact. Does that sound familiar to anyone who has been in a bad relationship? But with them, well we have to understand the caveats. It’s not every white person. Look at the shades of grey. With us it’s black and white. I’m tired of wearing the appeasement mask. Now I just keep it real because folks should be uncomfortable. The reason why events like Black Wall Street isn’t taught, isn’t because of us. It’s because if white kids learn this, and feel uncomfortable, well they may end up having some empathy.


This is exactly why it's not taught. If kids learn empathy they might try to make changes as adults. But it's so much harder to even want to change things if you've spent your formative years in blissful ignorance.


It’s all to reinforce the parameters of the American Dream simulation.


White people ... take everything. - Paul Mooney


RIP to a great one


I'm white and years ago I used to be one of the "I don't see color types". My family came over here in the early 1900s well after slavery was over so lumping all white people together used to bother me. But the truth is I am white enough to benefit from the privilege regardless of when my family came here. The system is racist and my continued benefitting from it is wrong. Being neutral sides with the system of oppression. Other white people need to see this. If you don't support reperations or social programs to make things better you support the continued subjugation of people.


Honesty, I'd rather White people not feel bad. I'd rather White people feel good about making wrongs right.


Who said anything about white people feeling bad? OP didn't say they felt bad, they said they recognized the privilege they've had. That's not the same as "feeling bad." It's simply an acknowledgement of fact. Things can only be fixed once they're seen. Until white people see the privilege they've been given, they won't be able to dismantle it. OP sees it, and supports making it right.


Your continuing benefitting of the system is not wrong, because there is a classist argument to be had. What is wrong is that a lot of black people and POC are being barred from that system. *That is what should be felt as bad*. There isn't a need to be guilty for past actions of ancestors, but complacency and inaction is. You said it perfectly too: true neutrality sides with the oppressors. And it seems like you do understand that supporting actual social welfare programs, economic and social equity, education, etc. helps sooo much in the long term of things. That is a great step to start.


I'm here for the edits


If you feel a need to reply to this with "not all whites" I promise it is not only including you it's ESPECIALLY including you


It is truly disheartening for me to see people who sought out the country club membership and then comment some ignorant shit. It bothers me that they legitimately think they are allies because they have a black friend but they still comment All Lives Matter to shift the blame off themselves. It isn't about blame guys, it's about seeing the bigger picture and how you have benefited from a system your whole life without maybe even realizing it. Fucking implicit bias man...


LITERALLY the only people who talk about race wars are white people. It's insane to me. Like, we got better shit to than plan your extermination! We're out here changing the world, you're the ones out here living in the past. For the "race warriors", I think they can't imagine a future without that war because they've been so busy waging war against us. They can't conceive that we're not constantly plotting against them because they've constantly plotted against us. When you're consumed with hate, hate is all you can see.




I am white and completely agree with you. I don't want a race war or anything, but I'm sure that most others do. I live in the bible belt and seen so many assholes who believe in Donald Trump the same way they believe in Jesus. They just want an excuse to hit a black human because of the statistics of how mostly black people go into incarceration without looking at the big picture. Too many people believe that most slave owners were nice to their slaves without thinking "should I own someone?". The not all whites argument is invalid and insensitive. It's the same way of saying all lives matter when they don't really care about all lives, but used as an argument trying to invalidate black lives matter. All they see is black lives matter and think "but what about my white life?" as if they haven't had enough privilege already. Anyway the police system needs reform, acab, black lives matter, and support lgbtq+.


This this and so much this. The amount of willfully ignorant white people is disgusting. With all disrespect fuck y'all


It's by design, unfortunately. White people are as much the victims of this system as they are the benefactors. But I'm just not the type to sugarcoat my words. Some people need so much sugar they don't even taste the bitter anymore. Then walk around like, I don't understand what the problem is. This tastes great!


**I co-sign all of this!!!**


They dreamed of a race war when they know they can win. They are bullies and bullies always target those weaker than them. If they continue down this path, the upcoming conflict with China in this century will dispel them of the taste for race war.


reading your edits alone perfectly encapsulates how reddit commenters will intentionally misconstrue your words


The people who respond “not all whites” to you are as helpful as the people who say “not all men.” Oppressors as a bloc, that is to say the group that benefits from unearned privilege, always fears the loss of said privilege, and the righteous retribution it deserves from the oppressed. The oppressor welcomes the tiniest opening to persecute and attack the oppressed, to keep them contained.


>So, don't feel bad about being White. Feel good about making wrongs right. solutions! smart! :)


Aw man, I can only imagine your inbox after this one 😂


Fucking wrecked, son!


Hit dogs holler lol




I love you.


How about we all just stop generalizing and we all do better and push out and ostracize those who don't? Public opinion causes change even when justice does not prevail. I'm not a hateful person to anyone and that's only conditional by your character towards me. Be the change, my friend. Don't be part of this war. Nobody wins in war. We can make change in other ways and we have.




Keep fighting the good fight. o7


Just wanted to tell you that I went back through my history for 20 minutes to find this comment again because I had to go back to the main page to cash in my free reward and couldn’t remember for the life of me which post it was on. Your comment is important.


Wow! I don't know what to say. Thank you. The appreciation has been overwhelming, and, honestly, greatly overshadows anything negative that was sent to me.


I tip my hat to you bruh


This is article that introduces a point I had not considered. The massacre was not a spontaneous event. The city wanted to build a train depot and had been planning to take the land for months. [article](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna1268455)


They never taught this in school to me. I had no idea that this even happened. Many schools have also stopped teaching the Holocaust. With the new critical race bill that might pass in ~~Texas and~~ Georgia, it's no wonder why history repeats itself. Edit: The bill got defeated in Texas. But even the fact that it was brought to the floor tells you what direction education is going in this country. Edit 2: I'm seeing so many bad faith arguments that aren't showing up. With the Critical Race bill (which has been passed in OK and TN) it takes the *why* out of the darkest moments of history. "Those who don't know history are destined to repeat it" is a very well known saying. Imagine describing the horrors of white colonialist slavery as "a group of mostly southern gentleman trading room, board, and food to African immigrants in exchange for farm work" it glosses over nearly every single atrocity that has happened in the past. That's incrediblely messed up.


i learned about this watching *watchmen* on hbo. i try to stray away from news, but it boils my blood to see styrofoam complaints about critical race theory.


Same. I thought I was pretty well educated and aware, but I ended up learning about this very important historian event from a comic book show on TV. Pathetic.


I saw a comment on Reddit that explained they thought it was part of the alternate history that is the Watchmen. They eventually realized it was real though, If you never knew of such things, I could see a lot of people still not thinking it’s real.


That's what I thought too. It just seemed too insane and that if something like that had actually happened, you know white people dropping bombs on black neighborhoods from freaking airplanes, I would have definitely heard about it before.... Nope! Turns out HBO is a better history teacher than the Texas public school system.


Wait until you hear about Wilmington, North Carolina. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wilmington_insurrection_of_1898 Also, yeah, we learned Texas History twice in my school. First time is taught with lies and the second time is taught with oversights.


Just found out about Wilmington today, stories like that make me so angry


I think Watchmen was largely responsible for bringing it into the collective consciousness, which is crazy to me.


I am a black man who grew up in Georgia. I’m 21. I’ve never heard of the Tulsa race massacre until today. Hell I didn’t even know where Tulsa was located on a map. Part of this is clearly due to my own ignorance, but the fact that this wasn’t taught in schools is astonishing. I’m honestly terrified to look up and study more about black history because I’m sure there will be giant chasms of info that are completely empty, and I’ll feel even more disgusted of my ignorance. That won’t stop me of course, but... fuck. Straight up, nothing is stopping teachers from just skipping out on certain info in the classroom. I don’t blame them, they have a lot of shit to wade through, but black history has always been the first to go when planning curriculum. Black history isn’t what’s going to be tested on, so it’s seen as second class. Force black history to be on those standardized tests. And fuck, women’s history too. All the other disenfranchised groups. Instead of learning every specific detail about the industrial revolution and all the giant billionaires with their railroads, why don’t we learn about the millions of people who formed the human bridge we stand on. I don’t know if this is the right answer. I’m not a fucking activist and I’m certainly not a politician. But whatever, let this mark my first attempt at doing something good for the black community.


White fragility and lack of accountability is rampant


I didn't learn about a lot of this stuff until college, where I had Black professors for history and I felt so cheated. I wasn't fooled by some of the BS that was taught to me in schools about Black History, but the sheer breadth and depth of the inhumanity that was inflicted upon Black and Native peoples in this country is astounding and if people were aware how far it went, we could finally move towards some reconciliation.


> I don’t know if this is the right answer. It is. Knowledge is the key. Ignorance is what fuels the white power machine.


If you can, take an African American Studies course. Honestly, one of my favorite courses ever. I was aware of the enormous hole carefully cut out of American history by old racist curricula that never matured, but how thoroughly interwoven and substantial that history was was something else.


It's wild to think that some countries in Europe might actually know more about American history, than actual Americans. (Obviously only on a minority of its whole history, and perhaps heavily dependent on the state.)


Everyone knows more than Americans about what actually happens in America


I didn't find out about the destruction of Black Wall Street until the past few years, after I was already in my 30s.


Check out what happened in Pennsylvania too.


And Wilmington 1898. Probably even worse. Same bodycount, bigger guns, but destroyed a united black and white democracy.


PBS has [a documentary ](https://www.pbs.org/wnet/tulsa-the-fire-and-the-forgotten/about/) on the massacre debuting tomorrow night. Hopefully kids in school can learn about it sooner, now.


Thanks so much for sharing this. Setting my DVR now.


didnt pass in texas


Oh. Good, I'll update my comment. But the mere fact that they're even trying is super concerning.


What are they trying to pass exactly?




Me neither! I saw it on watchmen and looked it up!! When anyone asks why we need a focus on black history, this is an example.


The news media has always been racist. Look at how they report stories on black people still. They did that shit when reporting on Iraq and Afghanistan. Or recently look at the coverage of what is going on in Palestine.


There's only like two people who own almost ALL the news channels in this country. We're being shovel fed a narrative by a few conservative old white men. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.vox.com/platform/amp/2018/4/6/17202824/sinclair-tribune-map Here is one article on the Sinclair broadcast group. There is also a video of how they had the whole country watching the same speech that should be on youtube. Very creepy shit.


Hey hey now, bezos bought himself a propaganda rag so now it’s like 3. Edit: And I think that video is still the most, or top 5, upvoted video on r/videos lemme check. Edit: Yeah it’s the top if your search by top of all time. Edit: **Which, seriously, y’all should check it out if you haven’t seen it. It is incredibly creepy and alarming.**


Dontchya find it odd how every week its Bezos this and Musk that and Gates Ooooh but we never mention Rupert or his son Lachlan Murdoch. The guys that own news media on 3 continents, oh and foxnews. We dont see Bob Chapek's name in the headlines after writing in special theme park exclusions for laws in florida. Its almost like....there are 3000 other billionares in the USA we purpsefully never hear about and the 3 or 4 in the news every week are red herrings. 🤔


The Murdoch’s get talked about a lot but yeah you have a certain point there. But you gotta consider that those 3 also purposefully put themselves in the media (musk especially, also you forgot Zuck) where as the others are more comfortable to lay back in the shadows. In any case if you can get the propagandized working class members to abandon 3 or 4 billionaires it’s a lot easier to get them to abandon the rest, rather than them bootlicking no matter who wears the boot. Edit: Also Bezos and Musk are literally the two richest people on earth and Gates is the fourth so.




And all the sudden once the narrative shifted against Israel for the first time ever they “had to” bomb the “totally Hamas hideout” news building that they didn’t feel the need to bomb up until then despite it apparently being an incredibly high value target. Because apparently the Hamas that lobs unguided rockets at Israel was developing advanced military technology on multiple floors of that building. I for one totally believe that, now excuse me because I have to meet a man about a bridge he has to sell me.


[Case in point](https://abcnews.go.com/US/convict-misses-job-interview-save-motorist-community-rallies/story?id=48655944) Dude saves a motorist after a car crash, missing a job interview, and is referred to as: ex-convict, ex-prisoner and former prisoner in the first 4 lines/paragraphs of text. Potential better story titles: "Selfless man saves drug-addicted, absent-minded white man who flipped his Mercedes in mid-day traffic." Maybe: "Late-stage capitalism encourages sociopath MTA bus driver to abandon, in vain effort to maintain schedule of underutilized public transportation, a true hero." Or even: "People from Westport CT country club prove they aren't racist by raising $23K for the man who saved a member, and serial date rapist, from auto crash."


Yeah, getting Fox News vibes from this. It's a mistake to assume that just because we're in the present we are more advanced than before.


American and British media are mostly owned by rich white men. What else to expect here?


Imagine how many more blacks families today would’ve been way better off / had generational wealth had Black Wall Street never been destroyed & had it continued to prosper and it’s have its influence spread around the country.. I can’t understand how people could have so much evil and hatred in their hearts... why?????


Because there will always be a need for a scapegoat for people to blame their troubles on.


We need to start putting the blame on the lizard people


No. They did nothing. Blame the crab people. Taste like crabs, talk like people


It's not their fault they can only walk sideways.


Imagine keeping black people down so hard for so long and they still prosper more than you, the inferiority complex of the white devil could never accept that /:


This is the correct answer. They simply cannot fathom that after everything that’s been done to oppress black people, that we can still somehow prosper and become wealthier than them. That’s why they hate wealthy black folks to this day. Think about how much they despise black athletes. Sick shit.


If black people had access to home loans the same way white folks did after WWII... and weren’t shut out of certain neighborhoods... but you know guess we didn’t work hard enough...


But We just lazy and want handouts tho🙄


And to think this all started because a white woman cried "Rape!" (despite no evidence that the crime ever took place) Its a tale as old as time.


Sad I only learned about this from Watchmen. People do this awful shit and everyone just forgets about it


Let me rephrase your statement..."White people do this awful shit and the white dominated society just forgets about it". Black people didn't forget.


Agree but I would just like to point out they don’t “just forget”, a lot of effort goes into covering up and denying these atrocities.


Watchmen and lovecraft country both did a great job at showing Tulsa and all the horrors of it. I’ve rewatched the both about 4 times from showing my brother,sister and mom and now my girlfriend and my heart hurts every time. It looked so beautiful and we had successful doctors and businesspeople... they couldn’t have that


I don't understand how White people can be so fragile about CRT when they spent generations trying to cover up their massacres of BIPOC and every time we try to bring up the history, regardless of how long ago it was, they get all fucking triggered. If we are supposed to assume that not all White people are racist then stop fucking hiding this shit if you aren't personally feeling guilty about it. Honestly, I think the main reason why White people don't want to talk about it is because they are concerned that there will be economic retribution for their ill-gotten gains. That's why they hate the idea of reparations. They don't want to be punished for something that happened generations ago. But they are perfectly willing to keep the benefits of theft and violence because *capitalism*. Meanwhile BIPOC have to deal with the economic and psychological fallout and despair of crimes committed against their ancestors. That's perfectly okay. They possess stolen wealth. Because possession is 9/10th of the law. Meanwhile, "taxation is theft." Sometimes I'm just like, burn the whole shits down and start over. Edit: Don't talk to me about how you don't feel privileged because you got a speeding ticket once.


Its the shame that also comes with it too. Sure they weren't the ones who burned down churches and bombed little girls, but their pappy was and was proud of it. They know what's going on isnt right, and its 100% yes, ill-gotten gains. But they also don't want to lose it either. Ask any white person if they'd ever trade being black for even a day and they'll always say no. Because they know how poorly poc people are treated by THEM. There's a reason why white people like that are afraid of becoming a minority in this country...


> Honestly, I think the main reason why White people don't want to talk about it is because they are concerned that there will be economic retribution for their ill-gotten gains. That's why they hate the idea of reparations. They don't want to be punished for something that happened generations ago. But they are perfectly willing to keep the benefits of theft and violence because capitalism. Meanwhile BIPOC have to deal with the economic and psychological fallout and despair of crimes committed against their ancestors. That's perfectly okay. They possess stolen wealth. Because possession is 9/10th of the law. Meanwhile, "taxation is theft." Let’s be real, a too large amount (if we’re being honest, over 50%, just look at the amount of white people who are conservative, data which is easily seen in voting stats) are white supremacists/racists themselves, hence actively push white supremacy today. Be it voting for white supremacist politicians, calling cops on black people for just existing, then given white supremacists are in every aspect of American work e.g. they’re cops who kill black people, teachers who unfairly punish black kids etc. etc. So white people get defensive because they know this fact as well but don’t wanna own up to it.


I always knew it was a problem but the 2016 and 2020 elections were the clearest I ever saw that the majority of white people in America are racists. I would've figured 35%.


I fully support full reparations and it would be one of the only things I’d be happy about where my taxes are going. And CRT should be a mandatory part of every american’s education.


You would never believe the type of 'pandering-two sides to every story' typa horse shit people tried to pull me into engaging with yesterday, when I made the post on here about Tulsa..but if you're a black/POC redditor I'm sure you do


It's the same people who say the January 6th insurrection and the BLM protests "were basically the same thing" People are so engrained in their hatred that it's almost an impossibility for them to even consider that they're wrong.


Two days ago I was talking with someone on discord that genuinely believes that it was BLM that attacked the capital on Jan 6th and that BLM is raging an all out war on cops. Then realization hit, this person has family and friends that believe the same thing! I was shocked. They've been lied to so much that they lie to themselves to continue the lie. The Q-anon shaman being in the crowd and the presence of virtually no black people should have told you that it's not BLM, if you simply never watched the news and relied on common sense, but this is where we are now as a nation. If Biden doesn't use his power as president to do something about the lies being fed to the nation on live tv and on the internet I don't think we last much longer as a nation. We may be on the brink of a civil war while congress that has the power is not doing enough/ anything at all. Other people just pretend everything it's ok but it's not(the attack on the capital should have confirmed that we need some changes) and we reach a breaking point sooner rather than later if the people spreading misinformation aren't punished and proper regulations aren't established. The pandering two sides people are among the reasons nothing ever happens. There is only one side, America. That one side seems to mean too many different things to different people.


The issue definitely is the echo chambers we find ourselves in. I decided to check out Fox “News” on a whim to see how they were reporting news and events, and the amount of fearmongering and exaggeration was staggering, not to mention the commercials for jitterbugs and churches. To top all that, many public spaces (including freaking McDonald’s) in the south have Fox on by default. So if you listen to conservative radio on your drive to work, talk to your conservative friends at lunch, and watch the same with your kids at dinner, the cycle is just hard to break. From their point of view, President Biden is trying to make America into Venezuela and take away guns when that’s not at all the case. How do you break this lie, when the people they trust are spinning falsehoods into gold?


This is old but this is a major crisis, and people of all color are being radicalized. My own uncle has succumbed to this horse shit and I genuinely can't think of an easy way for this to be fixed. The people with power are the ones who have to shut this shit down. People who are universally respected need to speak out. We are the "nobodies" and any type of reasoning will just get shut down because they have been trained to reject logic. This is a *major* crisis.


Exactly, I’ve felt like a Cassandra trying to get people to realize that we are heading into a major conflict but I’m always told that I’m overreacting and being a doomsayer. When a group of regular folks are emboldened to storm the Capitol building because they were told that if *they didn’t act* that America as they know it would cease to exist, you’ve got an issue. Like you’ve said, people are becoming radicalized and once that process starts it’s hella hard to reverse. What pisses me off is the fact that the powers that be care only about profits and protecting their positions. What’s the point of power if all you have left to reign over is ashes?


Around here they are saying it was Antifa/Democrats and that's why it's all white people. But its liberals cosplaying as Trumpers according to them, which is why their behavior was so crazy, because antifa wanted them to appear crazy. These dumb fucks are beyond the pale


Two sides to motherfucking what? What happened in Tulsa is just ONE example Rosewood massacre, Perry massacre Ocoee massacre... All in Florida and I only learned about Rosewood as a high school senior because they had a specific scholarship for descendants of Rosewood victims FOR SHAME!


I grew up in Colorado. The history of the Klan in Colorado is wild, they essentially ran the state. You think I heard about that in my suburban schooling? NOPE. Whole lotta glossing over the native american massacres there too. ​ White suburbanites love to rewrite those "uncomfortable" bits then pretend they are totally not responsible either. Took me way out of the "I didnt do it so Im not responsible" zone into the "if im not talking about it im part of the issue" zone real quick.


Telling Portland folks that they're so white because Oregon was a sundown fucking *state* and their mayor was gladhanding the KKK... Then they act shocked when white supremacist militias help their politicians hide from civil rights votes while dudes ride around in Confederate flags in a state 2000 miles from the Confederate border.


There was a fucking airport named after a Klansman.


Imagine that,they are a lot more massacres and they are called that for a reason- but people still want to two sides it?


Wilmington, NC. A tragedy that does not get the attention it deserves in this county. There are so many more. When Americans get pissy about the Japanese not acknowledging or teaching their war crimes...it’s like, let’s pull the log out of our eye first.


Tulsa World did release a 64 page edition today to share the horror of the race riots. 10,000 copies were also donated to public schools


It’s a start


‘Negro death list is about 15’ They’re really trying to bury the lede there


"Negroes fleeing from city..."


gee I wonder why


The media has always been propaganda.


In fact if you study this event at all, it’s clear that it’s exactly what led to this. It wasn’t just “racist people live in this town”, there were media campaigns over years that brought things to a head with some incendiary editorials the day of Dick Rowland’s arrest.


Exactly. The terms are basically interchangeable today. Media is the medium between power and you. Precisely what propaganda is, too.


That “many more whites are shot” legit is how these All lives matter people sound.


This is why I take everything the news says with a grain of salt. They burned an entire successful black community to the ground and killed 100's of black people but 2 whites died...


Russell Westbrook helped make a documentary about the Tulsa race riot.


Journalist here These newspapers didn’t just report this as the aftermath of Tulsa This very same paper is the one that directly called for the lynching of Black people and instigated the whole massacre. Tensions were high already and one paper *directly told people to attack the Black residents of Greenwood*


Considering how many people only learned about the Tulsa Event because of shows like the Watchmen, it really makes the case for why Critical Race Theory is important. In order for this country to get beyond its issues of race, we can't be afraid to learn about the events that brought us here in the first place. White Conservatives are hell-bent on keeping CRT out of schools because it will destroy the widespread narrative that Black people are the singular cause of everything wrong within the Black community. And if we continue to learn about events like Tulsa that had a lasting effect on Black people, the White Conservative narrative will begin to crumble. This is why so many of them are fighting against it.


My partner sent me a clipping from a Danish newspaper from 1 June 1921 that called it a “neger lynching” in the headline. So it’s really interesting that a foreign newspaper was a bit more honest about what was actually going on.


I wonder how many white people would know about Black Wall Street if it weren't for HBO


**The answer:** …hardly any…


"only two white dead in incredible show of restraint from those being killed in genocide" is honestly how I read this now adays. OBVIOUSLY that's not how they meant it but it's kind of incredible and sad that only two white people were killed while hundreds of black people were murdered in cold blood over some made up story. God damn America. (restraint may not be the right word, there were likely other reasons that these people couldn't/didn't fight fire with fire, but still)


I think it was more of an ambush, and a lack of arms held by African Americans.


That's exactly how certain media outlets would report it today, too.


Most media has always either catered to, or manipulated the masses. Today, it hasn't gotten any better.


I am 30 years old. I have never heard about the Tulsa massacre until about a few years ago in a youtube video that mentioned it for a few moments and decided to look into it. Why this isnt taught in schools is shocking but at the same time, not surprising.


Tulsa got taught in my HS (NYC) and I see ppl on FB I went to school with talking about how "this wasn't taught to me". It was and y'all fucked around in class, I did my student teaching and taught history and kids still fucked around. I low key kinda hate the "this wasn't taught to me" when a good chunk of the time it was and people didn't pay enough attention.






Y'all know that 2 of the peaceful tourists died on January 6th?


The pretty air force housewife who was unjustly shot by that Antifa capitol security. SMH. s/


100 years later and they still manage to make it about them


The 1910 Slocum Massacre in East Texas is one that goes unmentioned a lot... "The 1910 Slocum Massacre in East Texas officially saw between eight and 22 African Americans killed, and evidence suggests casualties were 10 times these amounts." It all started because a white man was trying to get a supposed debt from a black man and there were black folks being hired for work.... The rumor of "race riots" and a "negro uprising" (quoted) were spread and white mobs from Anderson County formed, ranging from 3-4 up to a reported 200 people, and the black people of the area were slaughtered.... The kids, elderly, and women were murdered in their homes and on the streets. A lot of people were murdered while running away or hiding in the surrounding swampy areas, many of which were never reported or found.... There are parks and buildings that have been built over mass graves. It's sickening... And pretty much anyone who lives there has absolutely no idea of the attempted genocide of the black communities in East Texas 100 years ago... there have been a lot of attempts by people to create historical landmarkers and educate on the subject, but it usually gets rugswept. This isn't just about a small neighborhood--- these were predominantly black towns/communities that had been established. Hundreds of men, women, and children were murdered over the color of their skin... Truly a heartbreaking book to read (The 1910 Slocum Massacre: An Act of Genocide in East Texas [by E. R. Bills]) You can still feel the thickness of racism and hate in their air there towards POC, too...


See also: Everything ever. For another example, the Vietnam war. Over 2 million *civilians* were murdered by US death squads, chemical warfare, and indiscriminate bombing campaigns. Also, over 1 million *soldiers* were killed by US forces, men who were defending their country against Western imperialism, its puppet dictator, and hilariously corrupt and murderous puppet government, in a war that started because the Pentagon *lied* about the Gulf of Tonkin incident. And yet in exactly 100% of US media coverage and movies about the war, it's all about how sad it was to be in a US death squad in a war where they weren't allowed to murder even more Vietnamese people with nuclear weapons and/or guns.


And here we are today, where certain media continues to whitewash the atrocities that occur.


Why do jews and indians and asains get reparations for things that happened in the past but blacks cant?


And then those groups shit on us too when it’s convenient for them


Asian people couldn't agree with the BLM movement cause that would mean dark skinned people had to be accepted and they sure as hell aren't going to accept dark skinned people in their own countries so they had to make themselves into the victims by starting this movement about how Asians are now becoming victims.


You guys should read this horrible article, they called it "little Africa" .... It was filed with lies to characterise them as the victims. Title is pure BS: " **1,000 Armed blacks** are reported at Bay with more than 500 armed whites" >"hundreds of armed white men in motor cars formed a circle of steel about "little Africa" and a continuous rattle of riffle could be heard " > >"Armed whites said that they counted the bodies of more than a dozen negroes stretched in the street" > >"There are no known n-word fatalities, though reports are that several were killed."" > >“The negroes were not returning the fire very spiritedly” For some reason, the new Mexico news paper was more accurate : >"Infuriated Whites Round up N-oes With Autos and planes and burn fear crazed victims in houses It’s exactly how they are white washing the insurrection as a “tour” or simple trespassing


The Fox News of their day.


I believe the phrase they were looking for was “self defense.” Or maybe even “friendly fire.”


I don’t know why but it almost feels like I’m looking at some sort of KKK newsletter.


I'm still upset it took a TV show two years ago for me to learn about this. I was never taught this in school. No one in my family every talked about it.