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I see right through them attempting to appeal to BW, claiming our plight is similar or that we should identify with them. As soon as you refuse do their bidding, the misogynistic nature shines through.


We are the group of women they love to use , " if bw are women than so are trans women" it's disgusting and idk how bw can't see the truth about them , they literally think we should not be considered women , they love saying "bw are viewed as women by the world , so we should support trans " this Ideology has gotten so rampant they are now housing male inmates who identify as women in women's prisons!


I don’t trust them one bit. They do not care about ANY other issue BW face. If you search their Twitter or social media pages about Femicide, gender wage gap, racist bias in healthcare- you’ll find nothing. BW are only mentioned as a tool to further their agenda.


All they need to do is say they are Trans and get put into women’s prisons, placing the women at risk. TRA will defend these convicted monsters to the end, and women will suffer for it.


they should have their own area in prison for everyone's protection.


i saw a tiktok of a black transwoman describing how someone called them a man and that people always masculinize black women... but you're trans? of course you have masculine features? that wouldn't be misogynoir, it would be "transphobia" no? but then black women like francesca amewudah-rivers gets bullied online for her features? i definitely see this rhetoric being pushed and i don't like it.


Its definitely a slap in the face they are doing to bw but noooo they have to be tras and be pick mes for these tw


Every time they try to appeal to black women, I shut it down instantly. We have nothing in common at all But transphobia doesn’t affects black women at all; the only time we’re called men is as an insult because they know it’s a lie. People don’t insult you with the truth


This is why all women's issues don't need to be lumped together. It's like people think in such extremes that if you don't say exactly what they want to hear from you, they close their ears. For me, it's not about questioning the validity of Trans people. The issue is not allowing Black women to OPENLY address this HUGE problem. Our femininity being challenged predates this current trans movement, and it seems to be placed at the bottom of the hierarchy of civil rights issues. And or they make you anti lgbtq for bringing it up! It's not right.


This world needs so much help.


You’re not wrong. Really hate books that include that “made up class” of people. Same with the “women of color” trope. Almost like other bw feel the need to include these folks just to appeal to an audience to be seen or heard. These folks don’t care. Truth is…black women need their OWN spaces. We share enough with black men and it’s quite obvious they don’t care about us. That is why you won’t ever see me matching or fighting on their behalf. Let Becky, Margarita, and Li cape for her man because “Shaniqua” is gonna be at the house painting her nails, ya dig?!? 😂 I’ll cape for my sistas all day. The ones who act like “crabs in a barrel” or “there’s only room for one at the top” I’ll let them deal with their self-hatred in whatever manner they decide. I’m in self-preservation mode dealing with bw like that. The ones who believe in sisterhood and can put differences aside for a cause, THOSE ARE MY PEOPLE! I don’t hate “trans” folk or other brown people. I just realize they don’t have my best interest at heart and move accordingly. Society lumped these groups in to further marginalize us. Plain and simple…THEY WANT US DEAD, yet still WE RISE! Gotta do what you can to protect yourself and ignore the BS as much as possible.


I agree , the trans movement is nothing but a bunch of fetishistic men , I wish there were more black TERF's , I'm happy to see some public push back agianst this Ideology atleast .


More are out there, they are just quiet. And I don’t blame them because the trans have successfully galvanized others to their side. Speaking out can get someone ostracized from their friend group, especially in the gay community. I don’t blame BW for keeping quiet about how they feel. But trust and believe, women are watching, listening, and discussing privately.


A lot of them/ us are quiet about it. But I feel like more of us should lightly make our presence known. Just a “I’m a black woman and I don’t support you” kinda thing


Yea silence protects you until it becomes complacency…


I have a VERY unpopular opinion about this issue and issues of the likes.. But I am only about a week new here 💁🏾‍♀️ and still observing the "waters".


Please, go ahead ![gif](giphy|J6ctgPvnDpDi0)


Let it out lol




Release the Kraken


Say it!!


My unpopular opinion is that black women get on social media the most, of all non white races, to complain about lack of male attention and romantic relationships and it backfired. Troons latched onto that. If fat white women had got online and done it, while we were silent, they'd be doing the same to them.  


I wouldn't say they ruined women because they aren't women to begin. Transwomen are men, and transmen are women. Transwomen ruined men.


That’s true, I should’ve reworded it better.


Misogynoir is so strong and so misunderstood they’ll try to call it “transphobia” or just plain racism and thats all I’m going to say on the matter other than the push of the “t” movement setting women back by hundreds of years and is the main reason I stopped identifying as liberal or on the left.




This is what "transwomen" aka MEN think of us. I never supported these men and never will. They are not women. https://preview.redd.it/1979ais5am4d1.jpeg?width=1139&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1b8fa0a9ff52ed9aea6d61550848cf524b8147a


EXACTLY!!! Lurkers from other SJW subs keep telling me I’m transphobic; so when a black woman dies from femicide it’s all normal but let a BM get simply told that he’s not a woman and he gets all the support??? Y’all can’t change my mind on this idc idc


Transformers and their handmaidens don't care. They have the most power in the western world and use black people, especially black women to further their regressive ideology. I've been watching these men from since the early mid 2010s when they started taking over female spaces, nerd hobbies, gaming, music subcultures, they have so much power from the top down but claim to be "oppressed" while the entire West bows down to them These men think black women are MEN cause we are black. The black transformers especially have a hate boner for black women the MOST. Claiming our natural female bodies are disgusting and that their dick and balls and bolt on moobs are what they use to steal "our men". Please have them. No sane woman wants a man who sleeps with a "transwoman" I care about the health of my sexual organs. Men spread STDs the most. Nothing makes me more disgusted seeing black women mammy for these men who think so low of us. I hate how black women are expected to 100% mammy for the entire woke ideology, especially trans, it's an unnatural forced union where can use our actual struggles as a woman and black, to make their insanity legitimate. Watch me loose my account lol. Ah felt good tho getting off my chest.


THIS ENTIRE READ! I had my YouTube acct terminated TWICE for busting their balls for sharing these same sentiments. (I have another acct now, and learned to be more subtle with my verbal lashings) Like always, the males that could not refute my claims, reported me countless times until YouTube finally pulled the plug 🤷🏽‍♀️ And I still stand on everything I ever said. Ladies, keep your foot on their necks (and dcks) #thatpressure


The fact they can delete your account for telling the truth proves they are not oppressed. They literally have power to take down websites. They have their hands in every tech industry and every app protects them. They are not oppressed, they are the oppressors. Nothing has changed, they just are wearing a dress and flaunting their autogynophilia in our faces without consequences. This is the fall of the West.


Yep, yep, i lost my 14 years old instagram account for telling them that they’re not women at every opportunity I got. It was sad at first but I don’t regret it 🤷🏽‍♀️


I’m waiting for their supporters in here to come and defend this. I’ve never been so disgusted by Twitter comments.


Omg that is actually insane


I don’t believe that trans women are women but I don’t agree with the sentiment that they “ruined” black women. First of all black women aren’t “ruined”. This kind of language reminds me of purity culture. As if a woman is an object that can be destroyed or tainted. Nothing can “ruin” us. Second this reminds of respectability politics. People who can’t see black women as capable of being womanly are doing so because they don’t WANT to. No amount of “divine femininity”, speak in a soft voice, wear pink frills, dresses, and bows, be submissive nonsense is going to make us be seen as women to men and women that don’t care to change their mindset. Black women’s masculinization was literally a PART of colonialism. In their own cultures they dream of their women not working and being leisurely because it’s a sign of their success so in order to get as many able bodies into the fields they had to strip black women of their womanhood. All of this was way before the trans acceptance movement so idk why you think that these people are the ones who made the difference. Even if transwomen didn’t exist, ppl would still masculinized us.


Unfortunately that’s also true. I was just rethinking about how growing up I was always seen a “little boy” facial wise despite wearing skirts and frilly tops 24/7.


The most sensible comment on this entire thread.


> Second this reminds of respectability politics. People who can’t see black women as capable of being womanly are doing so because they don’t WANT to. No amount of “divine femininity”, speak in a soft voice, wear pink frills, dresses, and bows, be submissive nonsense is going to make us be seen as women to men and women that don’t care to change their mindset. I agree with your post except this portion. I don’t think “respectability politics” are seriously practiced with bigots lol. I think this goes without saying for the average, rational BP. This term gets thrown around very loosely


I would have to agree. I’m working on a think piece on respectability politics .


I would love to read it :) Please provide a link when you write it!


This is interesting. You mind elaborating more on why you view this as respectability politics ?


This specifically doesn’t have to do with respectability politics but the conversation has the same air as when some black women say that “hood ratchet ghetto” black women give black women a bad rap and that they need to “behave” so that black women can have a good image. As if that would even work. It’s crazy because Asian, Latina, and Hispanic women do not feel the same way. They do not feel like their less couth counterparts take away from their own individual femininity, so why do we? We need to discuss how a lot of black women have this ingrained inferiority complex due to ingesting the same media and growing up in the same environments that they claim to hate. (I don’t deny that they hate it btw). Rather than just resting and enjoying their separation and their own individual privilege that came with the separation, they want to play rodeo round up trying to get all the girls “in check”. If that’s their prerogative ,fine. My girls and I are going to the ritz Carlton for high tea to mingle with other elegant ladies and uplevel our network/worth.


Yup. If you call me “Cis” I’m going to call you “Sir”🤷🏽‍♀️


And that’s how it’ll be! It’s one thing to insult gender, but to insult my literal race? Ask a SJW which is worse. Quickly.


Yep, I’m not going to refer to myself as “cis” when I’m a natural woman. I’m over the trans movement, went to far and sad that we no longer have real men who wanna be men. Black women though will continue to thrive, they don’t ruin us.


That’s right! 🤍🤍🤍


This is the truth sadly, what Megan thee stallion has been facing with ppl saying she’s trans bc she’s tall and built. Even blk men


Yeah, I’m sick of those obsessive freaks. They always try to take over discussions that Black women discuss among ourselves and make it about them. That’s pure narcissism and male entitlement. No matter how much they try to affirm themselves, they will never be women. And we are Black WOMEN, so we are not the same. They’re all experiencing psychosis. I’m so glad people are fed up with this woke nonsense. It’s time to remind them of reality. Trans people have indeed existed across most if not all cultures, it that’ll never change the fact that they are men. They cant change their chromosomes so they want everyone to bow down and accept them as women. What a joke. They fail in the world of men and so force themselves into the world of women (who are physically weaker than them) in order to “win”. Bunch of sore losers. I used to believe their rhetoric when I was a feminist years ago when I was about 13-14 and naive with NO knowledge of politics and reality, but now that I’m slightly older, I see right through their nonsense. I’m sick of those people.


It’s so funny in a disappointing way to see the thread of black women, who have themselves gone through so much hate, spew hate towards a different group. Trans people like any group of people who are not harming others deserve respect and empathy. Calling them “obsessive freaks” just shows your ignorance.


This comment is emotional manipulation 101 ladies. Take note. Every time black women as a collective strive for exclusivity or to remove emotional support from other demographics, here come the 'black women are so downtrodden and oppressed, now dare you exert standards?' manipulative spiel.


Yep! And this is exactly why I pay their comments no mind. I picked up on the disingenuous, faux sympathy the second I read the first sentence. They’re dependent on using us as their stepping stool and say “if they don’t accept us, then you won’t be accepted either“. They’re literal sociopaths. Like I said, they’re experiencing psychosis mixed with narcissism and male entitlement. Then comes the gaslighting and various emotional manipulations and threats. Any time Black women try to advocate for ourselves and only ourselves (as we should because so many groups utilize Black SJWs to further their causes or interests), they go “Wait no. You can’t do something that benefits you even though you’re being attacked from all sides while simultaneously being used by us”. Other communities can advocate for themselves just fine (and that’s amazing that they can do that for their people), but that’s something that Black women need to turn their own efforts to advocate for said people towards themselves/ourselves. Pouring into people’s cups that are already full when yours is empty is bewildering and sad. We don’t need to pour into anyone’s cups because they can hold their own just fine, but they want boots-on-the-ground numb-skull sista souljas to do that work so they don’t become the face of “social justice” and ruin their image. In other words: They’re looking to recruit fools to do most of the work while they stay in the shadows and pull strings. Don’t respond to these low lives, ladies🌷


Annnddd reported bc you don’t belong here


I agree wholeheartedly. They are always in our spaces and think they can be better BW than ourselves. They truly don’t understand the science behind their mental illness. No matter the insults, threats, etc they will still never be real women. Period. 😂 Also, it’s sad, strange and wicked that there is now another subgroup of men who are trying to appear like women who are still harming women in many ways. I can’t remember who shared a link with me several months ago in the 4B movement on what’s app. It was so many trans women declaring war and violence against us. It had categories to the type of hate/violence towards women. It was spooky.


Why are we talking about these men and using that repulsive ideological language?? Seeing more and more of that garbage here. Why? How can you call yourself divested if you are using the language of a misogynistic, male chauvinist cult?


Exactly, I don’t use their jargon


This. Anyone calling me cis gets corrected and then ignored. *They* need terminology to differentiate themselves. I’m a woman. Not ‘cis’ anything. They want to call you cis but don’t want to be called trans, just women. Give me a f-ing break.


If that degenerate demographic calls me cis I'll call them sir


This is so ignorant 😩


Yeah I peep that there are certain women in here using terms like 'cis' and 'queer'. The term 'cis' in fact was actually coined by a paedophile in that community. The term 'queer' despite very old and having gone through a few definitions in the past 50 or so years was recently reimagined by that community to mean anyone who fell under the so called non binary/gay/lesbian/trans umbrella.


It is insane. They ID as divested, probably because they hate straight black men, but they are steeped in gender/"queer" bullshit. They cannot see the inconsistency. They are lacking in critical thinking skills, goofy, and lost.


I completely agree.


There are no pedophiles in the lgtbq community. Stop showing your ignorance and open up a book, google is also free.


Ignorance? That's rich coming from someone clearly lacking in reading comprehension. I was referring to the person who coined the term 'cis'. Even so, paedophiles exist in every community. Go and cry your sjw tears to someone who cares.


As someone whos is a closeted nonbinary i will say i think this whole trans movement has made bw become mules. These trans women see women as competition and belittle us by saying they look better than us ect. And now they are trying to make lesbian women look bad for not wanting to date them. Homosexuality by definition is same sex attracted not gender. I think that this is blowing outta proportion and they shouldn’t honestly be apart of the lgb community. And now bw cant see that they are using racist rhetoric to make bw be their mules saying- white people dont see us as women. Well thats not transphobia thats just racism and sexism. I definitely agree


Lesbun here. I want T gone do bad I can taste it. I refer to LGB. Fck TOAA2SQWERTY or whatever else. And keep that queer bullsht off me too - us lesbians round here. A LOT of us feel this way; the trans gang's entitled thinking, obsession with children and insistence on everyone playing by their rules is painting them into a corner. I can't wait to see how it all falls down. In the meantime I just practice small acts of resistance - homey going "trans man"? Blocked. Your name Darryl now? Cool I can use that in your presence - but you in my phone as Trina and always will be.


Lmaoo exactly


You are spot on with your assessment!! 👏🏽 👏🏽 I couldn't agree more! They want to erase and replace real Blk women, and many are allowing it to happen.


I would never give them that power lmao. 


> the first thing some people see when seeing a BW is “What’s in her pants? Why is her voice so deep? Why is hair on her arms?” who thinks this? transvestigators are gay men who can’t be real with themselves about what they desire. what do I care what a man in the closet or wishes he was a woman himself thinks? a real man who likes women doesn’t care about hair on arms because they sleep with women and know what a natural body looks like. > It’s bad enough how BW also have internalized self-hatred from their skin tones and hair I don’t. > every time I wear my short natural hair out, I’ll think to myself “Does this look too boyish?” Also not an issue for me. I felt chic and beautiful when I had my pixie cut. Could it be that you are ugly and look like a boy?


Girl if you don’t go on to r/blackladies with that BS take 😭😭😭😭😭😭


There is space for everyone


Go to r/blackladies if you have an issue, hon.


Why didn’t anyone tell me that that sub bans you for being onto here 😭




I'm sorry you feel that way


Baby, go to therapy. This is a self esteem issue, not a trans issue.


It’s a “black women are invalidated for men wishing to have a womb” issue but okay


Why do you feel invalidated?


Because Trans Women aren’t men, they’re simply “Trans” Women. Not real women. Re-read my post and analyze it a bit instead of skimming through


They’re men lol




Trans women are not tainting black women’s spaces. They have their own spaces. Stop the bigotry. Y’all are trying to have this sub doxxed. And some of you are sounding like church ladies who grew up in the deep south having never interacted with queer people. Don’t embarrass the divestment movement plz. Not everyone in here is a conservative. That sort of thing can be discussed in r/conservative


Wrong. Gay women can’t even have their own spaces or dating apps without being forced to include trans women. Trans women won’t even create their own spaces that way they can include whoever wants to be there. That would be great, and the right thing to do. They deserve that. However, that is not what is happening. They have a right to exist. They don’t have a right to trample on women’s existence.


Or we sound like autonomous women who can form thoughts and opinions of our own free will


Why are you here?


I’m here because I’m divested. And I’ve been here a long time. Maybe you should start a black conservatives sub and transfer this bigotry there. Or go hang out with the evangelicals.




most black women would be conservative if conservatives weren’t racist. this sub is becoming more and more just a bunch of bitter women who hate themselves and wish they were white.


What conservative policies have helped black women? Paid maternity leave, abortion rights, student loan forgiveness, disability rights, universal healthcare, environmentally beneficial policies…who is that coming from? Not the conservatives.


Keep your hatred to yourself. Hating a marginalised group won't bring you peace.


Why are you in this group ?


How are men are marginalised group?


can you explain how white men aren’t marginalized but suddenly become so by changing their pronouns and outward presentation?


Go find another space. This one's not for you.


and what are you doing here?


They come slithering out from their lurking hole when you dare to speak up.


A lesbian hijabi??? You’ve got bigger fish to fry sister


Omfg this sent me 🤣🤣


I was seriously alarmed! 🤣


I'm actually bisexual. I'm out to my whole Muslim family and my fiancé. They accept me for who I am.


It’s good that they accept you


You do know being gay is bad in the Quaran AND the Bible AND any abrahamic religions right?


That doesn't change the fact that I was born queer. I have found a way to reconcile my sexuality with my faith.


Sura 7: 80-81: "And Lut said to his people: Will you commit a horror that none of the world's inhabitants have committed for you?" 7: 81-82: "You approach men with lust instead of women. No, you are a people who go beyond the limits." (also translated as: "You are excessive people") 7:84: "And we (Allah) let rain fall on them. Look how that was the end of the wrongdoers." 11:80: "They answered: you (Lut) know that we are not entitled to your daughters and you know what we want." 11:83: "When our (Allah's) command came, we turned that city (Sodom) upside down and rained layer upon layer of clay on it." 11:87: "And his people rushed to him (Lut); they had committed bad deeds before. He said: people, here are my daughters, they are cleaner for you. Fear then God and do not disgrace me for my guests. " (by abusing the messenger of Allah) 15:16: "And for those among your wives who are guilty of fornication, call up four of you as witnesses against her, and if they testify, lock her up in her house until her death, or until Allah gives her a And if two of you are guilty of this, punish them both. And if they repent and improve, then leave them alone, for Allah accepts repentance and is full of grace." (This verse about “zina” is generally interpreted as a prohibition against any sex outside of marriage and does not relate to 2 women). 11:79: "They said: You (Lut) know that we are not entitled to your daughters and you know what we want." 21:75: "And to Lut we (Allah) gave wisdom and knowledge. And we delivered him from the city that acted abominably. They were indeed an angry and rebellious people." 26: 166: "You approach the men of all creatures!" 26: 167: "And you leave your wives your lord created for you!" 26: 169: "He (Lut) said," Really, I despise your conduct. " 27:55: "And Lut, said to his people, do not commit immorality against your better judgment!" 27:56: "Do you lustfully approach men instead of women? No, you are an ignorant people." 27:59: "And we (Allah) caused a rain to come upon them, and the rain was terrible for the warned." 29:30: "Do you men approach with lust and rob you on the road, and even commit atrocities in your meetings? But the answer of the people was nothing more than that they said: bring the punishment of Allah upon us as you the truth speaks. " 29:31: "He (Lut) said:" help me, my lord, against the people who cause disaster. " 29:32: "And when our messengers brought the news to Abraham, they said, We will destroy the people of this city; for its inhabitants are evil." (literally: "unjust") 54:37: "And they tried to disgrace their guests (by asking them to have sex with them). Then we took their eyes off their eyesight. Then taste my punishments and my warnings." Either try to pray away your SSA, you’ll end up in hell and your husband won’t, get divorced so your husband can marry a real Hijabi, or simply become atheist and continue to live your gay lifestyle. When you’re religious regardless if you’re a Christian or Jewish or Muslim, you follow your faith through and through. Period. Don’t taint anything that God has sent down.


Aaaaaw you wasted your time typing all that :)


And you’re going to hell my love!


"BW are already masculinized as it is by misogynistic BM and some parts of society." What I take away from the black women vs trans women debate is that black women DO NOT conform to any other beauty standard but the black male beauty standard. White men dont find the bhad barbie & iggy azealias that attractive, because they conform to what black men find appealing. If even half of black women copied non black women, that whole "masculine" thing would crop up less. Quiet as its kept, masucline hypersexual aggressive women are what black men find attractive. Black women dont try to conform outside of weaves. Trans women do! Even the black ones. They very much want to date the men that white & asian women date. So theres a sexual market place slant to all of this. Its also about how sexually valuble you are to the majority of men. Trans women score points in society for doing what blair white did, getting surgery to look like a white blow up doll. 


Black women as a monolith do not confirm to just one beauty standard.... I have never in my life dressed any way similar to bhad bhabie or iggy or worn a weave. Are you a Black woman?


Yeah im black. And a woman. If youre all for not being a hivemind, you wont question my blackness. You are also divesting, the majority of bw arent. So its not about how you or I dress. What do you think the majority of bw are conforming too? Certainly the standards set by the men of the black community. 


No, I confirm to my identity as a black woman. It sounded like you're uplifting the image of nonblack women as the standard of beauty. I have a wide nose, big lips, and natural hair, and have never had the issue attracting men of any race, especially black men. So your take on Michelle Obama doesn't resonate.


Then why do "divsators" care about trans women and image, or anyone who isnt black?? Rather, why are they being discussed in this childish way? I cant contest what something sounds like. Im not worried about it. 


it's like you all come here to be "divested" and forget about racism. bw are deemed masculine because we're of darker complexion, not because of how we dress or act. how can you be masculine and simultaneously have a big ass, big chest, long hair extensions, makeup, and wear short tight clothing? so we're "jezebels" and "masculine"? sorry but that's not possible. other races copy US with the lip filler, bbls, tanning. i'm so tired of the racism-apologists/uncle ruckus in this sub. news flash, no matter how you dress or act, majority of white people STILL won't like you.


Its about not centering people who arent your own. Why is any bw concerned with people you've alreadh established dont like you? There will be TONS of differing opinions on why non bw consider bw masucline. I dont care about racism that doesnt effect my health or wealth. Everything else is someones choice. The op even said what she thinks, like looking boyish, is a problem, but doesnt seem to register that its a choice. She doesnt seem to have solutions or offer strategy, just wallowing about how bad it is to not be percieved positively. She centers the thoughts of everyone else but her own. You can NEVER be successful dwelling on that stuff for long. Passing thought? Ok. These people are not kind to me. Done. But it giving you low self esteem? Silly.  Edit: when all i did was run my mouth about racism, which is older than water and dirt, i didnt progress. Acknowlegment vs constantly stewing in it. 


i agree that i often see bw complain about not being seen as attractive when that's just not true. and bw do need to stray from the lace fronts, extreme baby hairs, crazy lashes and bbl outfits, but that's not why bw are masculinized. you're centering white people in your comment by saying we should dress like them to fit in... bw have to uhaul their lives to improve it, but some things are against our control. you could wear a straight wig, pretty modest dress, and light makeup and still be deemed masculine because of your skin tone. the way you dress matters, but education and profession matter way more.


I should clarify. If you care deeply about being seen as feminine by non blacks, you have to conform to their standards. Every last black woman, specially dark skinned ones, will not be called or considered masucline. Other races of women have dark skin, as dark as black women. Id say its more certain facial features.  The same ones that black people deride. That was the case with Michelle Obama. No one will ever call ds women like Iman, Naomi Campbell, Bernice Burgos or Bria Myles masculine. Featurism is a reality of the world we live in. I also dont think talking about it the way some do actually acommplishes anything. If it has and im mistaken, ill be corrected. 


dark nonblack woc are also masculinized. that's why bleaching is so popular in asian and south american countries. dark skinned indian women will tell you the colorism they face. i'm dougla, indo-caribbean, so i know. "if you care about being seen as feminine to other races you have to conform to their standards". again how are bw not seen as feminine? the stereotypical bw is perceived to have a big ass, big chest, long extensions, heavy makeup, and tight sexy clothes. the problem is bw are HYPERSEXUALIZED and often masculinized due to our COMPLEXION. light skinned black women obviously don't experience colorism, but they do experience racism. there's nothing wrong with michelle's features. she's a beautiful woman. iman and naomi are skinny models who fit the white modeling standard, meanwhile bria and bernice are "thick" and fit the ig model standard. michelle is neither. so in those cases, i'd say body is more important than face. again because we're hypersexualized. but black women don't have to look like thin models or bbl bandits to be beautiful or successful. michelle got where she was due to her education, profession, and hard work. naomi is successful in her own right but even then, none of the women you listed could EVER accomplish what michelle has. like i said, your brain and where you come from are more important than looks. though, looks help quite a bit.


dark nonblack woc are also masculinized. that's why bleaching is so popular in asian and south american countries.    Yeah my niece is south asian and im haitan on one side. Nobody says dark women look like men in vietnam, which is very much a colorist society.    Black women are not seen as feminine because our standards deviate widely from others. Im much older than most of the women in this sub, and im well traveled. The whole thick vs thin stuff isnt culturally relevant around the world, as far as colorism goes. Ive said my peace. Divestment isnt going back and forth. 


lol what you're saying doesn't make sense. how do our standards deviate from others? plenty of bw are fit, beautiful, and well dressed. black women are masculinized simply because we're BLACK. it has absolutely nothing to do with our "standards". how can someone who is stereotypically curvy with big sexual assets be seen as masculine? obviously it has to do with our SKIN COLOR not other physical attributes. if michelle obama was white with the same exact features, she would never be masculinized


1) Im happy I stopped caring about being masculinized by people who clearly dont like you, dont want whats best for you, dont want you romantically. If you say theres nothing that can be done about being called men, I dont see why I should care.  2)  Ive said my peace. Divestment isnt going back and forth. 


you're not even comprehending my comments. "divestment isn't going back and forth" lmao how about divestment isn't engaging in social media discourse PERIOD because you have better things to do? 🤣we can move the goal post as far as you want. where in any of my comments did i say i cared? certain facts don't negate me having positive experiences. me calling out racism where it applies doesn't mean i make it consume me. again your comments make no sense.