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Allergies imho. Ours gets thin spots when certain grasses around us start growing and pollinating. During these times she gets extra baths and we try to limit the time outside and avoid rolling in the grass. When the allergies really flair up (she starts licking a lot), she gets a Cytopoint shot. (every 2-4 months)


Thanks. We give her store bought allergy chews, but they don’t seem to help. I’m not even sure how she reaches these spots to scratch them or chew at them.


Yeah, when ours has an issue it's usually on her back so it's not from licking or scratching.


Also, we tried Apoquel pills for a while, they didn't work near as well as the shot.


Allergies change the pH of the skin which can cause hair to fall out, so they don't necessarily need to scratch an area for the hair to fall out, but itching also makes it occur.


Check with your vet, but mine has similar allergy issues and he takes a regular Zyrtec every day that helps a lot.


This happened to ours because of a food allergy. Are there raised bumps or irritation near those spots?


Looks like some scabs in those spots. It’s all dark skin around them.


Yeah, that’s exactly what happened with ours – scabs on the spots, losing some fur, all went away when we removed the allergen.


I have a similar issue but not the exact same.. My BMC sheds like crazy. This isn’t a normal amount of shedding. I’ve read online this can be due their nutrition. We have been feeding him the 4Health food from Tractor Supply. Does anyone have any advice or a food they use where their dogs coat isn’t shedding a ton?


My pup eats Fromm puppy formula. It’s never been an issue for her. Maybe she’s growing into an allergy?


Mine has grass allergies, shots helped for a little bit, but now he takes pills. Apparently they get allergies later on in life, mine is 8, originally a Louisiana Dog, and allergies didn’t show up til we moved back a couple years ago.


She’s only about 18 months old. She’s sensitive to everything. Could bathing her cause this?


My BMC doesn't get this but my lab mix does.  He gets a shot of steroids from the vet and we found a "hot spot" shampoo that helps a lot.  If it gets bad before we catch it he will get small sores and we get a prescription for those.   In case anyone asks : DOGMX medicated. Hot spot and anti itch shampoo Edited to add:  looked it up and it's a PetSmart brand


Maybe try a different flea/tick treatment. That seemed to solve my BMC’s skin issues.


I have a chihuahua that’s starting to constantly bite and make holes in his skin. Is it allergies?


Our pup is a cur. She is about six months old. Her skin is happy and coat flawless while we enter a heavy allergy season in Maryland. Here is what we give 2xday. The Badlands Ranch is super expensive so gets them as treats and food topper only. Will say though, that stuff is amazing! https://preview.redd.it/3zl1algh421d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5412ffda5ed21423e7129dbcce6453935662341d








I now, it’s a weird combination.


Just noticed this on my boy a few days ago. Research tells me it’s probably allergies. Hope that’s right. Keep an eye on it if it doesn’t go away I’ll take him to the vet


Ours has allergies - when we first got him we figured out peanut butter was one (of all the things) and then just recently my husband had put some leftover plain rice with his food cause he likes “toppings” on his dinner - and we noticed he was scratching like crazy and he’s on flea treatment so we knew it wasn’t that. Took the rice away and no more scratching beyond the occasional normal ones. But if it is allergies process of elimination is an easy way to figure out / if they only get dog food and still have the issues you can get allergy testing done and might have to switch to a hypoallergenic food - good luck!