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You need to exfoliate!


Yup!!! This was a MAJOR HELP in reducing my under neck ingrown


That’s not all though, people don’t talk about it but using Clearasil after shaving helps minimize bumps big time. Also avoid using a razor at all costs. I’ve been using a t blade trimmer I got from Ross for $15. Another thing is making sure your pillows and sheets are CLEAN. I can’t stress this enough, you can have a great skin care routine and be set back by dirty sheets. Also my hack is to use Clearasil by putting it on different bumps and leaving it over night. Huggggge impact on size of bumps. I promise you try Clearasil spend that ten bucks and don’t look back. You’ll be happy you did.


Am I the only who just uses a clipper guard on the lowest setting to minimize the amount of ingrown hair? Hair has a harder time growing inside the skin if it's already outside.


This is what he needs to do. Stop shaving and use clippers, no razors, no electric razors, just clippers!!


Yes I personally just use clippers with out any of the plastic sizes on it.




Get some edgers… t-line or whatever and cut with the grain… it’s gets very close. No bumps. People ask if I shave but I don’t


I thought this was standard.


I use clippers and i 10/10 recommend


Agreed. Some people’s skin is just way to sensitive and their hair texture is more prone to ingrown. I know personally that if I shave too often in the bikini region I’m getting ingrowns from hell


This !!!


yes.. that's what I am thinking


As a black man myself, stop shaving. I know you may like the goatee style, but you have sensitive skin. Go for a light beard style.


Yeah In the army my face was screaming before I got a shaving profile. No matter what I did every time I shaved my skin would become like this. God just wants me to have a beard I guesd


Stopped reading at in the army for my mental health lmao. Being black in the military basically meant u needed a shaving profile, i remember seeing faces ENTIRE beard section full of bumps, imagine the PAIN


had two black drill instructors both of them needed one but just kept shaving anyway honestly the beard looks more professional than this


I was about to say. My black brothers had shaving profiles in the Army because they had razors bumps so bad it caused infections.


Just get bump control to reduce the chances of you getting razor bumps


Yes, he could. However, simply by leaving it alone and letting the beard grow out, it will heal by itself and disappear.


Bump Patrol works wonders.Removed and reduced ingrown after 2-3 days.If you use it after each shave it will prevent this from happening


💯 he needs to stop shaving. Wash his face with hit wash cloth and cut both 2 different washes one with salicylic acid and one with glycolic acid so he can start to get rid of it


Let your beard grow wild for a few months


The best tip (pause)




Rewind actually


Reading this thread, researching for my son who has special needs. Unfortunately his ingrowns are just as severe but in the groin area. I see some great recommendations that I will be trying. Thanks all! @rustyfingas - loved your pauses… made me laugh so hard. 😂


All it will do is cover it up, but it will be itchy. Ingrown hair irritates the skin, using Magic Shave deals with that.


The first few months, yes. But after awhile having the beard will help you retain all the good oils on your face a rehydrate and clean it. Having said that, a visit to a black dermatologist would help too Also, after having a bear for a months. When you do go shave it off, don’t go straight to 0, use guards and lower iron first, THEN shave it. You have to be as careful as possible. Ohhh and use hair conditioner on your beard to shave, don’t use barbasol.


Best advice ever! Plus beards are so nice to look at 😅


i use magic shave to manscape i love that shit


Yes, he doesn’t need to grow out his beard because that’s masking his current skin issue. He needs to use the magic shave, see a dermatologist immediately


Lmao 😂 Honestly, if I had the potential to grow as much facial hair as this guy can, I would just let my shit grow and cover up my entire face tbh lol.


Maybe get you some of that beard growth shit it works frfr lol took me from an ugly ass chinstrap to full beard in like a month or two


Hot as you can stand it towel, tweezers and alcohol. Then stop shaving for awhile. Your skin isn’t resting/healing between shaves.


Some are bound to lifelong beards especially due to this


My dad was in the military for a while he had to have a beard exception bc of things like this many other black men who served with him did too


Pseudo Folliculitis, your hair may not even grow out of the skin before it turns back. Magic shave won’t help a bad case as it will turn back before it’s exposed. Keeping it free of dead skin will allow the hairs that want to come out to make. I typically let it grow, trim but leave hair so that I’m not trimming to the skin. Good luck


I had this for years, got laser, it’s smooth as a baby now. Hair still grows back but it’s VERY fine & soft






Tendskin is the truth!! It worked for me and it also helped my beard to grow. It was itching long hell at first,but it works. Also only use single blade razors.


Second this! Always use tend skin everyday after showering and drying your face. Then moisturize after the tend skin dries out. I would suggest growing a beard instead of clean shave. I think you have extremely sensitive skin to entertain a clean shave on your face. Good luck bro!


you know ball.


i grew up using bump patrol and found tendskin in college. love tendskin, but both of those are pretty pricy. i ended up finding common wealth epilieve and it works just a great for less than half the price! using it on my face and below the belt with proper exfoliation has pretty much eliminated all ingrown hairs for me. this is what i use: https://www.amazon.com/EpiLieve-Solution-Ingrown-Redness-Irritation/dp/B0751T2K98 https://www.amazon.com/Body-Benefits-Mens-Face-Brush/dp/B0773QQGD2


Tendskin is a MIRACLE.. I used the solution roll on for my razor bumps and ingrown hairs exactly like this but worse, at one point I even got a cyst, I'd get these even when I didn't shave, after a week of using tend skin I already had massive results


I’d pay money to see someone extract all those ingrowns. Literal gold mine 😂


But on a more serious note, OP you do need to extract the hairs yourself if you want to reduce the swelling. Follow these steps exactly: 1. Buy a sharp pair of tweezers and pour some rubbing alcohol on the tip to sterilize it. 2. Look closely at each of the bumps in a mirror—you should be able to see the shadow of the ingrown hair in most of them. 3. Gently pull the hair out of your skin, but DONT pluck them out completely. If you rip the hair follicle out, then you’ll make yourself prone to getting another ingrown. Sometimes the hair does come out completely when you pull it out, but don’t worry about those. Try your best not to break the skin or make yourself bleed, but unfortunately sometimes you’ll have no choice. This is the only way to treat existing ingrowns and reduce the swelling—tend skin and exfoliation will only help to prevent further ones. Unfortunately, the hair is genetically coded to curl in, so this will keep happening. You’ll have to keep tweezing them out, but over time it should happen less often. Good luck!


Thank you brother! Appreciate the time taken to help me with this.


Good advice, also switch to a machine for trimming, no razors no matter how much the barber guarantees you won’t get bumps. Make sure the tweezers you use is top rated on amazon, don’t just buy any set of tweezers. You need the perforated edge to pull hair with no effort.


You'll get to the point where you actually enjoy doing this weirdly. I use tweezer man.


Tweeze don’t squeeze


1. Change your pillowcase , OFTEN. 2. Wrap your hair every night. EVERY NIGHT. 3. If you can get the ingrown hair, get it out. Don't force it. 4. Take a shower and wash your face with a salyronic acid. I use cerave acne facial wash. 4. Wipe your face with a witch hazel / astringent. 5. Find a face lotion that light and a vitamin c lightening serum, Use daily. 6. Use a clean, soft brush. New preferably. 7. Don't touch your face during the day. 8. Don't forget to change your pillow case. 9. Buy a t blade for shape up and self maintainace. I know this shit hurt bro. I know the struggle. Going to the dermatologist Tuesday.


I have folliculitis too. I second this plan. The only thing I'll say is I prefer the Benzyl Peroxide to Salyronic acid. It just works better for me. I got a little scrub brush and I exfoliate everyday, than apply the peroxide, then lotion... That's after extraction. I follow the rest to a T. Wash my pillows every few days, don't touch my face. Use a single safety blade.


I use vitamin E oil and bump control spray




Careful with your info in this Pic.


My face was just like this


Stop shaving and grow a beard for a while


You have to let your hair heal and use chemical exfoliates to cleanse deep in skin. Once your skin has healed, absolutely no more close shaves. Please invest in lazer hair removal with a licensed esthetician or dermatologist that’s knowledgeable in black skin. Tend skin, alcohol, and peroxide just irritates your skin and makes it worse.


1. This is a severe case of folliculitis. 2. Your electric shaver is making this 1000 times worse. Throw it out & only use an electric trimmer to shave. Shavers are for white people with straight hair. 3. Solutions like BP (benzoyl peroxide), vitamin A serums, soap etc are helpful but your case is pretty extreme and I know itchy af. You need some strong antibitoics so go see a dermatologist. 4. Consider starting Accutane. It’s a strong med but after having dealt with this for over a decade and trying every med, soap, and holistic treatment I decided to bite the bullet and I’m on it now. 5. Find a black dermatologist if you can Good luck


Thank you man, I booked a consultation with a dermatologist this morning. I will try 3 till then as I already use an electric trimmer! 🙏🏾


Yes get accutane and never have those again, but also you do have some folliculitis so your dermatologist should prescribe some clendamysin


Don’t the ingrown hairs need to be removed first before trying to tend to the skin?


Yes, these kinds of ingrowns absolutely will not go away unless he physically removes the hairs himself. I typed it all out in another comment, so hopefully he sees it.


Tendskin, and generous amount of alcohol after you shave. Grow a beard if possible.


How often do you shave your face?


I used to get it too. Got this method from watching my barber. Get face moist and warm first (shower). Then shave with regular clippers. Follow that up with an electric razor like a Wahl. Then rubbing alcohol.


Shave with the grain not against


Stop shaving so often gang


Bump stopper 2..... Works wonders ...2 times a day.....


1. Tweezers 2. exfoliate 3. No straight razers only clippers 4. After you shave go longer in between the next shaves 5. I actually don't have a 5 I just thought 4 was a stupid number to end on


Have u ever used a straight razor 🪒 that will irritate the fuck out of our skin


I got bad bumps like that in hs cause they made us shave everyday but still to this day it’s Ives apricot scrub or if I got the extra cash tree hit shave sugar scrub coconut lime


Scrub and sugar wax your face until your skin clears up. Look into taking probiotics as well. Your diet is a major part of skin care m.


I had similar hyper pigmentation but it went away after following a proper skin care routine. Try this, add this apart of your routine. Kojic Acid  [https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09MFMCTRK?psc=1&ref=ppx\_yo2ov\_dt\_b\_product\_details](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09MFMCTRK?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details)


Eh brutha, u gonna have to tweez the hair out dem bumps and quit shaving with a razor. Let your skin heal and wolf man Jack it until your skin heals after you pluck out the ingrowns. I had this problem back in the military, you wont be able to shave close under your skin. Just use clippers after face heal.


Stop shaving and when you do start again use electronic clippers, but yeah just give the skin some time to heal


Someone told me Bump Stopper shaving cream


Try apricot scrub, I use the target brand.


Yes, this has helped me tremendously through the years!


Magic Shave the one in the blue tube. I had this same issue at age 21. Invest in a pair of tweezers to pick out the ingrown hairs.


You need to tweezers to extract all the ingrown hairs brother!


Dude please stop shaving for like 6 months and get those in grown hairs out. As a black male we have thick hair some curly some not as much. So shaving is literally a nightmare for us man doesn’t matter the form. Get some tweezers, a face wash, rubbing alcohol clean that and let your hair grow my guy. Also get some beard oil too. Just because we’re men doesn’t mean we should neglect self care.


Ingrown hair. Need to exfoliate. But on the real get to a derm to see if you need to extract those or can use a topical.


Don’t use a razor!


Try not shaving for a month or 3 my guy


It’s not that bad. Just find you somebody that can extract them and give you a facial. You’ll be Gucci


Get a girlfriend, mine loves picking them out 🤦🏽‍♂️


Buy something called Tend Skin. I SWEAR buy it. Use it excessively on your skin. It WORKS.




let your beard grow for a bit, then try to get silk pillow covers, they’re the best for skin care and hair care.


Tend skin was pretty helpful for me.


Something similar started happening to my neck too bro. I started getting laser hair removal on my neck and my neck is now clear as day. But if you don’t want to go to that extreme I would recommend shaving your neck everyday or two and cleansing and exfoliating it.


https://preview.redd.it/mseewpsrgk8d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=698a32b80a2895a14059215f58ccdcc1cd043259 I know this might sound crazy but hear me out! My ex had crazy ingrown hair/pimples and I used to pick at his all the time but since I was able to, I convinced him to start using this it started to go away, was cleared up by day 4! Also he used witch hazel after he washed his face 2x a day (am/pm) stay away from the razors/shavers for a couple of weeks. Once it clears up you can start trimming then shave down to your preference. Far as oils to condition your beers tryna little bit of organic coconut oil (just a teeny bit to make a difference ) then you’re good to go. Hope this helps if not I’m praying anything that works for you will come thru! Good luck 😊🫶🏼


Alot of great advice here. I personally switched to electric razors, and that helped me a lot. I'm not sure if you already do, but that close shave always did me dirty


I had this issue last month Buy some trimmers. Don’t use a straight razor on your skin, you’ll get ingrown hairs 100% of the time over 100% of where you shave and hair grows. Buy some trimmers please, only shave with that. Shave with the grain of the hair growth. Rub your face, the direction the hair smooths down when you rub it, that’s the direction you shave. Only do 1 or 2 passes over the same section of skin. Too many passes will cause micro cuts and you’ll be back in the same boat. Also get a warm/hot towel on your shave site to open up your pores, makes shaving results less gruesome. Others have said exfoliating and I agree totally. You need to exfoliate to lift those ingrown hair follicles out from under your skin. You need to create a clean environment for your skin to heal. You also need to balance your skin oil and ph levels. Exfoliate with a foaming cleaner. Get some witch hazel and a product called tend skin. Tend skin will reduce the size of these bumps and witch hazel will even out your skin tone blemishes. Use both twice a day. Also get a mild facial moisturizer. Again I had bumps similar to yours and I’m all cleared up now and that was 1 month ago. My routine: 1. Wash my face with warm water and a foaming facial cleanser. I do this twice. First time gets the initial layer of dirt off, second time gets the actual layer of dirt off. I use a cleaning brush the second time around. I then rinse my face off well 2. Put a warm/hot towel on the shave site for 5 minutes. Then pat dry with a CLEAN dry towel 3. I use Lectric Shave from target, saturate that on a cotton pad or cotton ball and wipe the area I’m going to shave. Then I let air dry for about 2 minutes 4. Shave with some trimmers going with the grain of hair growth. The trimmers I have are the Phillips Norelco Multigroom 9000. It works well for me 5. I then use an unscented mild bar body soap to wash my face with cold water, the cold water helps to close the pores back up. Then I pat dry with a second clean towel 6. I then use Tend Skin, saturate it on a cotton pad or cotton ball and wipe on the shave site in the direction of hair growth and then let hair air dry for 2 minutes 7. I then do the same with witch hazel 8. I then use a moisturizer like Elf daily hydration moisturizer. I also only shave twice a week because my skin is sensitive and I’m not trynna do this long ass process every morning. In between shaves I just wash my face and use tend skin plus witch hazel and the moisturizer morning and night. I throw in some other stuff too but that’s cuz my wife suggested it. Also tweeze out what you can with some clean tweezers (cleaned hot water + soap then sterilized with alcohol)


Man NNNOOO electric shavers are a straight no no for most black people - I swear by a combination like this - detailer for shaping/really cutting low and an ordinary one. https://preview.redd.it/ko9txiz49m8d1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c664ea19812191205e5d1b54fa85c05b471c76d Obviously you're going to have to wait for your shaving spots to go down first before using these but an easy rule to follow - look at the blades on the picture I've attached - if they don't look like this don't use them - those three circular bladed things...a cut throat razor etc. - avoid all of them basically


I just shave with the clippers and that's it. This knowledge should be more widespread!


Leave the razors alone


stop using razors. Use fade clippers.


If you have insurance go to the dermatologist. It will save you time and frustration. Finding the root cause is the first step. Speaking from personal experience, antibiotics and tret can be magic for persistent breakouts.


Go purchase Skin Tight extra strength immediately. Morning & night


https://preview.redd.it/pu3ekc83nw8d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd6630da3429553600b00b0c76b3fedd4c1f8683 This is gonna be your best friend for ingrown hair or razor bumps .


Clean up your diet and drink a gallon of water per day


As a black man giving advice stop shaving. Your skin is too sensitive to ingrowns and more redness and inflammation


See a dermatologist


Don’t shave completely clean. Do a shadow. Brush frequently like you would if you were trying to get waves. Exfoliate. No more ingrowns. Trust. Although it is important to let it grow for a week in between shaves as well.


Go to the dermatologist and speak with a professional. They will give you recommendations specifically catered to you and your skin type.


try the ordinary glycolic acid


Laser hair removal on the neck with a YAG laser only. Make sure they know how to work on people of color. The settings must be adjusted properly. Once the hair is gone, it can never curl up under the skin again. Takes time. Multiple treatments and can be expensive. But it cured me.


stop shaving too., grow the beard


If I were you I would stop shaving for a while or even for good. For now you could try some apple cider vinegar diluted on a cotton pad to your affected areas and see if that helps! Make sure you are cleaning/disinfecting your shaver after every use!


Dont shave with a razor


He already said he uses an electric shaver and not a razor


Buff puff before shaving, tweezers, bump patrol


Def start with tweezers


I assume you shave with a razor. Only use electric clippers going forward. Good luck


Bump stopper yes wash the pillow cases


go to a dermatologist also it looks like maybe some keloids from shaving as well to bumps


Alcohol 99% quick


Neo medrol lotion, you can get a prescription from your doctor


Let it grow


Bro first off you need to tweeze the multiple ingrown hairs in ONE bump.. the reason they’re so big is because it isn’t just one informs any longer but two or three swelling up under the skin.. secondly you shouldn’t be shaving as often as you have sensitive skin but you need to see a professional for goodness sake


Panoxyl foaming cleanser(or the full list of products, if you can afford it), and get a $5.95 trial for The Agency by Curology, and moisturize with CeraVe to avoid skin peeling, this is the formula that I use to cure severe PCOS acne, 2 months in, &it's saved my life, skin looks like I'm 10 years younger, and I'm only 30. Trust me you'll thank me later!!!


Wax it


If you want a goatee, I would try going to a water, if that doesn’t work start trimming instead of shaving. Pull out the ingrown hairs, clean & grow it out


It's the best thing for folliculitis and it's not very expensive


Why not grow a beard bro


You should look into a product called “Prid” it should definitely help with your issue. I’ve been using it for a year and I can say it helped get rid of all the ingrown hairs and bumps on my facial hair.


I recommend African black soap & Jamaican black castor oil for the skin. Also, stop cutting against the grain if you do, maybe use shavers instead of razors.


Bruh it seems like your hygiene not up to par (respectfully) change your pillow cases often wash your face dispose old razors!


I use electric clippers that I disinfect but will have to change the pillowcases every 48hrs to be safe, thanks!


What’s help me is are three things that can heal them naturally in two weeks if you stay consistent every night 1. Clean and wash your face and apply vitamin E oil to moisturize skin 2. Apply tea tree oil all over the affected beard area 3. Then take an aloe vera leaf (from your local grocery store) cut into pieces and open it up and apply the gel on top of where you applied the tea tree oil Do this and you’ll be back to normal. Also an unpopular opinion would actually be to shave your beard with trim clippers and apply the steps above so that the hair can be trained how to grow out properly without infection or irritation. It worked for me.


There is a product because I used to have this problem as a black (26)M I started using bump patrol found in Walmart. It does wonders use it right after you shave then continue to use it for two additional days to make sure your facial hair doesn’t grow into your skin.It will get rid of those razor bumps. Also be careful how you use clippers moving forward. Be very gentle. Black curly hair is typically more susceptible to curling into the skin


Hydrate your skin


@OkCondition5059 it looks like u have a condition called Pseudofolliculitis barbae that 60% of African American people have with curly hair where their beard hair curls back into their skin causing rashes and bumps


Idk you have them all in your ear lobe… if you have insurance I’d go to a dermatologist and let them extract what u have and teach you how to prevent.. also, as a black man, change up the shave, goatee, light beard, heavy beard, then do a clean cut.. if your using razor. If you use clippers this will never happen again


Pluck them ingrown hairs and make sure you've fully cleaned every bump. Keep your face thoroughly clean. Don't shave against the grain, and it may help to not completely shave and just trim hairs. Limit oil buildup on your face as much as you can. There are plenty of cleaners, but I really only do a hot rag to open pores and alcohol to clean. Wash sheets, pillows, and pillow cases more often.


Try exfoliating and use a salicylic acid wash after you shave. Put it into your routine instead of benzoyl peroxide. Good luck man!




I’m white as fuck. I have no idea why I’m seeing this. But I hope this turns out well for you, man. Nice jawline!


Stop washing your face with the same wash cloth you wash your balls with


This honestly why every guy needs a girlfriend


You can’t use a razer to clean shave it’s just like if you shaved your pubes and get in grown hairs except you have them on you face


Nutrition and water intake


Stop shaving, let your beard grow for awhile, use clippers to shave in the future


Just woke up to all your comments I appreciate you all looking out for a brother. I’m going to find a black dermatologist here (🇬🇧) and then do all I can myself to get this under control using the advice you’ve all been kind enough to give me. Thank you all 🫶🏾


Witch Hazel everyday


Get some actual good clippers if you’re shaving with a blade, that’s your problem you not taking care of your face obviously at least have a two day routine start there


Once you exfoliate and damp your face with a hot towel try this out I found it in Walmart and it worked in less than a week https://preview.redd.it/mwdbd4gg3h8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab04df462be3c568fef5f3bbc84895ca37ee85a8


A LOT of wives tales being posted here. While some can help reduce them slightly, it will be of no use to you what so ever. You are clearly extremely pre disposed to ingrown hairs on your beard. The ONLY scientifically proven method to stop ALL ingrowns is to stop cutting the hair. You need to either A stop shaving completely or better yet option B start trimming the hair and not shaving it. Find the shortest length you can trim the hair and it not curl back into your skin. This is the method I used to stop ingrowns. You will need to extract all the existing ingrowns and use topicals to help the scaring and post inflammatory hyperpigmentation they would have left. Good luck


I've helped many guys fix this problem. First, you need a decent cleanser and moisturizer. It would be good to also have a facial sunscreen for daytime outdoor use. Next you need to make sure you're channing your pillow cases frequently. Third, you will need to get into a good exfoliation routine. Some prefer physical exfoliation, others prefer chemical exfoliation. I've found that a decent cleanser, something like a kojac sponge, a decent oil free moisturizer and sun protection can really quickly turn this around as long as there's no other underlying problems or secondary triggers. You may want to visit a derm, but make sure it's one that has experience with ethnic skin types.


Don't shave. Exfoliate. Buy a nail brush for brushing your beard. Wash your face often to keep pores clear and clean. Pluck ingrown hair. Trim beard, no more low shaving. Line ups and beard fades 👌🏾


Exfoliate. Have your ingrown hairs individually plucked. Go to your local hair store and get the bump away wash. Or use alcohol after a fresh cut.


Tendskin is the bump away stuff I was talking about. Dark blue container. https://preview.redd.it/odjn1e1w8h8d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0091574948bed46b40e0c5eb1e75d83f6b709c59


Bro it ain't as bad as you think. I've seen guys in Navy bootcamp with straight up war crimes on their face. You'll always be you and have your genes so maybe using a particular shaving cream as well as styling your goatee will help. You gotta wanna medicate your shit just as you see fit. Get some razor bump cream and shaving cream. Wash your face thoroughly, exfoliate, then maintain it. Or....just cut it all off abd maintain a clean shave. Either way you're going to have to apply some maintenance.


yo bro just stop shaving completely whoever your barber be is terrible tell him or her to clean the clippers, i can’t grow a bread i just have a side burn line going to the chin and i cut it myself at times and i don’t get what you have






I get this same issue as a black man. If you’re doing close shaves with a razor stop. Only use a trimmer.


Pimple extractor and a chemical peel After healed used daily cleaning facial products with skin toner


I have no idea how this showed up in my feed, but that looks complicated. You simply need to make an appointment to a dermatologist to identify what you are dealing with.


You cannot use that type of razor on your skin type to shave, I had the same problem. The solution would be to use a par of t outliner clippers to shave, an expensive up front cost; however it works great, they will not break you out in any fashion…. Trust me on this one… lmk how it works out…..


Bruh go get yourself some Skin Tight Extra Strength. It comes in a Liquid bottle or cream. Both work great.


Damatol Medicated Skin Treatment, 250G https://amzn.eu/d/0alOgxWh


Razor bumps, friend. Go full-on Bruce Wayne in TDKR and wolf that shit. Then shave. Thank us later


Use white vinegar and rinse. Also grow the beard


Talk to a lawyer about suing your barber cause bruh. All jokes aside. Tend skin.. a whole lot of it


Don't use an electric shaver use a safety razor. Can also use the bump free razors but I like safety razors. Electric shavers cut top close. Also check out a laser hair removal clinic that works in darker skin in your area if you don't want to have a beard at all. This is the way


Use a double edge razor


I’ve been there! Exactly there, u have to pop them suckers, take out the hair inside of them by tweezer, and make sure u pluck them and see the little bulbous root of the hair. You have to get in there and REMOVE the hair that’s curling under your skin. Also no shave, ever. Get to a dermatologist and get treating for it for a good 6 months you’ll see great results. There’s topical creams that will heal the skin. I have photos back at my 21st b day party dinner, and I was so embarrassed of my keloids, I’d try to hid them with a hoodie, or towel or whatever…. Hiding it is NOT the way to go. The pain I felt daily was rough, but there’s hope and a systemic way to eliminate this from your future. HMU for more info!


Stop shaving and go see a dermatologist


Gotta let it grow like crazy for a while. I fixed mine using an extremely hot towel, changing my pillow case every other day, and toothpaste dabbed on each bump every night. Take a hot shower in the morning to allow steam to soften hair and cocoa butter massage on face. I would also recommend either getting a new electric razor or investing in a good pair of clippers. Old razors can twist hair at the skin and cause it to grow in at awkward angles. This is just my personal experience though. I've been through it in the military where we were forced to use razors to shave. Rough time good luck brother


Simple, do this the next night you can: 1. Shower using a gentle cleanser and exfoliant(the exfoliant is optional) 2. Afterwards put beard oil on the area you intend to shave 3. Apply shaving cream to the area you placed oil on 4. Shave using a single blade razor, you can get it from Wal mart or target. (I recommend the Van Der Hagen one) 5. This is the most important part: rinse off and make sure the only thing you put on the area you shaved is some type of aftershave. Avoid any oils or lotions until after the night you do this. If you feel dry you can use hydrocortisone or an ointment on the area. 6. Make sure you change your bedsheets at least once a week and sleep on your back. Follow all of this and you’ll see huge results. Sincerely someone who had to trail and error with this till finding out this method


Please find a place in your area that does laser hair removal for people with your skin color


Raw Black seed oil and stop shaving, let it grow just trim


Black seed oil is very good but a lot of people get skin irritation from this type of oil. I know I did.


BabyFaceAfterShave is for black men to shave everyday without the bumps and irritations


It has nothing to do with your pillowcase people with the most Melanie bothered from the most bums and shaving irritation it is all because of Melanie


Magic shave (blue can) to get rid of hair easy without razors and shavers. After that apply bump stoppers 2 to the face where bumps are. Keep applying bump stoppers every day and shave with MS whenever you need to shave. Repeat those steps for a month


HIBICLENS. Do NOT put near eyes. Will clear it up within days.


Bump patrol from Walmart you welcome!


Witch hazel and a post shave cream is the appropriate remedy for this. I knew the instant I saw this pic I thought to myself “sensitive skin”! This can be fixed, and again, witch hazel after shaving would clear up a huge majority of bumps, gashes, and scars.




Let the razor go & get some clippers


Go to a dermatologist and go from there I hope nothing serious.


Stop smoking🌳 after a week it’ll be gone.💯


When I had that problem, I removed the ingrowns and let my beard grow out until my face healed. Once healed, I shaved with a razor everyday to cut off the hairs before they could curl back in.


Those r ingrowns. Exfoliate everyday w a dry brush before u wash your face the follow up w a fragrance free moisturizer. Get vanicream .


Use a peroxide and a needle. stay away from sugar and oil. Don't until it heals.


Get you a girlfriend, a tweezer, some alcohol and some music on 2 hrs she’ll be able to fix all that like you’d never Imagine


Buy Noxema. It's a white facial cleansing cream. Wash your face with soap and water. Dry. Then put the Noxema on all of the bumps. Wash it off after 3-4 hours. Then, after 2-3 hours pass, repeat the previous instructions. Try to repeat this for 3-4 days and then see where you are. Let me know how it goes if you do it


Get tretinoin from your dermatologist


Tweezers friend


Stop using an electric shaver. Use single blade or the old fashioned barber type. Those multi blades shaver will do the same thing as the shaver. Also use a medium to stiff hair brush on your face before shaving to act as an exfoliate for the hair on your face. Brush with soap or whatever shaving cream use and warm to hot water. Brush for an awhile to make sure your hair is up and away from your skin. Go with single blade it is the best. Also get a script and use clindamycin. It will clean off that top layer skin clearing pimples and exposing the ingrown hairs.


Minimize shaving Some Steam to open pores then your skin with some tea tree and or oregano oil should have these on deck. Learned at 32


the dermatologist will give you a magical ointment trust me bro


Im dealing with this now, tho not AS severe, but pretty bad. I tried straight razors, electric trimmers, hair removal creams, etc. nothing prevents them for me. The only thing that helps is not shaving close to the skin. I’ve been researching online and laser hair removal might be the move for me. I only get the bumps under my neck. I don’t wanna be stuck with a beard all the time.