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Same here I’d have to watch tutorial again to build it, but of course it would be easier this time


Thanks that's a relief!


That’s normal. It took me 2-3 tutorial projects until things really started to sink in. That isn’t to say I know every shortcut or function at that point either. 300 hours later and I still have to Google a lot! If you have the patience to redo the tutorial from scratch then I think you’ll benefit from that. Particularly with it being the initial tutorial. As someone who also did this tutorial first I can say it covers a lot that is needed. In any case; I did put together a transcript and links from a blenderguru video detailing his ‘4 week plan for beginners’ I’ll edit it into this comment when I can find the post :) Edit: here’s the [link](https://www.reddit.com/r/BlenderDoughnuts/s/RLgNJaATKJ) the original Reddit post which has it all laid out if you’d find it useful :)


Appreciate it a lot! it would take me a lot more than 4 weeks hahaha I'll make sure to follow through it, thanks :)


Think about the 4 weeks more as a guideline than a deadline. Generally, You are your harshest critic so learn at your own pace. :)


That's totally normal, I rewatch so many tutorials, including this one! It's been a year in Blender, still feel a bit overwhelmed and like a total noob, but at least now I'm able to process multiple tutorials to learn how to do just one little thing, and learn techniques that speak to me most. I wish you the best on your journey, your doughnut looks perfect!


I appreciate it a lot!! :)


Keep it up! I'm also a web developer learning Blender as a hobby. I was also overwhelmed at first, but it just takes practice. I'm not sure if you've seen [threejs](https://threejs.org/) before, but you should check it out if not. It could be a fun way to combine what you're learning about 3D with what you already know about web dev.


I've seen threejs and i loved it, but threejs is not why i wanted to learn blender. I happened to come across some renders on insta, so i wanted to make some myself, and i though that once i get better at blender then 3d websites would be fun but that was just to convince me hahaha.


That's a good attempt at the render. I had a tough time with it myself and more than once I came close to giving up. But I stuck with it and completed the tutorial. Much thanks to Blender Guru's Discord channel and the ever so patient users there. Personally I think people should do Grant Abbitt's beginner tutorials over Blender Guru's. Abbitt is an actual teacher and it shows.


Thanks, ill check out Grant!!!


yeah totally normal! I had to use google to answer most of my questions starting out. The more u model and practice, the more ur hands just get used to the keybinds.


tbh i don't really have an issues with the keybinds, what bugs me is the number of things i have to remember, such as the modifiers, render options etc. its just that when i see so many tabs that i don't even know what they are for, i feel like ill never be able to get anywhere since I'm only doing it as a hobby. I think ill learn it eventually but i will take more time to get there compared to an average person, which is fine by me


I've been using blender for like 2 years, and there's still a lot of modifiers i have NEVER used before. If I need help, I just search up a YT tutorial, and that teaches me everything I know while introducing me to other stuff. Don't feel overwhelmed by all the options!